Muscle spasm
Acute phase of injury
Increases local blood flow, and connective tissue extensibility
Avoid use over open epiphysis, broken skin, major nerves, fractures, cranium, eyes, or malignancy
Decreases pain
Local inflammation: sprain, strains
Acute infection
Metal implants
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
Non thermal
Acute injuries
Not directly over carotid sinus, pace maker
Decrease pain and muscle spasm
Decreases pain
High frequency: pain relief is immediate and short term; muscle stimulation
Low frequency: latent pain relief
Interferential stimulation
Pain relief
Acute soft tissue injury
Avoid direct use over carotid sinus, cardiac pacemaker, pregnancy, DVT, local infection, malignancy
Electrical burns
Decrease edema
Muscle stimulation
Muscle spasm
Deep pain (knee, ankle, shoulder)
Decrease pain, swelling, edema, bleeding (vasoconstriction)
Muscle spasm, trigger point pain, acute swelling, injury, edema, inflammation
Cold hypersensitivity, Raynauds, disease, circulatory insufficiency, sensory deficits
Ice burns
Superficial heat
Pain relief
Sensory deficits
Increased bleed and swelling if use in first 48 h after injury
Increase local blood flow
Muscle spasm
Circulatory d/o
Contrast baths
Pain relief
Sensory deficits
Decrease swelling
Circulatory insufficiency
Decrease stiffness
Open skin lesions
Table 32.2
Randomized clinical trials evaluating rehabilitation modalities
Diagnosis | Study (references) | Modality | Outcomes | Comments |
Low back pain | RCT, single blind, N = 60 (Schimmel et al. 2009) | Accu-SPINA traction device | Improved visual analog pain scale (VAS), SF-36 scores in active and sham groups; analgesic use decreased; no change in scores for kinesiophobia and coping | No additional benefit of adding axial, intermittent, mechanical traction |
Shoulder pain | RCT, placebo control, N = 221 (Ainsworth et al. 2007) | Ultrasound | There were no statistically significant differences at the 5% level between active and sham-treated groups | US was not superior to placebo in the short-term management of shoulder pain |
Chronic shoulder pain (periarticular soft tissue disorders) | RCT, placebo control, N = 40 (Kurtais Gursel et al. 2004) | Ultrasound | No significant differences between active and sham groups | No further benefit of true US as compared with sham US |
Subacromial bursitis | RCT, double blind trial, N = 20 (Downing and Weinstein 1986) | Ultrasound | No significant difference between the sham or true US groups | US is of little or no benefit when combined with ROM exercises and NSAIDs or ROM exercises |
Osteoarthritis bilateral knee | RCT, single blind, N = 100 women (Cetin et al. 2008) | Diathermy or TENS or ultrasound compared with exercise (control group) | Decrease in pain and disability in all groups except controls | Hot pack + TENS or short-wave diathermy before exercises reduced pain, improved exercise performance and function |
Nonspecific neck pain | RCT multicenter, N = 350 (Dziedzic et al. 2005) | Pulsed shortwave therapy | No statistically significant between groups differences | No additional benefits of adding pulsed shortwave or manual therapy to advice and exercise |
Acute low back pain | Heat wrap | Heat wrap group with greater pain relief, less muscle stiffness and disability, increase in flexibility | Continuous heat-wrap therapy is effective in acute, nonspecific LBP | |
Acute low back pain | RCT, N = 100 (Mayer et al. 2005) | Heat wrap | Greater decrease in pain, disability, and improvement in function in heat + exercise group | Combined heat wrap therapy with directional preference-based exercise effective in acute low back pain |
Acute low back pain | Heat wrap | Heat wrap decreased pain, stiffness, disability, and improved trunk flexibility for more than 48 h | Effective pain relief with heat-wrap therapy in acute low back pain | |
Acute traumatic pain | RCT, double blind, N = 100 (Ordog 1987) | TENS | Significant pain relief differences between placebo and active TENS groups | TENS is effective acute traumatic pain |
Postop pain after inguinal hernia repair | RCT double blind, placebo controlled, N = 40 (DeSantana et al. 2008) | TENS | Compared to placebo significantly decreased pain in active TENS group and decreased analgesic requirements | TENS is beneficial for postoperative pain relief after inguinal herniorrhaphy |
Postop pain after Laparoscopy for tubal ligation | RCT double blind, N = 64 (Desantana et al. 2009) | TENS | Both high- and low-frequency TENS significantly decreased pain as compared with placebo TENS | TENS + standard analgesic treatment was effective in relief of postoperative pain after laparoscopy |
Postop pain after C-section | RCT, single blind, N = 18 (Smith et al. 1986) | TENS | TENS more effective in controlling cutaneous and movement-associated incisional pain | TENS decreases somatic pain from surgical incision but not deep visceral pain |
Sickle cell pain crises | RCT, double blind, N = 60 (Wang et al. 1988) | TENS | No difference in pain ratings or Analgesic use at 1 and 4 h from onset | Value of TENS not established |
Chronic low back pain | RCT, double blind, N = 120 (26 men, 94 women) (Zambito et al. 2006) | Interferential currents (IFT), horizontal therapy (HT) | Significantly improved pain and function at 2 weeks; pain and function continued to improve in IFT and HT groups (p < 0.01 vs. controls) | IFT and HT therapy provide significantly more relief of pain and disability in CLBP |
Myofascial pain | RCT, single blind, N = 10 (Kruger et al. 1998) | TENS | No relief | TENS did not decrease pain |
Chronic pain | RCT: single blind, cross-over trial, N = 180 (Koke et al. 2004) | TENS: compared three programs | No differences in pain indicating no superiority of one type of TENS | Not placebo controlled, no definite conclusions on effectiveness |
Chronic pain | RCT, double blind, N = 163 (Oosterhof et al. 2006) | TENS | No differences in pain intensity for patients treated with TENS or sham TENS | TENS not superior to sham treatments |
Chronic low back pain | RCT, N = 54 (Lehmann et al. 1986) | Electro-acupuncture or TENS | Less average pain in acupuncture group | Electro-acupuncture group had better outcome than TENS |
Chronic low back pain | RCT, N = 42 (Marchand et al. 1993) | TENS | TENS significantly more efficient in reducing pain intensity but not unpleasantness. Effect of TENS were additive on repetitive use | Significantly reduced pain at 1 week, but not at 3 and 6 months |
Chronic back pain | RCT: double blind, repeated measures comparison, N = 24 (16 women and 8 men) (Moore and Shurman 1997) | Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) | NMES and TENS each produced reductions in pain intensity. Combined treatment superior to placebo, and to both TENS and NMES | Greater pain reduction with combined NMES/TENS treatment |
Low back pain | RCT, single blinded, sham-controlled cross-over study, N = 60 (Ghoname et al. 1999a) | Percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (PENS) | PENS is more effective in decreasing pain, analgesic use, improving physical activity, quality of sleep, well-being | PENS was more effective than TENS or exercise therapy in providing short-term pain relief and improved physical function in patients with long-term LBP |
Chronic low back pain | Controlled trial, N = 53 (Yokoyama et al. 2004) | PENS | PENS decreased pain, physical impairment and NSAIDs use. Effects were not sustained at 2-month follow-up | PENS is effective for CLBP; require continued treatments to sustain analgesia |
Chronic low back pain | RCT, N = 200 (65 years and over) (Weiner et al. 2008) | PENS | Significantly reduced pain, self-reported disability, improved gait velocity was sustained at 6 months | Control-PENS facilitated comparably reduced pain and improved function at 6 months as compared with PENS |
Chronic low back pain | RCT, N = 145 (Deyo et al. 1990) | TENS | At 1 month no clinically or statistically significant treatment effect | TENS is no more effective than placebo, and adds no apparent benefit to exercise alone |
Sciatica due to lumbar disc herniation | Randomized, single blinded, cross-over study, N = 64 (Ghoname et al. 1999b) | PENS or TENS | PENS (42%) and TENS (23%) were more effective than sham (8%) treatments in decreasing VAS pain scores | PENS was better than TENS in providing short-term pain relief and improved function |
Postamputation limb pain | RCT, N = 51 (Finsenet al. 1988) | Active low-frequency TENS | Fewer surgeries and more rapid healing in active TENS group | |
Spinal cord injury neuropathic pain | Non RCT, N = 24 (Norrbrink 2009) | HF (80 Hz) or LF (burst of 2 Hz) TENS | No differences between the two modes of stimulation | TENS may be considered as a complementary treatment in patients with SCI and neuropathic pain |
Chronic low-back pain in multiple sclerosis | RCPT, N = 90 with probable or definite MS (Warke et al. 2006) | TENS: low-frequency or high-frequency or placebo | No significant differences in both active treatment groups | No statistically significant effects |
Vestibulodynia | RCT, N = 40 (Murina et al. 2008) | TENS | VAS and SF-MPQ improved in the active TENS group | Effective and safe short-term (3 months) treatment effect |
Patellofemoral pain | RCT, N = 20 (Eng and Pierrynowski 1993) | Soft foot orthotics | Significantly decreased pain in treatment group | Soft foot orthotics is an effective in treatment of patellofemoral pain syndrome |
Contrast Baths
Immersion in hot and cold water alternatively creates an alternating mechanical force. The procedure involves immersing the affected limb, 3–7 times, alternatively in a hot bath for 2–3 min followed by a cold bath with ice and water for 1–2 min. The methodology is not standardized and protocols may vary by temperature range, timing, and overall duration. Cold water temperatures can vary from 45 to 71.6°F and warm/hot water temperatures range from 80 to 113°F. Contrast baths are used to decrease edema, stiffness and pain in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, foot or ankle injuries. Hand therapists may use contrast baths before and after surgery to reduce hand volume, alleviate pain, and decrease stiffness in affected limb. The benefit of contrast bath has been poorly substantiated and a systematic review failed to find evidence to support its use (Breger Stanton et al. 2009). A randomized controlled study demonstrated that contrast bath treatments, pre- and/or postoperatively, in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome patients had no significant effect on increase or decrease of hand volume (Janssen et al. 2009).
Heat Wraps
Heat wraps are disposable cloth like patches that heat up to 104°F within 30 min on exposure to air and last for at least 8 h. Continuous low level heat wrap therapy has been employed in treatment of acute low back pain alone or in combination with exercises in three large randomized control trials (Nadler et al. 2003a, b; Mayer et al. 2005). Heat wrap therapy resulted in greater pain relief, less muscle stiffness, increased flexibility and functional improvement with decreased disability in comparison with placebo, or control interventions. One study reported sustained positive effects of treatment 48 h later. No study has described utility of heat wraps in chronic pain. In patients with chronic pain, this modality may help manage an acute exacerbation of pain or pain flares.
Ultrasound (US) is a commonly used modality in the treatment of soft tissue injury and musculoskeletal pain. Therapeutic ultrasound involves application of high frequency acoustic energy to produce thermal and mechanical effects in tissues. Phonophoresis is use of ultrasound energy in combination with an analgesic or anti-inflammatory medication. As yet the clinical effects of this method of treatment are uncertain. The value of ultrasound in chronic pain has also been questioned. A randomized control study of 221 patients with shoulder pain demonstrated that ultrasound was not superior to placebo in short-term management of shoulder pain (Ainsworth et al. 2007). Two other randomized control studies on patients with periarticular soft tissue disorder and subacromial bursitis found no significant differences between sham and true ultrasound groups for improvements in pain, ROM, and function (Downing and Weinstein 1986; Kurtais Gursel et al. 2004).
Electrotherapeutic Modalities
A large number of electrotherapeutic modalities are available for treating pain. Their use varies widely and is based on clinical experience or anecdotal evidence rather than actual scientific evidence. Some of the modalities have an important role to play in treating pain, but should not be used in isolation. These modalities are combined with other therapies to improve outcomes. For example, application of hot packs combined with short wave diathermy, or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) prior to isokinetic exercises has been shown to augment exercise performance, reduce pain and improve function in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee joints (Cetin et al. 2008).
Shortwave diathermy and microwave: Diathermy and microwave devices use high frequency electromagnetic waves to create heat in superficial muscles. Pulsed short wave diathermy is used in sports injuries, when intermittent short duration pulses are delivered and produce a relatively short duration thermal effect. In nonspecific neck disorders, addition of pulsed short wave or manual therapy to education and exercise does not provide any additional benefits (Dziedzic et al. 2005).
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS): TENS involves applying a direct current across the skin to cause electrical stimulation. High frequency current (conventional TENS) stimulates large afferent nerve fibers and provides rapid pain relief but has a short duration. It is perceived as comfortable pins and needles sensation with no motor response. Low frequency TENS (acupuncture like) stimulates larger motor fibers, eliciting a motor response. Pain relief is longer and thought to be mediated by beta-endorphins. It is used to stimulate trigger points or acupuncture points. A randomized cross-over study reported no difference in outcomes with high frequency low intensity TENS, high frequency high intensity TENS, and control TENS (Koke et al. 2004). The utility of TENS in controlling acute and chronic pain has been investigated in several randomized controlled studies. TENS has been shown to relieve acute traumatic pain (Ordog 1987), and postoperative pain (Smith et al. 1986; DeSantana et al. 2008, 2009) especially cutaneous and movement associated incision pain. It is not as effective in controlling deep visceral pain (due to uterine contractions; gas pains associated with decreased peristalsis) (Smith et al. 1986). TENS decreases pain intensity (sensory discriminative component of pain) without decreasing pain unpleasantness (motivational-affective component of pain) (Marchand et al. 1993). In the treatment of chronic pain, the results are not consistent, some trials have demonstrated TENS to be superior to control or placebo treatments (Marchand et al. 1993; Moore and Shurman 1997), while other studies have questioned utility of TENS and demonstrated it to be no more effective than treatment with placebo (Deyo et al. 1990; Kruger et al. 1998; Oosterhof et al. 2006). In one study, only patients satisfied with treatment, noticed gradual decrease in pain intensity with repeated application; both groups i.e., conventional TENS and sham TENS, reported pain relief equally, suggesting patient satisfaction was an important factor (Oosterhof et al. 2006). The role of TENS in patients with postamputation and phantom limb pain (Finsen et al. 1988), spinal cord injury pain (Norrbrink 2009), pain in multiple sclerosis (Warke et al. 2006), vestibulodynia (Murina et al. 2008), chronic pelvic pain and prostatitis (Sikiru et al. 2008), and sickle cell pain crises (Wang et al. 1988) has not been established. A comparison study of TENS and electroacupuncture showed that average pain relief is better with electroacupuncture than low intensity TENS (Lehmann et al. 1986).
Interferential stimulation: This is a form of TENS in which two alternating medium frequency currents are simultaneously applied to the skin. Interferential therapy stimulates muscle in a manner similar to normal voluntary muscle contraction, its effect on pain is similar to conventional TENS, and effects on circulation vary depending on frequency used. Vasodilatation occurs at 90–100 Hz, while at a frequency of 0–10 Hz muscle stimulation occurs to assist removal of fluid in venous and lymph channels. Interferential currents (IFT) and horizontal therapy (HT) significantly improved pain and function in 120 subjects with CLBP when compared with sham treatments in a randomized double blind study (Zambito et al. 2006).
Percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (PENS): Placebo controlled studies have compared PENS to TENS in patients with low back pain, with or without sciatica, and reported overall treatment outcomes to be superior with PENS in controlling pain and improving function; Weiner et al. however reported that pain reduction and improved function at 6 months was comparable in group treated with PENS and control-PENS (Ghoname et al. 1999a, b; Yokoyama et al. 2004; Weiner et al. 2008).
Traction is used in treatment of spinal pain. It involves intermittent or sustained pressure in a direction to distract vertebral bodies, or facet joints, widen (open) intervertebral foramen, and stretch spinal muscles. Traction may be manual or delivered by a traction apparatus, either with weights or an electric machine. In patients with neck pain, addition of mechanical cervical traction to a multimodal treatment program of manual therapy and exercise did not yield any significant additional benefit with respect to improvements in pain, function, or disability in cervical radiculopathy patients (Young et al. 2009). A randomized single blind study in low back pain patients compared lumbar traction to sham traction and found that low back pain scores, Oswestry disability scores, and SF-36 scores improved significantly in both groups at 14 weeks follow-up. The addition of intermittent mechanical lumbar traction (Accu-SPINA) to a standard graded activity program was of no added benefit (Schimmel et al. 2009).
Bracing with splints or orthotics is used to support or reorient moving body parts (joints, tendons), control or guide direction of movement, align a body part into more stable or less painful position, limit or stop excessive motion, and facilitate or correct motion. Semi-rigid cervical collars have been shown to decrease acute neck pain. In a randomized controlled study of 205 patients with acute cervical radiculopathy of <1 month duration, semi-hard cervical collar and rest significantly decreased pain and improved neck disability index; pain relief was comparable to that obtained by physical therapy and home exercises (Kuijper et al. 2009). In another study, significantly greater pain relief was reported by patients with patellofemoral syndrome and excessive forefoot varus or calcaneovalgus deformity, when a soft foot orthotics was added to the exercise program (Eng and Pierrynowski 1993).
Rehabilitation Exercises
Physicians who prescribe exercise therapy must understand the basics of exercise physiology and training principles and recognize that treatment must be tailored to the disease and its stage, the baseline fitness level of the patient, and the goals of the program mutually established with the patient (Kujala 2004, 2006). As a therapeutic modality, exercise has a primary goal of improving functioning of targeted tissues, that is, tissue length, tissue resilience, muscle strength, and endurance. From a cognitive standpoint, successful completion of exercise in the presence of chronic pain lessens patients’ fears and concerns, improves self-efficacy and confidence for performing daily activities, thereby decreasing disability. At the cornerstone of any rehabilitation exercise regime is the requirement that function be quantified so that progress towards this goal can be measured. For instance, in the case of chronic back pain baseline measurements of trunk and lower extremity flexibility, trunk strength, lifting capacity and cardiovascular endurance should be recorded at onset of treatment. Quantification initially serves to identify baseline impairments and guide clinicians in the selection of an appropriate level of exercise. Provided that there are no contraindications to aggressive exercise, patients are assigned to an exercise level based on measured impairments. During the initial therapy evaluation, instructions are provided regarding a home stretching program specific for measured impairments in flexibility. Stretching at the physiological limits of flexibility is performed at least twice per day. Following assessment of strength, treatment goals are established according to a patient’s age, gender, and ideal body weight (IBW). Patients are carefully instructed on the correct set-up and use of all exercise equipment. The next 1–2 weeks is dedicated towards acquiring proper exercise technique and diminishing fear of physical exertion. The second phase of treatment generally lasts between 2 and 4 weeks, during which rapid progression towards treatment goals is expected. Patients generally meet with their therapist 2–3 times/week with sessions lasting between 1 and 2.5 h. Patients who are highly motivated and experienced with exercise require only one weekly therapy session and exercise independently several more times per week. Exercise sessions involve supervised stretching, aerobic conditioning, general strengthening, specific back strengthening, and lifting. Repeat quantification is performed every 2 weeks to monitor progress, provide feedback, and document treatment outcomes. Patients are encouraged to achieve their pre-established goals by increasing their repetitions and/or weights with each session. Exercise must provide sufficient physiologic overload to produce improvements in physical abilities. In the presence of chronic pain, this intensity of exercise will often stimulate abnormally sensitive nociceptors associated with the chronic pain symptoms and exacerbate pain complaints. These exacerbations are usually tolerable, brief and do not represent tissue damage. As training progresses, tissue function improves and the sensitivity of abnormal nociceptors tends to decrease.
Data from prospective and retrospective studies utilizing aggressive exercise as treatment for patients with CLBP reveal that within a period of 6–8 weeks, it is possible to improve trunk flexibility by 20%, trunk strength and lifting capacities by 50%, and endurance by 20–60%. Pain-related disability as determined by the Oswestry scale reduced by 50%, on average, and pain severity by 30% in one study (Cohen and Rainville 2002). Exercise is important for the prevention of osteoporosis and the reduction of fracture risk because it improves muscle mass and strength, besides improving balance. One study evaluated the effect of a specific exercise program on bone mass and quality and physical function capacity in postmenopausal women with low bone mineral density and found that the group that took part in an 11-month exercise program, consisting of a multicomponent (strength, aerobic capacity, balance, joint mobility) dual-modality (on ground and in the water; alternating group and home-based exercise periods) exercise regimen showed significantly improved femoral neck T-score as compared to the control group that did not exercise. After the training program osteosonography showed no differences in exercise group and significantly decreased all bone quality parameters in control group (Tolomio et al. 2010).
Flexibility Exercises
Adequate soft tissue extensibility is essential for pain free movements. Inflammation, swelling, pain, muscle spasm and stiffness inhibit normal muscle function, decrease musculotendinous flexibility, increase joint pressure, and decrease the ability to move the joint. A decrease in joint ROM adversely affects the health of articular cartilage. Prolonged immobilization due to pain also leads to adaptive tightening of joint capsule and pericapsular tissues (ligament, muscles, and tendons). Kinesiophobia, exhibited by chronic pain patients, compounds this problem, culminating in stiffness, contractures, altered biomechanics, and more pain. Improving soft tissue flexibility and thereby function becomes a major treatment goal. Maximizing flexibility or ROM of joints and soft tissues must be instituted as early as possible. Both joint and surrounding soft tissues are gradually mobilized and stretched after surgery or trauma. Joint mobilization regains joint ROM and stretching exercises regain flexibility of musculotendinous unit.
Joint ROM can be improved by various techniques: continuous passive motion (CPM), passive mobilization, active exercises, active assisted exercises, and passive exercises. CPM is usually instituted after surgery or in postinjury stage to reduce joint stiffness. ROM should always be pain free and increased progressively. Passive mobilization is employed when active movement cannot be performed due to pain or when active movements are insufficient to fully mobilize the joint. Mobilization should be gentle in early stages, and can be vigorous in later stages. Active ROM exercises are commenced as soon as possible, within limits of pain, and with goal of increasing ROM progressively without increasing pain. During active assisted exercises, the joint is actively moved through the available ROM with assistance from opposite limb or with the help of a therapist or a pulley system. Passive ROM exercises are indicated, when active exercises are too painful or when end range is restricted. The joint is moved through available ROM with assistance of gravity and using other limb or an outside force.
Loss of musculotendinous flexibility is associated with specific injuries. For instance, Achilles tendinitis is associated with tight soleus muscle; in patellofemoral syndrome, vastus lateralis, iliotibial band and tensor fascia lata muscles lose flexibility; patellar tendinitis is associated with tight quadriceps muscle and hamstring injuries are common in the presence of psoas muscle inflexibility. Stretching of musculotendinous unit increases muscle flexibility, causes muscles to relax, decreases muscle pain, improves circulation, and prevents formation of adhesions. There is lengthening of muscle tendon unit, which then decreases spinal reflex excitability, reducing passive tension, and increasing joint ROM (Guissard and Duchateau 2006). Three different methods of stretching are described: static, ballistic, and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF). Static stretching applies slow controlled tension on the muscle unit that is held for several seconds. Ballistic stretching uses the momentum of repetitive bouncing movements to elicit a rapid stretch, but may put the patient at risk for injury during the early rehabilitative phase and therefore not recommended in early stages. PNF techniques cause reciprocal inhibition of stretched muscles. Active contraction followed by passive stretch results in inhibition of the stretch reflex and facilitates incremental increases in ROM. A 4–8 week program of PNF in patients with CLBP, produces significant gains in dynamic trunk muscle endurance, lumbar flexibility, and functional performance (Kofotolis and Kellis 2006). The inclusion of a shortening contraction of the opposing muscle in order to place the target muscle on stretch, followed by a static contraction of the target muscle, achieves the greatest increase in joint ROM (Sharman et al. 2006). Which stretching technique is superior? A randomized controlled study of 132 subjects with bilateral knee osteoarthritis compared the effects of different stretching techniques on the outcomes of isokinetic muscle strengthening exercises and demonstrated that although stretching therapy increase the effectiveness of isokinetic exercise in terms of functional improvement in patients with knee osteoarthritis, PNF techniques are more effective than static stretching (Weng et al. 2009).
Stretching is more effective if (a) preceded by warm ups (jogging, cycling, swimming) or topical heat, these activities increase tissue temperatures and facilitate stretching; (b) performed in correct position for the particular muscle; (c) stretches are slow and sustained for minimum 15 s; (d) patient is able to feel the stretch in appropriate area (Oakley et al. 2005); (e) antigravity reflexes are eliminated to relax the muscle e.g., lumbar stretch in sitting or lying down position are pain free. Routine flexibility exercises should be performed in a controlled, deliberate manner in order to minimize injury and maximize results. In a study of healthy volunteers, two 30-s bouts of constant-torque passive stretching caused a significant decrease in musculotendinous stiffness of the plantar flexor muscles and remained depressed following the third and fourth stretches, but did not decrease any further (Ryan et al. 2009). Stretching daily for 1 min over a period of 3 weeks can increase tolerance to the discomfort associated with stretch in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain (Law et al. 2009). Intermittent stretching (i.e., 2 or 3 days/week) is sufficient to maintain ROM gains acquired from a prior static stretching program (Rancour et al. 2009). Stretching is based on overload principle i.e., it is a function of intensity, duration, frequency, and type of stretch. There is a risk of overstretching and subsequent injury, depending on the intensity, duration, velocity, and number of movements in a given period. Stretching is contraindicated in individuals with hypermobility syndromes or in the presence of instability.
Muscle Conditioning Exercises
There are four components of muscle conditioning: (1) muscle strength; (2) muscle power; (3) muscle endurance; and (4) motor reeducation. Each of these components is necessary for ADL’s and essential to protect the body and preventing injury. These components are adversely affected by injury, pain and disuse and therefore need to be assessed and rehabilitated accordingly.
Strength training: Muscle strength is the ability of muscle to exert force. Increases in muscle strength and muscle hypertrophy are stimulated by conditioning. An initial improvement in strength in response to exercise is related to neuromuscular facilitation, and strength gains occur before hypertrophy. Three main types of exercises are used in muscle conditioning: isometric, isotonic, and isokinetic (Table 32.3). Isometric exercises are instituted after injury or surgery. A typical protocol consists of isometric contractions held for 5–6 s with a rest of 10–20 s, and performed frequently during the day, in sets of 10–20 repetitions. Isometric exercises should be carried out at varying angles, because strength gain is fairly specific to angle of exercise. Patients progress from submaximal to maximal isometric exercises slowly within limitations of pain. Once multiple isometrics are tolerated at multiple joint angles the patient is advanced to dynamic exercises. Training in dynamic exercise begins with concentric exercises and progresses to eccentric exercises (EE). EE should commence at very low levels and gradually progress to higher intensity and volume. If used inappropriately they can result in delayed onset muscle soreness and cause muscle damage. EE have proved successful in the management of chronic tendinopathy, particularly of the Achilles and patellar tendons, where they have been shown to be effective in controlled trials. However, numerous questions regarding EE remain. The standard protocols are time-consuming and require very motivated patients. EE are effective in some tendinopathies but not others. Furthermore, the location of the lesion can have a profound effect on efficacy; for example, standard EE in insertional lesions of the Achilles are ineffective (Rees et al. 2009). Standardized eccentric loading training combined with repetitive low-energy shock-wave treatment (SWT) in patients suffering from chronic midportion Achilles tendinopathy showed that at 4-month follow-up, eccentric loading alone was less effective when compared with a combination of eccentric loading and repetitive low-energy SWT (Rompe et al. 2009). Isokinetic exercises have substantially superior measurability and reliability, but require sophisticated and expensive training equipment and therefore cannot be performed at home. It is ultimately desirable to develop exercise programs that can be continued by the patient outside the clinical setting. In addition to specific resistance training all round physical exercise must be included in the treatment protocol. A single blind randomized controlled study measured effects of specific neck/shoulder resistance training, all-round physical exercise, and a reference intervention on musculoskeletal pain symptoms in 549 office workers. Both specific resistance training and all-round physical exercise for office workers caused better effects than a reference intervention in relieving musculoskeletal pain symptoms in exposed regions of the upper body (Andersen et al. 2010).
Table 32.3
Muscle conditioning exercises
Type of exercise | Definition | Indication | Benefits |
Isometric | Static exercise; muscle contracts without moving the joint on which the muscle acts | After injury or joint surgery | Prevent muscle atrophy |
Inflammatory joint d/o | Decrease swelling by pumping action of muscle | ||
Muscle is too weak for ROM exercise | |||
Isotonic | Muscle contracts against a constant resistance or weight and moves the joint through its ROM Two types: a.Concentric: shortening muscle contraction results in decrease in muscle length from approximation of its origin and insertion; individual muscle fibers shorten b.Eccentric: lengthening muscle contraction, origin and insertion separate and individual muscle fiber lengthens | High resistance and low repetition exercises increase muscle fiber size and density; best in later stages of rehabilitation Eccentric exercises indicated in management of tendinopathy and preventing recurrence of musculotendinous injuries | Eccentric exercises produce greater intramuscular force per unit motor unit |
Isokinetic | Muscle contracts at fixed speed and variable resistance, that accommodates to individual throughout the ROM | Specialized equipment such as Kin Com or Cybex | Superior measurability and reliability |
Used primarily to assess progress of rehabilitation, determine muscle weakness or imbalance | |||
Exercises are not functional and therefore not of much use in chronic pain setting |
Power training: Power is the muscle’s rate of doing work and is equivalent to explosive strength. When deficits of muscle power occur as a result of injury, especially in athletes, power training is emphasized in later stages of rehabilitation in the form of fast speed isotonic or isokinetic exercises, increased speed of functional exercises and plyometrics. These exercises must be specific to a given sport activity or job activity.
Endurance training: Muscle endurance is the muscle’s ability to sustain contraction or perform repeated contractions. Endurance training is pivotal in counteracting the deconditioning associated with chronic pain. Chronic pain patients demonstrate easy fatigability and the maximal voluntary contraction and endurance time during submaximal contractions is reduced in musculoskeletal pain (Graven-Nielsen and Arendt-Nielsen 2008). As activity is encouraged and activity tolerance improves, oftentimes pain decreases. Endurance conditioning should be included in conjunction with strengthening program. Endurance exercises are low load, high repetition exercises that stress the aerobic pathways, improve the oxidative enzyme capacity of slow twitch muscle fibers and increase the density of mitochondria in the muscle fibers. The amount of resistance is gradually increased to allow for cellular adaptation to occur and to facilitate strength gains. Exercises that increase endurance include riding a stationary bike, swimming, specific low load, high repetition isotonic or isokinetic exercise or circuit training. The muscular endurance response to training occurs only in specific muscles used in the exercise, and there is no cross-over effect. Exercise intensity should be determined by the fitness level and functional ability of the patient. High intensity exercise can be continued for only short durations, whereas low intensity exercise can be sustained for relatively longer periods of time. A shortened rest interval between exercises improves endurance and aerobic capacity. An exercise program should progress gradually from a strictly low intensity regimen to incorporating more challenging high intensity exercise, as endurance allows, in order to avoid overuse injury.
Motor re-education: Fatigue and failure of specific muscle groups also contribute to musculoskeletal pain. In patients with chronic pain, dynamic exercises reveal muscular dyssynergy and incoordination, which are maladaptive responses to pain. A typical maladaptive response is characterized by inhibition of agonist muscles and increase in activity of antagonist muscles acting on a joint, which in turn reduces joint force and velocity (Lund et al. 1991). For example, in chronic shoulder impingement, the scapular stabilizers are weak and the timing and order of muscle recruitment is altered and unsynchronized. The scapula protracts and elevates excessively, reducing the leverage of the long muscles attached to the scapula, decreasing the size of the sub-acromial space and further increasing impingement of the rotator cuff tendons. Similarly, patients with nonspecific low back pain demonstrate differences in trunk muscle activation timing as compared to asymptomatic controls during a self-initiated postural challenge. There is significantly delayed trunk muscle onset latency, shorter bursts, and co-contraction durations suggesting that these patients may be inefficient in regulating trunk posture during voluntary extremity movements or have developed a compensatory control pattern to avoid pain (Mehta et al. 2010). Evidence of atrophy of deep trunk muscles in the form of decreased muscle fiber diameter and increased intramuscular fat is seen on MRI images of lumbar spine in patients with CLBP. Motor reeducation and motor control exercise is designed to improve motor function, coordination, and movement of specific muscle groups, which may potentially aid in recovery and prevention of injury. Motor control exercise, alone or as a supplement to another therapy, is superior to minimal intervention or manual therapy in reducing pain and disability (Macedo et al. 2009). It confers benefit when added to other therapies for pain at all time points and for disability at long-term follow-up. For example, combining neuromuscular electrical stimulation and voluntary muscular contractions is more effective than either therapy alone in inducing corrective muscular adaptations during recovery, improving the performance of complex dynamic movements, and accelerating recovery of muscle contractility during rehabilitation (Paillard 2008). Some studies have also shown that motor control exercise is not more effective than manual therapy or other forms of exercise (Macedo et al. 2009). In patients with CLBP, motor reeducation retrains the paraspinous muscles to regain the optimal control and coordination of the spine. Compared to placebo or general exercise, motor control exercise produces short-term improvements in patient’s global impression of recovery and activity for people with CLBP (Ferreira et al. 2007; Costa et al. 2009).

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