Gary Lombardo, MD Division of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, New York Medical College, Westchester Medical Center, Valhalla, NY Physiologic changes of pregnancy are extensive and can be observed in many of the organ systems. The altered physiology results from various hormonal and anatomic alterations that affect the woman body during pregnancy. Clinicians in an ICU setting must be aware of such alterations as these physiologic changes of pregnancy can have a significant impact on resuscitative efforts. Plasma volume will increase by 40–50%, but erythrocyte volume by only 20% resulting in a dilutional anemia leading to a decreased oxygen carrying capacity; therefore, answer A is correct. As a result, heart rate will increase by 15–20 beats per minute and cardiac output will increase by 40%, which can result in increased CPR circulation demands (Answer B). An increase in dextrorotation of the heart may occur and will be noted with increased EKG left axis deviation. Blood pressure and venous return will be decreased in the supine position as a result of aortocaval compression, which will result in a decreased cardiac output by up to 30% (Choice C). As such, care should be taken in positioning with left uterine displacement. Minute ventilation will be increased noted by an increased respiratory rate (progesterone‐mediated), as well as an increased tidal volume (progesterone‐mediated) resulting from an increased oxygen demand and increased oxygen consumption by up to 20% (Choice D). These changes may affect resuscitative efforts as a result of a baseline compensated respiratory alkalosis (decreased arterial PCO2 and decreased serum bicarbonate) with a decreased buffering capacity and a rapid decrease of PaO2 in hypoxia. Anatomic changes will additionally result in a decreased functional residual capacity by 25%, thus decreasing ventilatory capacity (Choice E). Resuscitative efforts may be aided by electronic fetal heart rate monitoring. Electronic fetal heart rate monitoring reflects uteroplacental perfusion and fetal acid‐base status; therefore, changes in fetal heart rate monitoring (changes in baseline variability or new decelerations) should prompt reassessment of maternal blood pressure, oxygenation, ventilation, acid–base balance, or cardiac output. Answer: A American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists’ Committee on Practice Bulletins‐ Obstetrics. ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 211: Critical care in pregnancy. Obstetrics and Gynecology 2019 May; 133(5):e303–e319. Respiratory insufficiency can naturally occur in the critically ill obstetric patient, and vigilance is warranted as pulmonary symptoms can rapidly progress to respiratory failure. Minute ventilation in pregnancy is increased reflected by an increased respiratory rate (progesterone‐mediated), as well as an increased tidal volume (progesterone‐mediated). This results from an increased oxygen demand and increased oxygen consumption due to the fetus, which may be increased by 20%. PaO2 will not vary significant from the nonpregnant state through the third trimester, and most of the changes are due to increased minute ventilation. The obstetric patient will demonstrate a baseline‐compensated respiratory alkalosis (decreased arterial PCO2 and decreased serum bicarbonate) on ABG interpretation. Anatomic changes will additionally result in a decreased functional residual capacity by 25%, thus decreasing ventilatory capacity. The pH is normal, and there is a compensated respiratory alkalosis and not acidosis. An increasing PaCO2 implies that the work of breathing is increasing and a PaCO2 of 40 mm Hg in a pregnant patient, although normal in the nonpregnant state, is concerning for progressive respiratory failure (Choice B). The PaO2 is normal or higher than in the nonpregnant state. Typically, the serum bicarbonate will be decreased due to compensated respiratory alkalosis and not increased (Choice E). Answer: C Hegewald MJ, Crapo RO . Respiratory physiology in pregnancy. Clinics in Chest Medicine 2011; 32:1–13. Mighty HE . Acute resp failure pregnancy. Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology 2010; 53(2):360–368. Sepsis and multisystem organ failure are not the most common diagnoses for ICU admission as it is only approximately 5% of obstetric‐related ICU admissions (Choice A). The most common reasons for an obstetric patient to require admission to an ICU are preeclampsia‐related complications and postpartum hemorrhage. The percentage of ICU admissions in the obstetric patient has been reported at 21.5% for postpartum hemorrhage and 32.5% for maternal hypertension. Complications related to preeclampsia include eclampsia, intracerebral hemorrhage, pulmonary edema, renal insufficiency, liver injury, and placental abruption (Choice C).Global maternal mortality rates are reported to be decreasing, but maternal morbidity has been reported to be increasing currently at 2.5% of hospital deliveries in the United States (Choice B). Pregnancy results in multiple physiologic changes including an increase in total blood volume, cardiac output and uterine blood flow, hemorrhage may result from placenta previa, placental abruption, uterine atony, and secondary coagulopathies (Choice D). Additional reasons obstetric patients may require ICU admission are related to obstetric sepsis, obstetric heart disease, and complications related to anesthesia. Obstetric patient admission to an ICU has been reported in approximately 2–4/1000 deliveries in developed countries (Choice E). Answer: C Einav S, Leone M. Epidemiology of obstetric critical illness. International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia 2019 Nov; 40:128–139. Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre. Female admissions (aged 16–50 years) to adult, general critical care units in England, Wales and Northern Ireland reported as “currently pregnant” or “recently pregnant”. London (UK): ICNARC; 2013. Pollock W, Rose L, Dennis CL . Pregnant and postpartum admissions to the intensive care unit: a systematic review. Intensive Care Medicine 2010; 36:1465–1474. Zeeman GG . Obstetric critical care: a blueprint for improved outcomes. Critical Care Medicine 2006 Sep; 34(9 Suppl):S208–S214. Management principles of obstetric patients admitted to the ICU follow similar principles as compared to nonpregnant patients. Therefore, many patient care decisions might be impacted by the patient’s status (antepartum vs postpartum) and should therefore be made in a multidisciplinary fashion collaboratively between the critical care, obstetrics/gynecology, and neonatology teams. However, all critical care intensivists should be aware of the basic management of teratogenic complications and reliance of others (Choice A). While it has been generally accepted that care of the obstetric patient in the ICU involves the care of two patients (mother and fetus) simultaneously, the principle follows that the woman’s interest is paramount, and fetal status is predicted on optimization of the maternal condition (Choice C). Maternal stabilization is therefore the first priority when taking care of an obstetric ICU patient (Choices B and D). Medical interventions and diagnostic imaging may be modified to an extent but should not be withheld due to fetal concern (Choice C). Imaging will depend on the study but is not always contraindicated if needed to treat the mother. Answer: E American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists’ Committee on PracticeBulletins—Obstetrics. ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 211: critical care in pregnancy. Obstetrics and Gynecology 2019 May; 133(5):e303–e319. Guidelines for diagnostic imaging during pregnancy and lactation. Committee Opinion No. 723. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists [published erratum appears in Obstet Gynecol 2018;132:786]. Obstetrics and Gynecology 2017; 130:e210–e2106. Maternal ICU admission has been classified to result from etiologies directly related to pregnancy (obstetric hemorrhage, hypertensive disease of pregnancy, puerperal sepsis, thrombo‐embolic phenomena, fatty liver), those indirectly related to pregnancy (pre‐existing disease exacerbation) and those coincidental to pregnancy (trauma, non‐puerperal sepsis). It has been reported that sepsis is responsible for approximately 5% of obstetric‐related ICU admissions. The most common cause for ICU involves complications related to preeclampsia (32.5%), and the second most common cause for ICU admission is related to postpartum hemorrhage (21.5%). While the symptoms the patient is presenting with may be the result of infection and may not meet traditional ICU admission criteria as there is no evidence of organ failure and/or the requirement for a life‐saving intervention, clinical deterioration in an obstetric patient may be masked by multiple physiologic changes that occur normally in pregnancy. Additionally, the physiological criteria conventionally used to diagnose sepsis in the nonpregnant population often overlap both in normal pregnant women and in those with sepsis/infection. In response, the National Partnership for Maternal Safety developed a list of clinical parameters termed “maternal early warning criteria” that should prompt ICU evaluation. These include systolic BP (mm Hg) < 90 or > 160, diastolic BP (mm Hg) > 100, heart rate (beats per minute) < 50 or > 120, respiratory rate (breaths per minute) <10 or >30, Oxygen saturation on room air at sea level <95%, Oliguria (ml/hr) <35 for > or equal to 2 hrs, maternal agitation, confusion or unresponsiveness, patient with preeclampsia reporting non‐remitting headache or shortness of breath (Choices A and B). Additionally, pregnancy has been associated with immunologic changes resulting in an increased susceptibility to infection (Choice C). Pre‐existing medical problems such as chronic liver disease, obesity, and congestive heart failure are associated with increased risk for sepsis during pregnancy (Choice E). Treatment for maternal sepsis follows the same recommendations as for the nonpregnant patient with timely diagnosis, fluid resuscitation, and early antibiotic therapy. Early antibiotic therapy (within the first hour) is recommended to reduce mortality, and each hour of delay is associated with an increase in mortality. Answer: D Carcopino X, Raoult D, Bretelle F, Boubli L, Stein AQ . Fever during pregnancy: a cause of poor fetal and maternal outcome. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 2009; 1166:79–89. Einav S, Leone M. Epidemiology of obstetric critical illness. International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia 2019 Nov; 40:128–139. Lazariu V, Nguyen T, McNutt LA, Jeffrey J, Kacica M . Severe maternal morbidity: a population‐based study of an expanded measure and associated factors. PLoS One 2017; 12:e0182343. Mhyre JM, D’Oria R, Hameed AB, Lappen JR, Holley SL, Hunter SK, et al. The maternal early warning criteria: a proposal from the national partnership for maternal safety. Obstetrics and Gynecology 2014; 124:782–786. Oud L, Watkins P . Evolving trends in the epidemiology, resource utilization, and outcomes of pregnancy‐associated severe sepsis: a population‐based cohort study. Journal of Clinical Medical Research 2015; 7:400–416. Acute respiratory distress syndrome may result as a response to a variety of insults. It is characterized by diffuse inflammation, increased fluid in the lung (non‐cardiogenic pulmonary edema) due to increased vascular permeability, bilateral lung infiltrates, severe progressive hypoxemia with loss of aerated lung units and increased shunt fraction, and decreased lung compliance. Pregnant women are at increased risk of developing ARDS and needing mechanical ventilation compared with nonpregnant women (Choice A). ARDS in pregnancy is seen most commonly in the setting of sepsis with infections such as influenza and pyelonephritis. It can also be seen as a complication of obstetric diagnoses such as preeclampsia, amniotic fluid embolism, and infections of pregnancy such as chorioamnionitis and endometritis (Choice B). As defined by the ARDS Definition Task Force, the onset of respiratory failure must be within 1 week of a known clinical event with evidence of bilateral opacities on chest imaging and no other identifiable etiology such as cardiac failure or fluid overload. The degree of ARDS severity (mild, moderate, severe) is based on oxygenation as measured by the partial pressure of arterial oxygen to fraction of inspired oxygen (PaO 2 /FiO 2 ) ratio of less than 300. It is further subclassified into mild (PaO2/FiO2 200–300), moderate (PaO2/FiO2 100–200), and severe (PaO2/FiO2 less than 100). The lungs of the obstetric patient with ARDS demonstrate decreased compliance with an increased work of breathing and hypoxemia (Choice C). Although mechanical ventilation will be required, high concentrations of oxygen and the physical effects of positive pressure ventilation often required can result in damage to the lungs. The management of ARDS currently involves low‐tidal‐volume ventilation limiting inflation pressures rather than trying to normalize arterial blood gases. To reduce iatrogenic ventilator‐associated injuries, hypercapnea and some degree of hypoxia are acceptable (Choice D). All patients with ARDS including pregnant patients should target a lower tidal volume 4–6 mL/kg predicted body weight and maintenance of plateau pressure between 25 and 30 cm H2O. Although no studies have evaluated the efficacy of low tidal volume strategy in pregnant and postpartum women, similar to the nonpregnant patient (Choice E). Additionally, management concentrates on elucidating the etiology, minimizing ongoing injury and supportive therapy. Maternal mortality may be as high as 35–60%, and most often results from multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. Answer: B The Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Network (ARDSNet). Ventilation with lower tidal volumes as compared with traditional tidal volumes for acute lung injury and the acute respiratory distress syndrome. The New England Journal of Medicine 2000; 342:1301–1308. Catanzarite V, Willms D, Wong D, Landers C, Cousins L, Schrimmer D . Acute respiratory distress syndrome in pregnancy and the puerperium: causes, courses, and outcomes. Obstetrics and Gynecology 2001; 97:760–764.
Obstetric Critical Care
Pregnancy State
ABG measurement
Nonpregnant state
First trimester
Third trimester
PaO2 (mm Hg)
PaCO2 (mm Hg)
Serum HCO3 (mEq/L)

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