Venous Catheterization

   Sterile prep the patient’s neck. Trendelenberg if possible.

  • image   Place gel on ultrasound (US) probe. Place probe into sterile sheath.

      A. If needed and appropriate, Trendelenberg position (head down) can be used to increase venous return to the heart and facilitate central venous cannulation. The neck should be sterile prepped with alcohol. B.Ultrasound gel should be placed on the probe and covered with a sterile sheath by an assistant.

      1. image   Sterile drape neck (not shown). Place the US probe parallel and cephalad to the clavicle between the two heads of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. The internal jugular vein is visualized.
      2. image   Puncture the skin at a 45 degree angle and aspirate until the needle is seen on US and a flash of blood is aspirated into syringe.

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    1. Nov 25, 2016 | Posted by in ANESTHESIA | Comments Off on Venous Catheterization

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