Perioperative Metabolic Care of the Term and Preterm Infant

Fig. 8.1
Changes in fluid homeostasis and regulation in neonates (especially preterm neonates) lead to poor concentrating capacity and urinary loss of sodium. Reduction in pulmonary vascular resistance after birth increases pulmonary venous return to the left atrium thereby stretching the atrium. Umbilical cord clamping and removal of the placenta increase systemic vascular resistance and left ventricular strain. Atrial stretch and ventricular strain increase natriuretic peptide levels, which cause renal vasodilation and natriuresis. Although ADH secretion is present, reduced aquaporins in the collecting duct limit the urinary concentrating capacity, particularly in premature infants. Although the renin-angiotensin system is functional with normal/high aldosterone levels, partial aldosterone insensitivity results in a natriuresis. Ductal steal (left to right shunt across a patent ductus arteriosus—PDA reduces renal perfusion), increased renal vascular resistance, reduced medullary osmotic gradient, short immature nephrons, and reduced cortisol concentrations act in concert to limit the ability of the preterm infant to conserve sodium and water. See text for details

The body composition of the fetus changes dramatically during gestation. Total body water, as a proportion of body weight, progressively decreases with advancing gestation (Fig. 8.2). Total body water represents 85 % of body weight in premature infants, 75 % in full-term neonates and 60 % in older children [1]. After birth, excess total body water is mobilized and excreted. Premature infants (Fig. 8.2) mature through several distinct phases before achieving fluid homeostasis. The pre-diuretic phase, which occurs in the first 24–48 postnatal hours, is marked by urine outputs in the range of 0.5–1.5 ml/kg/h. During the subsequent diuretic phase, urine output increases to 3–5 ml/kg/h with a decrease in sodium excretion. As a result, there is 10–15 % weight loss during the first 5–7 postnatal days (with a weight loss of up to 20 % in infants <750 g). The precise mechanisms underlying the contraction of body fluids in the first few postnatal days are not clear but have been attributed, in part, to an atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) diuresis secondary to increased pulmonary blood flow and stretch of left atrial receptors. Another contributing factor to this diuresis and weight loss during the first postnatal week (largely extracellular fluid loss) is tubular insensitivity to aldosterone [2, 3].


Fig. 8.2
Total body water and intracellular and extracellular water distribution with age

Postnatal Changes in Hypothalamic, Adrenal, and Renal Physiology

Atrial Natriuretic Peptides

The natriuretic peptides are involved in attenuating the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone axis and sympathetic nervous system; suppression of vasopressin release; vasodilatation of the systemic, pulmonary, coronary, and renal circulations; and promotion of natriuresis and diuresis. When compared with older infants and children, neonates in the first few postnatal days have significantly greater circulating levels of natriuretic hormone, perhaps related to the acute increase in ventricular afterload that occurs after birth [3, 4]. Plasma B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) levels in neonates with respiratory disease, with persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn, are significantly greater than in those with normal right ventricular pressure. In children with known congenital heart disease, natriuretic hormone levels vary with the type and severity of the heart defect [5].

Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis

Remodelling of the adrenal glands after birth occurs via apoptosis of the fetal zone, by remodelling this zone and the development of other zones [6]. At birth, the concentration of free cortisol is only one-third that of maternal levels, with an inverse relationship between cortisol levels and gestational age. The size of the adrenal glands decreases by 25 % during the first 4 postnatal days. In full-term and late preterm neonates, low cord concentrations of ACTH, cortisol and free triiodothyronine are associated with lung fluid retention and transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN) [7]. Transient insufficiency of the adrenal cortex has been reported in approximately 27 % of ELBW infants and critically ill neonates (defined as an inability to triple the cortisol production rate in response to stress); these infants mount a poor response to shock with hypotension that is unresponsive to fluids and inotropes [810]. Intravenous pulse doses of hydrocortisone have been shown to be effective in treating inotrope-resistant hypotension in critically ill preterm infants that does not suppress the adrenal gland [9, 11]. However, the vast majority of preterm neonates >30 weeks’ gestation demonstrated a positive relationship between their stress response and the urinary cortisol levels [12]. Most neonates with suppressed cortisol levels at birth reach normal plasma cortisol levels within the first 2 weeks after birth [13].


The renin-angiotensin system is very active in the first week of neonatal life resulting in increased vascular tone and increased concentrations of aldosterone [14]. Factors that contribute to increased angiotensinogen and plasma renin activity (PRA) levels include low systemic blood pressure and low renal blood flow, low serum sodium, and a decrease in ECF after birth. The activity of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone (RAA) system is inversely related to gestational age. The integrity of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system at early age contrasts with the inability of the fetal kidney to appropriately control sodium and water reabsorption.

Synthesis of aldosterone in the fetal adrenal gland commences by the 13th gestational week and increases steadily throughout gestation, often exceeding maternal levels at birth. Urinary aldosterone excretion increases significantly in late gestation, between 30 and 41 weeks [2]. In VLBW infants, the adrenal production of aldosterone is reduced compared with that in full-term neonates. This, combined with a partial unresponsiveness of the distal tubule to aldosterone, predisposes these infants to an increased risk of hyponatremia and dehydration. The mechanism of this partial resistance may be explained in part by the reduced expression of renal mineralocorticoid receptors [15]. As aldosterone levels increase with gestational age, distal tubular reabsorption of sodium increases, but even by term, healthy neonates exhibit partial, transient tubular unresponsiveness to aldosterone, resulting in an impaired ability to excrete large or acute sodium loads [2]. In fact at term, plasma levels of aldosterone and renin are increased compared with maternal levels despite the accompanying hyponatremia, hyperkalemia and urinary sodium loss [14]. Aldosterone levels and the distal tubular responses to aldosterone normalize as renal function matures by the end of the first year of life.

Antidiuretic Hormone

Antidiuretic hormone (arginine vasopressin AVP, ADH) increases at birth especially in infants delivered vaginally [16]. ADH secretion is increased in response to stress—during birth, asphyxia or with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), positive pressure ventilation, pneumothorax, and intracranial hemorrhage. Sensitivity of the volume receptors and osmoreceptors in neonates is similar to the response in adults, but tubular sensitivity to ADH is decreased in preterm infants [17, 18]. The reduced response of the collecting duct’s water permeability response to ADH permits the excretion of hypotonic urine in utero and contributes to the neonate’s inability to concentrate urine postnatally. In utero, prostaglandins E2 signal the prostaglandin EP3 receptor to block AQPs [19]. Postnatally, when ADH binds to its receptor on the basolateral membrane of the collecting duct, a series of events culminate in the insertion of aquaporin-2 (AQP2) water channels into the apical membrane of the renal tubule increasing the tubule’s water permeability in response to ADH [20]. Aquaporins in the apical membranes of collecting ducts are decreased in premature infants at birth, peak on postnatal day 3 and then decrease to birth concentrations by day 7 [21].

Renal Function:

in the neonate is markedly immature compared with that in the older infant, and small for gestational age infants are at increased risk for renal insufficiency [22, 23]. The number of nephrons in the fetus reaches adult numbers by 34–36 weeks’ gestation, but the nephrons are shorter and functionally immature [20]. Renal function and the control of fluids and electrolytes are thus impaired in premature infants who are less than 35 weeks postmenstrual age (PMA). Postnatal renal maturation however is more a function of postnatal age than gestational age; thus a preterm infant who is a few weeks old may have more mature renal function than a full-term neonate. After birth, renal blood flow increases in response to increased systemic blood pressure with a resultant increase in glomerular filtration rate. However, the neonatal kidney remains less efficient at excreting an acute sodium or water load than the kidney of an infant or child.

Neonatal Renal Function

Infants tolerate fluid restriction poorly and become dehydrated rapidly as a result of large insensible fluid losses and the inability of the kidneys to concentrate urine. Factors that contribute to this inability to concentrate urine include a decrease in medullary osmotic gradient and a reduced water permeability response of the collecting duct to ADH. The lack of a renal medulla osmotic gradient and the absence of medullary tubules limit the urinary concentrating capacity of the neonatal kidney (600 mOsm/kg in preterm infants and 800 mOsm/kg in full-term neonates) to about half that of the adult value (1,200–1,400 mOsm/kg).

Renal Blood Flow (RBF):

RBF at birth is reduced in preterm and full-term infants primarily because the oxygen tension is reduced and the renal vascular resistance (RVR) is increased due to upregulation of the renin-angiotensin system. RBF reaches adult rates by 2 years of age. Angiotensin II is important in utero as it vasoconstricts efferent arterioles, acting as a partial growth factor [19]. RVR is inversely related to gestational age and decreases gradually postnatally, although remaining greater than adults. The presence of a physiologic patent ductus arteriosus with left to right shunting also contributes to low renal blood flow in neonates. During the first twelve hours after birth of full-term neonates, 4–6 % of the cardiac output perfuses the kidney; the perfusion increases to 8–10 % (compared with 25 % in adults) during the first week [19]. A similar pattern of blood flow occurs in preterm infants who are older than 34–35 weeks’ gestation with a more gradual decrease in RVR and a slower increase in GFR [24]. A greater proportion of the RBF in infants perfuses the juxtaglomerular nephrons compared with that in adults, in whom the majority of RBF perfuses the cortical area and only 10 % perfuses the medullary area. Because the juxtaglomerular nephrons are more involved in the conservation of rather than excretion of sodium, this explains the limited ability of the infant to excrete a sodium load.

Glomerular Filtration:

The glomeruli and nephrons are immature at birth, resulting in a reduced glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and limited concentrating ability. The GFR in the neonate is markedly reduced compared with that in the adult, especially when the infant’s smaller size and surface area are taken into account. The reduced GFR in the neonate may be explained by the very low surface area of the glomerular basement membrane [20]. This impairs the neonate’s ability to excrete a water load. At 40 weeks postconceptional age, the GFR is 1.5 ml/kg/min (20–40 ml/min/1.73 m2), increasing to adult levels of 2.0 ml/kg/min (120 ml/min/1.73 m2) by 2 years of age. The GFR is directly related to gestational age; premature neonates have reduced GFR values that increase slowly compared with those in full-term neonates. In extremely premature infants, the GFR remains reduced until a full complement of nephrons has developed at 35 weeks. The reduced GFR at birth is attributed to low systemic arterial blood pressure, increased renal vascular resistance and reduced ultrafiltration pressure together with a decreased capillary surface area for filtration.

Tubular Function:

matures over the first few months postnatally, reaching adult values by 1 year of age. The neonate has a smaller tubular resorptive surface area, fewer solute transporters, decreased Na+K+ ATPase activity and altered control of H+ transport compared with older infants. Most other secretory and absorptive tubular processes, although immature, are relatively well developed by term. Neonates and young infants usually produce urine that is isotonic with plasma, but if required, they can concentrate their urine to achieve an osmolality of 500–700 mOsmol/kg H2O. Adult values for maximum urine concentrating ability (typically reaching 1,200–1,400 mOsmol/kg H2O) are achieved by 1 year of age. Glycosuria and aminoaciduria are commonly detected in neonates because of immature active transport pumps in the proximal tubule.

Maintenance Fluid Therapy

Water Requirement

Normal fluid requirements vary markedly in both low birth weight and full-term neonates as well as during infancy (Table 8.1). This variability is caused by differences in caloric expenditures, growth rate, evaporative losses and progress of renal function maturation and proportion of total body water at different ages [26]. Full-term infants require 60 ml/kg/day of fluid on day 1, with increasing incremental requirements that reach 150 ml/kg/day by 1 week postnatally. Premature neonates have larger surface areas relative to their body weights and greater evaporative losses than full-term neonates. As a consequence, premature neonates (≤26 weeks gestational age) require 80 ml/kg/d on day 1 (one-third more than full-term neonates), with increasing incremental requirements that reach 150–180 ml/kg/day by 1 week. In the case of VLBW infants, their surface area-to-weight ratios are approximately three times greater than those in full-term neonates, resulting in greater insensible fluid losses. These losses, combined with the greater urinary excretion of solutes and reduced tubular concentrating ability, further increase the obligatory fluid losses in these infants. Energy expenditure and fluid requirements may also significantly increase during stressful situations such as with surgery (up to 30 % increase), severe sepsis (up to 50 % increase), fever (10 % per degree in excess of 37 °C) and cardiac failure (up to 25 % increase).

Table 8.1
Average fluid requirements of LBW infants (ml/kg/day) during the first week of life

Body weight (g)

Days after birth






















































IWL stands for insensible water loss [25]

Sodium is often not included in the fluids administered to neonates in the first 24–72 h, and the serum sodium can be an accurate marker of the hydration status of the neonate: hyponatremia developing with fluid overload and hypernatremia developing with dehydration.

Careful fluid and electrolyte management is essential for the well-being of the sick surgical neonate. Insufficient administration of fluids can cause hypovolemia, hyperosmolarity, metabolic abnormalities, and renal failure, whereas excess fluid administration can cause generalized edema, congestive heart failure, and pulmonary dysfunction. In the VLBW infant, excess fluid administration may be associated with a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) because the fluid overload stimulates production of PGE2, which prevents PDA closure. In the infant with a large PDA, aortic blood is shunted back into the pulmonary artery reducing blood flow down the descending aorta. This reduces intestinal blood flow that may result in hypoperfusion, ischemia and necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). Excess fluid administration may also result in congestive heart failure, intraventricular hemorrhage, NEC and bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD).

Sodium and Electrolyte Requirements

Sodium is required for fetal growth, with a normal accretion rate of 1.2 mEq/kg/day between 31 and 38 weeks’ gestation. Immediately after birth, both full-term and preterm infants are in negative sodium balance due to the physiologic natriuresis stimulated by ANP changes with birth [3]. The high fractional excretion of Na+ (
$$ {\mathrm{FE}}_{{\mathrm{Na}}^{+}} $$
) in premature infants can lead to negative Na+ balance, hyponatremia, neurologic disturbances and poor growth unless sodium is administered at a rate of 3–5 mmol/kg/day. Full-term neonates readily conserve sodium with increased responsiveness of the distal tubule to aldosterone and a rapid increase in Na+K+ ATPase activity in the principal cell of the collecting duct after birth. The principal cell is the final determinant of sodium reabsorption and potassium excretion, the latter dependent on potassium channels [20]. Preterm infants demonstrate negative sodium balance for many weeks post delivery because of decreased Na+K+ ATPase activity, increased ECF volume and reduced tubular aldosterone sensitivity. Extremely premature infants who become hyponatremic most likely do not have reduced total body sodium, which would permit increasing their sodium intake. These infants require a reduction in total fluid intake. Conversely, the premature infant is unable to rapidly increase sodium excretion in response to an increased concentration of sodium or a large sodium load.

Clinically important disturbances in acid–base status are unusual in full-term neonates, unless protein intake is excessive. Plasma bicarbonate (HCO3 ) concentrations depend on the renal HCO3 threshold, which is reduced in the full-term neonate (19–23 mEq/l) and even less in the premature (18–22 mEq/l) and very low birth weight (<1,300 g) infants (14–18 mEq/l) [19, 20]. The reduced renal HCO3 threshold (physiological renal tubular acidosis—RTA) may be caused by the physiologic volume expansion in the premature neonate and the relative immaturity of the tubular transport mechanisms. Sodium bicarbonate or more commonly sodium or potassium acetate supplements of 1–2 mmol/kg/day are generally recommended for very small premature infants. Infants with normal anion gap metabolic acidosis secondary to renal immaturity may have a greater requirement for alkali (acetate) in their parenteral nutrition.


The fetal pancreas is able to release insulin in response to the presence of increased glucose and amino acids by the 20th week of gestation, although insulin remains inactive until the onset of corticosteroid action in the second trimester. Insulin then regulates the expression of enzymes related to glycogen and lipid synthesis. As a result, glycogen storage does not begin until the 27th week gestation and increases slowly thereafter until 36 weeks. Hepatic glycogen content then increases quickly until full-term is reached at a rate of 50 mg/g of tissue. This reserve, less than 5 % of the body weight, is rapidly depleted if a source of energy is needed suddenly, explaining why an infant is prone to developing hypoglycemia during the fasting period. The placenta is permeable to triglycerides, free fatty acids, and glycerol, and under the influence of insulin, fatty acid synthesis in the liver and glucose uptake in adipose tissue occur leading to triglyceride synthesis. During the third trimester, fat is stored in adipose tissue, which comprises 16 % of body weight at term, corresponding to an energy reserve of approximately 5,000 kcal.

Endocrine Response at Birth

Birth is associated with an endocrine stress response that is characterized by a massive increase in plasma catecholamine, glucagon and cortisol concentrations. Decreased plasma insulin concentrations as glucagon concentrations increase induce hepatic glycogenolysis, lipolysis, and gluconeogenesis, effects that are also stimulated by increased concentrations of circulating catecholamines at birth. A physiological decrease in blood glucose concentration occurs during the first 2 h after delivery, although the above mechanisms correct this physiologic aberration and initiate homeostasis. Hepatic synthesis through glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis is the only source of glucose until feeding is established. Estimates of glucose kinetics in full-term neonates suggest that healthy neonates produce glucose at the rate of 5–8 mg kg/min (or 28–45 μmoles kg/min), of which 50–70 % is contributed by gluconeogenesis. Liver glycogen stores are depleted from 50 to 5 mg/g tissue within 12 h of birth, after which energy requirements are supported by oxidative fat metabolism until enteral feeding is established. The rate of lipolysis, as estimated by the rate of appearance of glycerol or fatty acid, corresponds to 6–12 μmoles kg/min.


There is no consensus on the precise definition of hypoglycemia in neonates (although many use a concentration <47 mg/dL as hypoglycemia, rounding to 50 mg/dl) [27], and there are no uniform standards for euglycemia. The physiologically optimal range for plasma glucose concentrations is 70–100 mg/dl (3.9–5.6 mmol/l) with a minimal optimal concentration of glucose, 60 mg/dl (3.3 mmol/l). Infants who are very immature (ELBW or VLBW) or ill (hypoxia, ischemia, or sepsis) may have greater glucose requirements and are more vulnerable to the consequences of hypoglycemia. Other infants at risk of postnatal hypoglycemia include infants of diabetic mothers, large for gestational age (LGA > 90 ‰) or small for gestational age infants (SGA), infants with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome or intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR <10 ‰), post-asphyxiated infants (APGAR <5 at 5 min) and infants ≤36 weeks’ gestation. A glucose infusion rate of 3–4 mg/kg/min should prevent hypoglycemia in full-term infants, whereas an infusion rate of 6–10 mg/kg/min should prevent hypoglycemia in ELBW infants.

In neonates <28 weeks gestational age, hypoglycemia is almost unavoidable in the first few hours after birth if exogenous glucose is not administrated. These infants have limited glycogen stores, decreased availability of amino acids for gluconeogenesis and inadequate lipid stores for the release of fatty acids and fat stores to maintain glucose balance. Ketogenesis is severely limited in preterm infants because they lack fat stores in adipose tissue (fat represents <2 % of total body weight). Depending on its severity, hypoglycemia can produce devastating effects on the central nervous system, especially in neonates [28]. Reduced blood concentrations of glucose invoke a stress response and alter cerebral blood flow and metabolism. During hypoglycemia, brain glucose metabolism decreases by up to 50 % with increased reliance on ketones and lactate as sources for energy. Preterm infants appear less able to counterbalance these developments and to provide alternative fuels for the brain unlike full-term infants. Even moderate hypoglycemia can lead to an adverse neurodevelopmental outcome including an increased risk of motor and developmental delay. Cerebral injury is caused not only by severe prolonged hypoglycemia but also by mild hypoglycemia when it is combined with mild hypoxia or ischemia. MRI detected white matter abnormalities in more than 90 % of full-term neonates with symptomatic hypoglycemia (blood glucose level <45 mg/dL or 2.6 mmol/l) [29, 30].


Hyperglycemia (defined as blood glucose concentration greater than 125 mg/dL or 7 mmol/l or plasma glucose concentration greater than 150 mg/dL or 8.25 mmol/l) is commonly observed during the first week of life in infants born at <30 weeks of gestation. Stress, corticosteroids and methylxanthine therapy and administration of glucose at excessive rates could all cause neonatal hyperglycemia. Glucose infusions are normally maintained at rates between 4 and 7 mg kg/min to ensure basal glucose requirements in neonates. However, hyperglycemia may develop if glucose infusion rates exceed 8 mg/kg/min in infants with birth weights >1 kg and if moderate infusion rates of 4–8 mg/kg/min were administered to VLBW infants with birth weights <1 kg. Hyperglycemia, which usually occurs after an abrupt increase in plasma glucose concentration (e.g., following a bolus of 25 % or 50 % dextrose i.v.), has been associated with a greater risk of intraventricular hemorrhage, although a causal relationship has yet to be proven. In the presence of ischemia or hypoxia, the impaired metabolism of excess glucose causes an accumulation of lactate and a decrease in intracellular pH that subsequently severely compromises cellular function that may result in cell death [28]. However reducing glucose infusions to an extremely low rate to manage hyperglycemia significantly reduces caloric intake, which may have long-term effects on growth and development.

Enteral Nutrition (Trophic Feeding or Minimal Enteral Nutrition)

Feeding is less efficient in some late preterm infants than in full-term neonates because they fatigue quickly and have immature feeding skills prompting oral gavage (tube) feeding until effective oral feeding is achieved [31]. Suck and swallow coordination is often poor in infants born at <34 weeks’ gestation. Furthermore, some infants require a longer-than-normal interval between feedings because of delayed gastrointestinal motility and gastric emptying. Furthermore, premature infants <34 weeks’ gestation often have intestinal dysmotility that contributes to feeding intolerance with associated anesthetic implications.

Minimal Enteral Nutrition (Trophic Feeding)

Minimal enteral nutrition refers to the practice of early enteral feeding of premature infants. Starting volumes vary from 5 to 25 ml/kg/day with benefits noted at less than 1 ml/kg/day (priming). Minimal trophic feeds (either by bolus or continuous infusion of 10 ml/kg/day) in the first week of life stimulate the gut by increasing the activity of various enzymes, inducing mucosal growth, promoting motility and preventing translocation of bacteria across the gut wall—a significant concern in VLBW infants [32]. Maternal breast milk (colostrum) is preferred; however, positive results have been reported with donor milk and formula feeding. Feeding volumes are kept small, regardless of the size of gastric residuals, with volumes usually less than 20 ml/kg/day. Minimal enteral nutrition is used with caution in any situation associated with gut hypoxia or decreased intestinal blood flow (asphyxia, hypoxemia, hypotension) and/or marked diastolic steal (a patent ductus arteriosus). Continuing feeds during indomethacin treatment is still a controversial issue and clinical practice differs among hospitals.

Normal Enteral Feeds

Maturation of the gastrointestinal tract with increases in the intestinal length and surface area including villus and microvillus growth occur during the last trimester. Human milk is the first choice for preterm and term infants as it provides substantial benefits to premature infants’ health including reduced infectious and inflammatory disease and enhanced neurodevelopmental outcome. If unfortified however, human milk may not provide adequate nutrients to meet the demands of premature infants particularly in light of the large variations in the protein and fat content of human milk. Human milk from mothers of preterm infants contains more protein than does the milk from mothers of term infants; initially, it has a protein content of approximately 2.5–3 g/100 mL (colostrum), which decreases to approximately 1.5–2 g/100 mL soon after birth (transitional milk), and finally stabilizes at 0.9–1.4 g/100 mL (mature milk). In general, increased concentration levels of protein persist for the first month of lactation. Thereafter, the protein content of preterm milk decreases and approaches the composition of term human milk. Preterm infants receiving 150 ml/kg per day of fortified human milk receive approximately 3.5 g/kg per day of protein.

Total Parenteral Nutrition

The smaller the infant, the greater the need for parenteral nutrition and the greater the urgency to initiate it. Thus, for infants with birth weights <1,500 g, total parenteral nutrition (TPN) is started at 2–3 days of life when the fluid and sodium status has stabilized. Infants require 90–100 cals/kg of TPN or 110–130 cals/kg of enteral nutrition to optimize growth. When supplementing orogastric feeds, the TPN is increased to 150–160 ml/kg/day as tolerated in order to provide adequate calories for growth. Current practice in many NICUs is to initiate TPN with 3 g/kg of protein soon after birth using “starter” or “vanilla” TPN solutions that are stocked in the NICU. In both human milk and formulae, lipids comprise about 50 % of the total energy and contain the essential fatty acids, linolenic acid and linoleic acid. The primary reason for including parenteral lipids is to provide the essential fatty acids, which are important determinants of membrane lipid composition and central nervous system development. ELBW infants usually receive their dietary fat via parenteral lipid emulsions. There are concerns that lipid infusions in premature neonates may have adverse effects such as impaired oxygenation, increased risk of lung disease, impaired immune function and increased free bilirubin levels. In addition, while there are good reasons for using lipids, a good proportion of these lipids are stored rather than oxidized as fuel.

Fluid Management and Fasting Before Surgery


Elective surgery: Before elective surgery (such as inguinal hernia repair in a growing preterm infant or repair of diaphragmatic hernia), serum electrolytes and fluid status are reviewed and optimized. Preterm infants with BPD are often treated with diuretics to optimize their pulmonary status. Chronic respiratory acidosis with metabolic compensation, hyponatremia, and either hypo- or hyperkalemia is common. Treatment with enteral or parenteral supplements may be necessary before surgery. Neonates should be fasted 2 h after clear fluids, 4 h after human breast milk and 6 h after nonhuman formula [33, 34]. Infants fulfilling these fasting criteria usually have only a minor fluid deficit at the time of surgery, a deficit that is not necessary to correct. When fasting guidelines are not applicable or not followed, some infants may be fasted for several hours before surgery. In this case, preoperative deficits are calculated by multiplying the hourly maintenance fluid requirement by the number of hours of restriction. Murat proposed to replace 50 % of the fasting deficit in the first hour and 25 % in the second and third hours [35]. The amount of fluid given during the first hour should be reduced if neonates are fasting for a shorter period of time or if the neonate is already receiving intravenous fluid before surgery [35].



Emergent surgery: Before emergency surgery, all neonates should be immediately resuscitated with fluids. Abdominal emergencies (volvulus or pneumoperitoneum after NEC) are associated with extravasation of fluid from the vascular space into the lumen. Restoration of intravascular volume using crystalloids (isotonic saline or Ringer lactate), colloids (albumin), or blood products (platelets, packed RBCs, or fresh frozen plasma) is important. Conditions associated with vomiting or aspiration of gastric contents (such as pyloric stenosis, duodenal atresia or stenosis) are associated with abnormalities in serum sodium, potassium, bicarbonate and chloride. Infants with pyloric stenosis present with hypokalemic alkalosis and require resuscitation with fluids that contain adequate amounts of both chloride and potassium before they are scheduled for surgery.



Parenteral nutrition: Continuing TPN with amino acids and lipids before and during surgery is common practice and has the theoretical advantage of providing optimal nutrition during catabolism associated with surgery. Three practical issues regarding the use of parenteral nutrition are the following:


Partial parenteral nutrition with feeds: Many infants undergoing semi-elective or elective surgery are receiving partial feeds and partial parenteral nutrition supplementation. The composition of partial parenteral nutrition fluids may include high concentration of electrolytes (such as sodium, calcium, and potassium) and dextrose to compensate for low mineral content of oral feeds (specifically human milk). When the infant’s oral feeds are stopped for preoperative fasting, the partial TPN should not be increased to full volume. Instead, a new TPN solution with optimal glucose and electrolytes at full volume (often 100–150 ml/kg/day) should be initiated. Alternately, the neonate’s feeds may be supplemented with a plain crystalloid solution such as dextrose 5 % in water (through a Y connector) to provide a partial TPN solution.



Parenteral nutrition is usually administered through a thin percutaneous or peripherally intravascular central catheter (PICC line). These catheters have small internal diameter (usually 1.9-Fr lines) and offer large resistance. They are not suitable for emergency fluid boluses and are at a large risk of rupturing if small syringes (1–3 ml size) are used to inject fluid volumes rapidly because of the great pressures that can build up within the catheter.



Y-site compatibility of medications with parenteral nutrition solution: In 2007, Roche laboratories updated their prescribing information for ceftriaxone sodium to include a contraindication for the co-administration with calcium-containing intravenous solutions in neonates due to reported fatal cases of pulmonary and renal precipitates (Rocephin package insert). Readers are referred to a detailed review of compatibilities of medications with lipid- and non-lipid-containing parenteral fluids [36]. Table 8.2 highlights the compatibility of some commonly used medications with 2-in-1 (amino acids + glucose/electrolyte solution) and 3-in-1 (amino acids + lipids + glucose/electrolyte solution) parenteral nutrition solutions.


Table 8.2
Y-site compatibility of medications with parenteral nutrition solution


2-in-1 TPN

3-in-1 TPN





White precipitate forms immediately







Amikacin sulphate


Conflicting data

Amphotericin B



Yellow precipitate formation


Conflicting but administered in some units










Caffeine citrate




Incompatible if dextrose concentration is 25 %





































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Sep 21, 2016 | Posted by in ANESTHESIA | Comments Off on Perioperative Metabolic Care of the Term and Preterm Infant

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