Wound care


Wound care

Chapter Contents


Wound management forms a large percentage of the Emergency Department (ED) nurse’s workload, with some 8.5 % of the almost 12 million patients attending EDs in the UK in 2008/09 given a primary diagnosis of laceration (>600 000) and/or contusions or abrasions (>400 000) (NHS Information Centre for Health and Social Care 2011).

With changes in working patterns, the ED nurse may be the only health professional involved in a patient’s care. It is important that traumatic wound care in the ED is seen as more than the best way to achieve technical closure. Wound care is about an extensive knowledge of skin anatomy, the physiological processes of healing, the causes and impact of wound infection and empowerment of patients to manage their own wounds. This chapter aims to provide the knowledge base needed for safe and effective wound management in the acute setting.

Anatomy of the skin

The skin is the largest external organ, and in adults weighs between 2.7 and 3.6 kg. It covers the whole of the body and its thickness varies around the body, with areas of greatest friction, such as the soles of the feet, being thickest and areas of low friction, like eyelids, being the thinnest (Tortora & Grabowski 2003). It also receives one-third of the body’s circulating blood volume – an oversupply compared to its metabolic needs (Baronski & Ayello 2008). The skin has five primary functions (Box 24.1):

Box 24.1   Functions of the skin

The skin is made up of two main parts, the epidermis and the dermis, which cover the subcutaneous fat layer and deep structures (Fig. 24.1) (Seidel et al. 2006).


Figure 24.1 Skin structure.


This is subdivided into five distinct layers. Working from the surface, they are listed below.


The dermis contains blood vessels, nerves, sebaceous glands and hair follicles and is made up primarily of collagen and elastin. This gives strength and elasticity to the skin (Copstead & Banasik 2005). Sensory nerves located in the dermis provide sensations of touch, temperature and pain. Cells in the dermis include:

Between the epidermis and dermis is the basement layer that is an acellular, non-vascular and non-innervated membrane separating the two layers of skin. This membrane provides support to the skin and plays a role in the movement of nutrients between layers (Carville 2007).

The hypodermis is found under the dermis and is composed of adipose tissue, connective tissue and blood vessels. It provides insulation, shock absorption and is responsible for temperature regulation and storage of lipids (Seidel et al. 2006).

Wound healing

Terminology and the number of stages in the healing process vary between texts, however, the general consensus is that four phases of healing occur. They usually follow a set pattern (Clark 2002), but can occur concurrently, and different parts of the same wound can heal at different rates (Table 24.1). Wound healing can be complex and is affected by the mechanism of injury and the general health of the patient (Gantweker & Hom 2012).

The wound healing process occurs from the time of injury and may last days to years. The phases can be divided into haemostasis, inflammatory stage, the proliferative or maturation stage and the remodeling stage.

Inflammatory stage

As well as a haemostatic response, the body also responds to tissue trauma by releasing prostaglandins and activated proteins which initiate vasodilation in the area. This has two main functions:

This is to enable plasma to leak into tissues around the area of injury. This creates wound exudate. Neutrophils are the first leucocytes that usually arrive within 6–12 hours at the injury site (Lewis et al. 2011a), leak into the area of the wound and offer initial protection from infection by engulfing and digesting bacteria. Neutrophils have a short life span, and so are replaced by monocytes that are capable of phagocytosis. These promote new tissue formation and angiogenesis, and continue to engulf and destroy bacteria and debris from the wound, including old neutrophils (Baranoski & Ayello, 2008).

The signs of an inflammatory response are often confused with infection, so it is important to establish a clear history of the duration since injury. Inflammatory responses usually occur before infection has had time to develop. The signs of the inflammatory response include:

This inflammation is vital to the natural healing. If it is suppressed by drugs or illness, healing will be delayed. Macrophages are essential for transition into the proliferation stage of healing, as they begin to produce transforming growth factor (TGF), which promotes angiogenesis and the formation of new tissues. Macrophages also produce fibroblast growth factor (FGF), which stimulates fibroblast production (Bale & Jones 2006).

Proliferation stage

This starts 3–5 days post-injury and can last up to three weeks (Lewis et al. 2011b). As its name suggests, this part of the healing process is about growth and reproduction of tissue to replace that lost in injury. By day five, the wound surface will only be 7 % of its pre-injury tensile strength (Waller & Tan 2009). In order to produce new tissue, the wound needs a good oxygen supply and essential nutrients such as vitamin C, protein and zinc (Kumar et al. 2005, Bishop 2008). As angiogenesis occurs in response to wound hypoxia and TGF, new capillary loops develop and the wound is oxygenated. Three distinct processes occur during the proliferation phase.


This is the resurfacing of the wound by regeneration of epithelial cells. This will only occur where basal cells are in contact with the dermal layer, and therefore in deep wounds regeneration will only occur around wound margins until granulation has taken place. In wounds of varying depth, small islands of epithelialization will occur in superficial parts of the wound. This gradually migrates across wound surfaces until epithelialization is complete. The attachment of this layer to dermal connective tissue is fragile and easily displaced. Regeneration therefore continues until the epidermis has regained its usual thickness. Epithelial regeneration requires a warm, moist environment. If a wound surface has dry scabs or necrotic areas, these will form a barrier to migration of new cells. Cells eventually burrow under scabs.

As the wound cavity is filled with granulation tissue and the surface is regenerated with epithelial cells, the proliferation stops. If this does not happen, e.g., if overgranulation occurs due to continued hypoxic stimulation, perhaps as a result of local ischaemia, then excessive scar tissue is formed (Kumar et al. 2005).

Maturation or remodeling stage

This begins around three weeks after injury, and is a process of returning the area to its usual functional structure. The process is twofold.

Firstly, collagen is remodelled, sometimes over a period of years. The aim of this is to gradually replace newly formed type III collagen, laid down in the proliferation phase, with stronger, more organized collagen fibres. The amount of collagen does not change; its bundles become thicker and shorter and hold the wound together more tightly. Although the skin and wound scar become stronger, the area only usually regains about 80 % of the pre-injury tensile strength (Kumar et al. 2005). This takes a long time; at thee months post-injury 50 % of tensile strength is considered good healing (Baranoski & Ayello 2008).

The second part of the process is the rationalization of blood vessels bringing extra nutrients to the area. This process occurs gradually, and its progression can be monitored by the gradual fading of the scar. It will become paler and flatter as blood vessels diminish. Once maturation is achieved the scar will appear white; it is avascular, has no sebaceous glands and no hairs (Baranoski & Ayello 2008).


Dermal damage results in an abnormal formation of connective tissue. This is permanent and manifests as a scar on the skin surface. Scarring follows three phases, although the time span increases with age, skin pigmentation and as a result of poor general health (Table 24.2). Certain areas of the body are notorious for poor scarring – the shoulder, knee, and sternal areas, which are areas under a lot of tension and motion (Bayat et al. 2003, Capellan & Hollander 2003).

Keloid scarring is usually a genetic phenomenon where collagen type I is produced in a tumor-like fashion with uncontrolled growth of scar tissue (Widgerow 2011). Keloid scarring results from the formation of large amounts of scar tissue in the proliferation stage of healing. It results from an increase in collagen synthesis and lysis to an extent where tissue formation exceeds cell breakdown (Bryant & Nix 2006). Keloid scarring is also considered to be related to the melanocyte-stimulating hormone as it is much more common in people with heavily pigmented skin, predominantly those aged 10–30 years (Bayat et al. 2003, Mustoe 2004). Tissue growth is persistent, with scarring often being much larger than the original wound. Early effective wound management can reduce the risk of keloid scarring.

Hypertrophic scarring forms in a similar fashion to tissue growth, but follows the line of incision. This type of scarring is more common in the young and in fair-skinned people and typically occurs after burn injury on the trunk and extremities. In these scars, there is an imbalance in collagen synthesis versus collagen degradation. The resulting wounds are red and raised and can be itchy. In the majority of cases, this is temporary and resolves without treatment although it may take a year or more.

Tattoo scarring results from gravel or foreign bodies being left in a wound. It forms unsightly purple or blue blotches in the scar and is difficult to remedy after initial wound healing. Generally, scars that lie parallel to the body’s natural tension lines have a better cosmetic prognosis.

Factors affecting wound healing

Although patients with sudden traumatic wounds do not have the same physiological and educational preparation as patients undergoing surgery, many of the influences on wound healing can be optimized by effective education and empowerment during their initial visit for wound management. Clinical factors affecting healing potential can also be identified at this early stage, and the patient’s care can be designed to accommodate them. The main influences on wound healing are listed in Box 24.2.

Box 24.2   Factors affecting wound healing

Vitamin deficiency

Vitamin C is essential for the synthesis of collagen; a deficiency reduces wound tensile strength, increases the fragility of capillaries and impairs angiogenesis. Vitamin A supplement improves healing in patients on corticosteroids (Scholl & Langkamp-Henken 2001). It can help to restore inflammatory response and reduces the risk of wound infection. Similarly, a vitamin A deficiency increases infection risk. Vitamin B complex is necessary for wound strength as it contributes to cross-linking of collagen fibres. Vitamin K is essential for the clotting process in early wound healing (Lansdown 2004).

Wound assessment

It is essential that an accurate history is elicited from the patient to ensure systematic assessment and appropriate management of the wound. As with all patients attending the ED, the immediate history of events leading up to ED attendance is imperative. Assessment should consider when, where and how the injury occurred. The mechanism of injury gives important clues to the type of wound being dealt with as well as any materials involved in the injury, such as wood splinters, glass, metal, etc. (Flarity & Hoyt 2010). Table 24.4 relates the mechanism of injury to wound type. The type of skin damage of injury is usually related to the mechanism of injury (Fig. 24.2).

The size, shape, wound depth and anatomical site of the wound should be assessed and documented. Diagrams in the patient’s notes, or a photograph with a measurement scale, are useful if the wound is likely to need follow-up care.

Table 24.5 demonstrates the essential principles of wound assessment.

Wound examination

Extensive wounds may often distract the novice emergency clinician, however it is paramount that the clinician completes the primary survey to rule out life-threatening problems. Please refer to previous chapters for a review of primary survey.

Effective wound examination should reveal the extent of tissue damage, the degree of contamination and specifically the integrity of the nerves, tendons and vascular supply (Autio & Olson 2002, Clark 2004). It should also exclude the presence of foreign bodies (FBs). All findings should be documented, including the normal ones.

Most traumatic wounds occur in unsterile conditions, and therefore all carry a risk of infection. A number of factors affect infection potential, such as mechanism of injury, degree of tissue loss, age of the wound prior to cleansing and anatomical location. All traumatic wounds should be considered contaminated; some of these will appear clean on initial examination, while others will be obviously contaminated. Potential for infection due to all the above reasons may assist with the method of wound closure, i.e., primary or delayed primary closure.

Excessive bleeding and macerated or badly damaged tissue can detract from a thorough examination. Bleeding should be controlled to allow an accurate examination to be carried out (Clark 2004). Assessment of vascular integrity should include the patient’s estimation of blood loss, together with objective evidence of haemorrhage. The wound should be carefully inspected for continuous oozing of blood (suggestive of venous bleeding), spurting of bright-red blood (indicative of arterial injury) and haematoma formation, which could pose a risk to healing in the form of potential infection. Haemostasis is usually achieved through direct pressure and elevation of the injured area. Where bleeding cannot be controlled specialist input should be sought. Vascular integrity distal to the wound can be assessed by observing skin colour distally to the wound, feeling skin temperature, and checking distal pulses and the speed of capillary refill (McKenna 2006).

Nerves have both a sensory and a motor function and therefore both can be checked to eliminate injury. This assessment should occur before local anaesthetic is used. Sensory function distal to the wound should be assessed either by use of a cotton wool wisp to detect the absence or presence of sensation, or by gentle pinprick tests to assess sharp and dull sensation. Motor function should be assessed, particularly in hand or wrist injuries, and this can be done by assessing a variety of movements of the patient’s hand and wrist (McKenna 2006).

Tendon injury should also be identified and eliminated as part of the examination stage of wound management. Tendons can often be partially severed and still retain their function, so elimination of this type of injury should be done in two ways. An initial systematic examination of the patient’s function in the affected limb may demonstrate reduced power or function. This should be followed by direct visualization of the wound to discover any structural damage (Waller & Tan 2009

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