Children and adults with congenital heart disease undergoing noncardiac surgery are at higher risk of perioperative adverse events. Patients have significant comorbidities and syndromic associations that increase perioperative risk further. The complexity of congenital heart disease requires a thorough understanding of lesion-specific pathophysiology in order to provide safe care. Comprehensive multidisciplinary planning and the use of skilled and experienced teams achieve the best outcomes. The anesthesiologist is a perioperative physician charged with providing safe anesthesia care, instituting appropriate hemodynamic monitoring, and determining appropriate postoperative disposition on an individual basis.
Key points
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Children and adults with congenital heart disease undergoing noncardiac surgery are at higher risk of perioperative adverse events.
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Patients have significant comorbidities and syndromic associations that increase perioperative risk further.
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The complexity of congenital heart disease requires a thorough understanding of lesion-specific pathophysiology in order to provide safe care.
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Comprehensive multidisciplinary planning and the use of skilled and experienced teams achieve the best outcomes.
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The anesthesiologist is a perioperative physician charged with providing safe anesthesia care, instituting appropriate hemodynamic monitoring, and determining appropriate postoperative disposition on an individual basis.
Assessment of children with varying severity of congenital heart disease in phases of surgical and medical management can prove challenging for the anesthesia provider. Certainly, with the variability in anatomic morphology coupled with the individualized response to treatment, it is not possible to define all patients homogenously. Therefore, this review focuses on assessing patients with congenital heart disease having undergone the Fontan procedure, the anatomic endpoint for several congenital heart defects. Specifically, the focus is on patients with Fontan physiology in the context of the perioperative evaluation and conduct of anesthesia for noncardiac surgery.
With increasing survival for patients with Fontan circulation, the number of noncardiac surgical encounters is increasing, necessitating detailed understanding of this physiology and the interplay with anesthesia and surgery.
Incidence and epidemiology
The overall incidence of congenital heart disease is approximately 8 per 1000 live births, although with significant interlesion variability. Cardiac lesions may be found in association with several syndromes or occur in isolation. Lesions also may be simple (eg, atrial septal defect) or complex (eg, tricuspid atresia). With advances in surgical and medical management, the number of children and adults living with all forms of congenital heart disease, in particular, Fontan circulation, has increased. Although transplant-free survival for patients with Fontan circulation continues to increase, there are several morbidities specific to this population that require consideration during the conduct of the perioperative evaluation.
Fontan anatomy and physiologic considerations
The Fontan operation is performed for patients with congenital heart lesions for which a 2-ventricle repair is not achievable ( Box 1 ). This operation consists of a total cavopulmonary anastomosis establishing series circulation whereby venous return to the lungs is passive via the cavopulmonary anastomoses instead of utilizing the normal right ventricular pump, and the single ventricle provides the oxygenated blood systemically. There is significant presurgical anatomic variation, however, in patients with Fontan circulation based on the underlying pathology. Both right ventricular hypoplasia and left ventricular hypoplasia are indications for a Fontan procedure. For example, a patient with tricuspid atresia (hypoplastic right ventricle) and a patient with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) (hypoplastic left ventricle) both are candidates for Fontan surgical palliation. The 2 most common types of Fontan procedures are the fenestrated intra-atrial Fontan and the unfenestrated extracardiac Fontan ( Fig. 1 ). A fenestration is a connection between the Fontan circuit and the common atrium that serves as a pop-off for maintenance of cardiac output during times of increased pulmonary pressure. The atriopulmonary Fontan is an older technique that involved anastomosis of the right atrium directly to the pulmonary artery. This procedure no longer is performed; however, this anatomic type of Fontan may be observed in older patients.
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Double-inlet left ventricle
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Double-outlet right ventricle
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Pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum
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Tricuspid atresia
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Unbalanced AV canal defect

The physiology with regard to pulmonary blood flow in a Fontan circuit is unique. As the single ventricle becomes dedicated to providing systemic blood flow, blood return to the lungs becomes passive from the upper body and lower body from the superior vena cava and inferior vena cava, respectively. As the child grows, the percentage of total venous return from the lower body via the inferior vena cava increases. , Factors that increase pulmonary vascular pressures, either transient or persistent, over time lead to reduced pulmonary blood flow and contribute to Fontan failure. These factors include recurrent exercise, gravitational forces, pregnancy, pulmonary venous obstruction, ventricular failure, valvular regurgitation, constipation, obstructive sleep apnea, and obesity. Failure is characterized by inadequate cardiac output, the sequelae of which include elevated central venous pressure: pleural effusions, ascites, and peripheral edema.
A normal Fontan patient should have a normal oxygen saturation. Patients with Fontan fenestrations may have slightly reduced oxygen saturations due to a small degree of right to left shunting across the fenestration. Persistent oxygen desaturation should raise concern for a failing Fontan circulation.
Preoperative assessment of the Fontan patient
When conducting a preanesthetic evaluation, there are several considerations specific to patients with Fontan circulation ( Table 1 ). The aim of the preoperative assessment is to identify factors suggestive of a failing Fontan. The main issues during the basic perioperative examination should include assessment of the underlying cardiac lesion and timing of the previous surgical interventions. The recent echocardiogram and electrocardiograms should be reviewed in addition to home medications, recent illness, exercise capacity, and the need for infective endocarditis prophylaxis.
Preoperative | Intraoperative | Postoperative |
Cardiac History
A complete medical history with details of the underlying pathology, timing of each stage of palliation of the single-ventricle disease, additional surgeries to address arrhythmias (eg, pacemaker insertion), diaphragmatic plication, airway surgeries, cardiac catheterizations, and interventions must be reviewed. Residual lesions and physiologic burden of those procedures should be assessed. The most important information is gleaned from a patient’s cardiologist and the most recent cardiac catheterization report. Any recent changes in a patient’s exercise tolerance, functional ability, restriction of physical exercise, or escalation of therapy might indicate a worsening of cardiac dysfunction. Prior cardiac catheterization data, access sites, patency of veins and arteries, cardiac index, the integrity of the Fontan pathway, presence of a fenestration if any, pressures along the Fontan pathway, transpulmonary gradient, ventricular end-diastolic pressure, pulmonary vascular resistance, and status of the atrioventricular (AV) valve all are useful information.
Morphologically, the right and left ventricles are vastly different, with the right being thin walled and highly trabeculated and the left more muscular and conical shaped. The result is a right ventricle being apt to deal with volume loads and the left suited for ejecting against high pressures. Additionally, both the timing of the initial Fontan completion and the time since Fontan completion are important when considering risk. A study of long-term outcomes for patients with Fontan operations has shown that Fontan completion after age 7 (rather than ages 2–4 years) is associated with worse long-term complications. Delayed Fontan completion often is accompanied by formation of aortopulmonary collaterals, which serve as a source of persistent desaturation (right to left shunt). Additionally, patients with systemic left ventricles have improved outcomes (failure-free survival) compared with non-HLHS patients with systemic right ventricles. Patients with HLHS and, therefore, systemic right ventricles have significantly worse long-term outcomes compared with patients with non-HLHS systemic right ventricles. By comparison, the hazard ratio for Fontan failure is 3.8 (95% CI, 2.0–7.1) for patients with HLHS compared with single-LV Fontan patients.
For all Fontan patients, in particular those with HLHS, time since Fontan completion correlates with the rate of long-term complications and should be considered when conducting the preoperative evaluation. The 10-year freedom from failure rate was 79% for patients with HLHS compared with non-HLHS Fontan patients. There are several factors that contribute to long-term Fontan failure, discussed later.
Echocardiographic Assessment
The most recent echocardiogram should be reviewed with a specific focus on ventricular function as well as function of the AV and semilunar valves. Patients with cardiac failure as evidenced by poor or declining ventricular function are at greater risk of anesthesia-related complications.
Echocardiography should assess for systolic and diastolic ventricular dysfunction, AV valve and semilunar valve function, flow through the atrial septum and patency of pulmonary veins, cavopulmonary connections, and pulmonary arteries. Flow limitations at any level of the Fontan pathway have the potential to impede pulmonary blood flow as well as reduce effective cardiac output.
It must be considered that the single ventricle in the Fontan patient is not equivocal to the corresponding ventricle in a 2-ventricle patient in structure and function. In patients’ pre-Fontan years, the single ventricle is subjected to chronic myocardial hypoxia as well as volume overload, which leads to altered myocardial architecture and function. , Additionally, the geometric architecture of the single ventricle is vastly different when compared with the 2-ventricle inter-relationship. These factors contribute to increased systolic and diastolic dysfunction in the Fontan population, which can be exacerbated during periods of volume expansion and stress, such as the perioperative period. Ventricular assessment is important especially in patients with distant Fontan completion because function is known to decline over time. Similarly, valvulopathy places additional stress on the single ventricle and can be exacerbated during anesthesia. Moderate to severe AV valve or semilunar valve regurgitation and/or presence of pulmonary artery, pulmonary vein, or cavopulmonary anastomosis stenosis may require intervention prior to elective noncardiac surgery.
Arrythmia in Patients with Fontan Physiology
Patients with Fontan circuits are at high risk for several arrythmias, with the incidence correlating with the type of Fontan operation performed. , Generally, arrythmias in Fontan patients are atrial in origin with sinus node dysfunction. Supraventricular tachycardia is the most common although ventricular arrythmias may occur. Arrythmias may be due to conduction disturbance during surgical intervention or as a sequela of Fontan physiology. Patients with extracardiac conduits have less incidence of arrythmia compared with those with lateral tunnel connection and significantly fewer episodes than those with an atriopulmonary connection.
The etiology and prior treatment of arrythmias should be assessed in the perioperative evaluation. A detailed assessment of the therapies used, such as antiarrhythmics, electrophysiology studies and ablation of pathways, cardioversions, and pacemaker insertion, should be performed. If a patient has an implantable pacemaker or automated implantable cardioverter-defibrillators, the device location, mode of function, and response to tachycardia should be determined. Smaller pediatric patients often have epicardial pacemakers with generators located in the subcostal/abdominal region. Generator location, baseline setting, and response to overlying magnet should be considered. The anesthesia provider should notify the surgeon as to the presence of an intra-abdominal pacemaker so that damage to the unit or leads does not inadvertently occur during a procedure. A conversation with the patient’s electrophysiologist should incorporate discussion regarding the status and perioperative reprogramming of the pacemaker to mitigate the effects of interference by electrocautery.
Functional Assessment of the Fontan Patient
Preoperative assessment should elicit signs and symptoms suggestive of cardiac dysfunction and include assessment of underlying exercise capacity and baselines of blood pressure and oxygen saturation. Poor or worsening exercise tolerance and/or dyspnea with exertion may suggest ventricular dysfunction. Poor growth (height) and increasing weight are suggestive of chronically reduced cardiac output and ascites formation, respectively. New-onset or increased frequency of arrythmia may be suggestive of chronic ventricular failure and atrial dilatation.
Oxygen saturation should be assessed in the context of the type of Fontan operation that was performed. Although persistent desaturation may be due to presence of a fenestration, desaturation also may be suggestive of elevated pulmonary venous pressures, collateral formation, and/or ventricular dysfunction.
Although most Fontan patients do not require routine anticoagulation, the risk of stopping these medications must be considered on a case-by-case basis, specifically for patients with persistent arrythmia at risk for thrombogenesis.
Fontan patients with AV valve regurgitation and arrythmia often are managed using diuretic and afterload reduction agents as well as antiarrhythmics, respectively. These medications should be continued perioperatively. Fontan patients lack a ventricle to provide pulmonary blood flow and are reliant on passive flow to the lungs, therefore, adequate preload is critical in maintaining cardiac output. With prolonged nil per os (NPO) times, however, patients may become excessively volume depleted. Long NPO times should be avoided when possible and/or the patients should be started on intravenous fluid to maintain intravascular volume homeostasis.
Preoperative Laboratory Assessment of the Fontan Patient
Laboratory studies should be used to help determine a patient’s physiologic status and ability to tolerate the proposed surgical procedure. Typically, a complete blood cell count, chemistry panel, and type and screen suffice for most procedures that are minor. Evaluation of renal and hepatic function should be considered, particularly for those with distant Fontan corrections.
Patients with Fontan physiology are prone to chronic hypoxemia and, therefore, tend to have higher hematocrit levels than normal values. Baseline hemoglobin and hematocrit should be assessed and maintained perioperatively. Fontan patients are prone to excessive surgical bleeding from persistently high venous pressures, anticoagulant therapy, liver involvement, and intrinsic coagulation factor abnormalities. These patients should have cross-matched blood available for surgeries with anticipated blood loss, especially because they might have antibodies that make cross-matching difficult in an urgent situation.
Fontan patients, in particular those with chronically elevated venous pressures, are at risk for Fontan-associated liver disease (FALD). FALD may range from mild hepatic fibrosis to end-stage liver disease and potentially the development of hepatocellular carcinoma. Basic tests of liver function tests, such alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) as well as γ-glutamyl transferase, often are elevated. With prolonged hepatic congestion, worsening liver fibrosis can lead to hepatic failure and the sequalae of end-stage liver disease. Testing for coagulopathy should be considered in patients with features suggestive of advanced liver disease.
Patients with Fontan circulation also are at risk for multifactorial chronic kidney disease; the incidence increases with age. Reduced cardiac output, use of nephrotoxic medications, and repeated episodes of cardiopulmonary bypass result in increased incidence of renal dysfunction after the Fontan operation. , Baseline renal function should be assessed in Fontan patients prior to elective surgery. Adequate hydration, avoidance of prolonged NPO times, and avoidance of hypotension are crucial in perioperative management.
Protein-losing enteropathy (PLE) has been reported in up to 12% of patients with Fontan palliation and is a major source of morbidity. , Although the exact etiology is unknown, it is suspected that lymphatic congestion results from both reduced cardiac output and chronic venous congestion. The loss of protein in PLE can lead to ascites, hypotension (from oncotic pressure reduction), malabsorption, and intestinal failure. Diffuse ascites and hypoalbuminemia may suggest PLE. The management of PLE is incredibly challenging and should be deferred to centers that routinely provide care to complex congenital heart patients.
Plastic bronchitis (PB) is reported in up to 5% of Fontan patients and characterized by production of thick casts within the airway. , These protein and lymphatic-rich casts, when expectorated from the airway, are thought to result from elevated venous and lymphatic pressure similar to that occurring in PLE. The presence of PB is suggestive of Fontan failure with management similarly deferred to congenital heart disease centers. PB leads to airway inflammation, chronic cough, and hypoxemia and is a major source of morbidity and mortality for these patients.
Home Medications
These patients often receive multiple medications, cardiac and others, as part of their multidisciplinary medical care. In addition, some patients take herbal medications. It is important to review all medications in detail and determine drug interactions with commonly used anesthetic drugs. Common medications include diuretics, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, inotropes, pulmonary vasodilators, antihypertensives, anticoagulants, antiarrhythmic drugs, antibiotics, and psychotropic medications. Some patients might require oxygen therapy at home. Diuretics probably are best withheld on the morning of surgery to preempt the risk of dehydration. Other medications should be continued based on the cardiologist’s recommendations. Generally, ACE inhibitors are withheld on the day of surgery due to concern for refractory hypotension.
Anesthesia and the Fontan Patient
Anesthetic history
Prior anesthetic records should be perused, especially if there are any related to noncardiac surgery after Fontan completion. An indication of the type and amount of premedication that were effective for anxiolysis, which form of induction was better tolerated hemodynamically, and intraoperative course can be ascertained. Difficulties with vascular access, both venous and arterial, and with airway management can be anticipated. Prior airway history should be ascertained, because patients with multiple congenital heart surgeries may have residua, such as subglottic stenosis, vocal cord paralysis or granulomas, and diaphragmatic issues, and might have had tracheostomies in the past. Careful historical and clinical assessment of the airway and planning for additional resources, such as videolaryngoscopy or fiber-optic bronchoscopy, ensure a smooth transition from a natural airway to a secured airway after induction of anesthesia. Also, the postoperative course after prior anesthetics is suggestive of the current postoperative course and assists with disposition planning and the need for additional monitoring or support.
Recent illnesses
Recovery from recent upper respiratory and gastrointestinal illnesses must be optimized prior to elective noncardiac surgery, even if it means surgery is delayed. Because pulmonary blood flow and hence systemic cardiac output are dependent on the transpulmonary gradient, laryngospasm and bronchospasm associated with an intercurrent upper respiratory illness in patients with Fontan physiology can precipitate both respiratory failure and cardiac failure. It is best to wait at least 4 weeks after a patient becomes asymptomatic to schedule elective, noncardiac surgery. Gastrointestinal illnesses with loss of fluid from the gastrointestinal tract leaves a Fontan patient dehydrated, with inadequate preload. Achieving and maintaining adequate intravascular volume aids the anesthetic course in these patients, and it is prudent to ensure full recovery from acute gastrointestinal processes prior to elective surgery.
The anesthetic care of the Fontan patient should be planned with consideration of the surgery required in conjunction with the patient-specific aberrations, as discussed previously. Prolonged NPO times should be avoided because these may lead to dehydration, reduced pulmonary venous return, decreased cardiac output, and exaggerated hypotension with induction of anesthesia. Children demonstrating normal function of the Fontan circuit may be suitable for inhalation induction. When performing intravenous induction of anesthesia, underlying aberrations must be considered (eg, ventricular function, AV valve regurgitation, and pulmonary hypertension). Although all medications have been used, benzodiazepines, ketamine, opioids, and dexmedetomidine often are administered in combination. Additionally, induction of anesthesia can be met with exaggerated hypotension from reduced pulmonary venous return. Although intravenous hydration is appropriate, aggressive fluid administration may be poorly tolerated, particularly in patients with underlying diastolic dysfunction. Due to chronically high venous pressures, Fontan patients generally have ample sites for peripheral venous access. Central venous access should be performed with caution with consideration for femoral access to avoid direct catherization of the cavopulmonary anastomosis.
Ventilation can have exaggerated effects on patients with Fontan physiology. In particular, large tidal volumes, rapid respiratory rates, high positive end-expiratory pressures, and long inspiratory times all contribute to reduced pulmonary venous return. Similarly, factors contributing to elevated pulmonary vascular resistance, especially in patients with underlying pulmonary hypertension, should be avoided ( Table 2 ). Although preexisting pulmonary hypertension may preclude the Fontan completion, over time, multifactorial changes to the pulmonary vasculature often result in elevated pulmonary pressures.