1. Name the five axes of pain according to the taxonomy devised by the International Association for the Study of Pain
4. Describe the analogue, numerical, and category scales. Which is most suitable for use with patients?
No Pain | Worst Possible Pain |
No Anxiety | Worst Possible Anxiety |
Each of the presented scales may be appropriate for patients.
11. Describe the multidimensional affect and pain survey (MAPS)
Here are examples from each of the three MAPS superclusters:
I. Sensory Qualities Supercluster | |
The sensation and/or pain is BURNING | 0 1 2 3 4 5 |
II. Suffering Supercluster | |
I feel DEPRESSED | 0 1 2 3 4 5 |
III. Well-Being Supercluster | |
I feel CALM | 0 1 2 3 4 5 |
13. What is the advantage of knowing the relative intensities of the sensory and emotional components that determine patients’ ratings of “pain”?
15. What are the three main advantages of MAPS?
The main advantages of MAPS over the McGill Pain Questionnaire are as follows:
The hierarchical organization of clusters within the three superclusters and of the pain descriptors within the subclusters is determined objectively from a large sample of volunteers, not subjectively from the diverse opinions of pain “experts.”
The large number of words describing the emotional aspects of pain shortens test time by eliminating the need for additional psychologic questionnaires to probe the patient’s emotional state.
The Well-Being Supercluster identifies an interesting subset of patients who say they are depressed and relaxed at the same time. Patients who respond in this manner may be those who are denying their pain because they fear that it may indicate a serious illness.