Transesophageal Echocardiography for Congenital Heart Disease in the Adult

Transesophageal Echocardiography for Congenital Heart Disease in the Adult

Pablo Motta

Carolyn L. Taylor

Wanda C. Miller-Hance


Advances in medical and surgical care over the last several decades have increased survival rates and dramatically extended life expectancy in all forms of congenital heart disease (CHD). This progress has contributed to a changing population of affected individuals, in fact, it is well recognized that at the current time adults with CHD outnumber children. This is even the case for the most critical defects. As such, CHD is no longer considered to represent a disease exclusive to childhood, but a subject of relevance to all those who provide anesthetic care, regardless of patient age.

The spectrum of CHD seen in the adult varies widely. Pathologies range from mild anomalies with no clinical repercussions to extremely complex malformations characterized by the presence of multiple coexistent defects. Echocardiography represents the primary noninvasive imaging modality in the assessment of these malformations and has significantly contributed to improvements in patient care. As technology has evolved, the transesophageal approach has extended the applications of echocardiography by allowing the acquisition of anatomic and functional information in many cases not obtainable by transthoracic imaging. This is of particular benefit to those with suboptimal transthoracic windows as transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) significantly enhances the detailed characterization of congenital defects and the evaluation of hemodynamics. Additional major contributions of TEE in CHD in the intraoperative setting include the assessment of the surgical intervention, detection of residual pathology, and surgical guidance if an immediate revision is warranted. TEE also plays a critical role in the cardiac catheterization and electrophysiology laboratories as an adjunct to therapeutic interventions.

In recent years, three-dimensional TEE (3D-TEE) has been increasingly applied to all forms of heart disease, including congenital pathology. The benefits of the technology in facilitating diagnostic and therapeutic strategies in patients with CHD have been well demonstrated and continue to evolve.

This chapter reviews relevant aspects of adult CHD with corresponding applications of TEE. The role of this imaging modality in the intraoperative and cardiac catheterization settings is highlighted. For the purposes of this review, in terms of suggested TEE imaging planes, we focus on the more common anatomic arrangement of situs solitus and levocardia for each of the defects. Although many of the congenital cardiovascular malformations can be characterized using the standard TEE views recommended by the Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists (SCA) and American Society of Echocardiography (ASE) in the comprehensive guidelines, in some cases the detailed examination of congenital lesions and associated hemodynamic perturbations, particularly in the presence of complex disease and abnormal cardiac positions, requires alternative or modified planes of interrogation. This is outlined in the recently published guidelines on the comprehensive TEE evaluation in CHD (refer to the corresponding section later this chapter). As relevant to the pathology being considered, these modified cross-sections/sweeps will be described. The 3D-TEE experience in the adult patient with CHD will also be addressed.


CHD represents the most common major congenital malformation occurring in approximately 1% of live births worldwide. This figure does not include the bicuspid aortic valve (Bic AV), occurring in 2% to 3% of the general population. At birth, the most common lesion is that of a ventricular septal defect (VSD). Other relatively common congenital pathologies include atrial septal defects (ASDs), pulmonary (pulmonic) stenosis (PS), and persistent patency of the ductus arteriosus (PDA). Beyond these defects, other less prevalent pathologies include tetralogy of Fallot (TOF), aortic stenosis (AS), coarctation of the aorta (CoA), atrioventricular septal defect (AVSD), and transposition of the great arteries (TGA) (refer to Table 19.1).

Not surprisingly, the highest survival rate in CHD occurs among infants with milder forms of disease. However, overall outcome in those with complex pathologies has improved dramatically over the last several

decades. This is attributed to factors such as prenatal diagnosis, advances in medical and surgical strategies, definitive surgical repair at an earlier age, and improvements in intraoperative/postoperative management.

TABLE 19.1 Congenital Heart Disease in the Adult: Physiology, Epidemiology, Associated Pathology, Treatment and Prognosis

Cardiac pathology



Associated lesions


Aortic stenosis

  • Obstruction to systemic blood flow

  • Increased LV afterload

  • LVH and decreased LV diastolic compliance

  • Myocardial supply-demand mismatch (possible ischemia)

  • Bicuspid AV: most common congenital anomaly (2% of the population) and most common cause of AS in age <65 y

  • VSD

  • PDA

  • Ascending aortopathy

  • For severe disease surgical and transcatheter approaches available

  • Valvuloplasty associated with high incidence of reintervention (>25% in the adult)

Atrial septal defect

  • Left-to-right shunt

  • Right-sided volume overload

  • Late symptoms (CHF, atrial arrhythmias, and rare PHTN)

  • 30% of ACHD

  • PFO present in ˜25% of adults

  • Secundum: MV prolapse and/or regurgitation

  • Primum: cleft MV, ± regurgitation

  • Sinus venosus: anomalous pulmonary veins

  • Surgical closure

  • Secundum defect may be amenable to transcatheter device closure

  • Treated 10-y survival 95%

Coarctation of the aorta

  • Obstruction to systemic blood flow

  • Proximal hypertension

  • Increased LV afterload

  • LVH and decreased diastolic compliance

  • Collateral circulation

  • 5-8% of ACHD

  • Bicuspid AV

  • VSD

  • MV anomalies

  • Left-sided obstructive lesions

  • Surgical vs. balloon dilation ± stent placement

  • If untreated mortality 80% at 50 y

Congenital coronary artery anomalies

  • Potential coronary ischemia

  • CHF if large fistula

  • Less than 1%

  • Isolated lesion or seen in CHD (D-TGA, TOF, and other complex pathologies)

  • Coronary reimplantation and/or unroofing

  • If occlusion of fistula indicated, transcatheter and/or surgical intervention

  • No long-term follow-up reported

Congenitally corrected transposition

  • Asymptomatic or symptoms related to intracardiac shunting or outflow obstruction

  • Presence or absence of cyanosis dependent on associated pathology

  • Adult symptoms: TR, RV failure, and CHB

  • Rare lesion in the adult patient (accounts for ˜0.5% of all CHD)

  • VSD

  • Pulmonary outflow obstruction

  • TV anomalies (Ebstein like)

  • Atrioventricular block

  • May require interventions such as closure of intracardiac communication, relief of outflow obstruction, TV repair or replacement, pacemaker insertion

  • Heart transplantation (RV—systemic ventricular failure)

  • 15-y survival ˜60%


  • Parallel circulation requiring intercirculatory mixing

  • Cyanotic lesion

  • Most common form of CHD presenting in the neonatal period

  • High mortality if untreated early in life

  • Most adults have undergone a surgical intervention

  • VSD (20%)

  • LVOT obstruction

  • Coronary artery anomalies

  • Postatrial baffle repair (Mustard or Senning) may require interventions for baffle leak/obstruction, TR, atrial arrhythmias, or RV (systemic) failure

  • Post ASO infrequent need for re-intervention

  • 20-y survival after ASO ˜70%

Ebstein anomaly

  • Wide disease spectrum

  • TR (variable severity)

  • Can be asymptomatic

  • Right heart failure

  • Atrial arrhythmias

  • If associated PFO/ASD can develop cyanosis

  • Occurs in 0.5% of all patients with CHD

  • PFO

  • ASD

  • Accessory atrioventricular connections

  • TV repair/replacement

  • ASD closure

  • 10-y survival ˜84%

Patent ductus arteriosus

  • Left-to-right shunt

  • Left-sided volume overload

  • Symptoms and PHTN depends on the size of the PDA

  • 8% of ACHD

  • Isolated or within the context of complex CHD

  • Bicuspid AV

  • Surgical (open vs. VATS)

  • Transcatheter closure

  • Treated 10-y survival ˜95%

Pulmonary (pulmonic) stenosis

  • Obstruction to pulmonary blood flow

  • Increased RV afterload

  • RVH with decreased diastolic compliance

  • Acyanosis unless severe and associated ASD/VSD

  • If severe, may result in CHF

  • 10% of ACHD

  • PFO

  • ASD (20%)

  • VSD

  • Obstructive subpulmonary hypertrophy

  • Valvuloplasty/surgical valvotomy is highly effective

  • Treated 25-y survival ˜95%

Single ventricle

  • Passive pulmonary circulation

  • Single systemic ventricle (left or right morphology)

  • Acyanosis after Fontan palliation in most cases except if fenestration present

  • Group includes a number of different pathologies

  • Depends on the anatomy

  • Some patients require Fontan revision

  • Maze procedure for arrhythmias/pacemaker for atrioventricular synchrony and antiarrhythmia therapy

  • Potential long-term problems: protein loosing enteropathy, plastic bronchitis, liver disease

  • Heart transplantation

  • Fontan revision in-hospital mortality ˜11%

Tetralogy of Fallot

  • Obstruction to RV outflow

  • Intracardiac shunting (left-to-right right-to-left and/or bidirectional)

  • Usually cyanosis present

  • Increased RV afterload

  • RVH, decreased RV diastolic compliance

  • Cyanotic spells associated with infundibular spasm in children

  • Most common form of cyanotic CHD

  • Most surviving adults with prior palliative or definitive repair

  • Right aortic arch (25%)

  • PFO or ASD (pentalogy of Fallot)

  • Coronary anomalies

  • Persistent L-SVC to coronary sinus

  • Discontinuous PAs

  • Long-term issues: pulmonary regurgitation, RVOT problems, residual shunts, RV dilation, and dysfunction

  • Interventions in the adult (e.g., RV-PA conduit changes, pulmonary valve replacement)

  • Treated 30-y survival ˜86-90%

Ventricular septal defect

  • Left-to-right shunt

  • Left-sided volume overload

  • Early congestive symptoms and PHTN if defect large, longstanding

  • Most common form of CHD in children

  • High incidence of spontaneous closure in childhood

  • Isolated VSD rare in the adult (10-15% of ACHD)

  • Untreated defects in adults almost always small in size

  • Muscular defect may be secondary to septal infarct

  • Bicuspid AV

  • Coarctation of Ao

  • Occasionally RVOT obstruction (double-chambered RV) or subaortic membrane

  • Surgical closure

  • Muscular and some perimembranous VSDs may be amenable to device closure

  • Residual defects associated with complex CHD

  • Treated 10-y survival, no PHTN—96%

ACHD, adult congenital heart disease; AO, aorta; AS, aortic stenosis; ASD, atrial septal defect; ASO, arterial switch operation; AV, aortic valve; CHB, complete heart block; CHD, congenital heart disease; CHF, congestive heart failure; D-TGA, D-transposition of the great arteries; LV, left ventricle; L-SVC, left superior vena cava; LVH, left ventricular hypertrophy; LVOT, left ventricular outflow tract; MV, mitral valve; PA, pulmonary artery; PDA, patent ductus arteriosus; PFO, patent foramen ovale; PHTN, pulmonary hypertension; RV, right ventricle; RVH, right ventricular hypertrophy; RVOT, right ventricular outflow tract; TOF, tetralogy of Fallot; TR, tricuspid regurgitation; TV, tricuspid valve; VATS, video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery; VSD, ventricular septal defect.

The prevalence of CHD is estimated at approximately 4 per 1,000 living adults, of which nearly 10% have complex CHD. In the United States this accounts for a population of nearly 2 million adults. This group of patients is referred to as the “adult with CHD (ACHD)” or as the “grown-up with CHD (GUCH)” population. It is anticipated that the number of adults with congenital cardiovascular malformations will continue to increase worldwide, as well as the complexity of this patient group.


In view of the wide spectrum of pathologies in CHD, several classification schemes have been proposed to facilitate our understanding of the defects and their associated physiologic impact. Malformations can be characterized, for example, according to disease severity, presence or absence of cyanosis, or primary physiologic alteration.

Based on Severity of Disease

Defects have been stratified according to their severity or level of complexity into simple, moderate severity, and complex defects. This classification scheme has been utilized for recommendations regarding patient care, estimation of long-term problems, and expectation of potential outcomes. Intracardiac communications in their isolated forms represent in most cases simple defects. Mild PS and a small PDA are also considered simple forms of CHD. Moderate defects include, for example, CoA, TOF, and Ebstein anomaly. Complex pathology includes all forms of cyanotic CHD, lesions associated with multiple concomitant defects, and single ventricles.

Based on the Presence or Absence of Cyanosis

In this scheme, congenital cardiac malformations are classified into acyanotic or cyanotic lesions based on whether the primary functional disorder results in cyanosis. Conditions associated with cyanosis are characterized by restrictive pulmonary blood flow (in the presence of intracardiac shunting) or complete arterial and venous admixture. Cyanosis is less likely to occur in individuals with pulmonary overcirculation secondary to isolated intracardiac communications.

Based on the Physiology of the Defect

This classification algorithm based on the physiologic spectrum of CHD comprises four major categories: shunts, obstructions to either pulmonary or systemic blood flow, regurgitant pathologies, and mixed lesions. Shunt lesions occur at the intracardiac or extracardiac levels. The direction and magnitude of shunting depend on the size of the communication and the relative resistances of the pulmonary and systemic vascular beds. Obstructive lesions can affect the inflow or outflow of blood and vary widely in severity. Regurgitant disease is rarely found in isolation and is frequently secondary to the primary pathology. In mixed lesions, which account for a significant number of cyanotic heart defects, there is mixing of the systemic and pulmonary venous returns.


Guidelines for comprehensive TEE imaging in CHD as recommended by the ASE were the subject of recent work detailing techniques, protocols, and 3D TEE methods in this population. The reader is referred to this publication as an essential reference on the subject.

Key points from the guidelines include:

  • A suggested imaging protocol that includes 28 two-dimensional (2D) tomographic views. Many of these represent cross sections previously described in the comprehensive TEE guidelines by the SCA/ASE published in 2013, with modifications and additions given the congenital focus of the document, unlike prior guidelines that mainly addressed the adult with a structurally normal heart.

  • TEE views outlined to be regarded as a foundation given the fact that numerous variants and wide spectrum of abnormalities in CHD frequently necessitate modification of these key views and/or additional nonstandard views.

  • TEE imaging in CHD to rely on examination of structures rather than previously defined views.

  • The need not only for single beat recordings in congenital TEE assessment, but also for multiple beat loops and sweeps that display the anatomic and spatial relationships among structures.

  • Recommendations for the use of a combination of modalities that include 2D imaging and Doppler interrogation (spectral and color flow) in multiple views, in addition to 3D structural and color Doppler imaging, as indicated, in the evaluation of any abnormalities.

  • Consideration for the use of 3D TEE particularly during: (1) transcatheter closure of septal defects for procedural guidance, measurement of defects, and visualization of hardware; (2) assessment of atrioventricular valves; and (3) evaluation of the left ventricular outflow/aortic valve.


The indications for TEE in patients with CHD fall within the major categories of diagnostic use, perioperative assessment, and guidance during procedures in the cardiac catheterization/electrophysiology laboratories. Regardless of the indication for the study, when performing TEE, it is important to review in advance the details of the medical history, particularly as it pertains to the initial anatomy and prior interventions as many adult patients have complex disease. A review of transthoracic studies and any prior TEE images is imperative as this allows an understanding of the anatomy and assists the echocardiographer with regard to what to expect.

TEE for Diagnostic Applications

Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) can be suboptimal in the adult patient due to poor windows related to obesity, muscle mass, or prior cardiothoracic interventions. This is in contrast to children where TTE is diagnostic in most cases and only in a few instances are additional studies required. Particularly in the adult congenital population, TEE plays an important diagnostic role. The transesophageal imaging approach may also be superior in the evaluation of certain pathologies such as endocarditis and aortic root abscess, for exclusion of intracardiac thrombus prior to cardioversion or to identify embolic source, for assessment of small intracardiac communications, anomalous pulmonary venous connections, aortic root/ascending aorta (Asc Ao) pathology, after complex interventions such as intracardiac baffles and Fontan procedures, conduits, and prosthetic heart valves.

TEE During Cardiothoracic Surgery

Imaging during cardiac surgery represents the most common indication for TEE in CHD. An extensive experience has documented the ability of intraoperative imaging to improve the quality of the surgical interventions in these patients. As such, TEE has become standard of care in centers that specialize in CHD, in agreement with the indications outlined by various clinical practice guidelines.

Intraoperative imaging provides detailed anatomic and hemodynamic information prior to the planned surgical procedure and assists in the assessment of the quality of the repair. A major impact, considered when unique prebypass TEE information alters the planned surgical intervention in CHD or postbypass TEE prompts immediate revision of hemodynamically significant defects, has been reported in ˜14% of cases. This is more likely to occur in younger patients with CHD, during reoperations, and in those undergoing valve repairs and complex outflow tract reconstructions. Among institutions that routinely utilize intraoperative imaging during surgery for CHD, the return to bypass rate as guided by TEE is reported to be in the range of approximately 3% to 7%. Failure to address significant residual pathology has been associated with high morbidity in this population and in some cases accounts for perioperative mortality. Additional benefits of intraoperative TEE in patients with CHD include the recognition of complications associated with cannulation during cardiopulmonary bypass, detection of intracardiac air and ensuring adequate cardiac deairing, assessment of ventricular loading conditions and myocardial performance, detection of myocardial ischemia, and identification of problems associated with weaning from bypass.

Over the last several years, the applications of 3D-TEE have been extended to a variety of congenital pathologies including septal defects, valvar lesions, outflow tracts, and complex abnormalities of cardiac connections. The additional diagnostic information provided by the 3D technology has been shown to enhance 2D data in clinical decision-making.

TEE in the Cardiac Catheterization/Electrophysiology Laboratory

The most common indications for catheter-based interventions in the ACHD are: valvular disease, closure of communications (intracardiac/vascular), and relief of vascular obstruction. The use of TEE is well documented in these patients. Benefits include the acquisition of detailed anatomic and hemodynamic data before and during interventions, guidance by real-time evaluation of catheter placement across valves and vessels, immediate assessment of the results, and monitoring for catheter-related complications. Transesophageal imaging can also facilitate transseptal puncture and catheter manipulation in the electrophysiology laboratory. As the applications of 3D-TEE continue to evolve, this technology is likely to provide further benefits to the care of patients with CHD undergoing catheter-based interventions by enhancing the characterization of the defects and providing guidance and monitoring during the procedures.


The section that follows provides an overview of selected congenital heart defects. A brief discussion of anatomy, pathophysiology, and management is presented followed by the detailed TEE evaluation of each anomaly. This information is summarized in Tables 19.1 and 19.2.



Defects that result in atrial level shunting are termed ASDs. This may not necessarily imply a deficiency of the atrial septum itself. An overview of the embryological processes involved in atrial septation, as depicted in Fig. 19.1, facilitates our understanding of atrial septal anatomy and atrial communications that persists after septation. Four main types of ASDs include: ostium secundum, ostium primum, sinus venosus, and coronary sinus defects (Fig. 19.2A). ASDs account for approximately 30% of all cases of CHD detected in adults and in general are more common in females.

Ostium secundum defects are commonly located in the central portion of the interatrial septum in the region of the fossa ovalis and account for 70% of all atrial communications. Associated abnormalities include mitral valve prolapse and mitral regurgitation.

Ostium primum defects (also known as partial AVSDs) are located in the inferior aspect of the interatrial septum. They account for approximately 20% of ASDs and are associated with a cleft in the anterior mitral leaflet and mitral regurgitation. This defect is considered within the spectrum of AVSDs and can be seen in patients with Down syndrome, although the complete form of the defect is the more common pathology.

Sinus venosus defects occur posteriorly, adjacent to the entrance of the superior vena cava (SVC) or inferior vena cava (IVC) into the RA. The superior defect is the most common type. They account for 5% to 10% of ASDs. In this lesion, straddling of the caval vein over the interatrial septum is commonly seen. These defects are often associated with partial anomalous pulmonary venous drainage from the right lung due to deficiency of the wall that normally separates the veins and LA leading to pulmonary vein unroofing.

Coronary sinus defects result from a communication between the coronary sinus (coronary sinus septum) and the LA. These defects are relatively rare (less than 2% of ASDs) and frequently occur in association with other malformations. They are typically seen within the context of a persistent L-SVC draining to an unroofed coronary sinus. In this setting the orifice of the coronary sinus is usually large.


Most patients with large defects undergo surgical closure. Selected ostium secundum defects may be amenable to percutaneous closure in the cardiac catheterization laboratory. Suitability for transcatheter device occlusion of secundum ASDs includes size of the defect and the presence of adequate rims of surrounding atrial septal tissue. Transcatheter device closure is also considered in the patient with a PFO and a history of a cerebrovascular event in order to alter the risk of potential paradoxical emboli. Device closure of other types of interatrial communications is not feasible due to the presence of critically important structures surrounding the defects that may be compromised by the occluder.

FIGURE 19.2 Atrial septal defects. A: The illustration depicts the typical location of the various interatrial communication as follows: centrally located ostium secundum defect, inferiorly located ostium primum defect, sinus venosus defect, near the entrance of either the superior vena cava (SVC) or inferior vena cava (IVC) and frequently associated with anomalous pulmonary venous drainage, and coronary sinus defect. RA, right atrium; RV, right ventricle. B: The graphic displays a secundum-type atrial septal defect, the arrow showing the usual direction of shunting, from left-to-right across the interatrial communication. (Printed with permission from Texas Children’s Hospital.)

Transesophageal Echocardiographic Evaluation

The echocardiographic evaluation of the interatrial septum and atrial septal communications should follow established guidelines specifically developed for this assessment. Suggested cross-sections for a focused examination of a secundum ASD: midesophageal (ME) four-chamber (4 CH) (Fig. 19.3, image Video 19.1), ME bicaval, ME AV short-axis (SAX), ME RV inflow-outflow (in-out), and deep transgastric (TG) atrial septal views (equivalent to ME bicaval view, obtained at ˜90°). The region of the fossa ovalis and the flap of a PFO can be optimally imaged from the ME bicaval view. Additional cross-sections may be relevant in the assessment of other atrial level communications and their frequently associated pathology. In the case a primum
ASD, the ME 4 CH view is diagnostic (Fig. 19.4, image Video 19.2), other useful views include the ME two-chamber (2 CH), ME long-axis (LAX), and TG basal SAX views (for cleft mitral valve); for a sinus venosus defect, the ME bicaval view is particularly helpful (Fig. 19.5, image Video 19.3) and cross-sections that allow for imaging of the pulmonary veins (ME right pulmonary veins and ME left pulmonary veins); for a coronary sinus defect, views that examine the coronary sinus (ME 4 CH with retroflexion; Fig. 19.6A, image Video 19.4) and those that allow for imaging of an associated L-SVC (sweep obtained by rotating probe leftward in the upper esophageal aortic arch [UE Ao Arch] SAX view).

FIGURE 19.3 Secundum atrial septal defect. A: Midesophageal four-chamber view showing a moderate size central defect in the atrial septum (arrow), typical of a secundum atrial septal defect. B: Corresponding color Doppler demonstrating left-to-right atrial level shunting (blue flow). LA, left atrium; LV, left ventricle; RA, right atrium; RV, right ventricle.

FIGURE 19.4 Primum atrial septal defect. A: Midesophageal four-chamber view depicting a relatively small defect in the inferior aspect of the atrial septum (arrow), location characteristic of a primum atrial septal defect. B: Corresponding color flow Doppler demonstrating left-to-right atrial level shunting. An aneurysm, also known as a tricuspid pouch, is seen billowing into the right ventricle (RV) representing remnants of endocardial cushion tissue. LA, left atrium; LV, left ventricle; RA, right atrium.

FIGURE 19.5 Sinus venosus atrial septal defect. A: Midesophageal bicaval view depicting a communication in the interatrial septum near the entrance of the superior vena cava (arrow). The findings are typical of a superior vena cava-type sinus venosus atrial septal defect. B: Corresponding color flow mapping demonstrating left-to-right atrial level shunting across the communication. The superior vena cava frequently overrides this type of defect, which is usually associated with anomalous pulmonary venous drainage. LA, left atrium; RA, right atrium.

FIGURE 19.6 Dilated coronary sinus associated with a persistent left superior vena cava. A: Midesophageal four-chamber view with TEE probe retroflexion showing a dilated coronary sinus (white arrow). B: Same view obtained after injection of agitated saline into a left arm vein displaying contrast in the coronary sinus and right atrium and confirming the presence of a persistent left superior vena cava connection draining into the coronary sinus. No contrast is seen in the left atrium, excluding unroofing of the coronary sinus.

Goals of the Examination After Surgery

  • Detection of residual interatrial shunting (color Doppler and contrast echocardiography) (Fig. 19.7, image Video 19.5)

  • Evaluation of atrioventricular valve competence

  • Examination of systemic and pulmonary venous pathways (depending on the defect and nature of intervention)

  • Assessment of ventricular function

Applications of Three-Dimensional Imaging

  • Enhances visualization of the anatomy of the interatrial septum and spatial details of the defect (size, location, number, rims, shape, relationships between defect/device and adjacent anatomic structures). Various acquisition modes can be used (e.g., 3D narrow-sector, zoomed, wide-angled gated)

  • Allows for en face views and appreciation of changes in the configuration of the defect throughout the cardiac cycle (Fig. 19.9A, image Video 19.7)

  • Facilitates continuous visualization of hardware and the 3D relations while monitoring device deployment (Fig. 19.9B, image Video 19.7); X-plane imaging provides simultaneous display of the defect and surrounding structures in orthogonal views

  • Evaluates for appropriate device position and entrapment of septal rims around the occluder

  • Provides detailed assessment of residual shunts during device placement (Doppler flow analysis with live 3D color)

  • Allows for characterization of associated anomalies such as mitral valve cleft in an ostium primum ASD (Fig. 19.10, image Video 19.8)

  • Allows for acquisition of ventricular volumes and ejection fraction

  • Provides guidance during procedures requiring transseptal puncture



VSDs are classified by location into four major groups: perimembranous, muscular, doubly committed outlet, and inlet defects (Fig. 19.11A). They can occur in isolation or as part of complex malformations. An isolated VSD is the most common congenital cardiac pathology diagnosed in infancy. Because 60% of smaller defects close spontaneously and larger defects are usually repaired in childhood, VSDs account for only 10% to 15% of defects observed in adults with CHD.

Perimembranous defects account for approximately 70% of VSDs, involve most or all of the membranous septum, and can extend into the muscular region. Associated findings may include an aneurysm of the membranous septum that is composed of tricuspid valve tissue. On echocardiography this appears as a tissue pouch and often limits shunting across the defect. Potential associated pathologies include a subaortic membrane or AV cusp herniation/prolapse (resulting in aortic regurgitation). A perimembranous VSD can also be seen in the presence of obstruction within the RV cavity related to muscular band hypertrophy, dividing it into two chambers (double-chambered RV).

FIGURE 19.10 Cleft mitral valve associated with primum atrial septal defect. Transgastric short-axis view displays a cleft in the anterior mitral leaflet by three-dimensional imaging (arrow).

FIGURE 19.11 Ventricular septal defects. A: Graphic rendering of the interventricular septum as seen from the right ventricular aspect. Ventricular septal defects are classified by location into four major groups: perimembranous, muscular, doubly committed (subarterial), and inlet defects. Muscular defects can occur anywhere in the trabecular interventricular septum. In this figure, a cusp of the aortic valve can be visualized through the perimembranous defect. B: Illustration showing left-to-right ventricular level shunting (arrow) across a ventricular septal defect. (Printed with permission from Texas Children’s Hospital.)

Muscular defects are defined by their location in the muscular portion of the ventricular septum. They account for 20% of VSDs, can be isolated or multiple (“Swiss cheese” type) and are often located in the central or apical portion of the trabecular septum. Postmyocardial infarction ventricular septal rupture can also result in a VSD as a rare complication. These may develop within a few days after a transmural myocardial infarction involving the septum and can be hemodynamically significant. Thus, not all muscular defects encountered in adult patients are congenital in nature.

Doubly committed outlet defects (also known as supracristal, subarterial, subpulmonary, infundibular or conal VSDs) are located in the infundibular septum immediately below the pulmonary (pulmonic) valve. They account for 5% of VSDs and are frequently associated with AV prolapse resulting in regurgitation.

Inlet defects account for approximately 5% of VSDs and are located in close proximity to the atrioventricular valves in the posterior or inlet portion of the ventricular septum. These defects predominate in patients with Down syndrome. An associated primum ASD within the context of a common atrioventricular valve annulus is part of the defect known as a complete AVSD (canal defect or endocardial cushion defect). As previously noted, these are also commonly seen in individuals with Down syndrome.


Most symptomatic patients with a VSD require intervention. Surgical closure of an isolated defect is most frequently accomplished through a transatrial or transpulmonary approach. Thus, the location of the communication has important implications for surgical access to the defect. In selected cases transcatheter device occlusion can be an option. This has been more commonly applied to muscular communications due to the distant anatomic relationship of this type of defect to the atrioventricular valves/outflow tracts. In addition, these types of defects (particularly if multiple) can present significant challenges for surgical closure. In some cases, perimembranous defects may be amenable to device closure. A catheter-based intervention can be accomplished either percutaneously in the cardiac catheterization laboratory (most common setting) or in the operating room using a periventricular hybrid approach. The latter strategy uses a combination of surgical and interventional techniques. During a typical procedure, following a sternotomy, the free wall of the RV is punctured with a needle, a wire is introduced, and a sheath is placed across the wire. TEE guides device placement across the defect. Surgery for associated pathology, if necessary, can then be performed using conventional techniques.

Transesophageal Echocardiographic Evaluation

Suggested cross-sections for a focused examination, depending on the type of defect: ME 4 CH (Figs. 19.12, 19.13, 19.14; image Videos 19.9-19.11), ME 5 CH, ME AV SAX, ME LAX (Fig. 19.15, Video 19.12), ME RV in-out, TG, and deep TG views image (Video 19.10).

Goals of the Examination After Surgery

  • Detection of residual shunts and evaluation of hemodynamic significance

  • Determination of potential changes in valvar regurgitation

  • Assessment of ventricular function

Applications of Three-Dimensional Imaging

Mar 5, 2021 | Posted by in ANESTHESIA | Comments Off on Transesophageal Echocardiography for Congenital Heart Disease in the Adult

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