This image shows tissues of various impedances. Note that the fluid is dark, having little to no impedance. The bone has high impedance, which is seen as bright on this image. The rest of the tissues have levels of impedance between the bone and fluid, appearing as various shades of gray
Attenuationis defined as the decrease in intensity, power, and amplitude of a sound wave as it passes through a medium. This can also be described as acoustic loss [5]. There are three components of attenuation: absorption, scattering, and reflection [6]. Air has the most attenuation, and that is why gel is used to remove air from the path of the sound beams when performing an ultrasound study. Bone attenuates less than air, absorbing some but reflecting more sound. Water attenuates the sound energy the least, transmitting almost all the sound beams and reflecting very little.
Learning about attenuation segues into learning echogenicity. Echogenicity is the brightness of an object on the ultrasound image. If a structure is hyperechoic, it is white or bright. If a tissue is hypoechoicor less bright, it is seen as shades of gray. An object that is anechoic, such as a fluid-filled structure, will appear black on the image (Fig. 2.2). The term isoechoic describes two adjacent structures or tissues that are the same echogenicity.
Fig. 2.2
Echogenicity refers to brightness of structures. Fluid is considered anechoic, tissues such as liver can be considered hypoechoic, and bone on ultrasound is hyperechoic
Ultrasound machines and their control panels vary widely in design depending on manufacturers, but the functionsare essentially the same (Fig. 2.3a, b). The understanding of the different knob functions, or knobology, is necessary to operate an ultrasound machine. The basic functions are gain, time gain compensation (TGC), depth, zoom, freeze, measurements, and calculations. Advanced knobologyincludes M-mode, Doppler, color Doppler, power Doppler, focus, harmonics, optimization, and presets [7]. Most of the listed functions above will be discussed in the coming sections of this chapter.
Fig. 2.3
(a, b) Examples of different control panels from different manufacturers. (a) Touch screen control panel from Philips. (b) Control panel with knobs from Zonare
Ultrasound probes, or transducers, have a wide range of frequencies, and one should choose the correct frequency range or bandwidth, to best image the body region of interest [5]. The most common transducers are linear array, convex or curved array, and phased array (Fig. 2.4a, b).
Fig. 2.4
(a, b) The most commonly used ultrasound transducers. (a) From left to right: linear array, convex array, and phased array. (b) Endocavitary transducer, which is another example of curved array probe
Linear arrayprobes produce higher frequencies, designed to image superficial structures. Some linear probes are designed to produce lower frequencies, which allow imaging of deeper structures. For linear array probes, groups of in-line crystal elements are turned on and off in increments, creating individual echo lines as each group of elements is activated, creating a rectangular image [5]. These probes generally have a flat scanning surface, and the section of tissue being imaged, or sector, is exactly the surface area of the probe footprint (Fig. 2.5a, b). The frequency of linear probes is generally considered to be 10–5 MHz. However, modern broadband transducers often range from 5 or 6 to as high as 14 or even 16 MHz. There are linear probes that operate at a much higher frequency, significantly improving image quality of superficial structures. Breast and musculoskeletal ultrasound imaging have transitioned to using higher-frequency linear array transducers [5].
Fig. 2.5
(a) Rectangular, flat scanning surface of a linear transducer. (b) The image sector of a linear transducer is a rectangle, exactly the length of its footprint
Curved arrayprobes have a curved footprint and produce lower frequencies, so the sound waves penetrate deeper into the body. These transducers are similar to the linear array, except the crystal elements are arranged on a curved surface. This is typically used for imaging of the thorax, abdomen, and pelvis. For patients with a larger body habitus, the curved array or curvilinear probe can be used to image the buttocks or thighs. The image sector is wider than the footprint of the probe itself (Fig. 2.6a, b), similar to a pie slice with a bite taken out of the top [5].
Fig. 2.6
(a) Convex array probe emits lower-frequency sound waves. (b) It creates a wedge-shaped image that fans out, exceeding the footprint of the scanning surface
Another curved array probe is the endocavitary probe. The crystals and scanning surface are at the end of a long handle. This is designed for intraoral, transvaginal, and transrectal imaging. The sector of imaging is quite wide, up to almost 180° (Fig. 2.7a, b). This probe sends out higher frequencies (13–8 MHz), producing high-resolution images of structures with little tissue between the probe and the structure of interest [7]. The endocavitary probe can be used intraorally to diagnose and drain peritonsillar abscesses. It can also be used transvaginally to better evaluate pelvic structures, such as evaluating for early pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, torsion, tubo-ovarian abscesses, etc. Urologists use the endocavitary probe for prostate evaluation as well [5].
Fig. 2.7
(a) The scanning surface of an endocavitary probe is convex and small. (b) The generated image is wide, almost giving 180° view
Phased arrayprobes have a flat scanning surface. The crystals are grouped tightly, and each crystal element is activated with each ultrasound pulse [7]. The probe creates a wedge-shaped image. Phased array probes are mainly used for echocardiograms, but it can also be used for thoracic and intra-abdominal imaging. The small footprint fits well in between the ribs, increasing maneuverability (Fig. 2.8a, b).
Fig. 2.8
(a) Phased array probe with small footprint, which fits between ribs well to image the heart. (b) The image generated is wedge-shaped
Ultrasound machines have various examination presets for different probes (Fig. 2.9). Acoustic power, gain, focal zones, lines per sector, sector size, and other settings are optimized to the ideal level for that particular exam [7]. For example, obstetric presets lower the power output to FDA-approved levels [7, 8]. Cardiac settings increase frame rate at the expense of image quality so it can keep up with the cardiac activity. There are also calculation packages that have preset formulas. An example is calculating cardiac stroke volume. The user needs to activate the calculation package and make a few measurements, and the calculation package will give you the results after using its preprogrammed formula (Fig. 2.10). Presets can also be customized, depending on the machine manufacturer.
Fig. 2.9
Example of presets for linear probe
Fig. 2.10
Example of calculation package preset for carotid VTi for stroke volume calculation
Depth and Gain
There are buttons on the machine’s control panel that allow you to adjust the displayed image field in one centimeter (or half centimeter) gradation increments. When increasing the depth, the structures in the image sector become smaller to accommodate imaging of the deeper structures and vice versa. It is important to remember to decrease the depth if you do not need deeper imaging, so the structures of interest are better visualized with higher resolution (Fig. 2.11a, b). The machine also monitors longer for reflected sound waves when the depth is increased, which reduces the frame rate, hence the temporal resolution. This means the stream of images will not be as smooth. This can be an issue with diagnostic accuracy and procedural guidance [7].
Fig. 2.11
(a) The structure of interest, the vein, is not in the center of the image. The imaging of deeper structures is not necessary, so the depth should be decreased to place the vein in the middle of the image. (b) Example of appropriately adjusted depth to visualize the vein
Another common adjustment to improve image quality is to increase gain. Increasing gain of an image means increasing the brightness of the image. The machine increases the amplitude of the signals after they have returned to the probe [9]. If the gain is increased above the optimum level, subtler findings may be obscured (Fig. 2.12a, b).
Fig. 2.12
(a) Example of a poorly gained image. This image is too dark, obscuring details of the structures. (b) Well-gained image after optimizing the gain settings on the ultrasound machine
To adjust the gain of the various levels of an image, one can adjust the time gain compensation (TGC). Ultrasound beams are progressively attenuated as they travel through different tissues in the body. Therefore, strength of echoes returning from greater depths is weaker. TGC function allows to selectively amplify the signals returning from greater depths, so that equal reflectors at varying depths are displayed as structures of equal brightness on the screen [9]. At times, the machine may automatically overgain or undergain certain parts of the image depending on the type of tissue ultrasound beams go through, and the user can optimize the image manually by using TGC. Machines can vary on what type of buttons is used to adjust TGC. Some use knobs, allowing the user to turn the knobs to adjust the gain in the near field or far field. Other machines have sliders that correspond to different depths of the image, allowing the user to adjust the brightness of multiple levels more smoothly (Fig. 2.13a–d).
Fig. 2.13
(a–d) Examples of gain adjustments with TGC. (a) The image shows the near field being overgained, causing the details to be unclear in the more superficial structures. (b) The TGC knobs with the overgained near field. (c) The image’s gain has been improved by adjusting the TGC knobs in the near field. (d) The TGC knobs after decreasing the near field gain to optimize the image
Ultrasound probes transmit sound waves in the shape of an hourglass, with the best resolution typically in the narrowest point (center) of the hourglass which is known as focal point [5]. The area just above and below where the ultrasound beam is still relatively narrow is the focal zone, and the sound waves converge to focal zone and then diverge from the focal zone. The broad converging beam above the focal zone near the footprint of the transducer is the near field, and the diverging broad beam beyond the focal zone is the far field. Machines allow the user to adjust the location of the focus or even add multiple foci to the region of interest (Fig. 2.14). However, although this may increase the lateral resolution, the temporal resolution will decrease, since the machine is taking more time to listen to returning signals.
Fig. 2.14
The focal point of the image is denoted by a unique symbol on the ultrasound image. In this cardiac image, the circles highlight the location of the focus. This can be adjusted on the ultrasound machine
Perhaps the most frequently used button on the control panel is the button that automatically optimizes the image by changing the acoustic power, gain, focus, and harmonics [7]. There are various names for this button, but the principle is the same. This is a good start to improving image quality, since it is simple and effective, but the user should also know how to change each of the above settings separately (Fig. 2.15a, b).
Fig. 2.15
(a, b) Optimization button automatically adjusts multiple settings to improve the image quality. Manufacturers can give the button a different name, but it will do the same thing. (a) Optimize button on Zonare control panel. (b) Another button design for the same function from Philips
Freeze and Image Saving
One of the key functions of the ultrasound machine is the ability to capture a still image with the “Freeze” button. Pressing the “Freeze” button will preserve a snapshot of whatever is on the screen. This still image will stay on the screen until you press the “Freeze” button a second time, and the image will be in real-time again. To save a frozen image to the machine or to an ultrasound image repository, the “Save” or “Clip” button should be pressed (Fig. 2.16). Typically, there is a button on the control panel that allows you to save the image. After pressing the “Freeze” button, the operator can also scroll through the previous frames on the internal memory of ultrasound machine hard drive to select the best image for saving. A benefit of ultrasound is the dynamic nature of image acquisition, so machines will also allow recording of a cine loop prospectively or retrospectively. The length of each clip can be adjusted as well.
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