The theoretical foundation for frequency-specific microcurrent

2 The theoretical foundation for frequency-specific microcurrent

After 12 years of clinical use, thousands of anecdotes, hundreds of patient and practitioner testimonials, one blinded placebo-controlled trial in animals showing unprecedented reductions in lipoxygenase mediated inflammation and biochemical data in humans reporting unheard of reductions in inflammatory cytokines all in response to only very specific frequency combinations and current flow, it is clear that there is some sort of frequency-specific effect on biological tissue created by pulse trains and microamperage current.

No one who has experienced FSM either as a patient or practitioner has any question that there is some sort of frequency-specific effect. Tissues soften and change state in seconds, scar tissue appears to dissolve, inflammation disappears, injuries heal, endorphins increase and patients get euphoric all at remarkable rates. But how are these effects created? There needs to be some intellectually satisfying explanation that describes how microamperage current increases cellular energy by 500% and how one frequency combination, and only one frequency combination, reduces inflammation in a blinded placebo-controlled animal trial by 62% in four minutes.

Physics describes the electromagnetic composition and function of matter; bio-physics describes the electromagnetic structure and function of biological systems. Chemistry describes the characteristics and bonds that hold atoms and molecules together and describes the reactions that alter those bonds to create new molecules; the science of biochemistry does the same for biological systems. Physics and chemistry, and their biological-science siblings, provide the basic information and conceptual framework that explains how frequency-specific microcurrent probably creates its effects.

Biological quantum system

Physics has two branches that study in detail the structure, properties and function of matter. Classical or Newtonian physics describes the behavior of physical objects on a macroscopic scale. Classical physics describes and can predict with certainty the behavior of large collections of particles such as the metal beams, hinges and glass lenses used to construct the Hubble telescope. But classical physics is not sufficient to describe the behavior of very small systems such as the atoms, molecules, black holes and streams of energy that the telescope observes in the voids of space.

Quantum physics studies the submicroscopic forces that shape our universe at the atomic level. Quantum theory states that energy is not continuous but comes in discrete packets or quanta. These quanta behave like particles having mass at some times but they behave as waves of energy without mass at other times depending on the circumstances. Quantum physics must deal with uncertainty because the position and the momentum of a particle cannot be known at the same time and quantum phenomena, while coherent, are inherently unpredictable. Quantum physics is relevant at the atomic scale describing the behavior of atoms, molecules, electrons and protons. In the new field of quantum biology, electrons from green tea’s anti-oxidant catechins have been observed tunneling instantaneously across a gap between molecules to bind and inactivate a free radical, a process forbidden in classical physics (Anderson 2009).

Classical physics provides accurate descriptions of the properties of the body as a large collection of particles but only quantum physics can provide a model for our internal submicroscopic structure and function. Our bodies appear as solid objects that have all of the properties described by Newtonian physics. We have mass, momentum, inertia, and obey the law of gravity. But we are at the same time an electromagnetic system with all of the properties described by quantum physics. We are as much energy as we are matter. This is not an esoteric or spiritual appreciation of the human condition; it is simply basic physics.

The principles of both classical and quantum physics are simultaneously true for large collections of particles such as the human body. Electrons in the outer orbital of a hydrogen atom that is attached to a carbon atom in a collagen strand in your forearm are no different than the hydrogen atoms whizzing around the linear accelerator at Fermi Labs in Chicago, Illinois. Electrons may have different energy states because of their relationship to nearby atoms but the electron itself has the same basic structure. A proton is a proton but the resonant frequency of a proton, for example, depends on a property known as the Larmor frequency, which will be different for protons in different tissues due to the proximity of other nearby atoms. If your body represented the nucleus of a hydrogen atom, the nearest electron would be one quarter mile away and would appear as a potential in space into which the energy of the electron could materialize as a charged particle under appropriate conditions. We, our bodies, are in fact more space than they are matter. And all of that space and all of that matter is electro-magnetic and electro-biochemical in nature.

Using frequencies and current to successfully modify the structure and function of biological tissue brings the FSM practitioner to a practical appreciation of this quantum reality. One of the basic principles of science is that you cannot throw out the data because it doesn’t match the model of how the system was thought to operate. When new data appears then the model has to change to allow for it. The first time one specific frequency combination and 100μamps of pulsed direct current caused scarred muscles to elongate and soften permanently; the author’s model for how biological systems operate changed forever.

The model that follows is an attempt to explain in fairly simple terms how it is that the observed affects of FSM are created. It is a rough approximation and by no means complete or thoroughly understood but it is what can be proposed given our current level of knowledge.

Four factors operating

There are at least four factors operating simultaneously to create the effects seen with the use of Frequency-specific Microcurrent.

1 Effects of the current

Trial and error and clinical experience has shown that appropriate current levels, contact placement and current polarity are essential to successful FSM treatments, especially when treating pain. Larger and more muscular patients require higher current levels. Children and frail patients require smaller current levels. When treating the viscera or the central nervous system, current flow doesn’t seem that important; the treatment appears to affect the target tissue whether the contacts are positioned so the current flows through it or not. How does the current facilitate the treatment?

All matter, living and non-living, is ultimately an electromagnetic phenomenon (Becker 1985). All atoms are bonded electrically and all bonds are ultimately electromagnetic because the electrons creating the bonds are in constant motion and moving electrons create a magnetic field. The material world is a collection of atomic structures held together by electromagnetic forces.

Biological tissue is made up of complex combinations of atoms and molecules creating the membranes, organelles and cells that determine physical structure and physiologic function. Every cell and tissue membrane has an electrical potential or charge difference between one side of the membrane and the other (Kirsch 1998). Furthermore, the body as a whole has an electromagnetic field created by charge differentials between one area and another. The human system is more positively charged at the top near the head and along midline at the spine and more negatively charged in the periphery. Becker established that the bioelectric field produced by these linked electrical potentials is responsible for intracellular communication and tissue repair and eventually he proposed that the electromagnetic field controls all life processes (Becker 1985).

All living systems have an electrical component whose existence is now well established but whose function is still not completely understood. The following basic principles of electronic circuitry apply to all biochemical, bio-electric living systems.

Current is created by the movement of electrons from one point to another using some conducting medium. The electron is a negatively charged particle that moves in, or is likely to be found in, a particular volume, called an orbital around the positively charged nucleus of an atom. Electrons have mass when measured as a particle but have only energy when measured as a wave. Energy and matter are actually interchangeable in all matter. For our purposes the electron is the basic unit of charge that moves in any circuit including the human bio-electric circuit.

Amperage describes the number of electrons moving past a fixed point in a unit of time; it is the amount of current flowing. Current is measured in amperes or amps.

Voltage is the measure of pressure or push behind the electrons flowing in a circuit and is measured in volts.

Resistance to current flow is measured in ohms and is determined by factors that inhibit current flow.

Circuit: To have current flow you need a circuit. Current is introduced in one spot, flows through a conductor and eventually gets back to the generator by way of some conductor.

Water flowing through a garden hose is the classic analogy used to describe these circuitry concepts. The amount of water flowing through the garden hose corresponds to the amperage or current, how many gallons per minute come out of the end of the hose. The water pressure corresponds to the voltage, how much water pressure is there behind the stream driving the water out of the hose. The size of the hose or any impediment to the flow of water corresponds to the resistance. A smaller hose, or even a larger hose with a tangle of fiberglass webbing in the line, will have more resistance to water flow.

In the garden hose circuit analogy, water is made available by the municipal water district and conducted through a series of pipes to the garden hose. The garden hose delivers some total amount of water to the lawn that is determined by the water pressure, the size of the hose and the amount of time spent watering. Some of the water is absorbed by the grass and, combined with sunlight, turns into the energy that makes the grass grow; some of it evaporates, goes into the clouds and returns to the municipal water district in the form of rain; and some of it percolates through the ground into the aquifer and returns to the wells used by the water district. The water or current is produced someplace, travels to someplace and does something and then returns to the source to complete the circuit.

This relationship between voltage, current and resistance is described in Ohm’s law, Voltage = Current × Resistance (V = I × R). If the voltage stays the same and the resistance goes up then the current will go down. If the current must be kept constant then the voltage must increase if the resistance increases. If one parameter changes it automatically changes at least one other parameter.

Microcurrent devices used in FSM treatments are “constant current generators”. The machine increases the voltage automatically as needed, up to a maximum of about 30 volts, in order to keep the current constant and push the desired amperage through the body’s resistance.

Resistance to current flow is created by anything that interferes with conductivity or that acts as an insulator. Blood, water, collagen and lymph all conduct electricity; oil, scar tissue and inflammation resist current flow. Total resistance in a human body is determined by fluid content or lack of it, general health and inflammation, muscle mass, amount of oil on the skin, adipose and hydration.

Current increases ATP energy

Current flowing through the body fuels all biological process. Gnok Cheng (Cheng et al 1982) and his associates demonstrated that applying additional current to a biological system could increase both protein synthesis and energy production dramatically as long as the current was small enough. Direct current levels of 50 to 1000μamps applied across rat skin increased glycine (amino acid) transport by 75% compared with untreated controls and current levels of 500μamps increased aminoisobutyric acid (amino acid) uptake by 90% indicating a dramatic increase in protein synthesis. But current levels above 1000μamps decreased protein synthesis by as much as 50%.

imageBox 2.1 The direct relationship between voltage (V), resistance (I) and current (C)


Microcurrent devices are constant current generators. The voltage will increase as needed to maintain the current level that has been set as long as the resistance is low or stays constant. Eventually if the current requirement is increased enough the voltage will not be able to increase sufficiently to maintain current levels and the percent conductivity shown on the machine will decrease.


If the resistance (I) increases, for example when a patient is dehydrated or when the conducting medium has too much resistance, the voltage (V) must increase to keep the current (C) constant at the level the machine has been set to deliver. If the resistance increases past a certain point, the voltage will not be able to increase sufficiently to maintain the current level. And the percent conductivity shown on the machine will decrease. The percentage of current conducted will return to 100% if the current level set on the machine is reduced or if the resistance decreases.


If the current is set to very high levels of 300–400μamps, as it is when treating athletes, the voltage can compensate as long as the resistance stays low. This need to reduce resistance may explain why athletes need to be more hydrated than the average patient. It also suggests that the combination of graphite gloves wrapped in wet towels may be a very low resistance conducting medium since it is so effective in conducting the higher levels of current required for athletes and heavier patients.

ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is the chemical energy molecule that fuels every biological process. Direct current levels between 100 and 500μamps applied to rat skin increased ATP levels by three to five times (300% to 500%). Current exceeding 1000μamps caused ATP production to level off and currents above 5000μamps reduced ATP levels as compared to untreated controls. Once the external current was discontinued the ATP production and amino acid transport levels returned to baseline; there was no residual effect in rat skin.

Cheng and his colleagues hypothesized that the increased number of electrons from the DC current flowing along the mitochondrial membranes increased the proton gradient across the membrane thereby increasing ATP production. Oschman (2009) has proposed that the electron transport chain in mitochondria can become electron-deficient, and that microcurrent provides more electrons that are semiconducted through the living matrix to the mitochondrial membranes. In either case, the additional ATP available is probably responsible for the increase in protein synthesis. There have been no studies that demonstrate increased ATP production in a living system but the increases in healing seen with microamperage current are usually attributed to this increase in ATP production and protein synthesis. Cheng and colleagues did not attempt to explain why current levels over 1000μamps reduced ATP production and protein synthesis. It is worth noting that all electrical stimulation devices except microcurrent use current levels above 1000μamps and may be decreasing ATP production, although that has not been demonstrated.

It has been proposed that Voltage Gated Ion Channels (VGICs) may also be affected by the current flow along or across the membrane but no one has measured changes in these transport proteins in response to externally applied microamperage current. VGICs transport ions such as sodium, potassium, calcium and others across the cell membrane and control virtually all cellular processes. VGICs require ATP activation to change configuration allowing them to transport their ion across the cell membrane. There has been some suggestion that microcurrent and the voltage pushing it along or across membranes has a direct affect on the VGICs but there is no data to support this hypothesis. The current could be altering VGIC function simply because it increases ATP production.

Current has a clinical effect

Whatever the mechanism, current clearly has an influence on treatment. Clinical trial and error has determined that the current must be polarized positive with the positive leads at the spine and the negative leads at the distal end of the nerve for the successful treatment of nerve pain. The treatment for fibromyalgia associated with spine trauma and for post-stroke central pain is most successful when the current is polarized positive with the positive leads at the neck and the negative leads at the feet. Some patients respond better to polarized positive current for all applications and some patients do better with pulsed alternating DC current. In any FSM course, roughly half of the students being treated during a practicum session respond better to polarized current and the other half respond better to alternating DC current. No explanation is offered for this observation but any model for the biological effects of pulsed DC current must be able to explain the observations.

Current levels must be appropriate to the patient’s size and muscle mass for successful treatment of muscle pain and scar tissue. A larger or more muscular person requires higher current levels than a smaller, deconditioned or frail person. If the current levels are too low, response to treatment is slow or equivocal. There is almost no detectable response when 100μamps are used to treat a 250 pound professional football player but increasing the current to 400μamps creates an immediate positive response to the same frequencies. A small frail deconditioned patient will respond well to 100μamps and will find 400μamps irritating and bothersome. A very ill patient may find anything more than 20μamps irritating or too stimulating.

These observations dictate the treatment parameters discussed in this text but there is nothing specific in microcurrent theory or research to explain these phenomena.

2 The effects of frequencies

Current flow alone creates some positive effect but the most dramatic effects of FSM occur in response to specific frequencies. The frequency to neutralize a condition is delivered on one channel. The frequency for the tissue being addressed is delivered simultaneously on a second channel. In a blinded placebo controlled trial in mice, one frequency combination, 40Hz on channel A (reduce inflammation), and 116Hz on channel B (the immune system) reduced arachidonic acid induced lipoxygenase (LOX) mediated swelling in the mouse’s ear by 62% in four minutes. The ear swelling was measured with mechanical calipers and recorded in millimeters. Three unrelated frequency combinations (new injury, remove mineral from bone, and .3Hz) tested in the same model had no effect on inflammation or swelling. According to the researcher who performed the tests, no prescription or non-prescription drug has ever reduced inflammation in this animal model by more than 45% (Reilly et al 2004).

In a subsequent trial measuring reductions in COX mediated inflammation, 40Hz (reduce inflammation) and 116Hz (immune system) reduced swelling and inflammation by 30% which is identical to the prescription injectable anti-inflammatory Toridol when it was tested in this same mouse model. But 40Hz on channel A (reduce inflammation) and 355Hz (skin) on channel B had no anti-inflammatory effect and was equivalent to placebo (Reilly 2005). This suggests that the pattern created by both frequencies used is responsible for the anti-inflammatory effect, as long as one of the frequencies is 40Hz. The frequency from the second channel has a definite impact.

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Jun 14, 2016 | Posted by in PAIN MEDICINE | Comments Off on The theoretical foundation for frequency-specific microcurrent

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