Wilderness EMS Pharmacology

Wilderness EMS Pharmacology

Nancy Pietroski


One of the hallmarks of EMS (the formal delivery of health care in the field) versus ad hoc first aid care is access to pharmaceutical treatments. While many factors may limit the range of medications available to a wilderness EMS (WEMS) provider, it still represents an important potential element of WEMS practice. This chapter is not intended to be an in-depth discussion of the principles of pharmacology. Standard pharmacology texts can be consulted for a more comprehensive treatment of the subject. The chapter’s focus will be the use of medications in a WEMS setting. It will include basic pharmacological principles as they are relevant to the use of drugs and medications in this environment.

The terms “drug” and “medicine” or “medication” are used interchangeably in standard EMS texts, standards, and protocols. A medicine is a drug, substance, compound, or preparation taken for prevention or treatment of disease. A drug, according to the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, is a substance recognized in an official pharmacopoeia or formulary; a substance intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease; or a substance other than food intended to affect the structure or function of the body.1

Pharmacology is the science of drugs, dealing with the origin, nature, chemistry, effects, and uses of drugs. Pharmacology includes pharmacokinetics, the study of the fate of drugs in the body (ie, what the body does to the drug), and pharmacodynamics, the study of the biochemical and physiological effects of drugs on the body and the mechanisms of their actions (ie, what the drug does to the body).

Pharmacokinetic Processes

Pharmacokinetic processes include absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (Figure 11.1).


Absorption is the process of drug movement from the site of absorption toward the systemic circulation. The route of drug administration affects the rate and extent of absorption. Drugs administered enterally (via the gastrointestinal [GI] tract) must go through an absorption phase. This may be affected by the rate of gastric emptying, the presence of food or other drugs in the stomach, and the formulation of the drug (eg, a sustained-release formulation is released into the bloodstream more slowly). Drugs that are administered parenterally do not go through this absorption phase through the GI tract. Figure 11.2 displays various routes of parenteral administration. With orally administered drugs, there is also the phenomenon of the first-pass effect, where drugs pass through portal (liver) circulation before reaching blood, thereby limiting the extent of absorption by reducing the amount of unchanged drug that enters the bloodstream.


The distribution of a drug represents its diffusion throughout the body, usually via blood with ultimate delivery to various organs and tissues. Factors that affect drug distribution include blood flow to tissues and organs and the lipid (fat) solubility of the drug, determined by its chemical structure. For example, a highly lipid-soluble drug will penetrate into central nervous system tissue, which has a higher lipid content than blood. Highly lipid-soluble drugs will also cross the placental barrier, which could potentially cause harm to the developing fetus.

Figure 11.3 illustrates a blood concentration-time curve and various routes of administration of drugs. Note that intravenous administration results in immediate absorption of drug into the bloodstream, high concentrations, and a fairly rapid fall in concentration. Intramuscular administration has delayed absorption (depends on blood flow through muscle) and a slower fall in concentration. Oral administration has an even more delayed absorption and slower fall in concentration.

FIGURE 11.1. Pharmacokinetic processes.


Metabolism is the chemical transformation (biotransformation) of the drug into another form (eg, parent drug to metabolite). The majority of drug metabolism takes place in the liver. Cytochrome P450 enzymes are important when considering drug interactions, as many drugs are metabolized by these liver enzymes and may interfere with each other, potentially resulting in antagonistic (opposing), additive (increased results), or synergistic (enhancing) effects. Patients with hepatic impairment may be at risk of toxicity if a drug is largely metabolized by the liver, and dose adjustment may be necessary. It is essential to take a drug history before administering any new medication to patients. This allows the provider to be aware of any potential drug interaction and how to avoid or mitigate such interaction. Most drugs are eliminated by the kidneys via urine; patients with renal impairment may be at risk of toxicity if the dose of renally excreted drugs is not adjusted. Other possible routes of
drug elimination are skin (perspiration), lungs (respiration), breast milk, and bile/feces.

FIGURE 11.2. Various routes of parenteral administration. Reprinted from Stein SM. Drug administration. In: Boh LE, ed. Pharmacy Practice Manual: A Guide to the Clinical Experience. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2001.

FIGURE 11.3. Blood concentration-time curve.

Pharmacokinetics: Route of Drug Administration

EMS Setting

Table 11.1 lists the different routes of administration for drugs that may be used in the EMS setting, and the practice level for which the route is approved. This is a guide only; protocols vary by state and may differ, so always follow local protocol. Preferred routes of administration for the wilderness EMS setting will be discussed later in the chapter.

The intracavitary, intrathecal, intralingual, and umbilical routes are other possible routes of drug administration, but are used extremely rarely, and are only available on a clinician level. Some drugs are administered via nebulizer, but the equipment needed for this is not likely to be used in WEMS.

Drug Formulations

Table 11.2 lists the major formulations in which drugs are available depending on the route of administration. Note that “parenteral” encompasses a number of routes listed in Table 11.1. There may be advantages or disadvantages to certain formulations in a wilderness setting and these are noted. Figures 11.4, 11.5, 11.6, 11.7, 11.8 illustrate various drug formulations.

Table 11.1 Major Routes of Drug Administration in the EMS Setting2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9


Description/ Formulations

Rate of Absorption

Advantages/ Disadvantages

Practice Levela

Oral (PO)

By mouth

Slow; through GI tract

Patient must be conscious, able to swallow

FA (assist)

EMT (assist)

EMD (assist)




Orogastric (OG)

Directly into stomach via tube in mouth

Same as oral

If patient unable to swallow



Nasogastric (NG)

Directly into stomach via tube in nose

Same as oral

If patient unable to swallow



Buccal/Sublingual (SL)

Drug placed on oral mucosa (between cheek and gum) or under tongue (drug must be formulated for this)

Fast; avoids first-pass

Patients must be conscious and alert or may choke

FA (assist)

EMT (assist)




Intravenous (IV)

Into vein (by needle)

Gets directly into bloodstream; 100% absorption

Can’t establish access (eg, dehydration); drug extravasation

AEMT (fluids only)



Intraosseous (IO)

Needle inserted into bone, gets into vein

(proximal tibia/popliteal; femur/femoral); distal tibia (medial malleolus)/great saphenous; proximal humerus/axillary; manubrium (sternum)/internal mammary and azygos

Same as IV

Use when IV cannot be established, hypovolemia/hemodynamic instability, GCS<8, respiratory failure; cannot use in fractured bone7

AEMT (pediatric only)

AEMT (may be limited)



Intramuscular (IM)

Into muscle (use 22-25-gauge needle; 5/8-1.5 in depending on age, size of patient)

Slower rate than IV; depends on blood flow and which muscle (deltoid, gluteus, thigh)

Not as effective in shock (decreased blood flow to muscles)

When IV access cannot be obtained; prolonged serum levels; less effective in low muscle mass (elderly, malnourished) or diabetics; can cause pain, hematoma (use lidocaine)




Some states permit FA, EMR, EMT via auto-injector

Subcutaneous (SC)

Under the subcutaneous layer of skin (use 23-25-gauge, 5/8-inch, needle); <2 mL volume

Slower than IV, but fairly rapid

When oral administration is difficult or not feasible (some pain, nausea/vomiting meds, insulin)





Under dermal layer of skin (use 26-28 gauge; 3/8-3/4 inch); <1 mL volume

Slower than IV

May be advantageous for some vaccines (eg, rabies if in short supply)




Via rectum

Rapid, but can be unpredictable

When cannot be taken orally

EMT, AEMT can assist Diastat (some states) Paramedic Clinician



Rapid; high drug levels; avoids first-pass

No needle




Dermal (topical)

Cream, ointment, spray, etc.

Slower absorption; local effect








Through the skin (patch)

Slower absorption

Convenient; sustained release

Paramedic Clinician


Goes directly into lungs (eg, MDI)

Rapid; gets directly to lungs


FA (assist with MDI)

EMR (assist with MDI)

EMT (assist with MDI)





Into ear

Local effect

Specifically for ear



Into eye

Local effect

Specifically for eye



Into vagina

Local effect

Systemic absorption possible



Into the joint

For local effect

Rarely used in EMS except by specialists



Via endotracheal tube (use only if IV or IO access cannot be established)

Need 2.5× IV dose

Lidocaine, epinephrine, atropine, naloxone, vasopressin



FA, first aid; EMD, emergency medical dispatcher; EMR, emergency medical responder; EMT, emergency medical technician; AEMT, advanced emergency medical technician; EMS, emergency medical services; GI, gastrointestinal; GCS, Glasgow Coma Scale; MDI, metered dose inhalers.

a Note that “Practice Level” are general national standards in the United States. These may vary by local or state practice or legislation and are intended merely to be a guideline.

Table 11.2 Drug Formulations



Advantages/Disadvantages in Wilderness Setting


Capsules, tablets, sublingual tablets, buccal tablets, orally disintegrating tablets, powder (to be mixed with water), syrup, solution, drops, troche, tincture, suspension, spirit, elixir, emulsion

Capsules may be less likely to break than tablets

Unit dose packaging protects the contents

Powder that needs to be mixed is lighter than a bottle of liquid, but clean water must be used to reconstitute


Single dose vial, multidose vial, syringe, prefilled syringe (eg, Tubex), ampule, bag

Single dose vial may be less prone to medication errors

Multidose vial may conserve space; should contain a preservative Ampules may crack


Cream, ointment, gel, paste, solution, drops, tincture, spray, patch

Some formulations are more susceptible to extremes of temperature (discussed later in the chapter)


Suppository, enema

Suppositories more convenient


Metered dose inhaler, spray, nebulizer

Metered dose inhalers are convenient



Some drugs in intranasal form are more susceptible to extremes of temperature (discussed later in the chapter)


Solution, suspension, drops

Suspensions must be shaken


Solution, suspension, drops

Suspensions must be shaken


Cream, ointment, suppository

Some formulations are susceptible to extremes of temperature (discussed later in the chapter)

FIGURE 11.4. Various oral drug formulations. (Left to right, top) Tablets, caplets, and enteric-coated tablets. (Bottom) Capsules, gel-caps, chewable tablets, and troche. Photo by Caroline Bunker Rosdahl. In: Rosdahl CB and Kowalski MT. Textbook of Basic Nursing. 11th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer; 2017.


Pharmacodynamics is the study of what a drug does to the body, or the way it exerts its clinical effects, also known as the mechanism of action (MOA). The MOA of drugs may involve receptor interactions (inhibition or stimulation) or enzyme interactions (inhibition or stimulation).

FIGURE 11.5. Powder for oral suspension (powder that needs to be mixed is lighter than a bottle of liquid, but clean water must be used to reconstitute). From Kronenberger J, Ledbetter J. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins’ Comprehensive Medical Assisting. 5th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer; 2016.

FIGURE 11.6. Ampule, vial, and prefilled syringe (clockwise from top left). Courtesy of B. Proud. In: Taylor C, Lillis C, Lynn P. Fundamentals of Nursing. 6th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer; 2006.

The body’s endogenous hormones or neurotransmitters interact with receptors to produce pharmacological activity; drugs are exogenous compounds that are structurally similar to these endogenous compounds and may produce similar pharmacological effects. Similarly, enzymes are proteins produced endogenously that catalyze chemical reactions within or outside of cells; drugs are designed to alter enzymes by blocking an enzyme (inhibitor) or by stimulating an enzyme (inducer).

After a drug is administered, its clinical effects can be described in humans as a specific drug response curve, encompassing maximal (peak) effects and minimal (trough) effects. Increased dosages of a drug produce an increased effect to a certain level, at which no further beneficial effect is attained with any higher dosage. If that level is exceeded, an adverse effect (adverse reaction) may occur. A side effect is a nuisance effect that is annoying but not dangerous, whereas toxicity of a drug is a potentially harmful or even fatal effect, and is usually dose-related. A non-dose-related adverse effect can occur at high or low dosages, with the first dose or after a period of time, and is typically an allergic reaction.

Special Populations

There are certain populations in which the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of a drug may be different than in a healthy adult.

Renal Impairment

While renal impairment will not be assessed in the field, dehydration and shock can lead to renal dysfunction and decreased excretion of renally processed drugs, so this must be kept in mind when administering these medications (See Box 11.1 for tips on taking a Drug History).


The previous section provided a foundation for understanding the basic pharmacology of drugs, including the different routes of administration and how they may differ for WEMS providers, and reviewed the importance of taking a drug history. This section will focus on what factors to consider when administering drugs in a wilderness environment, the effect of different environmental conditions on medication use, and the effect of these environmental conditions on the storage and stability, and expiration dating of medications.

The “Rights of Medication Administration” in a Wilderness Setting

The “Rights of Medication Administration” are ingrained in all health care processes. In a wilderness setting, some of the “Rights” may be more or less pertinent than in a traditional emergency or institutional setting, as seen in Table 11.3. These “Rights” need to be followed for over-the-counter (OTC) drugs as well.

Table 11.4 lists important principles for medication use in a wilderness EMS setting.

Drug Information

It is important to be fully informed about the drugs that are carried in a medical kit and are being administered. It is important to be familiar with brand (trade) and generic names, because a drug may be available as the generic version but is still referred to by the brand name, for example, Cipro (ciprofloxacin). Also be familiar with a drug’s indications, dosage and administration, dosage forms and strengths, contraindications/warnings/precautions, adverse reactions, drug interactions, use in different populations such as children and pregnancy, and safe storage and handling considerations.

Be aware that any information that comes from the drug prescribing information is considered on-label. Drugs can also be used off-label, which means that the drug is used for an indication, route, dose, or dosage form that is not specified in the prescribing information.12 Off-label use may be common in WEMS, but should always be done under the direction of a physician. See Chapter 5 on the legal implications of this practice.

Table 11.5 lists examples of sources of drug information for EMS providers in a traditional setting, and those that are more specific for WEMS. Local EMS protocols also contain detailed information about drug administration and safety considerations. A drug information source should be considered an integral part of the medical supply kit as it is often difficult to remember dosing schedules, drug interactions, and similar details in a stressful environment.

Effect of the Wilderness Environment on Medication Use

Different environmental conditions can have an effect on preexisting medical problems, or on medications that are already being taken by a person for a medical condition. As well, certain medications that are taken can exacerbate environmental conditions. The effect on preexisting medical problems, such as multisystem trauma, blood loss, shock, vomiting/diarrhea, moderate to severe burns, fever secondary to infection (all of which can lead to dehydration), and hyper/hypothermia will be discussed in further detail in Chapter 22.

Table 11.6 presents the effect of some environmental conditions on medications already being taken, or those medications exacerbating environmental conditions.13,14,15,16,17,18

Drug Storage and Stability in the Wilderness Environment

This section will discuss the effect of different environmental conditions on the storage and stability of drugs, an important factor to consider especially when traveling at extremes of temperature. In the examples of the different environments above, proper storage conditions for drugs may not always be easily met.

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