Chapter 10 Preventive Measures for Wrong-Site, Wrong-Person, and Wrong-Procedure Error in the Perioperative Setting
In 1994 the Canadian Orthopaedic Association implemented “Operate Through Your Site.” This was an educational program for their surgeons targeted at reducing wrong-site procedures (WSPs) (Canadian Orthopaedic Association Committee on Practice and Economics, 1994). Leading the way in the United States, the Council on Education of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) organized a task force in 1997 to research data on wrong-site surgery. The task force’s charge was to determine the prevalence of wrong-site surgery and to develop recommendations for preventing it. Data from the report demonstrated that from 1985 to 1995, 225 orthopaedic wrong-site surgeries and 106 other surgical specialty insurance claims were filed. These wrong-site surgeries averaged payouts of $48,087 to orthopaedic patients and $76,167 to patients in other specialties (Canale, 2005). Outcomes from this initiative resulted in the Advisory Statement on Wrong-Site Surgery, which stated, “The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) believes that a unified effort among surgeons, hospitals and other health care providers to initiate preoperative and other institutional regulations can effectively eliminate wrong-site surgery in the United States” (AAOS, 2008).
The 1999 Institute of Medicine (IOM) report To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System dealt a serious blow to the U.S. health care system. The purpose of the report was to promote safer processes in our health care systems and to bring out into the open those serious concerns often hidden or discussed behind the closed doors of operating rooms and interventional units. This landmark publication, through its staggering numbers of reported patient deaths from preventable medical errors, heightened the awareness of patient safety issues for health care providers, patients, legislators, regulatory agencies, and the media. Media coverage quickly spread the word that the IOM report suggested that between 44,000 and 98,000 patients die in the United States every year as a result of medical errors. This exceeds the deaths attributable to motor vehicle accidents, breast cancer, and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). The report also put a dollar value on the errors, stating that the national cost was estimated at $37.6 billion to $50 billion for adverse events and that between $17 billion and $29 billion was for preventable adverse events (Kohn et al, 2000). One of the issues stated in the report is the lack of standardized nomenclature. The study used a definition for error from Gaba et al (1994): “An error is defined as a failure of a planned action to be completed as intended (i.e., error of execution) or the use of a wrong plan to achieve an aim (i.e., error of planning).” An adverse event is defined as an injury caused by medical management rather than the underlying condition of the patient. An adverse event attributable to error is a “preventable adverse event” (Brennan et al, 1991). The report is built around a four-tiered approach with recommendations to create health care environments that advocate for the following (Kohn et al, 2000):
The North American Spine Society (NASS) entered the safety campaign in 2001 through design of their SMaX Campaign, which encouraged surgeons to Sign, Mark and X-ray surgical sites (Wong et al, 2001). The x-ray step related to an additional safety check of a radiograph of the spinal level for site verification before beginning procedures on the vertebrae.
In 2001 a second report from the IOM’s Committee on the Quality of Health Care in America was published. Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century focused on a call to action to redesign the health care delivery system. The movement is directed toward an efficient, cost-effective, quality, and patient-centered system in which the patient is actively involved—a system that promotes an environment that supports patient and professional safety. The report advocated new skills and new approaches with integration of information technology and alignment of payment policies that included addressing quality improvement and outcomes. Six aims for improvement will drive the needed changes in key dimensions of the current health system. These aims establish that health care should have the following characteristics (Committee on Quality of Health Care in America, Institute of Medicine, 2001):
• Safe—avoiding injuries to patients from the care that is intended to help them
• Effective—providing services, preferences, needs, and values based on scientific knowledge to all who could benefit and refraining from providing services to those not likely to benefit (avoiding underuse and overuse, respectively)
• Patient-centered—providing care that is respectful of and responsive to the individual patient and ensuring that patient values guide all clinical decisions
• Timely—reducing waits and sometimes harmful delays for both those who receive and give care
• Efficient—avoiding waste, including waste of equipment, supplies, ideas, and energy
• Equitable—providing care that does not vary in quality because of personal characteristics such as gender, ethnicity, geographic location, and socioeconomic status
In October 2003 AAOS produced the “Sign-Your-Site: A Checklist for Safety” tool (Canale, 2005). On June 20, 2004, the Patient Safety First Campaign of the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN) spearheaded its inaugural National “Time Out” Day. The observance was endorsed by the American College of Surgeons, the American Society of Anesthesiologists, the American Society for Healthcare Risk Management, and the American Hospital Association. The purpose of the day was to increase awareness of The Joint Commission’s Universal Protocol for Preventing Wrong Site, Wrong Procedure, Wrong Person Surgery. Concurrently the AORN’s Correct Site Surgery Tool Kit was rolled out to 40,000 members. In addition, 50,000 copies of the tool kit were sent to chief executive officers and risk managers across the United States to emphasize the importance of standardizing the implementation of the Universal Protocol. The kit contained tools to assist with implementation: an educational CD-ROM, free independent study activity, copy of the Universal Protocol and the Frequently Asked Questions, a plasticized pocket reference guide for implementing The Joint Commission Universal Protocol, and The Joint Commission Speak Up safety initiative patient safety brochure. AORN (2008) continues to hold National Time Out day every year and to provide free resources to reinforce the necessity to implement and monitor the Universal Protocol for prevention of wrong-site procedures and improved care for our patients.
In June 2008 the World Health Organization (WHO) held the Second Global Patient Safety Challenge, Safe Surgery Saves Lives. The WHO Surgical Safety Checklist was launched, which will provide to surgical teams across the globe an international tool “to ensure that patients undergo the right operation at the correct body site, with safe anesthesia, established infection prevention measures and effective teamwork for safer care” (WHO, 2008).
The importance of a concerted effort to examine wrong-site procedures and the effects is substantiated by the fact that these are considered preventable adverse events. The NQF includes wrong-site surgery events on its list of serious reportable events, frequently referred to as never events. WSPs include wrong person, wrong side or site, wrong spinal level, wrong organ, wrong implant, wrong nerve block. These WSPs can occur in any area of the hospital or ambulatory setting; they are not limited to the surgical areas. The risks are also present in the procedural areas such as the cardiac catheterization laboratory or interventional radiology, procedures performed on patient units, in ambulatory care facilities, or in the physician’s office, where more complex procedures are being performed routinely. Despite the ambitious efforts of many professional organizations, agencies, individual facilities, and practitioners to eliminate WSPs, the numbers have not declined. For example, The Joint Commission database recorded 88 wrong-site surgeries in 2005, compared with 116 in 2008 (TJC, 2009). WSP is the most frequently reported category of sentinel events, and communication is the number one area of risk (TJC, 2008).
In Pennsylvania all hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers are mandated to report wrong-site surgeries and near misses. From June 2004 through December 2006 there were 427 reports filed—253 near misses and 174 surgical interventions started on the wrong patient, procedure, side, or part. Eighty-three patients’ incorrect procedures were carried out to completion (Clarke et al, 2007). This leaves the following questions: (1) Is reporting improving because secure, anonymous, and mandatory sites to facilitate reporting are provided and the punitive culture is changing, or is the number of cases actually increasing? (2) Are these incidents still being underreported? As we move forward toward a culture of safety in which we examine processes instead of punishing individuals, we have the potential for continued improvement in practice and reporting. However, it is obvious we have not eliminated WSPs.
The American College of Surgeons targeted key high-risk processes from actual root cause analyses that related to WSP. Communication breakdown among team members and with the patient and family ranked highest. Cultural factors such as hierarchy and intimidation were included. The patient preparation process demonstrated issues with incomplete patient assessments, including not checking the medical record, x-ray films, and other reports. The procedure for preparation of the operating room illuminated numerous issues such as unavailable patient information, staffing levels and competency, resident supervision, lack of safety policies and protocols, and distractions, which included the various individuals’ emotional and physical status and environmental influences. The surgical scheduling process was also mentioned (Manuel and Nora, 2004). When considering an electronic medical record system, the scheduler and the practitioners must be alert to inadequacies of the system that could support choosing the wrong patient or the wrong visit and thus transferring the current information to the wrong patient’s chart. Also, all information coming from an outside source in any form needs to have the patient and information validated.
In their research of the literature and numerous databases to investigate prevalence of WSP, Seiden and Barach (2006) discovered many of the previous findings. The categories they chose to use were human factors such as personnel changes, workload, environment, and lack of accountability; patient factors involving sedation, confusion of the patient about his or her procedure; and procedural aspects related to room change for the patient before surgery, patient position changes, wrong site being prepped or draped, and lack of cross-checks. Incorrect specimen labeling has resulted in a procedure on a wrong patient. Removal from the room of patient stickers for labeling specimens must be completed at procedure end to ensure that the next patient’s specimen is not labeled with the previous patient’s information. If the pathology results require additional surgery, the wrong patient may fall victim to a WSP.
Certain specialties are rising to the top of the risk list in the literature. Orthopaedic surgery appears to have a higher risk of WSP. As stated earlier, the AAOS has a long history of advocating prevention of WSP, which may affect increased reporting. Opportunities for lateralization errors and the higher volume of cases in orthopaedics may relate to the increased risk and percentage of WSP in orthopaedics (Cowell, 1998). An AAOS task force in their review of claims from 22 insurers found orthopaedic procedures accounted for 68% of WSP (Michaels et al, 2007). The Joint Commission (2008) reported 41% of wrong-site surgeries for orthopaedics in 2001. A survey of 1050 hand surgeons resulted in information that 21% admitted to one wrong-site surgery and that an additional 16% reported near misses. Most frequent locations were hand, wrist, and fingers (Meinberg and Stern, 2003).

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