Wound Healing

Patient factor

Adverse impact on healing


Extremes of aged and youth


Extremes of obesity and cachexia


Negative protein balance

Blood supply

Ischemia and edema

Immune function


Chronic disease

Overall poor response to tissue trauma

Radiation therapy

Negative tissue response


Negative tissue response

Previous surgical scar at wound site

Negative impact on healing

14.3 Phases of Wound Healing

Once a surgical wound is created, a cascade of events is set into motion. In the time immediately after the incision, platelets aggregate at the injury site to form a fibrin clot, which reduces active bleeding and creates the initial phases of hemostasis. This process is dependent upon the platelet level and function, fibrin, and the overall hormonal response.

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Oct 16, 2016 | Posted by in PAIN MEDICINE | Comments Off on Wound Healing

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