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36 The impaired anesthesiologist – addiction
The Case
A 43-year-old male anesthesiologist has been drug-free for 6 years following initial treatment for his sufentanil addiction and an extensive rehabilitation program administered by his state medical board. He has re-entered private practice with the support of his department and colleagues. His tightly monitored recovery program was considered to be a model of success. After 5 years, his monitoring intensity was loosened, although he continued to take naltrexone in a witnessed environment, regularly attended Narcotics Anonymous meetings, submitted witnessed random abstinence-urines for testing when required, and met every 3 months with an addiction specialist who reported his findings to the medical staff impaired physician chair. During the past 2 months, suspicion of relapse was raised by several close colleagues, but no evidence for narcotic diversion could be substantiated. Shortly after his last urine test submission, he was found unconscious in a bathroom with an empty 20 ml syringe and ampoule of propofol. This relapse was immediately followed by appropriate treatment for 18 months, once again serving as a “model” patient in recovery. He again expresses his desire to return to practice, but this time there is sharp disagreement within his department and group over re-entry.
Chemical dependence in the form of addiction is a chronic relapsing disease characterized by the overwhelming compulsion (both genetic and behavioral in origin) to use drugs in spite of adverse consequences. Drug addiction, unless identified and treated skillfully, will lead to disability and often to death. The practice of anesthesiology provides the setting for a susceptible “host” by offering an environment in which powerfully addictive drugs are immediately available for abuse.
Addiction in the specialty of anesthesiology
Addictive disease in the form of chemical dependency is present in all classes, cultures, and professions, including healthcare professionals. Its lifetime prevalence in the physician population is estimated to be 10%–12%, essentially the same as that of the general population.1 Among anesthesiologists, the prevalence appears to be even higher. However, support for this perception is based on diagnosis from treatment programs for chemical dependence where the specialty of anesthesiology is over-represented in relation to most other medical specialties, at least with regard to drugs other than alcohol. This may be because the specialty of anesthesiology is particularly attuned to the issue, monitors its members more closely, and therefore detects chemical dependency more often than specialties that have lower vigilance.
Furthermore, recent trends in prescription drug abuse in the US suggest that perceptions regarding drug abuse that are based on literature from past decades is no longer relevant.
The historic approach to the addicted anesthesiologist has been to assume that those who complete treatment for addiction should be returned to practice. But a 1990 study of chemically dependent anesthesiology residents indicated that prolonged abstinence following treatment is unusual. Startlingly, 7% of those cases presented with death. Two-thirds of the residents who were allowed to reenter their programs after treatment relapsed, and perhaps most frightening, in 16% of those who relapsed, death was the presenting sign.2 However, this study was criticized because of its poor design and inadequate inpatient treatment times. Nontheless, its conclusion are likely to be valid, as a 2005 publication found that less than half of anesthesiology residents who attempted reentry successfully completed their residency, while 9% of those attempted reentrants died.3 Such statistics raise the question of whether reentry by residents after treatment for substance abuse should even be attempted, or whether there is an ethical obligation of anesthesia training programs to prohibit residents from returning. This debate remains unresolved, but hopefully will lead to the development of effective standardized guidelines for appropriate evaluation, treatment, monitoring and aftercare (monitoring if returning to work) of the addicted anesthesiologist.
Is addiction a disability?
Addiction is approached from the perspective of a disease model in the United States, but it is not treated entirely as a disability. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 prohibits discrimination based on disability, defined as “physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity.” While physicians who are in current treatment for substance abuse are afforded some legal protections by the act, current substance abuse is excluded as a protected condition.
Ethical issues
The ASA Guidelines for the Ethical Practice of Anesthesiology4 recognizes that anesthesiologists have professional responsibilities to patients, to colleagues, to facilities at which they practice, to self (meaning the duty to maintain physical, mental and emotional abilities necessary to good patient care), and to community and society. In the case of the addicted anesthesiologist, these obligations are further complicated by the fact that the anesthesiologist is not only a healthcare provider, but is also a patient, with ethical duties owed to them by others.
Anesthesiologists’ ethical responsibilities to patients and themselves
All physicians have as their primary ethical responsibility the obligation to place their patients’ interests foremost while providing competent medical care with compassion and respect for human dignity. This obligation, in turn, invokes anesthesiologists’ ethical responsibilities to themselves. According to the American Society of Anesthesiologists’ Guidelines for the Ethical Practice of Anesthesiology, they are required to
“maintain their physical and mental health and special sensory capabilities [and] if in doubt about their health … seek medical evaluation and care … [and further] during this period of evaluation or treatment … should modify or cease their practice.”4
The unethical and illegal behavior inherent to the impaired anesthesiologist’s addictive disease leads to a gradual inability to provide safe and competent care to the patient. Due to the progressive nature of drug addiction, the anesthesiologist-patient becomes subservient to the incessant demands of the disease. The addicted anesthesiologist may have tangential awareness of this fact, but the same rationalization that accepts or excuses his/her diversion of drugs dims awareness of the declining quality of patient care. Feeding addiction reorders a physician’s priorities, pushing honesty and patient responsibility into the background.
As the disease progresses, there eventually is a degradation of the physician’s personal health, and the physician commonly develops organic neuropsychiatric impairment that further clouds his/her ability to provide competent and compassionate care. This failure to place a patient’s interests foremost represents a stark violation of the primary ethical obligation of any physician. It frequently is only after diagnosis and successful treatment that there is any direct awareness or acknowledgment of this inverted priority by the addicted physician.
During the course of the disease, the development of chemical (alcohol or drugs) tolerance demands ever-increasing doses and frequency of use. The pattern of use escalates, often rapidly, from off-duty occasional use to consumption while directly involved with patient care in the healthcare facility or operating room. Chemical impairment of anesthesiologists while they are involved in direct patient care clearly places patients at increased risk from cognitive errors in decision-making, diminished capacity for vigilance, and chemically induced physical discoordination. The incessant compulsion to obtain drugs is accompanied by both the continuous stress of disguising the addiction and the anxiety of impending withdrawal. In addition, the opiate-addicted anesthesiologist may divert drugs from patient use, potentially leading to inadequate postoperative pain control for patients. The potential for patient harm caused by the impaired anesthesiologist is the major impetus for prompt and effective action by the medical community.

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