After thorough debridement, the skin from the amputated part is used for cover and closure creating a useful esthetic four-finger hand.

18.3 Case 2
Arm gunshot injury to ulnar nerve with gap of 8 cm.

The gap was bridged by nerve allograft.

18.4 Case 3
A child referred after initial treatment for a right forearm amputation and injury to the left hand with severe adduction contracture.

Right forearm got a useful prosthesis.

Left hand’s first web space opened by gradual elongation of external fixation between the first and second metacarpal bones.

Good abduction was achieved with subluxation of the first carpometacarpal joint. The external fixation was replaced by plaster cast allowing spontaneous relocation of the joint.

Cast removal followed by intensive guided exercises.
18.5 Case 4
Comminuted displaced fracture of the medial condyle of the elbow by blast injury.