Treating muscles, fascia and myofascial trigger points

7 Treating muscles, fascia and myofascial trigger points

Myofascial pain is defined as pain arising from muscles or related fascia and comes from hyperirritable areas of muscle, ligaments and fascia known as myofascial trigger points (Bennett 2007). There are approximately 400 muscles forming the largest organ in the body amounting to approximately 40% of the body weight and there is no single medical specialty that is solely responsible for the study of their diagnosis and function. Myofascial trigger points have been associated with low back pain, neck pain, tension headaches, temporomandibular joint pain, forearm and hand pain and pelvic and urogenital pain syndromes in 44 million Americans and so a clinical practitioner in any specialty is likely to see patients with myofascial pain caused by trigger points (Borg-Stein 2006, Simons 1983, Fernandez-de-las-Penas 2006, 2007, Ardic 2006, Hwang 2005, Dogweiler-Wiygul 2004).

The first challenge for the practitioner is to recognize that myofascial trigger points may be causing the patient’s pain; the second challenge is to locate, effectively treat and eliminate myofascial trigger points as pain generators; the third challenge is to eliminate the factors in the patient’s biomechanics, physiology and lifestyle that perpetuate the myofascial dysfunction. Myofascial pain caused by trigger points must also be distinguished from the full body pain, central sensitization, sleep disturbances and neuroendocrine dysfunction characteristic of fibromyalgia.

Characteristics of myofascial trigger points

Active myofascial trigger points cause pain at rest, restrict muscle range of motion and have characteristic myotomal pain referral patterns that do not follow dermatomal nerve root patterns or scleratomal patterns emanating from joint structures. The original referral patterns were identified in the 1930s by injecting hypertonic saline into muscles (Kelgren 1938) and pain patterns for over 100 muscles have been documented in detail in the two-volume text, Myofascial pain and dysfunction: the trigger point manual (Travell 1983, 1992). Myofascial trigger points are found by gentle palpation across the direction of the muscle fiber to identify an indurated taut band of muscle and then specific palpation within the taut band to locate a painful nodule that feels like a hardened grain of rice or lentil. Firm pressure on the small nodule may cause the muscle to twitch and may recreate the patient’s pain complaint in the myotomal referral area. Latent myofascial trigger points have taut bands that are tender to touch and restrict range of motion but do not cause spontaneous referred pain.

Calcium release

Myofascial trigger points are thought to arise from focal injury to muscle fibers caused by trauma or overuse. Biopsies of myofascial trigger points reveal a cluster of numerous microscopic foci of sarcomere “contraction knots” that are scattered throughout the tender nodule (Simons 2001, Gerwin 2004). These contraction knots are thought to be caused by calcium release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum and are maintained by an “energy crisis” in the now hypermetabolic muscle once the constant contraction is initiated. Muscle contraction requires the energy of four ATP; muscle relaxation requires two ATP (Adenosine triphosphate, ATP, is the chemical energy that fuels all physical processes; Guyton 1996). Once facilitated, the motor endplates release increased amounts of acetylcholine to maintain the contraction, perpetuating the contraction knots and forming a self perpetuating cycle of activation, energy depletion and local metabolic stress (Mense 2003). Calcium release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum becomes relevant for FSM treatment of trigger points because the frequency thought to “remove calcium ions” is one that softens the taut band and usually eliminates the trigger points.

Nerve sensitization

Persistence of the trigger point leads to neuroplastic changes at the level of the dorsal horn in the spinal cord, leading to central pain sensitization and expansion of the pain beyond its original boundaries into the referred pain area (Arendt-Nielsen 2003). The central neuroplastic changes account for the characteristic trigger point referral patterns. Neuropathic pain sensitization at the level of the nerve root and the spinal cord accounts for the pain intensity seen during stimulation of the trigger point that often appears disproportionate to the stimulus (Curatolo 2006). The twitch response that occurs when the muscle is stimulated is a spinal reflex that can be abolished by transection of the spinal nerve that innervates the trigger point (Hong 1994, 1996).

The local biochemical milieu in an active trigger point is different from that of normal muscle fibers or latent trigger points. A microdialysis needle was used to take constant stream samples of the biochemical environment within an active trigger point before, during and after a twitch response and compared it to normal muscle and latent trigger points. Active trigger points show significantly elevated levels of the inflammatory peptides TNF-α, Interleukin-1(IL-1), calcitonin-gene-related-peptide (CGRP), substance P, bradykinin, serotonin, and norepinephrine (Shah 2005). Early biopsies of trigger points showed mast cells degranulating releasing histamine into the area around the trigger point (Simons 1983). The neural component of trigger point pain and perpetuation is relevant to FSM treatment because the most effective treatment protocols have evolved to include treating “inflammation in the nerve and the spinal cord” first with the FSM treatment protocols known to reduce inflammatory cytokines (McMakin 2005).

Treating myofascial trigger points

There is no form of drug therapy that alleviates myofascial trigger point pain or muscle dysfunction. Trigger point injections with saline and 1% lidocaine or procaine or dry needling are considered to be the most effective therapy but require a skilled well trained therapist to precisely localize the active trigger point by identifying a local twitch response in the taut band. Studies have shown problems with localizing the taut band and the active trigger point (inter-rater reliability) between therapists depending on their skill and training (Gerwin 1997, Hsieh 2000, Sciotti 2001). Needling or injection of single active trigger points limits effectiveness in muscular areas populated by multiple active, latent and satellite trigger points. Full length stretching of the muscle while using an ethyl chloride vapocoolant spray, called “spray and stretch”, disrupts the focal contractions and stops the prolonged ATP consumption that perpetuates the contraction knots. Not all muscles are suitable for this intervention and environmental considerations have reduced its use in recent years. Postural and ergonomic corrections to modify factors that perpetuate trigger points are critical to successful management.

History of causation consistent with myofascial trigger points

The patient should have some history of overuse or trauma that would account for the formation of a myofascial pain problem. Chronic postural strain, repetitive muscle use, degenerative joint and disc disease, acute disc injuries, food allergies and other inflammatory conditions and emotional stress are among the conditions that contribute to trigger points. Look for some temporal association with activities or events and the onset of pain. If the pain started around June of 1999, ask what was happening in May of 1999.

Physical examination

Physical examination should include deep tendon reflexes, a dermatomal sensory examination and palpation of the muscles suspected to be the source of the pain. The presence of dermatomal hyperesthesia or numbness, or hyper or hypoactive reflexes suggests neuropathic involvement that may influence treatment.

Myofascial palpation should be guided by the patient’s pain diagram and description. If the patient locates the pain at the “shoulder” the 12 muscles that can refer pain to the shoulder should be evaluated for the presence of taut bands and active and latent trigger points. Sustained pressure on the trigger point may reproduce the patient’s pain but a trigger point that is already maximally referring may not increase its referral in response to pressure. Detailed descriptions and advice on how to conduct a myofascial palpatory examination are beyond the scope of this text but the reader is encouraged to pursue training in this skill.

The discs and facet joints should be considered and examined because myofascial trigger points can be created by and perpetuated by degenerative joint and disc disease and can in turn exacerbate degenerative joint disease when the taut muscle compresses the spinal segment.

Myofascial trigger points can create abnormal biomechanics in the peripheral joints – the shoulder, the elbow, the hip, the knee and even in the wrist and ankle when taut bands interfere with optimal joint motion. Conversely, inflammation in the peripheral joints, tendons and bursa can create muscle guarding and tightness that leads to taut bands and active trigger points. The dysfunction forms a feed forward and feedback cycle that perpetuates both the joint inflammation and the myofascial trigger points.

A visceral examination or abdominal palpation may be necessary if the patient has myofascial trigger points created by gastrointestinal or gynecological organ referral.

Treating myofascial trigger points with FSM

FSM was first used to successfully treat myofascial trigger points in 1996 and the first two articles published were collected case reports showing successful pain resolution in trigger points in the head, neck and face pain and in low back pain (McMakin 1998, 2004). FSM provides microamperage current known to increase ATP production by 500% in rat skin (Cheng 1982). The current alone would address the energy crisis that perpetuates the contracture knots allowing the knots to release by increasing ATP.

The frequencies used to “reduce inflammation in the nerve” have been shown to decrease inflammatory cytokines including IL-1, CGRP, substance P and serotonin – demonstrated by Shah to be increased in the active trigger point milieu (McMakin 2005, Shah 2005). FSM has been shown to down regulate spinal cord activation and reduce central sensitization in the treatment of fibromyalgia associated with spine trauma and could reasonably be assumed to perform the same function to reverse the central neuroplastic changes seen in myofascial pain. The observed effects of muscle softening, relaxation of the taut band and resolution of the trigger point occur as a response to specific frequencies meant to reduce inflammation in the nerve and reduce calcium ion deposits in the fascia. It is reassuring that these frequencies coincide with the pathologies now known to be associated with myofascial trigger points.

When FSM is used to treat myofascial trigger points the positive pair of electrodes are applied at the spine where the relevant nerve root exits and the other pair is applied at the end of the dermatomal nerve supplying the muscles being treated. The current flows through a regional area of biomechanically and neurologically related muscle tissue. The treatment does not require precise localization of the taut band or active trigger point which eliminates the reliability problems that have plagued dry needling and injection trigger point treatment methods and allows successful treatment by less skillful clinical assistants. The treatment can be applied to any muscle or muscle group and has no known negative environmental impact which gives it a distinct advantage over vapocoolant spray and stretch technique. When the dysfunctional muscle is treated at the same time as its related agonist and antagonist muscles in a functional region it provides biomechanical balance that enhances recovery and return to function.

The treatment is pain free, low risk and non-invasive and produces rapid reduction in pain giving it a distinct advantage over other methods in the treatment of myofascial trigger points.

Treating chronic myofascial pain and trigger points

Treatment of myofascial pain and trigger points has been developed over 12 years of clinical experience and literally tens of thousands of patient treatments. The protocols have become so predictably effective that the response to treatment can be used diagnostically.

The myofascial protocol has three parts. It starts with the frequencies to treat the nerve then moves to the frequencies to treat the muscle and then to the frequencies to treat the facet joint, the disc or the peripheral joints that might be instigating or perpetuating factors. This treatment is so consistently effective that if it does not eliminate the taut band and reduce the pain then some visceral source for the trigger points should be considered.

Channel B: tissue frequencies

Joint component – facet joints, discs, and peripheral joints

Periosteum: ___ / 783

Joint Capsule: ___ / 480

Cartilage: ___ / 157

Disc Annulus: ___ / 710

Disc as a whole: ___ / 630

Disc Nucleus: ___ / 330

Bursa or tendon sheath: ___ / 195

A/B pairs for Scar Tissue:

These frequencies were discovered in a list of frequencies published by Albert Abram’s in Electromedical Digest in 1931. 58 / 00 was the frequency combination to remove “abnormal cellular stroma”, probably meant to address the tendency of the cell to form scar tissue. 58 / 01 was used for scar in bony tissue. 58 / 02 was used for scar in soft tissue and 58 / 32 was used for scar tissue adhesions. When there is no bone involved 58 / 01 is not used. These are A/B pairs in which channel A is not a condition and channel B is not a tissue but both frequencies form a frequency pattern that appears to eliminate or lengthen scar tissue.

In treating chronic complaints the 58/’s are used in order as listed above for approximately 1 to 2 minutes each at the beginning of the treatment to soften the tissues. If there is no bone involved in the complaint it is customary to leave out 58 / 01. For those practitioners who can feel the softening produced by the frequency, it is often helpful to run the frequency until the softening stops and the tissue becomes relatively more firm. There may be some patients in whom one or more of these frequencies will produce softening for up to 3 to 4 minutes.

The 58/’s will increase range of motion but do not change pain.

This precaution is the result of trial and uncomfortable error. A patient was being treated for facet joint and soft tissue injuries caused by an auto accident that had occurred 3 weeks previously. She was pain free after four treatments in 21 days and was treated on a Tuesday. She returned on Thursday complaining that whatever had been done on Tuesday had “undone” 2 weeks worth of healing and she felt as much pain as she had 2 weeks previously. Review of the Tuesday treatment notes revealed that the 58/’s had been used in addition to the protocols that had been reducing the pain for the preceding three weeks. She was so much improved that it seemed as if the injury was much older and the date of injury was not checked before treatment. When the symptoms increased the presumption was made that the 58/’s had removed repair tissue necessary to keep the joint and soft tissues pain free and stable. Treatment with frequencies to reduce inflammation and increase collagen eliminated her pain and she recovered as expected. The 58/’s were used again 4 weeks later to increase range of motion and there was no increase in pain.

Trial and error during the first year of treating with FSM in similar situations helped to determine that the 58/’s should not be used within 5 to 6 weeks of a new injury. They can be used briefly four weeks after the date of injury – for 5 to 10 seconds each – to thin out scar tissue as it is forming, especially in athletes who seem to heal faster than non-athlete patients. This reaction is predictable and reproducible. Take this precaution seriously.

Treat the nerve

Nerve protocol

40 / 10

Treatment application

Lead placement: manual therapy

Adhesive Electrode Pads may be used for convenience although the gloves seem to be more effective for reasons not understood. The adhesive electrode pads are especially useful for home treatment because they allow the patient to be active while being treated. The pads become “prickly” or sting when current levels are above 150μamps so may not be useful for larger patients or athletes.

When applying treatment with adhesive electrode pads, the current and the frequencies must pass through the area to be treated in an interferential pattern, forming an “X” in three dimensions. The positive electrodes are placed at the spine at the level of the disc to be treated. The negative electrodes may be placed directly anterior or anterior and slightly inferior to the spinal contacts if the disc alone is being treated or if the nerve is to be treated the negative electrodes may be placed at the ends of the nerve root affected by the injured disc.

A diagram for the placement would look like this:

Positive Electrode Channel A Positive Electrode Channel B
Area to be Treated
Negative Electrode Channel B Negative Electrode Channel A

Manual therapy between the contacts: The practitioner’s hands can palpate, mobilize, and manipulate the myofascial tissue as it is treated by the current and frequencies being delivered by the stationary contacts. There should be some interference to prevent current flow through the practitioner. Latex or nitrile gloves can be worn on the hands or even on one hand to block the current or some form of massage oil can be applied lightly on the hands to serve as an insulator. Follow the directions for manual technique covered below.

Manual technique: let the frequencies and current do the work

For those trained in manual therapies treating the muscles while using FSM requires some adjustment of technique. The key is to let the frequency do the work and to use the hands with gentle but firm pressure and minimal muscle contraction allowing maximal sensitivity to the softening affect created by the frequencies. The hands should lie gently on the skin allowing the pads of the finger tips to glide across the muscle. Ideally the hands will be almost limp with just enough tone in the distal finger muscles to allow the finger pads to gently assess the state of the tissue. This gentle touch allows the muscles being examined to relax and avoids the resistance created by overly aggressive palpation. The therapist may use body weight translated through the shoulder muscles and serratus anterior to advance the arm and increase the pressure of the hand and finger pads rather than use tension in the forearm and finger flexors to increase pressure.

The hands are sensing the change and softening in the muscles being created by the current and frequencies and helping it along but not forcing it. The frequencies will create the desired change of state in the muscle; it is not necessary to use force. The patient’s muscles will relax and allow deeper palpation if the practitioner’s hands are relaxed and will defensively tense if the contact is too firm or if the palpating fingers are too tense.

Move the fingers slightly every two to three seconds across the region, using gentle but firm pressure and a gentle pulling motion as if trying to warm, soften and elongate a piece of nougat or soft taffy. Pressure can be directed both along and across the muscle fiber direction. A gentle kneading motion is sometime effective. Small circular scrubbing motions are less effective and should be avoided especially in the anterior cervical spine near the sensitive baroreceptors and neurovascular structures.

Manual myofascial therapy using graphite gloves

Jun 14, 2016 | Posted by in PAIN MEDICINE | Comments Off on Treating muscles, fascia and myofascial trigger points

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