
which is graphically demonstrated in Figures 26.4, 26.5 and 26.6.

In this chapter the steps in the derivation of this and other equations are shown in boxes.

In this chapter the term drug is used for molecules binding to receptors, although the model applies equally to other molecules (ligands) that bind to receptors.

Initial terms used

implies that

proportional to

Square brackets [ ]

are used to indicate a concentration


concentration of free drug


concentration of unoccupied receptors


concentration of drug-occupied receptors


constant that defines the rate of the association (forward) reaction


constant that defines the rate of the dissociation (backward) reaction


constant (the dissociation constant) that defines the equilibrium point of the whole interaction

Concentrationeffect relationships

Drugreceptor kinetics

The essential pharmacodynamic interaction is that of a drug binding reversibly to a receptor to form a drugreceptor complex.

We will use the interaction of noradrenaline (norepinephrine) with an α1-adrenoceptor to illustrate the concept (see Chapter 28 for details on receptor binding sites).

Drug + Receptor DrugReceptor complex

The law of mass action states that the velocity of a chemical interaction is proportional to the molecular concentrations of the reacting components.

Development of Key equation 1 from the drugreceptor interaction

For clarity the multiplication sign is usually omitted, and [D] × [R] is written as [D][R].

The next step is to insert the constants to convert to =, which results in the two terms:

Forward reaction = k1 [D][R]

Backward reaction = k2 [DR]

At equilibrium, there is no net change in the balance of concentrations and the rate of association reaction equals the rate of the dissociation reaction, so k1[D][R] = k2[DR]

This can be rearranged as:

In any equation, constants can be combined as a single constant. In this case, the ratio of the two constants k1 and k2 is called the equilibrium or dissociation constant, which is termed KD.

The final step is to substitute one constant for two, which leads to Key equation 1:

Key equation 1

Key points

  • KD is called the dissociation (or equilibrium) constant.

  • KD is a constant for a particular drugreceptor interaction and defines that interaction.

  • KD permits quantitative comparisons of the equilibrium points of different drugreceptor combinations (e.g. noradrenaline with α1-receptor, noradrenaline with α2-receptor and adrenaline with α1-receptor all have different values for KD).

  • The reciprocal of the dissociation constant is called the affinity of the drug for the receptor. In other words:

  • The higher the affinity of the receptor for the drug then the more associated (less dissociated) it is, so the lower the dissociation constant and vice versa.


An example KD for noradrenaline and the α1-adrenoceptor is 107 molar (100 nanomoles L1).

While the dissociation constant is very important, the equation itself is of limited use. What is required is the relationship of occupancy (the proportion of receptors occupied by the drug) to drug concentration.

Additional terms used


receptor occupancy


total number of receptors

So, occupancy

Key equation 2

This equation relates occupancy to drug concentration and the dissociation constant for the drugreceptor combination.

Development of Key equation 2

To derive Key equation 2 the receptor term [R], not featuring in occupancy (r), must be substituted in Key equation 1.

The total number of receptors is the sum of free and drug-bound receptors

[RT] = [R] + [DR] [R] = [RT] − [DR]

Substituting [R] from Key equation 1 gives


Substitute the term for occupancy (r)

This is Key equation 2:

Key points

  • When the drug concentration is zero, occupancy will be zero.

  • When the drug concentration is equal to KD then occupancy will be ½.

  • As drug concentration rises the dissociation constant becomes very small in relation to the concentration, so occupancy will reach close to 100%.

These features will become apparent in the charts later in the chapter.

In our example using noradrenaline, at a noradrenaline concentration of 100 nmol L1 at any particular time at equilibrium, half of the α1-receptors will be occupied as a drugreceptor complex.

In the model, the occupancy relationship is important for explaining how pure agonists behave, but it also applies equally to partial agonists, competitive antagonists and inverse agonists.

To make full use of the model, a term to describe the effect that is produced is required.

Additional terms used


response (not the same as [R] in earlier equations)


efficacy (a constant for a drugreceptor complex)

The receptor response produced by an agonist binding with the receptor is a function of the occupancy and the effect (efficacy) of the agonist on that receptor. For the purpose of this model, response (R) is proportional both to occupancy (r) and to the efficacy (E) of the drugreceptor complex:

R = E r

Derivation of Key equation 3

A simple substitution of r from Key equation 2 creates Key equation 3:

Key equation 3

Key points

  • When the drug concentration is zero, response will be zero.

  • When the drug concentration is equal to KD then response will be ½ that of the efficacy.

  • As drug concentration rises the dissociation constant becomes very small in relation to the concentration, so response will reach close to 100% of maximum.

These features will also become apparent in the charts later in the chapter.

In our example using noradrenaline, at equilibrium at a noradrenaline concentration of 100 nmol L1 the response from the α1-receptors will be half of the maximal response.

Efficacy and drugreceptor interactions

Graphical plots based on Key equation 3 are used to demonstrate and explain the features of the drugreceptor interactions. These are classified in Figure 26.2. Non-competitive and non-reversible antagonists produce no response. The plots are purely a graphical demonstration of Key equation 2 or Key equation 3 above.

Figure 26.2 Classification of drugreceptor interaction

Type of drugreceptor interaction Efficacy Response maximum from that drug
Pure agonist 1 Full
Partial agonist Between 0 and 1 Some response but never maximal
Reversible competitive antagonist 0 No response
Inverse agonist Negative value Opposite effect

In this section A and B are introduced to represent different pairs of drugs, and so the following additional terms are used:


concentration of antagonist


concentration of receptors occupied by the antagonist


concentration of agonist


concentration of antagonist


occupancy of receptor by agonist


occupancy of receptor by antagonist


equilibrium constant for defining the agonistreceptor interaction (replaces KD from previous section)


equilibrium constant for defining the antagonistreceptor interaction

Do not confuse the terms KA and KB with the terms Ka and Kb used in acidbase calculations.

Figure 26.3 lists the values used in the graphical examples that follow. Note that the values for equilibrium constants are not actual ones but represent concentrations for the purposes of illustration.

Figure 26.3 Values used for the various ligands in the ensuing graphs

Ligand Abbreviation Dissociation constant Efficacy
Agonist 1 A1 50 1
Agonist 2 A2 25 1
Agonist 3 A3 100 1
Partial agonist 1 P1 50 0.75
Partial agonist 2 P2 500 0.75
Reversible competitive antagonist B 450 0
Irreversible competitive antagonist I 0

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Jan 18, 2017 | Posted by in ANESTHESIA | Comments Off on Pharmacodynamics

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