Tick-Borne Diseases

Chapter 51 Tick-Borne Diseases

There are approximately 850 species of ticks, which rank second only to mosquitoes in importance as insect vectors of human disease.176

Tick-borne disease was first described by Hippocrates, who noted an epidemic of relapsing fever nearly 2500 years ago. In the early 18th century, European physicians described patients with signs and symptoms of Lyme disease. In 1857, David Livingstone, the British explorer of Africa, discovered that a human disease was caused by spirochetes from soft ticks. In the late 1880s, Dr. Arvid Afzelius in Europe described a ringlike lesion in association with the bite of the Ixodes ricinus tick. This lesion was almost assuredly Lyme disease, and a causative agent of Lyme disease in Europe, Borrelia afzelii, is named after him. The German physician Robert Koch confirmed the role of ticks in cases of tick-borne relapsing fever, previously thought to be a variant of malaria, in Africa in 1904.

Ticks are the most common arthropod vectors of disease in the United States (Figure 51-1), and second worldwide, only behind mosquitoes. For those who have outdoor interests and enjoy outdoor activities, ticks are unavoidable. Ticks and the diseases they transmit may also afflict those who do not actively participate in outdoor activities, because pets may bring them into the home, where they may survive for weeks before transmitting disease. Several tick-borne diseases are readily transmissible by blood transfusion.223

New infectious diseases continue to emerge, and our awareness of them continues to grow. Ticks have recently been discovered to transmit several diseases that were formerly unknown, that were not known in humans, or that were not formerly known to be transmitted by ticks. For example, ticks have recently been implicated in the transmission of West Nile virus.218

The overall global warming trend has expanded both the season in which ticks are found and the window of opportunity for exposure to them.81 The highest altitude at which tick-borne encephalitis is found in Europe has risen over the past 30 years,410 and ticks known to transmit diseases are now found at higher altitudes than they were found in the past.80,81

Ticks often harbor, and may transmit, multiple infectious organisms simultaneously.8,150,175,377,378 In one region, 24% of I. ricinus nymphs were infected with more than one infectiousorganism.284 Different genospecies of Borrelia have been documented in a single patient with Lyme disease,90 and it is likely that these multiple strains came from the same tick. In addition to the classic tick-associated illnesses described in this chapter, ticks may also harbor other bacteria. I. ricinus ticks may carry Pasteurella pneumotropica/haemolytica and other gram-negative organisms, including Pseudomonas aeruginosa.362

Ticks do not respect geographic borders. Many species of ticks feed on migratory animals, such as birds, that travel great distances.9,202 Ticks can survive unnoticed on a traveler, or in a traveler’s bag, from one continent to another. At least 29 different species of ticks have been introduced into the United States on imported reptiles.48 Outdoor pets, especially dogs, are well-documented to carry infected ticks.26 One study indicated that dog owners are five times more likely to get spotted fever than are non–dog owners.265 International travel is now easier, and areas not formerly accessible are easily visited. A group of American paleontologists working in Mongolia was recently tested for North Asian tick typhus, and four of the 13 researchers were infected.224

Many tick-borne illnesses are commonly researched in military biologic warfare laboratories and listed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as possible biologic weapons.36,65,192 Tularemia is listed as category A, and Q fever is listed as category B. Most other tick-borne diseases are listed as category C, meaning they are of concern but not easily grown, disseminated, or spread from person to person. Although an outbreak of any of these diseases may produce only a few fatalities, such an outbreak could seriously strain any advanced health care system.

Most ticks are not species-selective with respect to their hosts, although some exhibit species preference. At least one, which feeds only on the Galapagos giant tortoise,178 is completely species specific. Some ticks are more anthropophilic (readily feeding on humans) than others. Different stages of a tick species may feed on different animals, and even different orders of animals. For example, Ixodes scapularis larvae and nymphs feed readily on mammals, reptiles, and birds, with varying degrees of host preference,184 whereas the adult ticks feed predominantly on large mammals.

Once the tick initiates feeding, the hypostome (feeding organ) enters the skin. The hypostome contains hundreds of barbs, pointed in reverse direction from the entry into the skin to serve as an anchor (Figure 51-2). During feeding, the tick secretes a mixture of salivary proteins containing both anticoagulants and a proteinaceous cement. The combination of salivary proteins and mechanical irritation may cause a local reaction in the host, and the combination of reverse-pointing barbs and proteinaceous cement make embedded ticks difficult to remove.

Ticks belong to the order Acari (which includes mites) and the class Arachnida (which includes spiders and scorpions). Taxonomists divide ticks into two major families: Ixodidae (hard ticks) and Argasidae (soft ticks).

Ixodid Ticks

Ixodid ticks, which transmit a plethora of diseases (Table 51-1), possess a hard, shield-like scutum. Their mouthparts are visible from the dorsal view (Figure 51-3). The scutum covers only the anterior portion of the dorsum of the females but the entire dorsal surface of the males. The presence of the scutum limits the size of the tick during feeding. Thus, the body of the female (to a much greater extent than of the male) may expand tremendously with a blood meal, because the tick ingests up to 50 times its weight in blood and body secretions. Ixodid females generally feed and mate only once as adults, whereas males may feed and mate several times. Each female ixodid tick lays several thousand eggs in a single deposition, and then dies. These eggs hatch at approximately the same time, and if a potential host brushes by, thousands of larvae, or “seed ticks,” can attach nearly simultaneously. Some species live through all three life stages (larva, nymph, adult) on a single host (and are thus called one-host ticks), whereas most species feed, drop into leaf litter, molt, and seek another host for each life stage (and are called three-host ticks).

TABLE 51-1 Ixodid Ticks (Ixodidae)

Tick Species Transmitted Diseases Geographic Distribution
Amblyomma americanum (lone-star tick) Human monocytic ehrlichiosis (HME), southeastern tick-associated rash illness, tularemia Southeastern and south-central United States, Eastern Seaboard
Amblyomma cajennense (cayenne tick) Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) Extreme south Texas, Mexico, Central America
Amblyomma hebraeum Boutonneuse fever Southern half of Africa
Dermacentor andersoni (Rocky Mountain wood tick RMSF, Colorado tick fever (CTF), tularemia, tick paralysis Western half of United States, Rocky Mountain states
Dermacentor marginatum Omsk hemorrhagic fever, Siberian tick typhus, tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) Europe, western half of Asia
Dermacentor nuttalli Siberian tick typhus, tularemia Northern Asia
Dermacentor occidentalis Tularemia, RMSF, CTF, tick paralysis U.S. Pacific Coast, Mexico
Dermacentor silvarum TBE, Siberian tick typhus Eastern Europe, northern Asia
Dermacentor variabilis (American dog tick) RMSF, tularemia, tick paralysis, human granulocytic ehrlichiosis (HGE) Entire United States except Rocky Mountain states; Mexico
Haemaphysalis concinna Siberian tick typhus, tick-borne encephalitis Europe and temperate Asia
Haemaphysalis leachi Boutonneuse fever Africa, Southeast Asia, Indonesia
Haemaphysalis spinigera Kyasanur forest virus Southern half of India; Indonesia
Hyalomma anatolicum Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) Northern half Africa, southern Europe, southern Asia
Hyalomma asiaticum Siberian tick typhus, spotted fever group South-central Asia
Hyalomma marginatum CCHF Africa, southern Europe, southern Asia
Ixodes holocyclus Tick paralysis, spotted fever group Australia
Ixodes pacificus (western black-legged tick) Lyme disease, HGE United States and Canada west of Rocky Mountains
Ixodes persulcatus (taiga tick) Lyme disease, Russian spring–summer encephalitis (RSSE) Europe, northern half of Asia
Ixodes ricinus (castor bean tick) Lyme disease, TBE, babesiosis, tularemia, HGE Northern Africa, Europe, Asia
Ixodes scapularis (black-legged tick) Lyme disease, RMSF, HGE, babesiosis Eastern third of United States
Rhipicephalus sanguineus (brown dog tick) Spotted fever group, Q fever Worldwide

A typical ixodid tick life cycle is depicted in Figure 51-4. It is typically a 2-year cycle, although in some areas it may be 1 year.106 The tick hatches as a six-legged larva and attaches to a small mammal, often a rodent. After feeding for 3 to 5 days, it drops off and molts to the eight-legged nymph. The nymph hibernates in the soil and becomes active again in the spring. It then attaches to and feeds on a larger animal for 4 to 9 days, after which it again drops off (into leaf litter) and molts a second time to the adult stage. The mature tick attaches to a third host, on which feeding and mating may occur. A large mammal, such as a deer, may support thousands of ticks.

Ticks do not find their hosts haphazardly. The tick’s front legs are equipped with chemoreceptors to detect respiratory gases (especially CO2) and proprioceptors to detect fine vibrations. Nymphs and adults actually climb up grass blades and “seek” a host (“seeking” or “questing”), holding up the front legs that also contain small barbs to help them attach. The ticks hook onto the host’s fur, feather, scale, or skin and find a place to attach, often after climbing to an area with a relatively abundant blood supply.214 Ixodids are generally on their host for hours to a day or more before they begin to feed, and the feeding process may last from days to weeks. The duration of feeding depends more on the host than the tick; feeding on reptiles, for example, occurs more slowly than on other species.

A blood meal and mating, which usually occurs on the host, are prerequisites to laying eggs. Females, once engorged, drop off the host, often in the night or early morning hours and typically into an animal’s nest or bedding area, and lay eggs nearby in leaf litter or nest material. This provides a meal for the larval ticks upon hatching.

Ixodid ticks typically require dense vegetation and prefer areas of high animal traffic and humidity, such as leaf litter or moist soils. “Seeking” adults are often found on animal paths or game trails.144 They are found in temperatures from freezing to more than 38° C (100° F), although they move more slowly at cold temperatures. They can be frozen in a block of ice yet when thawed move freely and feed without difficulty.

Ticks as Poisonous Arthropods

Tick Paralysis

In 1912, Todd371 recognized that an acute, ascending, flaccid motor paralysis followed the bite of certain ticks. Tick paralysis has been reported worldwide, although most human cases occur in North America and Australia.341,397 Forty-three species of ticks have been reported to cause tick paralysis.63 Human cases in North America are usually caused by Dermacentor andersoni, although Dermacentor variabilis, Amblyomma americanum (Figure 51-6), Amblyomma maculatum, and I. scapularis have also been implicated.158 In the United States, the Pacific Northwest and Rocky Mountain areas account for the vast majority of cases. In Australia, Ixodes holocyclus is primarily associated with the disease, although Ixodes cornuatus has been implicated.159,161

Tick paralysis usually occurs during the spring and summer months (April to June),95 when nymphs and mature wood ticks are feeding. Most cases occur in areas where ticks are endemic. Patients in urban areas may be affected if they have recently traveled,157 and the diagnosis should not be excluded on the basis of geography alone. Children are affected more often than adults, with most cases reported among girls less than 10 years of age. Among children, girls are affected twice as often as boys, probably because ticks on the female scalp are hidden in longer hair.1 Among adults, men account for most cases, presumably because of increased occupational and recreational exposures to tick habitats.

A neurotoxic venom, ixobotoxin, is secreted from tick salivary glands during a blood meal and causes the paralysis. The venom inhibits membrane sodium flux, resulting in diminished acetylcholine release at the neuromuscular junction.157,267 Electrophysiologic measurements in humans consistently demonstrate slower motor conduction and reduction in muscle action potential amplitude.98,262,365 The neurotoxin may also increase the stimulatory current potential necessary to elicit a response at the motor end plate.203 The toxin appears to have central effects as well.

Tick paralysis in humans develops 5 to 6 days after an adult female tick attaches, usually to the head or neck. Initially, the victim may be restless and irritable and may complain of paresthesias in the hands and feet. Over the next 24 to 48 hours, an ascending, symmetric, flaccid paralysis develops. Deep tendon reflexes are lost. Weakness is initially greater in the lower extremities, but within 1 to 2 days, severe, generalized weakness may develop, accompanied by bulbar and respiratory paralysis. Some victims develop cerebellar dysfunction with incoordination and ataxia.1,157 Exceptions to this general pattern are reported, including facial paralysis as an isolated finding278 and cranial nerve dysfunction out of proportion to muscular weakness.85,136

Case reports of Australian tick paralysis suggest that it may be more severe than its North American counterpart. Victims often appear more acutely ill. Paralysis may continue to progress for 48 hours after tick removal, and recovery may be prolonged.18,19,278 A recent report of six cases in children in Australia found little difference in the course between Australian and North American patients.159

Diagnosis is made solely on clinical grounds, as specific diagnostic laboratory tests to diagnose this condition are not available. White blood cell (WBC) count and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analyses are normal. If the tick is on the scalp, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) performed as part of the diagnostic workup for other conditions may identify it incidentally as a small nodule that is hypodense to fat on T1 imaging, is isointense to fat on T2 imaging, and does not enhance with gadolinium.47 The diagnosis is confirmed on resolution of paralysis after removal of the tick. Undiagnosed, tick paralysis may be fatal, as evidenced by a high (12%) mortality in older series prior to the widespread use of mechanical ventilation.321

Although a 60-year meta-analysis suggests that misdiagnosis has been more commonly reported in recent years,95 it is not clear if this represents an actual trend or simply publication bias. The most common misdiagnosis is Guillain-Barré syndrome. The clinical features of the two diseases are strikingly similar, although ataxia has been more common in tick paralysis.95 The results of electrophysiologic studies are often indistinguishable.379 Although the protein level of CSF in patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome is often elevated, this finding may be absent in up to 30% of patients,14 particularly in the early stages of the disease. For this reason, an abnormal CSF protein analysis strongly favors a diagnosis of Guillain-Barré, but a normal analysis does not exclude it. The differential diagnosis should also include botulism, myasthenia gravis, and potassium-associated paralyses, which can all be assessed via specific testing.

Treatment includes removal of the offending tick followed by supportive care. Severely affected patients may require ventilatory support. Tick antivenom from hyperimmunized dogs has been developed for Australian tick paralysis and may be beneficial in victims with severe disease, although treated patients have a high incidence of acute allergy and serum sickness.159,278

Ticks as Vectors of Infectious Diseases

Ticks transmit a wide variety of infectious agents, and may act either as amplifiers or as reservoirs for a given infectious agent.177 In the agent–tick amplifier system, an immature tick ingests the microorganism while feeding on an infected vertebrate, and the vertebrate is the reservoir for the disease. The pathogen replicates in the tick and is passed transtadially, from larval to nymphal to adult stage. The maturing tick transmits the agent to other vertebrate hosts when it feeds. A key epidemiologic feature of this system, transtadial survival of microorganisms, is common in ticks but rare in other hematophagous insects. This important difference is primarily due to the fact that tick anatomy is relatively unchanged as the tick molts.177

In the agent–tick reservoir system, the microorganism is passed transovarially from one generation of ticks to the next. The agent replicates within the tick and depends solely on the tick population for survival. The agent may also replicate within a vertebrate host, allowing for amplification and increasing the density and prevalence of the microorganism, but it need not do so.

Table 51-2 lists the major tick-borne diseases in the United States. Lyme disease is now the most common tick-borne illness in the United States and throughout the world. Tularemia, ehrlichiosis, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever are observed throughout the United States and continue to produce significant morbidity and mortality. Tick-borne relapsing fever and Colorado tick fever occur in the western states and are particularly likely to affect campers, hikers, hunters, and others who frequent wilderness areas.

Tick-Borne Borrelial Diseases

The genus Borrelia belongs, along with Treponema and Leptospira, to the order Spirochaetales, which are helical bacteria. Borreliae are usually 10 to 20 µm long, with three to ten spirals.123 When live cultures are viewed under dark-field microscopy (Figure 51-7), the organisms are very motile. Borrelia species can be stained with aniline dyes, a feature that readily distinguishes them from Treponema and Leptospira genera.353 Borreliae can also be stained with Wright and Giemsa stains, although obtaining the organisms from blood is extremely difficult with most diseases (tick-borne relapsing fever being an exception). Culturing Borrelia species is technically challenging and must be done in properly formulated media incubated under specific conditions in specially equipped laboratories. In the relapsing fever borreliae, strains cannot be differentiated on the basis of morphology but are classified according to specificity of the tick–spirochete relationship, the range of animals susceptible to infection, and cross-immunity.20

The reservoir hosts, vectors, different species, and even different strains of Borrelia vary tremendously in different geographic areas.213,225,322,376,388 The medically important diseases caused by Borrelia species in the United States include Lyme disease (caused by Borrelia burgdorferi and Borrelia bissettii), tick-borne relapsing fever (caused by Borrelia recurrentis), and southern tick-associated rash illness (STARI, caused by Borrelia lonestari) (Figure 51-8). The Institut Pasteur currently lists approximately 12 species and nearly 200 different strains of Borreliae. Other important Borrelia species are being found regularly as more is learned about the spirochetes, hosts, and reservoirs.322,377,378

Lyme Disease

In Europe, the rash known as erythema chronicum migrans (ECM) has been associated with the bite of I. ricinus for more than one hundred years.4

In the mid-1970s, a team from Yale University School of Medicine investigated a cluster of cases of arthritis in children near Old Lyme, Connecticut. The arthritis was initially thought to be juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. On further examination, however, the clustering, rural setting, and some response to penicillins pointed to an infectious, most likely arthropod-borne etiology. The seasonality and frequent finding of a rash pointed to a tick vector.350

Epidemiologic evidence implicated the deer tick, I. scapularis, as the likely vector of what is now called Lyme disease. In 1982, Burgdorfer and associates46 isolated a treponeme-like spirochete, B. burgdorferi, from the midgut of I. scapularis ticks collected from a known endemic focus of Lyme disease.28 Subsequently, sera from nine patients clinically diagnosed with Lyme disease yielded high antibody titers to the spirochetes by indirect immunofluorescence.2 Isolation of B. burgdorferi from the blood, CSF, and skin lesions of affected patients finally confirmed the spirochetal etiology of Lyme disease.31,354

More than 12 species of Borrelia are now known to cause some variation of Lyme disease throughout the world. Most of these species cause disease in specific geographic regions and are transmitted almost exclusively by Ixodes ticks. In addition to numerous species of Borrelia, there are numerous strains of each species, and ongoing research is likely to lead to discovery of more. B. burgdorferi is the primary agent in the United States, Europe, and Asia. U.S. isolates of B. burgdorferi demonstrate regional genetic heterogeneity,248 and genetic comparison of European and North American strains indicate common ancestry.288 Borrelia garinii and B. afzelii are causative agents of Lyme disease in Europe, and still more agents are being identified.225 B. burgdorferi has been isolated in Morocco from I. ricinus ticks.318 The newly found B. bissettii (formerly Borrelia genomic group DN127) has been found in California, Florida, and other southeastern states and in Europe, and it is responsible for Lyme disease in those areas and most likely other areas yet to be discovered.287,322,380 Overall, Borrelia species are found nearly across the globe, and new species and geographic areas are being discovered regularly.


Lyme disease surveillance began in 1982 at the CDC, and Lyme disease became a nationally reportable disease in 1991. In 2000, Lyme disease accounted for more than 90% of all reported cases of vector-borne illness in the United States.171

In the United States in 2001, 17,029 cases were reported in 43 states; in 2009, there were 38,468 cases from 50 states and the District of Columbia.68 Preliminary 2010 CDC data show 27,895 cases.69 The national incidence of Lyme disease is 8.2 cases per 100,000 population, although 12 states reported 95% of the cases. Columbia County, New York, reported the highest incidence of Lyme disease in both 2001 and 2002.67 Reasons for recent increases in the number of reported cases are multifactorial and most likely include public and physician awareness, increases of reservoir host populations, increased range of the vectors, efflux of people from urban cores to suburban areas (which results in more human–host–vector interfaces). Lyme disease is grossly underreported in many areas.55,75,254

Patients of any age may become infected, but the incidence has two peaks: among children aged 5 to 14 years and among adults aged 50 to 59 years. Fifty-nine percent had an onset of illness in June and July, and 78% of the cases occurred in the months of May through August. Fewer than 7% of the cases began in winter months.

Lyme disease is a worldwide problem, diagnosed or found on all continents. Sporadic cases in Australia have yet to be proved as having originated in Australia and may have been imported in patients who spent time in areas endemic for Lyme disease.180,314 Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis of approximately 12,000 field-captured ticks in Australia failed to find any evidence of Borrelia-like infection.315

The primary vectors for Lyme disease worldwide are ticks of the I. ricinus complex. In the eastern half of the United States, the primary vector is I. scapularis, known more commonly as the black-legged tick or deer tick. The primary vector in the western United States is Ixodes pacificus, the western black-legged tick.274 In Europe, Asia, and Northern Africa, I. ricinus, the castor bean tick, is the main vector. In Japan, China, and eastern Russia, it is Ixodes persulcatus, the taiga tick. Transmission of the spirochetes to humans is almost exclusively by infected nymphs or adults. Larvae are usually not infected until they feed on an infected host, pick up the spirochetes from this host, and then become infective as a seeking nymph. Unlike in many other tick-borne diseases, there is minimal transmission of the causative spirochetes from an infected female to her eggs.271,285

Transmission of the disease in the United States outside of the areas in which I. ricinus complex ticks are found, although rare, does occur, thus implicating other vectors. Several other tick species (Amblyomma, Dermacentor, Haemaphysalis, Rhipicephalus, and other Ixodes species) have been found infected with the spirochetes, but they are not successful in transmitting the spirochetes to a host.234,263 Various nontick arthropods, including some biting flies, mosquitoes, and the cat flea, have been shown to harbor spirochetes, but they do not transmit spirochetes to a host or do so very rarely.230,234,300,368 In many of the nontick arthropod cases, disease transmission is presumed to take place by a “dirty syringe” type of mechanism, in which the vector feeds partially on a spirochete-laden host, only to momentarily later inject the spirochetes into the next host.230,235

Reservoir host species are numerous, and they vary worldwide depending on the location and climate. At least 125 species of mammals, birds, and reptiles are important hosts to Ixodes ticks throughout the world.199 In the northeastern United States, the preferred host for I. scapularis larvae and nymphs is the white-footed mouse, Peromyscus leucopus. In Europe and Asia, various rodents are the primary hosts for the larvae and nymphs. Larger mammals, most often deer, usually serve as hosts for the adults. In more temperate areas of the world, there is a much wider variety of hosts, including reptiles, birds, and mammals.

In the southeastern United States, the cotton mouse (Peromyscus gossypinus), the cotton rat (Sigmodon hispidus), and other mammals, reptiles, and birds serve as primary hosts for larvae and nymphs.106,199,273 Bird species readily harbor spirochetes, whereas lizard species do not. The reptilian hosts, almost exclusively lizards, account for a large amount of the immature (larval and nymphal) tick population.273 Lizard sera and mule deer sera appear to deactivate spirochetes via a borreliacidal protein.213,376 The high numbers of ticks parasitizing lizards instead of mice and the lizards’ apparent inability to harbor the spirochetes may partially account for the differences in Lyme disease incidences between certain geographic areas.76

The migration of larger mammalian and avian hosts is one means by which ticks spread into new areas, often spreading various diseases with them.9,82,202 Host populations increase when appropriate predators are absent; these fluctuations can amplify tick populations tremendously. One deer can host several thousand ticks of various stages; deer population studies have shown that decreasing or eradicating deer populations leads to marked decreases in tick populations in subsequent years.143,292

The interaction between spirochete and host begins when the spirochete enters the salivary gland of the tick during the feeding process. Transmission to another vertebrate also occurs during the feeding process, which explains why disease transmission usually occurs only after a tick has been on a host for 48 to 72 hours. B. burgdorferi spirochetes show no transmission to mice in less than 24 hours, with maximal transmission occurring between 48 and 72 hours.94 Another study showed that tick attachment for greater than 72 hours was more likely to transmit disease.337

Clinical Manifestations

Lyme disease has a myriad of constitutional, dermatologic, neurologic, cardiac, and musculoskeletal symptoms. The most common are vague myalgias, headache, fatigue, neck stiffness, and arthralgias. Rarely, gastrointestinal complaints or ocular complaints such as conjunctivitis, iritis, and keratitis may be reported. Collectively, these symptoms are difficult to distinguish from a benign viral syndrome, which is one of the reasons Lyme disease is easily misdiagnosed by both patients and physicians.16

Lyme disease is multisystemic and multiphasic. The disease is classically divided into three stages based on the chronologic relationship of symptoms to the original tick bite, with different clinical manifestations at each stage (Figure 51-9). There is no clear delineation distinguishing one stage from another, however, and signs and symptoms of different stages often overlap.

The disorder usually begins as a localized infection with constitutional findings and associated symptoms (stage I) (Box 51-1).139,268 Within days to weeks, spirochetes may disseminate through blood or lymph, and neurologic, cardiac, or joint abnormalities may develop (stage II). Finally, chronic, persistent infection of the joints, nervous system, skin, or eyes may occur months or years later (stage III).

Although the exact roles of the infecting spirochete, spirochetal antigens, and host immune responses are unclear, tissue invasion and persistence of infection probably cause many of the later manifestations of Lyme disease. This concept is supported by isolation of B. burgdorferi from blood, skin lesions (erythema migrans), and CSF.28,354 The organism has also been identified in the eye,351 myocardium,239 and synovium.334 Patients at all stages of disease respond to appropriate antimicrobial therapy, and early treatment generally leads to an excellent long-term prognosis.

Early Localized Disease (Stage I)

The ability of patients to remember a tick bite varies, frequently by species of tick, as some bites are more painful than others. Early localized disease typically begins as a localized erythema migrans rash or lesion, which occurs 7 to 10 days (range, 3 to 32 days) after a tick bite. Approximately 75% of patients with Lyme disease develop an erythema migrans lesion.148,211,264 In one prospective study in New England, erythema migrans was reported in almost 90% of patients with Lyme disease. A large number of these patients were children, however, who often have a greater febrile and dermatologic response.60,139,140,346 There are small regional variations in the development of erythema migrans, which may be due to infections with agents other than B. burgdorferi, such as B. lonestari or a similar agent.125,246,247,345 Erythema migrans may appear anywhere on the body but usually occurs at or near the site of the tick bite. In cases with a single erythema migrans lesion, the most common sites include the head and neck region (26%), extremities (25%), back (24%), abdomen (9%), axillae (8%), groin (5%), and chest (3%).139 In Europe, up to 18% of patients present with disseminated or multilocular erythema migrans.211

The erythema migrans rash is variable in size, ranging from 2 cm (0.8 inches) to more than 60 cm (24 inches) in diameter, and is usually in a circular pattern. To meet the CDC case definition of Lyme disease, the lesion must be at least 5 cm (2 inches). It usually begins as a red macule or papule, with an area of central clearing that becomes more apparent as the lesion expands in size (Figure 51-10). The central region may become indurated and, rarely, necrotic. The borders, which are usually bright red, may expand as much as 1 cm/day (0.4 inch day). These borders are usually flat, although rarely they may be raised or indurated. Occasionally, there are multiple, alternating concentric rings of erythema and clearing, a rash pattern referred to as “bull’s-eye.” The rash is usually warm to the touch.

The lesions are sometimes difficult to differentiate from local immune reactions to the tick salivary proteins, and are sometimes confused with secondary bacterial cellulitic reactions. Local immune reactions usually occur within hours of the tick bite and are very pruritic. Secondary cellulitic reactions typically occur within a few days of the tick bite and lack central clearing and rapid expansion.

Patients often describe the lesion as burning but may also report itching or pain. Children may develop temperatures to 40° C (104° F), but low-grade fevers are more common in adults. Constitutional symptoms, such as malaise and myalgias, may also be present. Generalized lymphadenopathy is rare, but local lymphadenopathy may occur.

Erythema migrans fades after an average of 3 to 4 weeks (range, 1 to 14 weeks) without treatment; with antibiotics, the lesion resolves after several days and seldom recurs.353 Although the erythema migrans lesions resolve without treatment, untreated patients are at risk for developing early (stage II) or late (stage III) disseminated disease.

Early Disseminated Disease (Stage II)

Untreated Lyme disease may enter the second stage, early disseminated disease, within days to weeks after the initial infection. The spirochetes spread from the skin to other organs via blood or the lymphatics. Although organisms can be visualized in peripheral blood smears, they are very difficult to culture from blood. B. burgdorferi has a preference for certain tissues, but it can be found in nearly any organ.348


Disseminated erythema migrans is the most common manifestation of stage II disease. These secondary lesions are usually smaller, there are usually many of them, and they may lack the central clearing. They may appear anywhere on the body, with the exceptions of the palms and soles. Ten percent to 15% of patients have more than 20 such lesions; rarely, there are more than 100. Blistering and mucosal involvement do not occur—an important feature in differentiating these lesions from erythema multiforme. Other skin manifestations include a malar rash (10% to 15%) and (rarely) urticaria.353

Borrelial lymphocytoma, an unusual dermatoborreliosis, appears in Europe and western Asia in approximately 1% of patients. Patients typically present with a firm nodule that is red, purple, or blue and one to several centimeters in diameter. It is usually solitary, but multiple lesions may occur in approximately 25% of cases. It often occurs in areas of cooler body temperature, with approximately 80% on the nipple or areola, 10% on the earlobe, and 10% on other areas (including the scrotum).238 It is caused by Borrelia afzelii in approximately 90% of cases, although it has been seen with B. bissettii and B. garinii.238 Histologically, it consists of cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia, usually in deep portions of the dermis. It may be confused with well-differentiated nodular lymphoma.264 There is associated pruritus, but otherwise it is benign and resolves with appropriate antibiotic therapy.


Neurologic manifestations occur in 10% to 40% of untreated or improperly treated patients.276 Meningitis, encephalitis, and meningoencephalitis are the major neurologic findings of early disseminated disease; lethargy, forgetfulness, disorientation, somnolence, dizziness, photophobia, and incoordination are the most common signs and symptoms. Mood disturbances may also be seen, especially in pediatric patients.27 Nuchal rigidity is sometimes present, along with a severe headache. Lumbar puncture reveals CSF with pleocytosis (usually less than 1000 cells/mm3), typically with lymphocyte predominance and high protein level.

Paralysis of the facial nerve (cranial nerve VII) may occur and persist for months, and usually resolves spontaneously.72,279 Bilateral facial nerve paresis or paralysis may occur in 25% of cases with cranial nerve VII involvement, usually evolving asymmetrically. Bilateral facial palsy is an unusual physical finding and should suggest Lyme disease, although this finding may also be caused by sarcoidosis, herpes zoster, or the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Radiculoneuronitis may be present in various nerves, causing burning, stabbing, or shooting pain. Large nerve bundles such as the brachial plexus are more commonly involved. Mononeuritis multiplex may be present, with peripheral motor weakness and sensory pain. Other neurologic findings are rare but include pseudotumor cerebri, chorea, and dementia.138,185,302


Untreated or improperly treated Lyme disease leads to cardiac manifestations in up to 10% of cases.349 Although cardiac involvement is usually self-limited and rarely life-threatening, temporary intervention is required in some cases.162,197 The most common cardiac manifestation of Lyme disease is conduction delay, which may be of any degree and is found in 80% of cases with cardiac involvement.275 Electrophysiologic studies indicate that the block is at the level of the atrioventricular node. The block does not respond to atropine, suggesting a direct effect on the node.275,310 In cases of complete heart blocks, the presence of spirochetes can be confirmed in cardiac tissue by cardiac biopsy. Noninvasive imaging modalities such as cardiac MRI can be used to document improvement in response to antibiotics.89,197

Conduction delays usually, but not always, resolve with appropriate antibiotic therapy. Patients with first-degree atrioventricular block and a PR interval exceeding 300 msec, as well as all patients with second- and third-degree heart blocks should be admitted for observation and antibiotic treatment. Patients with third-degree heart block require temporary transvenous pacing and may require permanent pacemaker implantation.

More diffuse cardiac involvement, such as myopericarditis, is found in about one-half of patients with cardiac involvement. The electrocardiograph (ECG) in such patients usually demonstrates diffuse, nonspecific changes (Figure 51-11). Radionuclide angiography may demonstrate left ventricular dysfunction, but this is seldom clinically significant. Cardiomegaly due to Lyme disease rarely occurs in U.S. patients, although dilated cardiomyopathy is often reported in Europe.336,344 Valvular involvement is uncommon.

At least one death has been linked to cardiac involvement,239 but abnormalities usually resolve completely, often within 1 to 2 weeks.349 Severe cardiac complications have been described in pediatric patients but are relatively rare.139


Monoarticular arthritis develops in 60% of patients with erythema migrans who are not treated, usually occurring between 4 weeks and 2 years after the onset of illness.358 Although common in North America, arthritis is rarely a finding in other areas of the world.71,348

In adult patients, arthritis may occur in a migratory pattern, involving many joints, usually one joint at a time. Joint involvement typically occurs for about a week (median, 8 days), but it may persist for months. Many patients have repeated episodes of arthritis, and each subsequent recurrence is less severe. Soreness often persists between episodes, never fully resolving, and persistent morning stiffness is common. The knee is most commonly affected, followed by the shoulder, elbow, temporomandibular joint, ankle, wrist, hip, metatarsals, and metacarpals.399 Joint swelling is not common except in the knee, and the joints are typically described as more sore than painful. Chronic effusions often occur.

In pediatric patients, arthritis appears an average of 4.3 months after initial infection, with a broad range of a few days to 20 months.139,140 Approximately 50% of pediatric patients have multiple recurrences, although complete remission between episodes is typical and chronic arthritis is uncommon. Ninety percent of children in a large study had arthritis in at least one knee.140

Synovial fluid of involved joints has a median WBC count of 25,000/mm3, with polymorphonuclear leukocyte predominance. Synovial membrane biopsy shows cellular hypertrophy, vascular proliferation, and mononuclear cell infiltrate.352,356 PCR testing of synovial fluid is positive in 85% of cases of Lyme arthritis.

The organism may also persist in synovial tissue. Four patients who completed antibiotic therapy for Lyme arthritis and who subsequently had negative PCR testing of synovial fluid had positive PCR testing of the synovial membrane.289 This persistence may account for the reactivation of Lyme arthritis that has been described after autologous chondrocyte transplantation for degenerative joint disease or cartilage injury.244

Late Disease (Stage III)

Late disease may occur a year or more after the initial presentation, and usually has rheumatologic, neurologic, and dermatologic manifestations. Recurrent hepatitis, eosinophilic lymphadenitis, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), and other rare manifestations may also be present.


Arthralgias and oligoarthritis occur in approximately 50% of untreated patients.355 In about 10% of patients, cartilage loss, subarticular sclerosis, osteophyte formation, cortical or marginal bone erosions, joint effusions, and other radiographic signs of degenerative arthritis may be seen.219 The rheumatologic workup, including erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein (CRP), antinuclear antibodies, and rheumatoid factor, is generally negative.355 Interestingly, late rheumatologic disease is rare in children.405


Central nervous system (CNS) involvement may develop months to years after the initial infection. Patients most typically present with progressive encephalomyelitis, with ataxia, cognitive impairment, spastic paresis, and involvement of cranial nerves VII and VIII.2 Rarely, strokes, seizures, and dementia may occur.119 Lumbar puncture in patients with stage III CNS involvement reveals CSF with a lymphocytic pleocytosis and anti–B. burgdorferi antibodies. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain reveals white matter changes consistent with encephalopathy. In seropositive pediatric patients, the meningoencephalitic changes are often seen as behavioral changes and are noted more often in boys than girls.27,193

Peripheral nervous system involvement may manifest as peripheral paresthesias, painful radiculopathies, and motor nerve palsies. The underlying pathophysiologic mechanism appears to be mononeuritis multiplex.127 Such patients may present with radicular pain that is frequently asymmetric, originating in the spine and referring to the extremities. Nerve conduction and electromyographic studies show mild axonal polyneuropathy with decreased motor or sensory nerve conduction velocities, with denervation of spinal and limb muscles.127


Patients with late-stage dermatologic involvement present with acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans, also called diffuse idiopathic cutaneous atrophy. It is found almost strictly in central and southern Europe and is caused by B. afzelii. It may persist for many years.269 The dermatitis usually occurs on the distal extremities, often having started at a previous area of erythema migrans, commonly on the extensor surfaces of the extremities. It begins as inflammation, hyperpigmented with red or blue, and is followed by scarring and atrophy of the skin. The atrophy causes the skin to thin, and it later becomes hypopigmented. Hair loss and dysfunction of sweat and pilosebaceous glands also occur.264 Other findings, such as polyneuropathy, may accompany these skin changes. Borrelia has been cultured from 10-year-old lesions of acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans. Histologically, fibrosis occurs early, the glands become infiltrated, and the dermis reveals a patchy to bandlike mononuclear infiltrate composed of lymphocytes, histiocytes, and plasma cells in greater numbers than those found in typical erythema migrans lesions.264

“Chronic Lyme Disease”

There is considerable debate over whether a chronic form of Lyme disease exists. Some patients develop chronic persistent Lyme disease symptoms despite repeated antibiotics. Whether this is a sequela of pathogen resistance or chronic auto-inflammation, auto-immunity or a form of fibromyalgia is highly debated.145 A collection of symptoms, lumped into a category sometimes referred to as postborreliosis syndrome or post–Lyme disease syndrome (PLDS), consists of signs and symptoms such as persistent fatigue, sleep disorders, depression, cognitive defects, mood swings, and other neuropsychiatric manifestations.228 This symptom complex fails to respond to traditional antibiotics.

This collection of symptoms might be an entirely separate disease, or partially treated Lyme disease, or the disease complicated by the cystic form, which is difficult to treat. As early as the early 1900s, spirochetes were noticed to have developed into cysts, also called blebs or vesicles. Today, these cysts are called spherocytes, or the L-form of the spirochete.46 These spherocytes are induced under adverse conditions, such as the presence of antibodies targeted against the spirochetes, adverse pH, or adverse temperatures. Thus, the spherocytes may be responsible for the spirochetes’ surviving conditions that would kill or deactivate the typical spirochete form.266 When environmental conditions again become favorable for the spirochetes, the cysts or spherocytes convert back to the traditional spirochete form.40

Further research is likely to yield more information about the existence of and appropriate treatment of the cystic form of the disease, such as the addition of antiprotozoal medications to the treatment regimen.41,42 Patients afflicted with these persistent symptoms are very active in pursuing formal recognition and treatment of these disorders through political, legislative, and research means. However, at the present time, there is no evidence-based medicine to support prolonged antibiotic therapy for patients with any manifestation of Lyme disease.407

Lyme Disease in Pregnancy

Fetal demise may result in mothers who develop Lyme disease in pregnancy.232,243,320,390 Transplacental transmission of Lyme disease is rare but appears to be associated with an increased risk of cardiac malformations.398

Lyme disease in pregnancy should be aggressively treated. A 1996 prospective study of 58 pregnant women with erythema migrans given oral or intravenous (IV) penicillin or ceftriaxone reported only seven adverse outcomes, none clearly associated with Lyme disease.237 The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology recommends oral penicillin or amoxicillin for 3 weeks in pregnant women with cutaneous involvement or recent tick bites in endemic areas. For patients with severe acute disease, or disseminated or late disease, 3 weeks of parenteral penicillin is recommended. If the patient is allergic to penicillin, parenteral erythromycin is recommended.11,111 Tetracyclines should not be used in pregnancy.


The CDC has established a surveillance case definition for Lyme disease. This case definition requires exposure to ticks in an endemic county and an erythema migrans lesion, diagnosed by a physician, that is larger than 5 cm (2 inches). In this definition, exposure requires outdoor activities within 30 days of the onset of the lesion. An endemic county is one in which at least two confirmed cases of Lyme disease have been acquired, or known tick vectors are established. It is important to note that Lyme disease case definitions are designed for national reporting, not individual patient diagnosis. The clinical diagnosis of Lyme disease is based on history, clinical suspicion, and a working knowledge of the disease process and epidemiology; laboratory tests may be performed but generally serve only to confirm the presence of the disease.

Routine laboratory examinations may reveal nonspecific findings, such as elevated liver enzymes (alanine transaminase [ALT], aspartate transaminase [AST], and/or gamma-glutamyltransferase [GGTP]) decreased leukocyte count, and elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Immunoglobulins A and G (IgA and IgG) are usually normal, whereas IgM is usually elevated, especially in severe disseminated disease. Culture is the gold standard for diagnosis but is often difficult to obtain. Biopsy of an erythema migrans skin lesion is positive in 60% of punch biopsies from the leading edge of the lesion, and this figure may be as high as 80% in specialty centers.32 The production of anti–B. burgdorferi antibody develops slowly, and serologic assays in the first 3 to 6 weeks of illness are often negative unless severe disease is present.257,328 In some patients, treatment with antibiotics may blunt or entirely suppress the antibody response; in others, IgG and IgM antibodies may persist for years after resolution of clinical symptoms.121 Patients with complicated Lyme disease (with neurologic, cardiac, or joint involvement) or those in remission are more likely to have elevated specific antibody titers.257,328 Serologic testing has the highest predictive value in patients with a pretest probability of having Lyme disease between 20% and 80%.374 Patients from endemic areas with an 80% or higher pretest probability of having the disease benefit from empiric treatment, not testing. Patients with a pretest probability of less than 20% have a high likelihood of a false-positive testing.

Indirect immunofluorescent assay (IFA), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and Western blot test are the most commonly used tools to detect antibodies to B. burgdorferi. For diagnostic purposes, ELISA appears to be the most accurate, with 89% sensitivity and 72% specificity. Low levels of agreement are common between various laboratories and individual assays.325 Western blot has proved to be a poor screening tool. New tests using recombinant proteins or synthetic peptides as ELISA antigens yield detection rates for serum antibodies of 20% to 50% for early disease, 70% to 90% for early disseminated disease, and nearly 100% in late disease.400 Although Western blot is a poor screening tool, it is useful to confirm a positive ELISA result.

Only positive serologic assays confirmed by Western blot meet the criteria for laboratory diagnosis, according to the CDC national consensus panel. Many disease states, including other treponemal diseases, autoimmune diseases, and some viral diseases may give false-positive ELISA results.257 Antibodies directed toward oral flora may also cause false-positive results.10,257

A current research tool, reverse transcriptase DNA PCR, is both highly sensitive and specific for Lyme disease. With decreasing costs and increasing availability, PCR is rapidly finding its way into the diagnostic armamentarium.116,221

Patients with vague nonspecific symptoms such as chronic fatigue, musculoskeletal pains, and other neuropsychiatric signs and symptoms, in the absence of true Lyme disease signs and symptoms, should, in general, not undergo serologic testing for Lyme disease. Positive results in such patients are probably falsely positive and may create an inordinate amount of confusion and conflict.

The importance of appreciating the limitations of serologic testing cannot be overstated. In one study, only 23% of patients referred to the Lyme Disease Clinic at New England Medical Center had active Lyme disease, and a majority of those without Lyme disease had been treated inappropriately with antibiotics.356 In this study, the most common reason for lack of response to antibiotics was misdiagnosis. The limitations of laboratory testing in Lyme disease include lack of sensitivity and specificity of serologic tests and considerable interlaboratory and intralaboratory variability in test results.325 Persistence of antibodies in patients with past or asymptomatic infection with B. burgdorferi also complicates serologic testing. PCR testing in these situations would likely clarify the disease diagnosis.221 If another illness develops, as occurred in 20% of patients referred to the New England Medical Center clinic, it may be incorrectly attributed to Lyme disease. This is particularly problematic in patients with nonspecific symptoms of chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia, in whom the predictive value of a positive ELISA is low.

Overdiagnosis of Lyme disease has significant health system and patient care implications. In another study of 209 individuals referred to a university-based Lyme disease clinic with a diagnosis of the disease, only 21% met the criteria for active Lyme disease, 60% had no evidence of current or previous infection, and 19% had evidence of previous but not active disease. The 79% of patients without active Lyme disease displayed significant anxiety and stress related to their diagnosis of Lyme disease, used considerable health care resources, and had frequent adverse antibiotic reactions.301


Although most manifestations of Lyme disease resolve spontaneously without treatment,317 treatment of Lyme disease with appropriate antibiotics hastens recovery in all stages of the disease. Both in vitro and in vivo studies have confirmed that B. burgdorferi is highly sensitive to tetracyclines, aminopenicillins, ceftriaxone, and imipenem.170,188,189 The macrolides, oral second- and third-generation cephalosporins, and chloramphenicol all seem to have equal efficacies.5,188 Although fluoroquinolones have traditionally not been effective against Borrelia species, the fourth-generation fluoroquinolone antibiotics seem to have good efficacy in vitro.206 However, some B. burgdorferi strains are showing in vitro resistance to the newest fluoroquinolones.137 Table 51-3 lists general antimicrobial therapy options and recommendations for Lyme disease.

TABLE 51-3 Antimicrobial Recommendations for Lyme Disease

Drug Dose* Duration (days)
Early Localized Disease
Tetracycline 250-500 mg PO QID 14-28
Doxycycline 100 mg PO BID 14-28
Amoxicillin 500 mg PO TID 14-28
Cefuroxime 500 mg PO TID 14-28
Amoxicillin 50 mg/kg/d PO divided TID 14-28
Doxycycline (older than 8 yr) 100 mg PO BID 14-28
Erythromycin 30-50 mg/kg/d PO divided QID 14-28
Tetracycline (older than 8 yr) 250 mg PO QID 14-28
Cefuroxime axetil 30-40 mg/kg/d PO divided BID 14-28
Early Disseminated and Late Diseases and Late Disseminated Neurologic Disease
Ceftriaxone 2 g IV qd 14-28
Cefotaxime 2 g IV q 8 hr 14-28
Penicillin G 20 million IU/d IV divided q 4 hr 14-28
Ceftriaxone 75-100 mg/kg/d IV qd 14-28 (max, 2 g/d)
Cefotaxime 90-180 mg/kg/d IV q 8 hr 14-28
Penicillin G 300,000 U/kg/d IV q 4 hr 14-28 (max, 20 million U/d)
Late Disseminated Arthritis
Amoxicillin 500 mg PO QID 28
Doxycycline 100 mg PO BID 28
Ceftriaxone 75-100 mg/kg/d IV qd 14 (max, 4 g/d)
Amoxicillin 50 mg/kg/d PO divided TID 28
Ceftriaxone 80-100 mg/kg/d IM/IV divided BID–qd 14 (max 2 g/d)
Disseminated Disease and Carditis
Doxycycline§ 100 mg PO BID 21-28
Amoxicillin§ 500 mg PO q 8 hr 21-28
Ceftriaxone 2 g/d IV qd 14-28
Ceftriaxone 75-100 mg/kg IV/IM qd 14-21 (max, 2 g/d)
Penicillin G 300,000 U/kg/d IV divided q 4 hr 14-21 (max, 20 million U/d)

BID, Twice a day; IM, intramuscularly; IV, intravenously; PO, orally; QID, four times a day; qd, every day; TID, three times a day.

* Total daily dose shown to be divided (if necessary) as indicated.

For multiple lesions of erythema migrans, use treatment for early localized disease for at least 21 days. For isolated facial palsy, use treatment for early localized disease for at least 21-28 days.

Neurologic involvement limited to an isolated facial palsy should be treated as early disease.

§ For mild cardiac involvement (i.e., first-degree atrioventricular block with PR interval less than 0.30 second).

For second- or third-degree heart block, although no evidence indicates that intravenous is better than oral regimens.

In early localized Lyme disease (stage I), amoxicillin and doxycycline are the drugs of choice. Tetracyclines should not be used in pregnancy, in lactating women, or in children under age 9 years. The recommended treatment duration is 10 to 20 days. In one study, 10 days of treatment with doxycycline showed the same efficacy as 20 days, with fewer side effects. This may rarely be extended to 4 weeks if symptoms persist or recur, although no hard evidence exists for doing so.407 Medications that will penetrate the CSF are ideal and may lead to less disease recurrence.229 Sequestering of spirochetes in the brain may account for some apparent antibiotic failures, as not all antibiotics cross the blood–brain barrier.

Within the first 24 hours of treatment with antibiotics, up to 15% of patients develop a Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction (JHR), which manifests as a rise in temperature, vasodilation, and hypotension.269 Normal saline infusion around the time of initial dosing of antibiotics may help reduce the degree of hypotension. In rare cases, JHR may be severe and fatal. Symptoms rarely persist beyond 24 hours.

Disseminated disease (stages II and III) should be treated according to severity. In mild disseminated disease (such as secondary erythema migrans or cranial nerve VII palsy), 3 weeks of oral doxycycline is as effective as 2 weeks of parenteral ceftriaxone.84 In patients initially treated with oral antibiotics who are therapeutic failures or in whom disease recurs, parenteral antibiotics are indicated. Patients with severe disseminated disease (neuroborreliosis, high-degree heart block) require parenteral antibiotics for up to 4 weeks.83,227 Ease of once-daily administration of ceftriaxone makes it a better choice for both inpatient and outpatient administration than other typically used agents requiring administration three or four times daily.83,84

Neurologic symptoms begin to improve with therapy within 1 week, although full resolution may take 7 to 8 weeks.357 Prolonged oral antibiotics are often necessary to treat stage III arthritis, sometimes for as long as 4 to 8 weeks.357 Delayed clinical response in arthritis is not uncommon. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may also reduce symptoms, and reduce disease recurrence by simultaneously treating the inflammation.145

No vaccines are presently available for the prevention of Lyme disease in humans. A vaccine based on recombinant outer surface protein A (OspA) was approved in 1998 but was removed from the market by the manufacturer in 2002. The vaccine had limited efficacy, required frequent boosters, was expensive, could not be used in children, and resulted in an apparent immunogenic reaction in some vaccinated individuals.163 Future vaccines, although still in their infancy, will most likely use polyvalent outer surface protein C (OspC).

Treatment of asymptomatic tick bites in patients who are in areas endemic for Lyme disease is controversial, although this does not stop patients from requesting care. In one survey, physicians in Maryland reported seeing 11 times as many patients seeking help after “tick bites” as they did actual cases of Lyme disease.75 Three randomized, placebo-controlled studies have addressed antibiotic prophylaxis for tick bites.6,74,327 Of patients in the placebo groups, 1% to 3.4% developed Lyme disease or had evidence of seroconversion, even though 15% to 30% of ticks were infected; no patients in the treatment groups developed Lyme disease. A meta-analysis of the three studies concluded that there was no significant difference between the groups, and that routine prophylaxis of tick bites is not warranted except in pregnancy, even in endemic areas.389

Many physicians do not adhere to this recommendation, however. Maryland physicians ordered serologic testing in two-thirds of patients with asymptomatic tick bites and treated more than one-half with prophylactic antibiotics.131 The concern often cited for such practices is that patients with tick bites who become infected may not develop erythema migrans (when the disease is easily treated) but go on to develop the late and more serious manifestations of Lyme disease. Some of these decisions are likely driven by patient pressure, as well as defensive medicine.

The risk of serious late sequelae in untreated patients with a tick bite, however, is extremely low, for three reasons. First, less than 5% of those bitten by the I. scapularis tick in endemic areas become infected. Second, most patients with an identified tick bite remove the tick before it has been attached for the 24 to 48 hours required to transmit an infectious inoculum of B. burgdorferi. Finally, 80% to 90% of the few patients who become infected develop erythema migrans, which makes diagnosis and treatment easy. Physicians must therefore weigh a number of factors related to the likelihood of disease acquisition in deciding whether to treat asymptomatic tick bites with antibiotics. These factors include species and stage of the offending tick, duration of attachment, geography, and patient factors such as pregnancy. If a decision is made to treat, reasonable initial antibiotic choices include a 10-day course of either amoxicillin or doxycycline.

Overtreatment of presumed Lyme disease with antibiotics has significant health care ramifications. If the patient does not have Lyme disease, treatment failure is virtually ensured. Patients being treated for Lyme disease have a significant amount of anxiety regarding the diagnosis.301 Adverse drug reactions may occur. Overuse of antibiotics has led to resistance to multiple antibiotics by many organisms, although resistance to tetracycline is not documented for Borrelia.12

Southern Tick-Associated Rash Illness

Since the mid-1980s, erythematous rashes similar to those seen in early Lyme disease have been found in persons from the southeastern and south-central states, a geographic area in which the presence of Lyme disease is in dispute.246 A correlation was noted between these rashes and the bite of the lone-star tick, A. americanum (see Figure 51-6). A causative agent, B. lonestari, has been discovered in ticks and in patients by detecting DNA from Borrelia in specimens and by culturing the organism.377,378 The disease has since been named southeastern tick-associated rash illness, or STARI, but it is also known as Master’s disease and southern Lyme disease.246 A new rickettsia, R. amblyommii, has been implicated in STARI (as well as in Rocky Mountain spotted fever in some southern states).13,272

A. americanum ticks are found throughout the southeastern and south-central United States, and along the eastern seaboard into Maine. All three stages of A. americanum feed aggressively on humans, and various stages are found in most of its distribution throughout the year.

Patients with the disease present with a rash similar to erythema migrans, although it may lack the central clearing. Skin findings are followed by generalized fatigue, headache, myalgias, and other generalized symptoms.35 A. americanum ticks have proportionately large mouthparts (see Figure 51-6) and are very immunogenic; the rash is therefore sometimes difficult to distinguish from a local reaction. A local reaction is immunogenic and typically occurs within hours of the tick bite, whereas the STARI rash or a cellulitis occurs several days after the bite.

Diagnosis at the present time is by gene amplification of B. lonestari using PCR. The disease is currently believed to be self-limited, although current recommendations are that it be treated with a course of an oral tetracycline. Research into STARI is in its infancy and will probably yield much more information over the next decade.

Tick-Borne Relapsing Fever

Tick-borne relapsing fever (TBRF) is an acute borrelial disease characterized by recurrent paroxysms of fever, separated by afebrile periods. It occurs in both endemic and epidemic forms. The endemic or sporadic form occurs worldwide and is caused by a group of closely related Borrelia species (Table 51-4). The epidemic form of relapsing fever, louse-borne relapsing fever (LBRF) is transmitted by the human body louse and has not been reported in the United States in recent years, although it is among the top ten causes of hospitalization in some African nations.77

TABLE 51-4 Tick-Borne Relapsing Fever

Arthropod Vector Borrelia Species Geographic Distribution
Ornithodoros hermsi Borrelia hermsii Western United States and Canada
Ornithodoros turicata Borrelia turicatae Southwestern United States and Mexico
Ornithodoros parkeri Borrelia parkeri Western United States and Mexico
Ornithodoros moubata Borrelia duttonii Tropical Africa
Ornithodoros tholozani Borrelia persica Central Asia, Middle East, Greece
Ornithodoros tartakovskyi Borrelia latyschevi Iran, central Asia
Ornithodoros erraticus Borrelia crocidurae Russia, Middle East, East Africa, Turkey
Ornithodoros graingeri Borrelia graingeri Kenya
Ornithodoros talaje Borrelia mazzottii Mexico, Central America
Ornithodoros rudis Borrelia venezuelensis Central and South America
Ornithodoros asperus Borrelia caucasica Iraq, Russia
Ornithodoros marocianus Borrelia hispanica Northern Africa, southern Europe

The Ornithodoros ticks that transmit TBRF act as both vectors and reservoirs for Borrelia organisms; wild rodents also serve as reservoir hosts.372 Ticks ingest Borrelia organisms while feeding on an infected vertebrate, most often a rodent. Borreliae enter the tick hemocele and then spread to other tick tissues, including the salivary glands, coxal organs, and reproductive organs. The coxal organs in argasid ticks are specialized for excretion of excess fluids and solutes accumulated during feeding. In some Ornithodoros species, the coxal fluid is released near the mouthparts during feeding, allowing transmission of spirochetes to vertebrate hosts. Transmission may also occur through saliva or regurgitated gut contents.20 Borreliae remain infective within ticks for many months.338

Transovarial transmission allows all developmental stages to be potentially infective. The ticks generally feed at night and attach themselves to the host for a short time, usually less than 1 hour. The bite is seldom painful and frequently goes unrecognized. The ticks are extremely resilient and may survive for years between feedings.

A high degree of specificity exists between the major strains of Borrelia that cause relapsing fever and their associated tick vectors. For example, the three Borrelia species found in the United States—Borrelia hermsii, Borrelia turicatae, and Borrelia parkeri—show complete specificity for their respective tick vectors Ornithodoros hermsi, Ornithodoros turicata, and Ornithodoros parkeri. This specificity is used extensively in the classification of Borrelia species.86


Ornithodoros ticks generally inhabit rodent burrows and nests, and cracks and crevices in human and animal habitats, caves, and similar locations. Habits and patterns of infection vary between tick species. In parts of Africa, ticks live in the dust and cracks of earthen-floored huts, and sporadic cases are seen throughout the year. In the Middle East, Mexico, and southwestern United States, ticks live in the guano on cave floors, and human infection is often associated with visiting or camping in caves.

The majority of cases of TBRF in the United States are attributed to B. hermsii. Its vector, O. hermsi, inhabits the coniferous forest biome, where it lives in remains of dead trees and burrows inhabited by mice, rats, and chipmunks. Ticks are carried by rodents into poorly maintained cabins and huts. Lodging in such shelters by hikers and hunters is a major factor in acquiring relapsing fever,126,179 and rodent-proofing such shelters dramatically reduces the risk of acquiring TBRF.277 Occasional cases are also caused by O. turicata (transmitting B. turicatae) in Texas (associated with travel into caves) and adjacent areas of the Southwest; O. parkeri (transmitting B. parkeri) rarely bites humans.177

TBRF is found throughout most of the world, and endemic areas include 14 western states, from Colorado to California up to the Pacific Northwest,109,126,179 and southern British Columbia in North America. TBRF is also found throughout the plateau regions of Central and South America, central Asia, Mediterranean countries, and most of Africa. TBRF is not a mandatory reportable disease, and is thus, like many tick-borne diseases, grossly underreported. In California, where reporting of relapsing fever is encouraged, two to 12 cases are reported per year, with only 25 cases per year nationwide.109,67 Large outbreaks have been reported from Spokane County in Washington,369 Colorado,372 and the north rim area of the Grand Canyon.61 Between 1985 and 1996, the 285 cases of TBRF reported in the United States occurred in California, Colorado, Idaho, Texas, Washington, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming.372 Although the vast majority of cases occur in states where TBRF is endemic, a review of 450 cases of TBRF acquired in the United States from 1977 to 2000 noted that 7% of cases were diagnosed in states where it is not endemic.107 TBRF is more common in men, presumably because of increased exposure to tick vectors, and occurs primarily during summer months. TBRF is rarely fatal in adults, but in infants younger than age 1 year, case fatality rates may be 20% or higher.220,338

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Sep 7, 2016 | Posted by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE | Comments Off on Tick-Borne Diseases

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