Pediatric Anesthesia
Neonatal Anesthesia
1. What are the three physiologic shunts in the fetal circulation?
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1. Fetal circulation is characterized by the presence of the following three main shunts:
Foramen ovale,
Ductus arteriosus.
The pulmonary bed has a high vascular resistance, partly from external compression (the alveoli are relatively closed and filled with fluid and the blood vessels are compressed). Therefore, only 10% of cardiac output (CO) circulates through the lungs from the right ventricle, which encourages growth and development of the pulmonary system and surfactant. The ductus arteriosus represents a low-resistance system because it is dilated secondary to a low PaO2.
2. How does umbilical cord clamping affect newborn pulmonary circulation? Which endogenously released factor plays an integral role in this phenomenon? When are normal ventilation parameters established?
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2. Umbilical cord clamping initiates a decrease in pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR), which continues over the next 3 to 4 days, and is stimulated by nitric oxide (endothelial-derived relaxing factor). The primary event of the pulmonary system is the initiation of ventilation. During the first 5 to 10 minutes of extrauterine life, normal ventilatory volumes develop and normal tidal ventilation is established. By 10 to 20 minutes of life, a newborn has achieved its near-normal functional residual capacity (FRC) and the arterial blood gases (ABGs) are well stabilized.
3. What causes constriction of the ductus arteriosus? In what percentage of infants does a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) never close?
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3. The ductus arteriosus initially constricts secondary to oxygenation, which functionally closes the foramen ovale. It will usually close permanently over the first few months; however, 30% will remain patent until age 30, and 20% remain patent thereafter.
4. What causes persistent pulmonary hypertension (PPH)? What are the effects of PPH in newborns? What are the possible treatments for PPH?
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4. Persistent pulmonary hypertension may be caused by hypoxia and acidosis, along with unknown factors. Persistence of pulmonary hypertension occurs mainly in the following three situations:
Meconium aspiration,
Neonatal respiratory failure,
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH).
Persistent pulmonary hypertension will result in a Right → Left shunt through the foramen ovale and the ductus arteriosus. Treatment is dictated by the degree of respiratory compromise and underlying disease process, and may vary from permissive hypercapnia to conventional ventilator management and pressor support. Some argue that the risks for conventional ventilator management include barotraumas or volutrauma with increased chance of residual lung disease. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) will theoretically allow the lung to rest and heal; however, it is associated with risks of bleeding secondary to heparin administration. Nitric oxide is being used experimentally to selectively vasodilate the pulmonary circulation, with promising results.
1. What are the signs and symptoms of chronic fetal hypoxia?
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1. Signs/symptoms of chronic fetal hypoxia include the following:
Increased muscle in the blood vessels of the distal respiratory units,
Passage of meconium in utero.
Swallowed meconium ends up in the pulmonary system. This syndrome is to be differentiated from the passage of meconium due to fetal hypoxia during birth, which is quite thick and tenacious and mechanically obstructs the tracheobronchial system.
2. What is the recommended resuscitation for an infant with acute meconium aspiration during birth?
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2. For newborn resuscitation for acute meconium aspiration during birth, routine oropharyngeal suctioning is recommended immediately at the time of delivery, but tracheal intubation and suctioning should be performed selectively, depending on the condition of the infant.
3. What are the four major reasons for neonates’ low renal blood flow (RBF) and glomerular filtration rate (GFR)?
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3. The four major reasons for the low renal blood flow (RBF) and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) seen in the neonates include the following:
Low systemic arterial pressure,
High renal vascular resistance,
Low permeability of glomerular capillaries,
Small size and number of glomeruli.
The low pressure and high resistance result in a low RBF → low GFR. This leads to a limited ability to concentrate or dilute urine at birth.
4. By what age is the neonate kidney approximately 70% mature?
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4. By the time the normal full-term infant is 1 month old, the kidneys are approximately 70% mature.
5. Which electrolyte is the neonatal kidney unable to conserve, even in the presence of a severe deficit?
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5. Neonates are considered “obligate sodium losers” because immature tubular cells cannot completely reabsorb sodium under the stimulus of aldosterone. They will continue to excrete sodium in the urine even in the presence of a severe sodium deficit.
6. What is the optimum hematocrit of neonates and why?
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6. Neonates need a higher hematocrit (HCT)—approximately 35%—because of a high oxygen (O2) demand and relatively limited ability to increase CO. A 3-month-old can easily tolerate an HCT of 25%.
7. To what physiologic abnormalities are premature infants susceptible?
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7. Premature infants have problems with hypoglycemia, anemia, and sodium loss. Premature infants and neonates must receive full-strength, balanced salt solution for the replacement of third-space and blood losses during the perioperative period. Premature infants and those with bronchopulmonary dysplasia also have problems with increased lung water.
1. Name several anatomic and physiologic differences between the neonatal and adult head and airway.
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1. Anatomic differences of the neonatal head and airway, compared with those of the adult are as follows:
Narrow nares,
Slanting vocal cords,
Large tongue,
High glottis,
Narrow cricoid ring,
Large occiput.
These differences make intubation altogether more difficult because of the problems with visualization and positioning.
Physiologic differences include the following:
High oxygen consumption,
High closing volumes,
High minute ventilation to FRC ratio (rapid inhalation > induction > awake intervals),
Pliable ribs (rib retraction occurs during increased negative intrathoracic pressure, i.e., diaphragmatic contraction, which leads to early airway fatigue in periods of stress from airway obstruction, pneumonia, or pulmonary compromise).
These differences contribute to rapid desaturation during laryngospasm, breath-holding, or coughing on the endotracheal tube (ETT).
2. Why is choanal atresia a life-threatening surgical problem for infants?
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2. Choanal atresia is a life-threatening surgical emergency for infants because they are obligate nose-breathers. They are unable to coordinate the usual swallowing and breathing mechanics. Therefore, anything that obstructs the nares will compromise neonatal ability to breathe.
3. At what level is the glottis located in adults, in infants and, in premature infants?
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3. Level of glottis location:
Normal adult: at C5;
Full-term infant: at C4;
Premature infant: at C3.
4. Is the infant larynx more anterior?
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4. An infant’s larynx appears anterior because it is more difficult to establish a line of vision between the mouth and larynx on laryngoscopic examination. When combined with the anterior-slanting vocal cords, the result is a more difficult laryngoscopic examination and intubation. Application of cricoid pressure will help visualize the neonatal larynx. Oftentimes this is more easily and accurately accomplished by the anesthesiologist utilizing the fifth finger of the intubating hand, than with the help of an assistant.
5. What is the narrowest portion of the infant airway and of the adult airway?
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5. A narrow cricoid ring is significant because it means that the narrowest portion of the neonatal airway is not the vocal cords (as in the adult), but the cricoid ring. The cricoid cartilage may be damaged by a tight-fitting ETT, with resultant short- or long-term airway problems.
6. What is closing volume?
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6. Closing volumes are the lung volumes at which alveoli close, resulting in the shunting of blood by a closed alveolus.
7. What are the implications of a high closing volume in neonates and the elderly?
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7. The high closing volumes seen in infants and the elderly contribute to shunting of blood and rapid desaturation. When combined with a high O2 consumption, the rapidity with which desaturation occurs is breathtaking.
1. Can an infant desaturate even with an endotracheal tube (ETT) in correct position?
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1. Even though an ETT may be appropriately placed, severe desaturation can occur in infants who are lightly anesthetized and are coughing on the ETT. This is due to the shunting of blood that occurs from the high closing volume (it is in the lower range of the normal tidal neonate volume). Rapid desaturation also occurs secondary to the high oxygen consumption that is normal for the neonate.
2. What can be done to correct desaturation in an infant with a correctly placed ETT?
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2. The desaturating, intubated infant needs either depression of the central nervous system (deepening of anesthesia) or paralysis of the muscles. This can be done with either a small dose of succinylcholine or lidocaine (Xylocaine). Lidocaine doses must be carefully calculated (no more than 1.5 mg/kg) as it has been known to cause heart block and arrhythmias.
3. How much greater is a neonate’s oxygen (O2) consumption compared to an adult’s? How does this affect respiratory rate and alveolar ventilation?
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3. In neonates, O2 consumption is three times greater than in adults. Therefore, respiratory rate must be three times greater, resulting in alveolar ventilation that is three times greater.
4. What is the clinical implication of a high ratio of minute ventilation to functional residual capacity (FRC)?
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4. The clinical implication of a high ratio of minute ventilation to FRC is that there is a much more rapid induction of inhalation anesthesia, as well as more rapid awakening from inhalation anesthesia. More rapid induction of anesthesia also results from a higher percentage of neonatal body weight consisting of vessel-rich tissues.
5. How does a pliable rib cage affect ventilation?
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5. Pliable ribs result in less efficient ventilation and a high energy price for the effort involved. This is one of the reasons for neonates to be susceptible to fatigue with airway obstruction.
6. What factors compromise neonatal ability to respond to stress? How do neonates respond to increased stress?
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6. The ability of the immature neonatal cardiovascular system to respond to stress is limited by the relatively low contractile mass per gram of cardiac tissue, resulting in a limited ability to increase myocardial contractility and a reduction in ventricular compliance. Any increase in CO must be accomplished by an increase in heart rate (HR).
7. What is the major cause of bradycardia in infants and what is the second major cause?
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7. The major cause of bradycardia in infants is hypoxia. The second major cause is vagal stimulation.
8. What are the significant limitations of the neonatal heart? What is the implication of an immature baroresponse?
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8. Limitations of the neonatal heart:
Much higher CO relative to body weight (than in the adult),
Less ability to handle volume or pressure change,
Limited increase in contractility and CO as a result of myocardial stimulation,
Immature sympathetic system.
As the resting CO is normally near maximum, this leaves little reserve to access under periods of stress, or to provide flexibility during a pressure or volume change. The adult may have increased CO up to 300%, whereas the neonate can only increase about 30 to 40%. The neonates have immature baroreceptors that limit the ability to respond to hypotension. The baroreceptors would normally respond to hypotension with reflex tachycardia; this baroresponse is even more pronounced under anesthesia.
1. What two concerns in neonates are relevant regarding premedication with anticholinergics?
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1. Because of their active vagal reflex and the potential airway problems associated with secretions, most anesthesiologists routinely administer anticholinergics to infants <6 months of age. Reduction of secretions may be particularly helpful in patients with airway or pulmonary derangements such as asthma or reactive airway disease.
2. Under which circumstances is controlled ventilation of neonates indicated?
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2. Ventilation should be controlled in infants under the following circumstances:
Presenting for surgery in a debilitated state,
Suffering from a protracted illness,
Having cardiovascular or respiratory instability,
Requiring muscle relaxation for the surgery.
3. When is awake tracheal intubation the technique of choice?
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3. Awake tracheal intubation is the technique of choice in neonates under the following circumstances:
Persistent vomiting and where the stomach cannot be emptied,
Critical illness and need for resuscitation.

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