Hôpital Ambroise Paré Service de Réanimation Médicale, Boulogne (Paris-West University), France
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Warren Zapol wrote us one day: “…. As for rejections, they continue, even with age and celebrity. Persistence and resubmitting is what counts. Illegitimus non caborundum est.” We now know with years how right he was (regarding age). Regarding celebrity (and not losing time waiting its hypothetical arrival), we anticipate difficulties and delays and prefer to have less publications and give instead our non-peer-reviewed experience through this textbook. We share here the main aspects of the Extended BLUE-protocol. This is a concept considering the multiple interactions between diseases for increasing the accuracy of the BLUE-protocol (which was a preliminary work), from the initial 90.5 % to a value as near as possible to 100 % (Fig. 35.1). The value of 90.5 % is not bad for a discipline which was not supposed to exist, but we have now to answer more scientifically to issues heard here and there (why didn’t they include the heart? etc.).

Fig. 35.1
The circle of the Extended BLUE-protocol. This figure, as simple as possible, shows that, in real life, intrications are possible. Frequent causes of acute dyspnea can interfere with each other, and with rare diseases
The Extended BLUE-protocol refines diagnoses of frequent diseases. It includes rare diagnoses, double diagnoses. It gives diagnoses to patients without official diagnoses.
The Extended BLUE-protocol: a giant work we should normally submit in 20 years (reasonable foreseen delay, because of priority submissions and endless rejections). This delay considers full mastery of pathophysiology pertaining to critical ultrasound by physicians, of any available data from modern lung physiology and imaging [1–6].
It will include the following:
Simple but selected clinical data (history, auscultation), simple biological data for refining diagnoses (D-dimers). One may add here epidemiologic data (frequency of given diseases).
Refined ultrasound LUCI data: splitting the simple concept of PLAPS into pleural effusion and lung consolidation, assessing consolidation volume, bronchogram dynamics, lung pulse, etc.
Simple emergency cardiac sonography (ventricle behavior, free wall thickness, etc.)
Interventional weapons, such as ultrasound-assisted thoracentesis
Time (i.e., assessing the ultrasound evolution under therapy of the supposed disease)
And, if necessary, other tools such as Doppler or even CT (although the aim of the Extended BLUE-protocol is to by-pass this heavy test). The place of the simple radiography can be considered either here in step 5, or more realistically, in step 1; this can be debated.
We use this protocol every day in actual fact. We use a bit, or the whole of it depending in the setting. Before being experts in Extended BLUE-protocol, doctors must first master the basic BLUE-protocol. We aim at making it widespread using appropriate teaching methods (please refer to Chap. 38). Once accustomed, they will sophisticate its decision tree by adding basic branches.
What Is the Extended BLUE-Protocol, Three Basic Examples
We can enrich the BLUE-protocol to various extents. By just adding one data, it will already be improved.
One Basic Example: Hemodynamic Pulmonary Edema Versus Pneumonia with the B-Profile, Integrating Just One Clinical Data
The most basic example, charicaturally simple but significant, is the consideration of fever. Fever is an important and not important data. Let us take the example in the title. The small branch, at the left of the BLUE-protocol decision tree, drives to the B-profile and concludes to hemodynamic pulmonary edema. With scientific reserves: “only” 95 % specificity. The few cases of B-profile that do not come from a hemodynamic cause are some pneumonia, and chronic interstitial diseases, mainly. The Extended BLUE-protocol just aims at improving this rate of 95 % by diagnosing these few cases. We remind that in the absence of a B-profile, there is no hemodynamic pulmonary edema, and the need for a sophisticated “ECHO” should not generate exaggerate energy.
This part of the B-profile can be refined, precisely by adding fever, at this step. If fever was really discriminative, things would be simple: dyspnea with fever is pneumonia. Yet medicine is medicine. Because of previous antibiotherapy, or comorbidities, of limit value of temperature, because some say that fever is “often” seen in hemodynamic pulmonary edema, or any other confusing factor, things are less simple. Here, the BLUE-protocol becomes interesting. The inclusion of the item “fever” there, once a B-profile detected, may add points. It should not be done at every step: for instance, the A-profile plus DVT with, or without, fever remains a pulmonary embolism. Yet the B-profile with fever is not the most typical from pulmonary edema. Here, a fever makes a simple and efficient alert. The consideration of this basic piece of information, of never yet debated interest, can refine this small branch of the B-profile that drives, usually, to hemodynamic pulmonary edema (Fig. 35.2).

Fig. 35.2
Extended BLUE-protocol integrating one clinical sign. One comprehensive tree showing the potential of the Extended BLUE-protocol may be probably too complicated to draw, too bushy, just because it integrates the BLUE-protocol to many other data, from current knowledge, fine lung ultrasound signs, simple cardiac sonography, etc. Here is featuring one basic example: for refining the left branch that drives to hemodynamic pulmonary edema, but includes some cases of interstitial pneumonia. One has just to consider, at this step, the temperature, usually normal in hemodynamic pulmonary edema, usually present in pneumonia. This is the most schematical, basic example
This is the simplest example of what is, basically, the Extended BLUE-protocol. Works should of course specify the discriminative value of the temperature (37°8? 38°2?). Hundreds of examples can be added here for the relevance of the physical examination, we let the book as thin as possible.
Another Example for Better Diagnosing Pneumonia from Pulmonary Embolism, Integrating Just One Data from Lung Ultrasound
The consideration of the volume of lung consolidation should matter. A respiratory failure due to pneumonia on healthy lungs (i.e., not including patients with previous chronic respiratory insufficiency), generates a rather substantial volume of excluded lung tissue. The volume of consolidation is usually limited in pulmonary embolism. This can make another small branch in the E-BLUE-protocol (Fig. 35.3).

Fig. 35.3
Extended BLUE-protocol integrating one sign of LUCI. A substantial volume of lung consolidation favors the diagnosis of pneumonia more than pulmonary embolism. This is based on observation. The volume should be defined according to strict rules (see ours in Chap. 28). The threshold volume should be defined using sharply designed studies, taking into account the severe cases, for making homogeneous groups of patients
A Last Example for Diagnosing Pulmonary Edema from Chronic Interstitial Disease, Integrating Just One Data from Simple Emergency Cardiac Sonography
Once again, we consider the branch driving to the B-profile. In exceptional cases, a chronic interstitial disease can be the diagnosis. By inserting the item “right ventricle enlargement with thickened free wall and well contractile left ventricule” (RVETFWWCLV), the few patients having a B-profile coming from a chronic interstitial disease would be immediately detected – and the therapy would be adapted. Note that colleagues not making lung ultrasound but making echocardiography instead would see a “right” disease, but they would not be able to discriminate a bronchial disease (COPD, etc.) from a chronic interstitial disease (especially when radioccult), which requires other therapies.
The Extended BLUE-Protocol: An Opportunity to Use the Best of the Clinical Examination
We are confident that the physical examination and the history are probably the most important tools. Yet the consideration of the BLUE-protocol allows to hierarchize them. Instead of a use without discrimination, we will pay high attention to such sign, less to another.
The stethoscope (the one you apply at your ears) plays a major role in one setting: searching for an acute bronchial stenosis, i.e., usually, asthma. The bronchial tree is the only element not really assessed using lung ultrasound, because it does not reach the lung surface (principle N°7 of LUCI). Bronchial diseases have to be heard. This is a main interest of the stethoscope, at the era of lung ultrasound.
The auscultatory data, especially wheezings (and mitral, aortic valve murmurs), are fully included in the Extended BLUE-protocol.
Pulmonary Embolism: How the Extended BLUE-Protocol Integrates Lung Consolidations? When Should Anterior Consolidations Be Connected to This Diagnosis?
The principle of the Extended BLUE-protocol is simple. The detection of a C-profile (usually small consolidations, i.e., C-lines) (see Fig. 17.3) concludes a BLUE-protocol: the BLUE-diagnosis is “pneumonia.” Anterior lung consolidation indicated pneumonia in 95 % of cases (versus 5 % for embolism), meaning that pneumonia was 18 times more likely than embolism. If the physician decides to make an Extended-BLUE-protocol, the venous analysis will be done systematically. In the 5 % of patients with a C-profile but a (final) diagnosis of pulmonary embolism, the same proportion of DVT should be found, i.e., 4/5th of the patients [7].
One can go deeper in details, considering sliding and non-sliding C-profiles (read Anecdotal Note 1).
Note. Let us remember that when there is no anterior lung consolidation, the A-DVT profile in a severe dyspnea has an 81 % sensitivity and a 99 % specificity. Associated with chest pain, the specificity quite reaches 100 %. The BLUE-protocol should result in a decrease of helical CT of roughly 4/5th, which is more than the aim wished by the LUCI-FLR project (2/3 would be enough for the three next decades).
Distinction Between Acute Hemodynamic Pulmonary Edema and ARDS
We compared patients in the BLUE-protocol who had acute hemodynamic pulmonary edema (“AHPE”) and pneumonia initiating ARDS. These last patients were included as “pneumonia” for keeping the decision tree simple, the therapy being roughly similar. Patients with AHPE had the B-profile (97 % of cases). In 86 % of cases, patients with ARDS had either the B’, A/B, C, or A-no-V-PLAPS-profile, and the 14 % remaining had a B-profile. The B’, A/B, and C-profile have a high specificity for pneumonia.
These results are explained by pathophysiology.
The B’-Profile
The exudative process invades the subpleural interlobular septa and sticks the lung (like countless small nails) to the chest wall. This explains the frequent B’-profile of ARDS [4]. Facing diffuse interstitial edema, the BLUE-protocol distinguishes patients with lung sliding (suggesting transudative process) from those with abolished lung sliding (indicating exudative process).
The C-Profile
Infectious processes, including ARDS, can widespread through airway routes, according to non-hemodynamic rules, and the gravity law is less expressed here. This is why lung consolidations can develop anteriorly (the C-profile). The C-profile cannot be seen in AHPE (see pathophysiologic discussion, and Fig. 24.1). The term of “enlarged” B-profile indicates that the user went beyond the four anterior BLUE-points and made a liberal scanning, searching for C-lines, even minute, not finding any. If a C-line is found, the classification changes, from the B-profile to the C-profile. And the diagnosis is shifted from AHPE to pneumonia.
The A/B-Profile
Asymmetry can be seen if the disorder comes from one lung infection, which explains A/B profiles. An extended definition of the A/B profile includes, at the same lung, areas of predominant lung rockets with areas of predominant A-lines. Unilateral hemodynamic pulmonary edema? These famous cases are very rare, and this is a radiological definition – our very few observations showed more PLAPS at the edematous side, but a symmetrical (anterior) B-profile. To be confirmed on large series.
The A-No-V-PLAPS Profile
Most of these patients have lateral lung rockets. This may be considered as an extreme variant of an A/B-profile, i.e., anterior areas without and lateral areas with interstitial patterns. Fluids in AHPE, submitted to hydrostatic pressure, move up actively to the anterior areas through the interlobular septa – toward the sky. Fluids in permeability-induced edema passively descend to the dependent areas (principle N°2 of LUCI). White X-rays with absence of anterior lung rockets are therefore suggestive of ARDS.
The B-Profile? How to Manage Then?
Some cases of pneumonia are expressed by a diffuse interstitial injury with no, or not yet, impairment of lung sliding (B’-profile) or anterior consolidation (C-profile). Because of a low accuracy, this profile is not considered as indicating pneumonia in the design of the BLUE-protocol (which, reminder, provides profiles with a high likeliness of diseases, rarely a 100 % certitude, read cartouche of the native decision tree, Fig. 20.1). Other tools can be added, in the order of the E-BLUE-protocol: from clinical, LUCI, simple emergency cardiac sonography, and interventional ultrasound data, up to classical tests if needed.
All clinical and paraclinical elements
Some drops of clinical information are priceless. We refer here to the usual tools, from fever to CRP, that any doctor masters. Many diagnoses are done clinically, we just find it more elegant, however, to aim at the zero fault and make ultrasound for all cases. Remember that a systematic use of ultrasound in all patients admitted to the ICU found 1/4th of unexpected data [8].
Volume of consolidation
It is fully considered in the Extended BLUE-protocol. PLAPS seem more substantial in pneumonia than in hemodynamic pulmonary edema (under sharp analysis).
Advanced ultrasound features of pneumonia (search for abscess or necrosis)
Read next section.
Analysis of lateral chest wall
In 3 % of cases of AHPE, lung rockets are not anterior but lateral. This is found three to five times more often in cases of pneumonia. This makes schematically the A-no-V-PLAPS-profile (the lateral wall is not considered in the BLUE-protocol).
When a B-profile is seen, the Extended BLUE-protocol considers the LV contractility. If decreased, this is a banal, quite redundant, sign of hemodynamic pulmonary edema. It can also be a sign of septic cardiomyopathy, sometimes. If conserved (with no sign, clinical or even echocardiographic, of valvular regurgitation, it should increase the probability of a pneumonia or ARDS (Fig. 35.4)). Read Anecdotal Note 2 .

Fig. 35.4
Extended BLUE-protocol integrating one sign from the simple emergency cardiac sonography. Some intensivists may find that the correspondence between the B-profile and the diagnosis of hemodynamic pulmonary edema is too basic. First, the specificity is 95 %, not so bad. Rare cases of pneumonia with the B-profile were detected using Fig. 35.2. Now, exceptional cases of chronic interstitial diseases will be detected by just including the item of the LV contractility, which should be, schematically, impaired in hemodynamic pulmonary edema, conserved in chronic lung diseases. One could have instead used the thickening of the free RV wall (choosing the best item results in the most simple tree)
Direct analysis of the pleural fluid: thoracentesis
Read below. The lung puncture should also be envisaged, if studies confirm the safety shown by our initial data.
Time. Septic lung rockets do not vanish rapidly.
Other tests
If the diagnosis resists to these successive tools.
Distinction Between Pulmonary Edema and the Few Cases of Pulmonary Embolism with Lung Rockets
The B-profile, seen in 2 % of our cases of severe pulmonary embolism apart from ICU-acquired cases (under submission) may be explained by the septal interference, which generates elevated pressures from the left ventricle [9]. There is a paradox: this profile would be more often seen, given that all these patients had a severe failure. This raises interesting potential of research, for knowing how far the left heart pressures are increased (relatively, with exact measure of transmural pressures) in the case of a paradoxical septum.
The clue in the E-BLUE protocol is simple – instead of concluding “pulmonary edema,” the test includes the following:
Clinical signs (pain).
The simple cardiac sonography, which detects an enlarged right ventricle: the suspicion of embolism is immediately raised.
Search for DVT. Keep in mind that among these few cases of pulmonary embolism with lung rockets, 4/5th of them should have visible DVTs. This is the Extended BLUE-protocol.
In the few (among the few) cases with no clear answer, more expert signs should be added: paradoxical septum, sophisticated ECHO signs, up to CT if needed.
Distinction Between Bronchial Diseases and Pulmonary Embolism with No DVT
Both yield the nude profile. Here, we can just rebuild all familiar pre-probabilities tests, and insert some of them in the Extended BLUE-protocol. We pay special attention to:
Clinical step
History. A dyspnea in a patient without any history of asthma or COPD favors the embolic cause.
Epidemiology. A bronchial disease is four times more frequent in the BLUE-protocol
Simple clinical signs such as wheezings. Wheezings are not part of pulmonary embolism. Young patients with wheezings usually do not require any BLUE-protocol: the diagnosis of asthma is done. The BLUE-protocol is used here, not for making the diagnosis, already done clinically, not especially for confirming it (nude profile), but mostly for rapidly searching for any complication. One can also easily detect the cardiac asthma in a patient with wheezing plus B-profile. Some cases of asthma don’t display any wheezing. Here, if pulmonary embolism is suspected, the Extended BLUE-protocol selects only patients without wheezing. Only this group, which includes patients with pulmonary embolism, and the few asthmatic patients without wheezings, may have a more invasive confirmatory test.
Chest pain has nothing to do with bronchial diseases.
Classical tests such as D-dimers and ECG.
Nothing to be expected: nude profile in both cases. We intentionally do not insert signs of lung distension (subtle, and we don’t need them critically).
Simple cardiac sonography
One can add the RV free wall thickness (fine: embolism or asthma – thickened: rather COPD).
All these simple data build evidence; the aim is to decrease the number of CTs, following the LUCIFLR project. Typically, a young woman who has no history of asthma, had a recent orthopedic surgery, complains from sudden chest pain and acute respiratory failure, and displays an A-profile, with positive D-dimers and pathologic ECG (Stein signs), is a perfect suspect (and should benefit from scintigraphy first).
Just a note: wheezings can be heard in cardiac asthma, as we understood of an edematous decreasing of bronchial caliper. Here, ultrasound makes an immediate distinction: A-profile of true asthma versus B-profile of cardiac asthma. Nothing more to say.
Distinction Between Hemodynamic Pulmonary Edema and Exacerbation of Chronic Lung Interstitial Disease
Both display the B-profile.
Clinical, epidemiological data
Edema was seen 16 times more frequently than exacerbated chronic interstitial lung disease, first. Yet rarity should not be a punishment for these unhappy few. The notion of known chronic lung disease is present in most cases.
PLAPS have nothing to do with a “simple” exacerbation of chronic lung disease. PLAPS would favor hemodynamic edema. PLAPS seen in a genuine chronic lung disease means any complication, such as pneumonia, embolism, or pulmonary edema, as the factor of decompensation.
Simple cardiac sonography
If the patient makes the first episode (of chronic lung disease), this simple test shows subtle right heart anomalies, no left heart anomalies, schematically.