of Left-Sided Double Lumen Tube

   Assemble equipment for airway manipulation and intubation.

  • image   Explain procedure and reassure patient. Induce general anesthesia (see induction of anesthesia cognitive aid). Place patient in “sniffing” position.

      A. Assemble equipment including appropriately sized DLT (Table 7-1) B. Explain the procedure to the patient. Confirm MSMAIDS mnemonic. After confirming normal stable vital signs, proceed with induction (see Induction of Anesthesia cognitive aid). Place the patient in the proper “sniffing position.”

      Table 7-1
      Guidelines for Left-Double Lumen Tube Selection


      Manufacturer: M, Mallinckrodt (St. Louis, MO); P, Portex (Keene, NH); R, Rusch (Duluth, GA);S, Sheridan (Argyle, NY).

      1. image   Perform direct laryngoscopy under ideal intubating conditions.
      2. image   Advance DLT into the airway. Stop when blue cuff passes vocal cords.

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    1. Nov 25, 2016 | Posted by in ANESTHESIA | Comments Off on of Left-Sided Double Lumen Tube

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