Treating neuropathic pain

3 Treating neuropathic pain

Although resistant to most medical treatment approaches neuropathic pain responds exceptionally well to frequency-specific microcurrent. The challenge for the practitioner is to recognize that the pain is neuropathic based on history, mechanism of injury, examination findings and response to previous therapies.

Neuropathic pain is typically difficult to treat medically and does not reduce significantly in response to narcotic or opiate medications. This characteristic can be useful in diagnosing pain as neuropathic and distinguishing neuropathic pain from other potential pain generators in the same area. Patients are usually asked to report pain on a 0 to 10 visual analog scale. Nerve pain tends to be moderate to severely painful and is commonly rated between a 5 and 9/10. If the pain is still reported as a 5–7/10 while the patient is being treated with narcotics the pain almost certainly has a strong neuropathic component.

Epidural injections at the nerve root with one of the “caine” class of anesthetics plus an anti-inflammatory steroid can reduce neuropathic pain. These injections, while done routinely, are invasive and expensive, require very specialized training and equipment, have significant risks and are not universally effective or permanent. But if an epidural injection has reduced the patient’s pain, even temporarily, then it is almost certainly neuropathic pain.

Unlike acute pain from trauma which is mediated by the firing of primary afferent nociceptors, chronic neuropathic pain is mediated by inflammation in the nerves through the action of the inflammatory cytokines IL-1, IL-6, TNF-α, and substance P (Meyers 2006, Zieglgansberger 2005, Tal 1999).

FSM has been shown to reduce inflammatory cytokines while treating the pain of fibromyalgia associated with cervical spine trauma which is thought to be neuropathic. One specific frequency combination has been shown to reduce IL-1 (330 to 80pg/ml, p = 0.004), Il-6 (239 to 76pg/ml, p = 0.0008), TNF-α (305 to 78,p=0.002), and substance P (180 to 54pg/ml p = 0.0001) and to increase endorphins (8.2 to 71.1pg/ml, p = 0.003) Pain scores were reduced from an average of 7.3±1.2 to 1.3±1.1 in 45 of 54 patients (p = 0.0001) (McMakin 2005). The treatment that reduced the pain also reduced cytokines.

Studies have shown an association between induction of Cox-2 increased prostaglandin release and enhanced nociception in neuropathic pain. Expression of Cox-1 and Cox-2 in primary afferents and in the spinal cord suggests that NSAIDs act there by inhibiting synthesis of prostaglandins (Zieglgansberger 2005, Tal 1999, Bennett 2000).

A controlled trial using a mouse model for lipoxygenase (LOX) mediated inflammation demonstrated 62% reduction in ear swelling in mice treated with frequency-specific microcurrent (FSM) using 40Hz and 116Hz when compared with the controls. COX mediated inflammation was reduced in the same mouse model by 30% which was equivalent to the prescription anti-inflammatory injectable Toridol when it was tested using the same mouse model. FSM experimentation demonstrated the result to be reproducible, application time dependent, and specific as other FSM frequencies had no effect on the model (Reilly 2004).

An unpublished retrospective study of 20 neuropathic pain patients with a mean chronicity of 6.7 years showed reductions in pain from an average 6.8 ± 1.8 to 1.8 ± 2.1(p < 0.001) during the first treatment. Pain was reduced from 4.8/10 to 0.97/10 during the second treatment (p < 0.001). 13 of the 20 patients had disc injuries as the source of their neuropathic pain, two had nerve traction injuries and the other five patients had dermatomal nerve pain of unknown etiology. 65% (n = 13) of the patients recovered fully in an average of 4.6 treatments. 25% (n = 5) terminated care prior to recovery. One patient required an epidural and one patient uses a HomeCare microcurrent unit for palliative care (Precision Distributing Inc, Vancouver, WA) (McMakin, unpublished work, 2007). The only frequency combination observed to reduce dermatomal neuropathic pain is the frequency to reduce inflammation, found to be effective in the mouse model combined with the frequency for the nerve as a target tissue.

When the nerve becomes inflamed calcium ions flow into the nerve through voltage gated ion channels (Winquist 2005). The open channels create impulses interpreted as pain, the pain impulses travel up the nerve to the spinal cord and up the spinal cord to the pain processing centers in the brain.

Any inflamed tissue eventually experiences calcium influx and then fibrosis. Inflamed neural tissues are no exception. The concept of mobilizing fibrosed neural tissue and the surrounding fascia or dura has been well explored by Butler (1989a,b, 1991). FSM has well documented success in modifying scar tissue (Huckfeldt 2003) and its use in neural mobilization provides dramatic improvements over manual mobilization techniques both in comfort and in speed of response. The only frequency combinations observed to have an effect on neurofibrosis are those for scar tissue, sclerosis and fibrosis combined with the frequency for the nerve as a target tissue. The frequency to reduce pain does not reduce fibrosis or increase range of motion. If the nerve is traumatized by too vigorous stretching only the frequency to reduce inflammation will reduce the resulting pain.

When treating neuropathic pain with FSM, the practitioner must consider the mechanism of injury to the nerve, the relationships between the nerve and the surrounding or associated tissues, the patient’s general state of health and overall inflammatory status and the possibility of central pain sensitization.

FSM is clinically derived. The frequencies were chosen through 10 years of experience according to the patient’s clinical presentation and response to treatment and not as a result of exploration of the literature describing the pathology of neuropathic pain. It was convenient but not inevitable that the mechanisms of neuropathic pain derived by medical research match the frequencies found to be effective in relieving it.

It is important to remember that the patient is entitled to more than one pain generator and more than one diagnosis. It is not uncommon for a patient to have pain coming from the nerve, from trigger points in the muscles, from inflammation in the spinal facet joints or discs and from inflammation in the peripheral joint such as the shoulder or hip simultaneously and in any combination or proportion. Any and all of these pain generators can cause local pain as well as referred pain in the arms or legs. Being able to make the distinction between overlapping pain generators becomes important when deciding what to treat and assessing prognosis and setting expectations. If the neuropathic component can be treated quickly and easily and removed from diagnostic consideration, it simplifies the challenges of diagnosing and treating all chronic pain.

Frequency-specific microcurrent is low risk, cost effective and widely available – making it an ideal tool for treating neuropathic pain. The preliminary clinical data, cytokine data and collected anecdotal reports suggest that more formal controlled trials should be done to confirm FSM’s benefits in neuropathic pain. Until such studies are completed, considering the low risks associated with its use, FSM can be a valuable adjunct in the treatment of neuropathic pain.

Basic physical examination to evaluate nerve function

A skilled and thoughtful physical examination can reveal almost as much about nerve function as the most sophisticated imaging or electrodiagnostic testing. Sensation for sharp reveals the state of sensory nerve function and spinal cord facilitation. Muscle strength reveals the state of motor nerve function and deep tendon reflexes reveals the relationship between the nerves, the spinal cord, the muscles and the brain. Most practitioners reading this text have been trained to perform a physical examination to evaluate the nervous system. This brief description is meant to be a reminder and a guide to interpretation rather than a comprehensive instruction. The reader who desires more complete instruction is referred to a text on physical examination.

Sensory examination

The sensory nerves and spinal cord pathways for sharp also carry pain information. Gentle stroking of the nerve distribution with a pin or sharp object such as a paper clip or making light contact with a pinwheel as it rolls across the skin is sufficient stimulation to assess sensation for sharp and pain. Test one side and then the other being careful to use the same pressure on both sides. Evaluate the non-painful side first. Check all of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar dermatomes in a similar fashion at both the proximal and distal ends of the nerves. All dermatomes, not just those in the painful area should be tested during the initial evaluation. Any painful area should be tested for cutaneous nerve sensation and sensitization.

The examination can be done in any order that flows well and allows the organized gathering of information. The author starts with the patient seated facing the examiner with hands facing palms up on the thighs and tests the C6 dermatome on the thumb and forearm first and then proceeds to the other cervical dermatomes. Ask the patient to report whether the sensation caused by the sharp object feels “normal – just prickly or sharp”, “dull – it feels like pressure but it doesn’t feel sharp”, or “icky or unpleasant”. The patient may ask what “icky” feels like but most patients react strongly to sensory hyperesthesia, which is the medical term for an “icky” sensation. Most male patients cannot bring themselves to say “icky”, but they will react in some way when the hyperesthetic nerve is stimulated. For these patients the distinction becomes sharp, dull and ouch (!). When nerves become inflamed they first become hypersensitive and then progress to numbness.

Occasionally a patient will describe an area as feeling numb but the sensory testing shows an appropriate appreciation of sharp. The patient is describing “paresthesia” or “feels as if it should be numb but it is not”. Paresthesia often appears in the referred pain area for myofascial trigger points and can be mistaken for a description of neuropathic dysfunction.

If nerve function is impaired, the sensory examination may show either hyperesthesia or reduced sensation to sharp in a dermatomal nerve root, cutaneous nerve or in the glove/stocking pattern characteristic of a peripheral neuropathy. Record the findings on the dermatome chart as shown below. The record is a useful way to document progress as the nerves return to normal function with treatment.

Reflex testing

Reflexes are tested with a quick strike of a reflex hammer or the examiner’s rigid flexed fingers used to create a brisk tendon stretch of a muscle innervated by the nerve root being interrogated. The tendon stretch stimulates a reflex arc in the spinal cord and causes a brisk immediate muscle contraction in the stimulated muscle.

Deep tendon reflexes are rated from +1 to +4 to describe the strength of reflex muscle contraction created by the tendon stretch. A +4/4 reflex involves clonus or rapid repeating involuntary muscle contractions due to complete loss of central descending inhibition in either the brain or the cord.

A normal reflex is graded as +2/4 and is characterized by a small brief brisk muscle contraction.

A reflex will be hyperactive and graded as +3/4 if the spinal cord is inflamed above the level being tested. A normal +2/4 reflex depends on descending inhibitory impulses from brain reaching the tested segment in time to dampen the reflex. Inflammation in the spinal cord slows the descending inhibitory impulses so they cannot reach the stimulated level in time to dampen the muscle contraction but not so much as to create clonus. The muscle contraction will be stronger than it should be and there may be simultaneous contraction of a muscle on the opposite side innervated by the same nerve root. The patellar reflex will be hyperactive if a disc bulge is inflaming the spinal cord above L3. If the cord is sufficiently inflamed the adductors (innervated by L3) will contract on the side opposite the one being tested.

A reduced reflex has little or no contractile amplitude or force and is graded as +1/4. Reduced reflexes may be a sign of nerve compromise caused by disc injury or some other segmental pathology. Reflexes are also reduced in hypothyroid patients and in all patients as they age. If a patient older than age 65 has a +2/4 (normal) patellar reflex it raises suspicion of some spinal cord inflammation above L3 since the patellar reflex is usually reduced in patients of this age.

An absent deep tendon reflex suggests a serious compromise of nerve function as the reflex arc is interrupted and the stretch response is either not conducted to the spinal cord from the tendon or from the spinal cord to the motor fibers.

Note: If the patient has engaged in some sport such as martial arts, racket ball, or sprinting that trains the quick twitch muscle fibers in the legs the patellar reflex may be reduced or absent without pathology. The quick stretch in the tendon should activate the neural arc and cause the quick twitch muscles to reflexively contract. If the quick twitch fibers have been sufficiently trained, they effectively “beat” the reflex arc and the quadriceps muscles do not contract in response to the tendon stretch. In this case the reflex findings must be evaluated in the context of the clinical presentation, the complete physical examination and history.

Clinical example

This basic clinical neurological examination can give a fairly detailed assessment of the condition of the spine and nerves and when combined with the patterns found in the history and the mechanism of injury eventually create a clear picture when all of the elements are analyzed.

For example if the patient was a 44-year-old right handed non-smoking male who exercises regularly and works as a computer programmer, complains of severe right shoulder and midscapular pain rated as 7/10 of two weeks duration that started after he used a pick to dig a trench in hard soil in the back yard, how would the source of his pain be discovered? Is it simply an injury to the shoulder or are the nerves, discs and neck involved?

Physical examination

The basic physical examination will disclose the condition of the nerves and joints and either confirm or contradict the hypothesis.

In our computer programmer, sensation in the right and left C4 dermatome, and the right C5 and C6 dermatomes were hyperesthetic. All other dermatomes had normal sensation for sharp.

The patellar reflex was hyperactive bilaterally and striking the right patellar tendon caused the left adductors to contract, indicating spinal cord inflammation above L3. The biceps (C5) and brachioradialis (C5–6) reflexes on the right were slightly reduced, and the triceps reflex on the right was slightly more brisk than the triceps on the left. All other deep tendon reflexes were +2/4 or brisk and considered “normal”.

Muscle testing revealed slight weakness in the right biceps and forearm flexors; all other muscles were full strength and rated +5/5.

Palpation of the muscles in the cervical spine and shoulder revealed trigger points and tenderness in most of the shoulder muscles and in the muscles of the anterior cervical spine especially at the C5–6 level.

Dermatomal nerve pain due to disc injuries

Spinal nerve roots most commonly become painful because of exposure to the inflammatory chemicals released by the spinal discs. The central part of the disc, or nucleus pulposus, is rich in a highly inflammatory substance called phospholipase-A2 (PLA2). PLA2 has the ability to turn ordinary membranes into the cellular equivalent of battery acid, damages the nerve and eventually impairs its ability to conduct impulses (Ozaktay 1995, 1998). If the disc ruptures and releases a piece of nucleus material it is said to herniate. If the disc nucleus is injured but remains contained within the disc annulus it is said to be a contained herniation. If the herniated disc material forms a fragment and compresses the nerve it can create serious damage to the nerve including complete loss of sensory and motor function and compromise of deep tendon reflexes which may become permanent if not treated appropriately. A surgical consult is prudent if reflexes or muscle strength is lost even if the patient is to be treated with FSM.

It is possible for the disc to be minimally damaged with a small tear in the annulus that allows the PLA2 in the nucleus to leak out and create chemical inflammation in the nerve (Olmarker 1993, 1995). This has been called “chemical neuritis” (Marshall 1977). Inflammation in the posterior joints of the spine called facet joints can diffuse out to the nerve roots and create neuropathic pain and osteophytes from the facet joints can both inflame and mechanically compress dermatomal nerves. Any condition or pathology that creates an inflammatory response in the vicinity of the nerve can contribute to or cause neuropathic inflammation and pain.

Diagnosing dermatomal nerve pain due to nerve traction injuries

Nerves can be injured mechanically by forces that cause traction or pull on the nerve, damaging the nerve membrane, creating inflammation from glial activation, pain, sensory changes and even motor weakness. Look for a mechanism of injury that involves one end of the nerve being held stationary while the other end of the nerve is stretched or pulled away.

Nerve traction injuries are typically created in auto accidents, falls, and contact sports and by positioning or procedures during surgery. The brachial plexus is particularly vulnerable to traction injuries since the C5 through C8 nerves are tethered to the vertebra as they leave the spine by ligaments while the distal ends of these nerves are free to move. Patient position during a surgery in which the nerve is statically stretched for a prolonged period such as a cardiac bypass procedure or a cervical tumor dissection can create nerve traction injuries. Surgery in which the nerve is stretched acutely along with the soft tissue to make room for a knee or hip replacement can also create persistent neuropathic pain. Nerve traction injuries may heal without treatment over time as the nerve lining slowly repairs itself but many nerve traction injuries remain painful for years after the trauma and never become pain free on their own.

The diagnosis of a nerve traction injury is made on the basis of the pain pattern, the history and the neuro-sensory examination. The patient will describe pain that matches one or more dermatomal nerves. The history will include a mechanism of injury that could stretch a nerve. The physical examination will show sensory hyperesthesia or sensory loss in a dermatome that matches the patient’s pain complaint. The reflexes will be +2/4 or brisk and considered normal unless the mechanism of injury included a flexion and rotation component that caused a disc bulge as well as the nerve traction injury. The patient, as always, is entitled to more than one complaint.

Examples of nerve traction injuries

The auto accident patient holding the steering wheel with both hands when the air bag deployed into her chest rapidly stretching the thoracic nerve roots, had nerve traction injuries to the thoracic intercostal nerves. She was diagnosed with “costochondritis” for 20 months following the accident. The sensory examination showed hyperesthesia from T2 to T6 nerve roots and the “costochondritis” resolved permanently in a single 60 minute treatment for neuropathic pain from a nerve traction injury.

The police officer who landed on the ground under the suspect with his trunk left rotated and his right arm stretched around the torso of the DCS (drunken combative suspect) was diagnosed with a “chronic thoracic sprain strain” for three years following the injury. In all that time no one had done a sensory examination. The sensory examination revealed hyperesthesia in the right T4 through T7 dermatomes and the patellar reflex was hyperactive on the right only. The MRI showed a small disc bulge (contained herniation) at T5. The injury resolved in three 60 minute treatments for the nerve and an additional three treatments for the disc.

The patient was the seat-belted driver with her trunk turned to the right at the time of a side impact collision. The car spun to the left creating traction of the left side of her neck and left arm. Fourteen months after the accident she still complained of left shoulder and chest pain, left arm weakness, tingling in her fingers and lower arm. She had been diagnosed with thoracic outlet syndrome. Her sensory examination showed hyperesthesia of the left C5 through T1 nerve roots and completely normal reflexes at all levels. Her pain was reduced from 6/10 to 2/10 with the first 60 minute treatment and she was pain free with full strength and range of motion after six treatments.

Once it becomes possible to resolve nerve traction injuries the clinician is more likely to diagnose and treat them.

Treating nerve traction injuries with FSM

FSM treatment for nerve traction injuries uses the frequencies to reduce inflammation, reduce fibrosis between the fascia and nerve and to improve secretions in the nerve. Nerve traction injuries respond very well to FSM as long as the nerve is not torn because there is no perpetuating factor. The sensory distribution of the injured nerves may be hypersensitive or it may have reduced or absent sensation to sharp as tested with a pin or a pinwheel. If the nerve is not torn the pain and sensory changes should resolve in two to four treatments. Motor weakness may require more treatments and may take longer to resolve than pain and sensory changes.

In one case involving a professional football player who lifted a tackle off of his back using his neck, the pain and sensory changes resolved with treatment for the nerve traction injury created by the forceful lateral flexion of his neck. But the motor weakness in the external rotators would not resolve even after three treatments. The weak muscles were all innervated by the subscapular nerve which travels through a small foramen on the scapula immediately adjacent to the attachment of the levator scapulae. It became apparent eventually that the swelling caused by the muscle strain injury to the levator was compressing and inactivating the motor nerve. Treating the injured muscle and using Russian stim to make it contract and then treating the motor nerve resolved the muscle weakness in less than an hour.

If the nerve root is torn the area of sensory loss may become smaller during treatment but the numbness does not resolve. If the nerve is torn, the pain will be reduced but not eliminated during treatment and returns within hours. The treatment is so consistently effective that a lack of response to FSM treatment suggests that the nerve root is torn and suggests the need for a neurology consult and medical management.

Treating dermatomal nerve pain

Treatment protocol

Channel A condition / Channel B tissue

Reduce the pain

40 / 396

Remove the basic pathologies / from the nerve

970, 94, 321, 9 / 396

Remove the emotional component, remove nerve trauma, restore function, and remove histamine / from the nerve

This sequence comes from Van Gelder’s concept of concussion as discussed in Chapter 10. In Van Gelder’s model, emotional shock and trauma leads to “paralysis” which leads to “allergy reaction” and reduction in secretions and vitality.

“Emotional shock” from an injury or trauma changes tissue function; 970 / takes the “fact of” this emotional shock out of the membrane.

“Trauma” stuns the nerve, overloading it rather like a power surge that trips a circuit breaker causing it to switch into something like a “safe mode.” The “safe mode” preserves the most important critical functions and allows for repair and recovery at some later time.

“Paralysis” does not refer to complete loss of function or true medical paralysis. The analogy to the loss of function when a computer “locks up” and loses the ability to move to the next step is most apt. The fact of the trauma interferes with the smooth transfer of information within the tissue that allows it to know what to do next. The frequency to remove “paralysis” is Van Gelder’s conceptual equivalent of the computer command “control–alt–delete” that reboots the computer system.

“Allergy Reaction” refers to the body’s first response to any dysfunction which is to release histamine as a way of starting the inflammatory cascade. Removing the allergy reaction allows the tissue to complete the return to normal function.

Note: These four frequencies are known collectively as “The Basics”. They are usually used in sequential order as a group combined with the channel B frequency for the injured tissue but each can be used individually as needed based on the patient’s condition.

Treatment time. Use each frequency for 1 to 2 minutes each. Current polarized positive.

Remove pathologies from the nerve

284 / 396

Treatment application

Current level

100–300μamps for the average healthy patient.

Use lower current levels of 20–60μamps for very small or debilitated patients. Current levels above this will be irritating and may make the patient restless or agitated.

Use higher current levels of 300–500μamps for larger or very muscular patients.

In general, higher current levels reduce pain more quickly and improve response.

Do not use more than 500μamps as animal studies suggest that current levels above 500μamps reduce ATP formation.

Current Polarized Positive +: Current is polarized positive for most nerve treatments except for shingles (see Chapter 9) and peripheral neuropathies which require alternating DC current. Nerves respond very well and very quickly to polarized positive current.

Waveslope: The waveslope refers to the rate of increase of current in the ramped square wave as it rises in alternating mode from zero up to the treatment current level every 2.5 seconds on the Precision Microcurrent and the automated family of FSM units. Other microcurrent instruments may have slightly different wave form choices. A sharp waveslope has a very steep leading edge on the square wave shape indicating a very sharp increase in current. A gentle waveslope has a very gradual leading edge on the waveform indicating a gradual increase in current.

Jun 14, 2016 | Posted by in PAIN MEDICINE | Comments Off on Treating neuropathic pain

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