Ultrasound of the Thoracic Spine for Thoracic Epidural Injections



Ultrasound imaging of the thoracic spine can be challenging due to peculiarities in its anatomy. The osseous framework of the thoracic spine makes up for a narrow acoustic window with limited ultrasound visibility of the spinal canal and neuraxial structures. 1,2 Ultrasound visibility of the thoracic spine also varies depending on the plane 1 of the ultrasound imaging and which part of the thoracic spine is being imaged. 1 Ultrasound visibility progressively decreases as one moves up the thoracic spine. 1 Currently data are limited on the use of ultrasound to guide or assist thoracic epidural injections. 3,4 This chapter briefly outlines the anatomy, the technique of ultrasound imaging, and sonoanatomy of the thoracic spine relevant for thoracic epidural injection.



The thoracic spine is made up of a column of 12 vertebrae (Fig. 7–1) that makes up the midsection of the vertebral column. The thoracic vertebrae are identified by the presence of articular facets on the lateral surface of the vertebral bodies for articulation with the head of the ribs (Figs. 7–1 to 7–4). There are also facets on the transverse processes of all, except the 11th and 12th vertebrae, for articulation with the tubercle of the ribs (Fig. 7–1). The thoracic vertebrae are intermediate in size between the cervical and lumbar vertebrae, with the lower thoracic vertebrae being a lot larger than the upper thoracic vertebrae (Fig. 7–4) and the upper thoracic vertebrae (T1–T2) being similar in size to the cervical vertebrae (Fig. 7–2). The thoracic spine has a primary curvature, which is concave anteriorly, but also has a lateral curvature that is slightly concave to the left, most likely from greater use of the right upper extremity and pressure from the aorta.


Thoracic spine (lateral view). VB, vertebral body.


Second thoracic vertebra (superior, anterior, and lateral view). TP, transverse process; VB, vertebral body; SC, spinal canal; SAP, superior articular process; IAP, inferior articular process; IVN, inferior vertebral notch.


Sixth thoracic vertebra (superior, anterior, and lateral view). TP, transverse process; SVN, superior vertebral notch; SC, spinal canal; SAP, superior articular process; IAP, inferior articular process.


Twelfth thoracic vertebra (superior, anterior, and lateral view). TP, transverse process; SC, spinal canal; SAP, superior articular process; IAP, inferior articular process; SVN, superior vertebral notch; VB, vertebral body.

Typical Thoracic Vertebrae

The 2nd to 8th thoracic vertebrae are considered typical thoracic vertebrae (Figs. 7–2 and 7–3), whereas the remaining five vertebrae (1st, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th) are atypical as they have certain unique features. The body of a typical thoracic vertebra is heart-shaped (Fig. 7–3) with its anteroposterior and lateral diameters being roughly the same (Fig. 7–3). Also the distance between the two lamina of the vertebra is greater than the width of the vertebral body (Fig. 7–3). 5 On either side of the vertebral body are two costal (superior and inferior) facets (Fig. 7–3). The superior costal facets are larger, located on the superior border of the vertebra near the pedicle, and articulate with the head of the numerically identical rib (Figs. 7–2 and 7–3). The inferior costal facets are smaller in size, they are located near the inferior border of the vertebra and in front of the inferior vertebral notch, and they articulate with the next lower rib. The spinal canal is relatively small and circular (Fig. 7–3) and contains the spinal cord and meninges.

The pedicles of the thoracic vertebra are short and directed backwards (Fig. 7–2). The superior vertebral notch is shallow, whereas the inferior vertebral notch is large and deep (Figs. 7–1 and 7–5). The laminae are broad and thick, overlap the one from the adjacent vertebrae (Fig. 7–6), and are connected to the pedicle anteriorly (Fig. 7–5). The interlaminar spaces are also narrow, and using ultrasound they measure approximately 0.9 cm at the lower thoracic spine to 0.8 cm and 0.6 cm at the mid- and upper thoracic spine, respectively. 1 The transverse processes are large and are directed laterally and backwards (Figs. 7–3 and 7–6) from the junction of the lamina and pedicle (Fig. 7–5). The costal facets on the anterior surface of the transverse process of the upper six vertebrae are concave (Fig. 7–3), facing forward, and articulate with the tubercle of the corresponding rib. The inferior articular processes are fused to the laminae, and their articular facets are directed forwards and slightly downwards and medially (Fig. 7–5). The superior articular processes in contrast project from the junction of the pedicle and laminae and are directed backwards and slightly laterally and upwards. The articulation of the rib to the transverse process anteriorly results in the neck of the rib being hidden anteriorly by the transverse process at the vertebral levels T1 to T4, but from there on until T9 the neck of the rib progressively projects above the transverse process. 5 The spinous processes are long and directed backwards, downwards (Figs. 7–1, 7–6 and 7–7), and often slightly obliquely. Therefore even in a perfectly normal spine, the tips of the spinous processes may be slightly deviated from the midline (ie, paramedian in location, Fig. 7–7). The spinous processes are longest between T2 and T9 levels and overlap each other like “tiles on a roof.” This creates an acute angle for epidural needle insertion or insonation of the ultrasound beam if one were to do so through the midline. The spinous processes are less oblique above T2 and below T9. The spinous processes of T11 and T12 are directed backwards as with the lumbar spinous processes. The orientation of the T10 spinous process varies, with it being only slightly caudally directed to resemble that of the T11 and T12.


Lateral view of the sixth thoracic vertebra. VB, vertebral body; TP, transverse process; IAP, inferior articular process.


Articulation of the thoracic vertebrae and the rib with the transverse process (costotransverse junction) in the midthoracic region. Note the acute angulation of the spinous processes and the posteriorly directed transverse processes.


Different views of the thoracic spine that were rendered from a single 3-D volume CT data set. Note that although there is no scoliosis in this patient, the spinous processes of the vertebrae are slightly deviated from the midline (Fig. 7–7F).

The ligamentum flavum is attached to the upper border and the upper part of the anterior surface of the laminae. The transverse process gives attachment to the following ligaments (Fig. 11-3): (i) lateral costotransverse ligament at the tip, (ii) superior costotransverse ligament to the lower border, (iii) the inferior costotransverse ligament to the anterior surface, (iv) intertransverse ligament to the superior and inferior borders, and (v) the levator costae to the posterior surface (T1–T11). The spinous processes give attachment to the supraspinous and interspinous ligaments. Also the superior and inferior borders of the vertebral bodies give attachment in front and behind to the anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments, respectively. There are also several muscles attached to the spine of the thoracic vertebrae, including the latissimus dorsi, trapezius, rhomboids, and many deep muscles of the back.

Gross Anatomy of the Upper Thoracic Spine (T1–T4)


Cross-sectional cadaver anatomic section through the third thoracic vertebra demonstrating the relationship of the spinous process of the T2 vertebra with the posterior elements of the T3 thoracic vertebra. Also note the posteriorly directed transverse process and the costotransverse articulation. VB, vertebral body; CE, cervical esophagus.


Paramedian sagittal cadaver anatomic section through the thoracic spine demonstrating the lamina and the interlaminar spaces of the thoracic vertebrae. VB, vertebral body.

Computed Tomography Anatomy of the Upper Thoracic Spine (T1–T4)


Transverse CT section through the lower part of the body of the second thoracic vertebra. VB, vertebral body.


Transverse CT section through the interspinous space of the T2 to T3 thoracic vertebrae. VB, vertebral body; TP, transverse process.


Median sagittal CT section of the upper thoracic spine (T1–T4). VB, vertebral body; ISS, interspinous space.


Paramedian sagittal CT section of the upper thoracic spine. ILS, interlaminar space; VB, vertebral body.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Anatomy of the Upper Thoracic Spine (T1–T4)


Transverse MRI section of the upper thoracic spine through the base of the T3 spinous process. VB, vertebral body; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid.


Transverse MRI section of the upper thoracic spine through the interspinous space of the T2 to T3 vertebrae. VB, vertebral body; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid.


Median sagittal MRI section of the upper thoracic spine (T1–T4). VB, vertebral body; ISS, interspinous space.


Paramedian sagittal MRI section of the upper thoracic spine (T1–T4). VB, vertebral body; ILS, interlaminar space.

Gross Anatomy of the Midthoracic Spine (T5–T8)


Cross-sectional cadaver anatomic section through the midthoracic spine (7th thoracic vertebra). VB, vertebral body.


Paramedian sagittal cadaver anatomic section of the midthoracic spine. Note the acute caudal angulation of the laminae and the narrow interlaminar spaces. VB, vertebral body.

Computed Tomography Anatomy of the Midthoracic Spine (T5–T8)


Transverse CT section of the midthoracic spine through the base of the T6 spinous process. VB, vertebral body.


Transverse CT section of the midthoracic spine through the T6 to T7 interspinous space. VB, vertebral body; TP, transverse process.


Median sagittal CT section of the midthoracic spine (T5–T8). Note the acute caudal angulation of the spinous processes and the narrow interspinous spaces (ISS).


Paramedian sagittal CT section of the midthoracic spine. Note the narrow interlaminar spaces (ILS).

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Anatomy of the Midthoracic Spine (T5–T8)


Transverse MRI section of the midthoracic spine through the base of the T6 spinous process. VB, vertebral body.


Transverse MRI section of the midthoracic spine through the T6 to T7 interspinous space. VB, vertebral body.


Median sagittal MRI section of the midthoracic spine. Note the sharp acute caudal angulation of the spinous processes and the narrow interspinous spaces. VB, vertebral body.

Dec 29, 2018 | Posted by in PAIN MEDICINE | Comments Off on Ultrasound of the Thoracic Spine for Thoracic Epidural Injections

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