Open Umbilical Hernia Repair

Figure 33.1
An infraumbilical, semicircular incision is made


Figure 33.2
A clamp around the isolated umbilical stalk. Division of the stalk allows access to the hernia defect below


Figure 33.3
The hernia sac is dissected free of its attachments to the fascia and replaced within the abdomen

Primary Repair

For a primary repair, the fascial edges are dissected out and reapproximated with interrupted braided polyester sutures (Ethibond, Johnson & Johnson) (Fig. 33.4). This can be done with interrupted or figure of 8 type sutures or utilizing a vest over pants technique. The base of the umbilicus is resecured to the underlying fascia with a single simple absorbable suture, and the overlying skin is then closed. In order to prevent seroma formation we place a cotton ball in the umbilicus, cover it with an occlusive dressing, and aspirate the air with a needle to create a pressure dressing (Fig. 33.5).
Jun 3, 2017 | Posted by in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Open Umbilical Hernia Repair

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