Skeletal injuries
Anatomy and physiology
In order to appreciate the impact of injury, it is necessary for the emergency nurse to have a thorough understanding of the make-up and purpose of the human skeleton (Fig. 6.1) and skeletal muscle. The skeleton comprises two parts with specific functions:
• the axial skeleton, consisting of the skull, vertebral column, ribs and sternum – supports and protects vital organs
• the appendicular skeleton, consisting of the shoulder girdle, pelvic girdle and limbs – provides shape and facilitates movement.
Bone is a form of connective tissue comprising three major components:
• organic matrix of collagen – creates tensile strength
• mineral matrix of calcium and phosphate – creates rigidity and strength
• bone cells, including osteoblasts, osteoclasts, osteocytes and fibroblasts.
Compact cortical bone is found on outer parts of all bone; it forms the shaft of long bones and encloses marrow cavities (Fig. 6.2). Compact bone contains Haversian systems consisting of Haversian canals, blood vessels, connective tissues, nerve fibers and lymphatic vessels with osteocytes that facilitate the exchange of nutrients and waste. Cancellous bone is found at the ends of the long bone and in the vertebrae and flat bones. Cancellous bone is organized in a lattice system known as trabeculae and contains fewer Haversian canals. Red and fatty bone marrow fills the cavities in this lattice.
Bone cells
Osteoclasts are found near the bone surface. They destroy dead bone and are responsible for reabsorption of bone. They are very mobile and are found in great numbers where bone is undergoing erosion. Their activity is controlled by a number of hormones including parathyroid and thyroxin.
Cartilaginous joints permit limited movement because of flexible cartilage between bones. The symphyses have cartilage pads, or discs, between bones, e.g., symphysis pubis or intervertebral joints. Complex ligament arrangements stabilize these cartilage pads to limit movement and facilitate recoil. Synchondroses are cartilage joints that ossify into bone in adulthood preventing movement, e.g., epiphysis of long bone.
Synovial joints form most of the body’s joints. They are further classified by the type and range of movement they allow (see Table 6.1). All synovial joints have a number of similar structured features. They are enclosed in a capsule that is lined with a synovial membrane, which secretes synovial fluid. Bone ends are not in direct contact and are covered by hyaline cartilage. The fibrous capsule is held in place by a number of ligaments.
Table 6.1
Classification of synovial joints
Type of joint | Site | Range of movement |
Hinge | Elbow Fingers Ankle Toes | Flexion Extension |
Pivot | Vertebral column | Rotation |
Gliding | Shoulder girdle Vertebral column | Limited motion in several directions |
Ball and socket | Hip Shoulder | Extensive range ofmovement: flexion, extension, rotation |
Saddle | Hand Base of thumb | Flexion Extension Abduction Adduction Opposition |
Ellipson | Wrist Hand Foot | Flexion Extension Abduction Adduction Opposition |
Muscular system
Muscle tissue is formed to convert chemical energy into mechanical contraction, creating movement. Movements are generated both at joints and in soft tissue. Muscles also assist in maintaining body posture and muscular activity is associated with maintaining body heat.
Pelvic injury
The pelvis is designed to provide structure, strength for weight-bearing and protection of internal organs. It houses the rectum, bladder and, in women, the reproductive organs. The pelvis forms a ring, comprising the sacrum and two innominate bones, each made up of an ilium, pubic bone and ischium (Fig. 6.3).
Mechanism of injury
Major trauma to the pelvic girdle is relatively uncommon and accounts for approximately 3–6 % of all skeletal injuries and 20 % of polytrauma cases (Smith 2005); however, the mortality associated with major pelvic fractures may reach 57 % where shock is present on the patient’s arrival (Starr et al. 2002). Most pelvic fractures are caused by motorcycle accidents, accidents involving pedestrians, direct crush injuries, or falls from a height (American College of Surgeons 2008). Falls are also the second highest cause of unintentional death after motor vehicles (Middleton 2011).
Fracture patterns
Lateral compression (LC) fractures (graded I, II, III) are caused by a side impact, usually to motorcyclists or pedestrians in collision with vehicles. A compression fracture of the pubic bone or rami is combined with compression fracture on the side of impact (Fig. 6.4A). With greater force of impact, the iliac wing on the side of the impact will also break; this is a grade II injury (Fig. 6.4B). A grade III injury involves an additional fracture on the opposite side to the impact (Fig. 6.4C).
Anteroposterior compression (APC) fractures (graded I, II, III) are caused by direct pressure or crushing and result in the pelvis opening outwards from wings rather like a book. The result is the fracturing of the pubis or rami together with sacroiliac distribution. In grade I injuries, the symphysis is separated by less than 2 cm (Fig. 6.5A); in grade II injuries the sacrospinous and sacrotuberous ligaments rupture (Fig. 6.5B); and in grade III injuries the iliolumbar ligament can rupture (Fig. 6.5C). This type of pelvic fracture has double the mortality rate of the lateral compression injuries.
Figure 6.5 Anteroposterior compression fractures of the pelvis. (A) Grade I, (B) grade II, (C) grade III.
Vertical shearing force fractures result from falls or from knees hitting a car dashboard with great speed. The pattern of injury is similar to anteroposterior compression, but with vertical displacement (Fig. 6.6). With combined mechanical forces, such as being run over by a motor vehicle, a combination of the above fracture patterns may occur simultaneously.
Patterns of single fracture injury to the pelvis include:
• acetabulum – these are not common in isolation, but can occur with direct force to the leg, driving the head of the femur into the acetabulum
• sacrum – again these are uncommon in isolation, but can result from a backward fall or falls from a height
• coccyx – this is often fractured by falls onto the buttocks, particularly in women where the coccyx is more prominent
• single pubic ramus – these appear to be common in elderly patients following falls; however, evidence suggests that they usually occur with other pelvic injuries that are not initially detected
• avulsion fractures – these occur in young athletes, where excessive muscle strain can avulse growth cartilage on the apophyseal plates
• iliac wing fractures – these injuries commonly result from direct trauma and should always be considered in conjunction with intra-abdominal injury.
Assessment of pelvic ring injury
Fractures involving the pelvic ring carry potentially life-threatening complications if not rapidly identified and treated. Because of the force exerted to cause such fractures, attendant injury to underlying organs and haemorrhage is common and associated with high morbidity and mortality rates. Injuries can include among others: neurological, 26 %; rectal/gastrointestinal tract, 7 %; renal, 7 %; and bladder, 10 % (Scalea & Burgess 2004); urethral, up to 24 % (Ingram et al. 2008); ureteral, 7 % (penetrating trauma) to 18 % (blunt trauma) (Lynch et al. 2005) as well as genitalia; haematuria and haemodynamic instability due to hypovolaemic shock (Routt et al. 2002).
Mechanisms of injury should give some clues as to a potential pelvic fracture. The assessing nurse should carry out a primary assessment following the ABCDE approach laid out in Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) guidelines (American College of Surgeons 2008). A patient with a pelvic ring fracture will have severe pelvic pain and progressive flank, perianal or scrotal swelling and bruising. Disruption of the pelvic ring can also be identified by differences in leg length and external rotation of a leg without an associated limb fracture.
Mechanical instability of the pelvis can be tested by manual manipulation or compression of the pelvis. This should be carried out only once by an experienced clinician and only when X-rays have excluded unstable pelvic fractures. It is a very painful procedure for the patient and undue force carries the risk of exacerbating haemorrhage. When the clinician manipulates the pelvis, pressure should be applied gently to the iliac crest. If the pelvis has rotated, the clinician will be able to close the ring by gently pushing the iliac crests together. Most patients with a pelvic ring fracture will have moderate to severe hypotension.
Assessment should also include examination of the groin, perineal area and genitalia. Femoral pulses should be checked on both sides. Absent pulses are indicative of damage to the external iliac artery and emergency surgery is required to preserve the limb of the affected side. Decreased pulse pressure should be closely monitored, as it may be indicative of a worsening systemic condition or damage to the iliac artery. The perineum should be inspected for laceration and bleeding. Prophylactic antibiotics should be prescribed for wounds because of the high infection risk from faecal flora (Ruiz 1995).
Management of pelvic ring fractures
Pelvic fracture can be a life-threatening injury often accompanied by significant haemorrhage and injury to the genitourinary system (Hauschild et al. 2008). Arterial injuries occur in 20 % of patients and posterior fractures are more likely than anterior fractures to cause bleeding. Initial management focuses on volume replacement, stabilization of fractures and, therefore, the rate of haemorrhage and pain control. Fluid replacement should follow ATLS guidelines with a rapid infusion of warmed crystalloid fluid, ideally Ringer’s lactate or Hartmann’s solution (American College of Surgeons 2008). Ringer’s solution closely resembles the electrolyte content of plasma and therefore provides transient intravascular expansion followed by interstitial and intracellular replacement. Normal saline can be used, but large amounts are not recommended because it can induce hypercholaemic acidosis. After an initial 2 L, or 20 mL/kg in children, blood or colloid solutions should be commenced. The patient’s haemodynamic condition should be continuously monitored during this period.
Haemorrhage control relies on fracture stabilization. Early external fixation provides definitive haemorrhage control. As an interim measure, longitudinal skin traction can be used (American College of Surgeons 2008). The use of a pneumatic anti-shock garment (PASG) also known as military anti-shock trousers (MAST) serves a dual purpose of haemorrhage and pain control. It provides mechanical stabilization of the fractures and external counter-pressure. When used, circulation to extremities should be regularly checked as compartment syndrome is a known risk. Decompression should take place in a controlled environment, at a pace that does not exacerbate haemodynamic instability, generally in the operating theatre. The use of PASG in no longer emphasized in ATLS as Dickinson & Roberts (2004) found that there was no benefit from their use, while Mattox et al. (1989) demonstrated PASG increased morbidity and mortality. Pain control is initiated by fracture immobilization with intravenous opiates; inhaled analgesia, such as entonox in the conscious patient may be used where not contraindicated by other potential injuries.
Uncomplicated, isolated pelvic fractures not involving the pelvic ring should be assessed in a similar manner. The management of these injuries is usually conservative. Patients usually require hospital admission for initial bed rest, pain control and rehabilitation support. Most of these fracture injuries have an uncomplicated recovery pattern. Acetabular fractures, however, have a high morbidity rate. They are caused by extreme force, commonly road traffic accidents (RTAs), where the knees hit the dashboard at speed. Long-term prognosis is improved by surgical intervention (Snyder 2002).
Hip injury
Classification of fractures
Garden’s classification of neck of femur (NOF) fractures has been used for almost 50 years (Garden 1964). He highlighted four stages of fracture (Fig. 6.7):
• Stage I represents impacted fractures. The trabeculae and cortex are pushed into the femoral head. This is considered a stable fracture as the inferior cortex usually remains intact. This type of fracture is not very susceptible to avascular necrosis and therefore operative treatment usually entails pinning rather than prosthetic replacement of the femoral head. Union rates are good and morbidity is low following this treatment (Ruiz 1995).
• Stage II is a non-displaced fracture across the entire femoral neck. Because there is no impaction, the fracture is unstable, but as there is no displacement the risk of avascular necrosis is low. These injuries are therefore fixed with screws.
• Stage III is a displaced fracture, with the femoral head abducted in relation to the pelvis. Fragments of the fracture are in contact with each other. Disruption of the blood supply is common and for this reason operative repair usually involves the insertion of a prosthesis to replace the femoral head.
• Stage IV are similar to stage III fractures in that they are displaced, but the femoral head is adducted in relation to the pelvis, fracture fragments are completely separated and avascular necrosis is likely. In most cases, prosthetic replacement of the femoral head is the treatment of choice in younger patients; however, attempts may be made to reduce and internally fixate the fracture. This prevents degeneration of the acetabulum caused over time by a prosthesis.
Intertrochanteric fractures
Several fracture classifications are used and all have slight variations from each other. To provide a general idea of fracture classification, Kyle et al. (1979) described four types of injury (Fig. 6.8):
• Type I – stable, undisplaced intertrochanteric fracture, requiring simple internal fixation.
• Type II – stable but displaced with fragmentation of the lesser trochanter; these are internally fixed.
• Type III – unstable fractures of the greater trochanter with posteromedial comminuted bone and deformity. These are fixed, but if a stable reduction cannot be achieved because of the amount of comminuted bone, osteotomy to the base of greater trochanter may be performed.
• Type IV – these have the components of type III fractures, but also have subtrochanteric fractures. Internal fixation is attempted using screws and sliding plates.
In children, NOF or intertrochanteric fractures are uncommon and are caused by severe force. Internal fixation is not the treatment of choice because of growth patterns. Children are treated with bed rest and traction.
Assessment of patients with hip injury
These patients are usually elderly, predominantly women, and commonly attend the ED following a fall. The average age of a person with a hip fracture is 84 years for men and 83 years for women; 76 % of fractures occur in women. Mortality is high; about 10 % of people with a hip fracture die within one month of injury and one-third within 12 months (National Clinical Guideline Centre 2011).
The patient usually complains of groin pain and pain through the thigh to the knee. Pain is worsened by any movement and the majority of patients will have been unable to weight-bear since injury. In most NOF and intertrochanteric fractures, the injured limb will be externally rotated and is shortened if displacement exists at the fracture site. Neurovascular integrity should be checked distally to the fracture, although damage of this type is extremely uncommon. The patient’s haemodynamic status should be regularly observed, particularly with intertrochanteric fractures where blood loss from surrounding tissues is higher than NOF fractures. The patient’s general health should be discussed and pre-existing medical conditions and medication established. It is also necessary to establish the cause of the fall to rule out medical reasons. The patient’s hydration and nutritional status should be assessed, as should skin integrity and risk level for pressure sores (Lisk et al. 2011).
Initial management
In most instances, these fractures can be broadly diagnosed clinically. X-rays provide supplementary information necessary for ongoing management. As a result, patients with clinically diagnosed fractures should receive appropriate analgesia, such as morphine sulphate, prior to X-ray. Hydration at an early stage reduces mortality, and therefore intravenous fluids should be commenced, particularly for patients with intertrochanteric fractures where blood loss is greater. Regular observations should be undertaken to ensure haemodynamic stability is maintained, and to ensure the patient is neither dehydrated nor becomes overloaded by fluid replacements. Early oxygen therapy has been demonstrated to be beneficial as hypoxaemia is evident in elderly patients with a fractured NOF. Most hospitals now have fast-track policies to get patients into a ward bed and off hard emergency trolleys (Audit Commission 2000). If tissue viability is to be maintained, this together with regular pressure area care is vital (Wickham 1997). If the patient’s general condition prohibits internal repair of the fracture, skin traction is advised at the earliest opportunity.
Limb injury
Classification of fractures
A break or fracture of the bone occurs when it is no longer able to absorb the mechanical energy placed on it. This usually results from trauma (Bickley & Szilagyi 2008). Fractures are classified into the following groups (Fig. 6.9):
• simple – this is deemed a closed fracture because the skin is intact and the fracture is undisplaced. These can be further categorized by the direction in which the fracture travels:
– oblique: at an angle to the length of the bone
– spiral: encircle the bone in a spiral around its diameter
• compound – this is an open fracture where the skin has been punctured either internally by the bone or externally from the surface the skin came in contact with during the trauma. These can exist with any of the above types of fracture. It is also possible for fracture fragments to puncture blood vessels, nerves and organs. All compound fractures warrant prophylactic antibiotics and tetanus prophylaxis if not covered (Clasper & Ramasamy 2011)
• greenstick – these occur in children and are incomplete fractures, they are like a bent twig that disrupts the bone cortex but does not pass right through
• comminuted – fragmented fracture with two or more pieces
• displaced – bone ends are completely separated at the fracture site
• compression – adjacent bones are compacted
• avulsion – bone ends or condyles pulled off when the ligaments remain intact under extreme force.
Fracture healing follows a specific pattern. It has three main phases: inflammatory, reparative and remodelling.
The inflammatory phase lasts approximately 72 hours. Initially a homeostatic response to the physiological damage to bone, tissue and blood vessels occurs. A clot is formed in which the fibrin networks collect debris, blood and marrow cells. Capillary network increases over 24 hours and neutrophils invade the area. In the following 48 hours, phagocytosis takes place. In the reparative stage chondroblasts and osteoblasts proliferate. The chondroblasts unite fracture ends in a fibrous tissue called callus which begins to calcify after 14 days. During this phase osteoblasts create the trabeculae of cancellous bone while osteoclasts destroy dead bone. Remodelling takes several months: osteoblasts and osteoclasts restore bone shape, replacing cancellous with compact bone (Fig. 6.10).
Assessment of limb injury
Following ATLS principles, assessment of extremity injury should take place after only the primary survey is completed and more serious injuries are dealt with. The assessment has three stages:
• identification and intervention in life-threatening haemorrhage (primary survey)
• identification and intervention in limb-threatening haemorrhage (secondary survey)
Assessment should follow a set pattern regardless of how severe or trivial an injury may appear. The assessing nurse should establish the history, perform an examination and, if appropriate, refer the patient for X-ray. When assessing the history, the nurse should establish a number of factors (Box 6.1). Mechanism of injury should include what happened, the direction and magnitude of force, and how long the patient was exposed to the force. When determining symptoms, the nurse should establish pain, loss of function and perceived swelling. The nurse should also enquire about the duration of symptoms and whether they are worsening or improving. Past history should include pre-existing injuries to that limb, medical conditions that affect the musculoskeletal system or bone density, and factors which would influence recovery.
Examination should follow a specific pattern, starting from the joint above, moving through the site of the injury, and finally checking neurovascular function distal to the injury. Principles of examination are shown in Box 6.2. Examination starts from the joint above the injury site to assess both function and limits of injury and to gain the patient’s cooperation and confidence. It should be systematic and considering of both the bony and soft tissue structures involved. The examination should also include assessment of pain, and factors influencing it, such as movement, pressure and guarding (Bickley & Szilagyi 2009).
If a patient presents with a mechanism of injury or the clinical examination is suggestive of a fracture then X-ray should be requested. X-rays should not, however, be performed for purely medico-legal reasons (Ward 1999).
Femoral fractures
The femur is the longest, strongest human bone. It is surrounded by muscles and is fed by the profunda femoris artery. The shaft of femur also has a good collateral blood supply in the periosteum. Most of the bleeding associated with femoral fracture is due to rupture of small branches of the profunda femoris artery. The femur only fractures under great force and the most common causes of injury are RTAs, particularly motorcycle accidents, pedestrian vs motor-vehicle accidents and falls (Nowotarski et al. 2000); particularly where bone density is compromised or the fall is from a significant height.
Fractures of the femur fall into three anatomical categories: proximal, mid-shaft and distal. Examination findings are shown in Box 6.3. The patient should be carefully assessed for signs of hypovolaemic shock as blood loss from a closed shaft of femur fracture averages 1200 mL (Cadogan 2004). Although isolated femoral fractures rarely cause significant shock, fractures occurring with other traumatic injury do contribute to significant hypovolaemia. Observation should therefore be vigilant and X-ray will confirm diagnosis. Severe muscle spasms cause significant pain following femoral fracture and also cause the limb to shorten. Crepitus occurs over the fracture site as bone pieces move (O’Steen 2003).
Management priorities
Management priorities in the ED are twofold: preventing secondary damage and pain control. Preventing secondary damage includes managing blood loss by initiating intravenous fluid replacement. Reduction in blood loss and significant pain reduction can be achieved by correct application of an appropriate traction splint, such as a pneumatic Donway traction splint or a traditional Thomas half-ring splint or its modified version Hare traction splint may be used. These stabilize the fracture until definitive repair can take place. In doing this, the extent of the trauma to surrounding soft tissue is minimized. Pain is reduced because bone ends are immobilized. Distal and proximal pulses, capillary refill and sensation should be rechecked after splint application. If the fracture is open, broad-spectrum antibiotics should be given and the patient’s tetanus status checked. The wound should be covered with a damp dressing; care should be taken to avoid wound maceration if a delay to surgery is possible. Povidone-iodine soaks are commonly used because of the devastating effects of infection (see also Chapter 24). Intravenous analgesia should also be given. Fractured femurs take about 8–16 weeks to heal in an adult and 6–12 weeks in a child. Definitive treatment is usually internal fixation for an adult, which means they can usually be walking within two weeks post-surgery. Surgery is not recommended for children because of growth and speed of repair; therefore traction is recommended for older children, and plastering with hip spica for toddlers and small children.
Supracondylar fractures of the femur are assessed in the same way as shaft fractures. The mechanisms of injury are similar, with pain usually localized to the knee. Fractures involving the femoral condyles usually involve the knee joint and there may be associated knee joint injuries, particularly osteochondral fractures of the patella (Rowley & Dent 1997). These fractures do not cause the same extent of blood loss as shaft fractures and are repaired by either long leg casting or surgery.
Lower leg injury
Patellar fractures and dislocations
Patellar dislocation results from a direct blow to the medial aspect of the knee, common in football or similar contact sports. The knee locks and remains in a flexed position. On examination, obvious lateral deformity is present with medial tenderness and pain on attempted movement. Acute swelling between 2 and 12 hours of injury is likely to indicate haemarthrosis (Rourke 2003, Adams 2004). Treatment seeks to relocate the patella. This is usually straightforward and achieved by extension of the knee. It is painful because of muscle spasm and therefore analgesia and muscle relaxants should be used. A supportive long leg bandage should then be applied, or a long leg cast.
Tibial plateau fractures
Tibial plateau injury commonly occurs from pedestrian/car accidents, usually at lower speeds where the car bumper hits the standing pedestrian. Fractures also occur as a result of a fall from a height, causing compression of the plateau, or they may occur in elderly patients with osteoporotic bones. Patients usually present with pain and swelling over the fracture site and inability to weight-bear. Swelling varies considerably, with haemarthrosis sometimes present. Diagnosis of tibial plateau fractures is usually by X-ray and is classified using the Schatzker classification system (Schatzker et al. 1979) which records six levels of injury:
• I: split lateral condyle without displacement
• II: split fragmented lateral condyle with depression of the fragment
• III: compression of the lateral (IIIA) or central (IIIB) condyle with depressed displacement
• VI: bicondylar with complete dissociation of metaphysis from diaphysis – extending into the tibial shaft.
Choice of treatment is dictated by the classification of the injury, displacement of fragments, and the condition of skin, tissue and muscles. Conservative treatment includes long leg plaster casting, traction and functional cast bracing and is reserved for classes I–IV where surgery is not otherwise indicated. Internal fixation is more common because of the morbidity risk of prolonged immobilization, particularly in older patients (Harris & Haller 1995).
Tibial shaft fractures
Mechanisms of injury are varied. The tibia has little muscular protection, so fractures from direct blows are the commonest long bone fracture. They are also the most common open fracture. As the tibia is vulnerable to torsional injuries, for example in sporting injuries, and force transmitted through the feet is high, the incidence of injury is high (Smith 2005), particularly in children. Similar mechanisms cause tibial and fibular fracture, although much more force is needed to break both bones. Direct trauma tends to cause transverse or comminuted fractures, and indirect trauma causes oblique and spiral fractures. The patient presents with localized pain and is usually unable to weight-bear. Surrounding soft tissue damage varies from a haematoma, causing swelling, to an open wound caused by fracture ends. Treatment for tibial fractures varies: children with greenstick fractures need casting for 6 weeks; in adults, displaced fractures may need internal fixation. ED documentation of the neurovascular status is vital as the risk of compartment syndrome is high. Therefore admission for 24 hours, observation and limb elevation should be considered in very swollen proximal tibial fractures. Pain is managed with intravenous opiates and the lower leg should be plastered as soon as possible. Circumferential casts must never be applied in the acute phase because of the inherent risk of compartment syndrome.
Tibial and fibular fractures
Combined tibial and fibular fractures are fairly common in contact sports, such as football. In injuries where indirect force causes the fracture, the tibia and fibula may be fractured in different places. Commonly, the tibial shaft fractures at the distal third, and because of a twisting mechanism the fibula fractures at the proximal end. This reinforces the need to assess from the joint above to the joint below the injury. If injury is caused by direct force and both bones are fractured at the same level, the leg will appear unstable and flexible at the fracture site. It is important that temporary immobilization occurs as soon as possible, both to reduce pain and to prevent further soft tissue damage. These fractures will need surgical fixation (Gordon et al. 2012).
Ankle fractures
Most ankle injuries seen in the ED are soft-tissue injuries (Eisenhart et al. 2003). Patients with fractures risk significant morbidity if these are not identified and treated early. The ankle is a complex hinge joint made up of three bones: the tibia, fibula and talus, and three collateral ligaments: the lateral, medial and interosseous. These ligaments stabilize the ankle joint; the lateral ligament allows for some inversion of the joint, whereas the medial and interosseous have less stretch (Fig. 6.11). Injury patterns can be classified by the mechanism of injury (Box 6.4 and Fig. 6.12).

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