© Springer International Publishing AG 2017
Linda S. Aglio and Richard D. Urman (eds.)Anesthesiologyhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-50141-3_5151. Nonobstetric Surgery During Pregnancy
Department of Anesthesiology, Anesthesiologists of Greater Orlando & University of Central Florida, 851 Trafalgar Court, Suite 300W, Maitland, FL 32751, USA
PregnancyNonobstetric surgeryAnesthesiaMaternal safetyFetusCase Report
A 26-year-old woman, Gravida 2, Para 1, was referred at 23-week gestation with acute abdominal emergency. Her past medical history was unremarkable. Her last obstetric visit was two weeks ago during her 20-week routine checkup. She had no previous history of any intra-abdominal procedure. The only medications are prenatal multivitamins, folate, and iron sulfate. Physical examination: vital signs were blood pressure 120/60 mmHg, heart rate 80/min, respiratory rate of 16/min and temperature of 97 °F. Her lungs, heart, and general appearance were all within normal limits for her gestation. Airway assessment showed Mallampati score of 2 with intact dentition, full range of neck motion and a thyromental distance of greater than 5 cm. White blood cell count was 18,600; other laboratory values were normal. Abdominal ultrasound showed cholelithiasis and gall bladder inflammation.
What is the incidence of surgery during pregnancy?
The incidence of nonobstetric surgery performed during pregnancy was estimated range from 0.3 to 2.2% [1, 2]. There are significant number of women who receive nonobstetric surgery during pregnancy. As many as 93,000 pregnant women in the United States may require surgery each year [3]. However, this numbers are probably underestimated because pregnancy is often unrecognized by both patient and physician during early pregnancy.
What is the incidence of positive pregnancy tests in women of childbearing age for elective surgery?
The incidence of positive pregnancy tests of menstruating women presenting for orthopedic surgery was 0.002% [4]. The incidence of previously unrecognized pregnancy in menstruating women presenting for ambulatory, nonobstetric surgery was 0.3% [5]. A significant number of women (2.6%) are already pregnant during elective sterilization procedures [6].
Should pregnancy tests offer to all women of childbearing age before surgery?
The UK National Patient Safety Agency documented that women should be offered a pregnancy test “if there is any possibility that a woman could be pregnant.” The American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on Preanesthesia Evaluation recommended that preanesthesia pregnancy testing, “may be considered for all female patients of childbearing age,” ASA advocates physicians and hospitals to implement their own policies and practices with regard to this. Many hospitals routinely carry out pregnancy tests on all women of childbearing age who are scheduled for elective surgery [4].
What is the common nonobstetric surgical procedure performed during pregnancy?
The most common first-trimester procedure was laparoscopy (34%), whereas appendectomy was the most common surgery in the second and third trimesters [1]. The common indications for nonobstetic surgery include acute abdominal disease, malignancies, and trauma [1]. The rate of major postoperative complications (such as infections, reoperation, wound problems, respiratory complications, venous thromboembolism, blood transfusion, maternal death) for nonobstetic surgery during pregnancy was about 6% [7].
The pregnant woman undergoes physiological adaptations to pregnancy. Briefly discuss these physiology changes.
What are the respiratory system changes in pregnancy?
Maternal alveolar ventilation is increased by 30% or more by mid-pregnancy and rises progressively to 70% at term [8]. There is a 20% decrease in functional residual capacity (FRC) at term as the uterus expands, which result in decreases oxygen reserve and potential for airway closure. Oxygen consumption increases significantly due to the development of placenta, fetus, and uterine muscle.
Because of decreased FRC, increased oxygen consumption, pregnancy women can develop rapid hypoxemia and acidosis from hypoventilation or apnea. Anesthetic requirement for inhalational agents is decreased up to 40% by the second trimester [9]. Possibility of anesthetic overdose is increased. Swelling and friability of oropharyngeal tissues can result in difficult intubation. Failed intubation is a leading cause of anesthesia-related maternal death.
What are the cardiovascular system changes in pregnancy?
Early in pregnancy, significant cardiovascular changes are demonstrated. By 8 weeks’ gestation, a pregnant woman has a 57% of increase in cardiac output, 78% of the increase in stroke volume, and 90% of decrease in systemic vascular resistance [10]. Pregnant woman also has a 40–50% increase in blood volume and a 20% reduction in hematocrit due to dilution. Anemia begins during the first trimester of pregnancy and is most significant in the mid-second trimester. Inferior vena caval occlusion is also significant during second trimester, which can result in decrease cardiac output 30% [3]. Vena caval compression result in distention of the epidural venous plexus, therefore increase the possibility of local anesthetic toxicity during the administration of epidural anesthesia.
What are the gastrointestinal system changes in pregnancy?
Reduction of gastrointestinal motility and lower esophageal sphincter pressure, distortion of gastric and pyloric anatomy during pregnancy increase the risk for aspiration of gastric content [11]. It is unclear exactly at which point in gestation a pregnant woman becomes more prone to regurgitation and aspiration under anesthesia [3]. Any pregnant woman with acid reflux presentation should be considered at risk for aspiration.
Describe the altered responsiveness of pregnant women to anesthesia.
Intravenous induction agents: The dose of thiopental for anesthesia was 18% less in pregnant women of 7–13 weeks’ gestation compared with the dose needed by nonpregnant women [12]. Whether the dose of propofol for anesthesia changed in pregnant women, the data was conflicting.
Muscle relaxants: Duration of action of succinylcholine is not prolonged in term pregnant women, although plasma cholinesterase levels decrease by 25% from early pregnancy until the seventh postpartum day [13]. Duration of nondepolarizing muscle relaxants was prolonged in pregnant women, because of changes of volume of distribution.
Inhalation agents: The minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) for volatile anesthetic agents was reduced 30–40% in pregnant women at early gestation as compared to nonpregnant women [14].
Regional anesthesia: The reduction of the epidural and subarachnoid spaces in pregnant women lead to more extensive spread of local anesthetic agents administered during central neuraxial blockade. Pregnancy increases the response to peripheral neural blockade. During pregnancy, nerve fibers have become more sensitive to the effects of local anesthetics or there is increased diffusion of the local anesthetic to the membrane receptor site.
Other drugs: The increased blood volume produces physiological hypoalbuminemia during pregnancy. Reduction of protein binding due to lower albumin and alpha-glycoprotein concentrations may result in greater chance of drug toxicity. In addition, because of limited information of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics profiles during pregnancy, it is worthwhile to administer the drugs with caution.
What are the concerns for fetus when surgery is performed during pregnancy?
The potential effects of anesthetic agents as teratogens should be considered.
What are teratogens?
Teratogenicity is defined as any significant postnatal change in function or anatomy in an offspring after prenatal treatment [3].
Almost all commonly used anesthetics are teratogenic in some animal species. Anesthetic agents cause reversible decreases in cell motility, prolongation of DNA synthesis, and inhibition of cell division in mammalian cells experiments [3].
However, in order to induce a defect formation, a teratogenic drug must be given in an appropriate dosage, during a particular developmental stage of the embryo, in a species or individual with a particular genetic susceptibility [3]. Most scientists agreed that any drug can be teratogenic in an animal if enough is given at the right time. A small dose of a teratogen may cause structural abnormality or death in the susceptible early embryo, whereas much larger doses may demonstrate benign to the fetus [15].
Describe the systemic anesthetic drugs effect on animal fetus.
When mice were injected pentobarbital or phenobarbital, many anomalies were detected [16]. Thiamylal can cause growth suppressing defects in the offspring of mice [17]. Exposure of the immature brain of rodents to anesthetic agents such as propofol, thiopental, ketamine are related with brain cell apoptosis and functional deficiency [18, 19].
Methadone is teratogenic in mice [20]. In hamsters, the number of abnormal fetus from female injected with single dose of heroin, phenazocine, methadone enlarged when the maternal dose increased [21]. Morphine and meperidine produced an increase in the number of fetal abnormalities only to a certain dose level. The narcotic antagonists, nalorphine, naloxone, and levallorphan blocked the teratogenic effects [21]. Fentanyl, sufentanil, alfentanil were not teratogenic [22, 23].
Muscle relaxants do not cross the placenta. Muscle relaxants are difficult to test in vivo because of their respiratory effects. D-tubocurarine, pancuronium, atracurium, and vecuronium have been shown to be teratogenic only when at dose 30-fold greater than the paralyzing dose in humans [24].
Injection of lidocaine to pregnant rats did not result in an increased incidence of congenital anomalies or poor outcome [25]. Cocaine has been shown to be teratogenic in mice and rats [26].
Describe the systemic anesthetic drugs effects on human fetus.
It had been suggested the association between consumption of tranquilizers during pregnancy and an increased risk of cleft palate from three retrospective studies [28–30]. A new prospective study in 854 women who used diazepam during the first trimester did not show a higher risk of cleft palate [31]. The current consensus is that benzodiazepines are not teratogenic and a single dose appears safe. Because of concerns about increased risk of cleft palate, regular use, particularly in the first trimester, should probably be avoided [32].
Describe the inhalation anesthetic agents effects on animal fetus.
Nitrous oxide
Nitrous oxide is a weak teratogen in rodents. Rats continually exposed to 50–70% nitrous oxide for 2–6 days (starting on day 8 of gestation) had an increased incidence of fetal morphological abnormalities [33]. When rats exposed to 70% nitrous oxide or to a similar concentration of xenon for 24 h on day 9 of gestation, fetal resorption, skeletal anomalies, and macroscopic lesions occurred only in the nitrous oxide group [34]. Nitrous oxide resulted in growth retardation and an increased incidence of morphological abnormalities and altered body laterality in rats [35].
The possible mechanism of nitrous oxide teratogenicity is that nitrous oxide inhibits methionine synthetase. Nitrous oxide can affect DNA synthesis. Transmethylation from methyltetrahydrofolate to homocysteine to produce tetrahydrofolate (THF) and methionine is catalyzed by methionine synthase. Therefore, methionine synthase inhibition by nitrous oxide could decrease THF and reduce methionine level. Reduction of THF resulted in decrease in DNA synthesis. However, this description has been questioned. Folinic acid bypasses the effect of methionine synthase inhibition on THF synthesis. Administration of folnic acid partially (not completely) reduced the teratogenic effects of nitrous oxide in the rat [36]. Use of isoflurane or halothane with nitrous oxide prevents almost all of teratogenic effects but does not prevent inhibitory effects of nitrous oxide on methionine synthase activity [37]. Therefore, the etiology of nitrous oxide teratogenicity in rats remained to be determined.
Volatile agents
Halothane: In Mice, 3 h of halothane exposure evidently increased the incidence of cleft palates and paw defects [38]. In hamsters, 3 h of halothane exposure in midgestation increased the number of abortions [39].
Isoflurane: In mice, isoflurane exposure increased the incidence of cleft palate [40].
Sevoflurane or desflurane: Teratogenic effects of sevoflurane and desflurane have been studied. No evidence has suggested reproductive toxicity in clinical dose.
Describe the inhalation anesthetic agents effects on human fetus.
Human studies are more challenging to conduct. Prospective clinical studies are impractical, unethical. Human studies methods included retrospective epidemiologic surveys of adverse reproductive outcomes in groups chronically exposed to low levels of anesthetic gases or in women who have undergone surgery during their pregnancy.
What is the current data regarding the effects of trace concentrations of anesthetic gases on pregnancy?
These epidemiologic surveys had imperfections because of lack of comparable control groups, lack of details on duration and amounts of actual exposure, exposure to multiple environmental factors. These studies were limited by the small sample sizes, lack of a control group, and low response rate. These studies indicated that the incidence of miscarriage among the exposed women is approximately 25–30% greater than nonexposed women. However this difference is almost insignificant because incidence of spontaneous abortions is increased 250% in pregnant women who take more than three alcoholic drinks daily [41], and 80% in pregnant women who are smokers [42]. A 10-year prospective survey of all female physicians in United Kingdom showed no difference in reproductive outcomes when anesthesiologists were compared with others working female physicians [43]. These epidemiologic studies do not support an increased risk for congenital anomalies with long-term exposure to low levels of anesthetic gases.
What about pregnant women who undergo a surgical procedure under anesthesia?
Studies were conducted in women who had surgery during pregnancy. Review medical records of 9073 obstetric patients showed there were 147 patients who had surgery during pregnancy. These 147 patients were compared to 8926 patients who delivered at the same time. The incidence of congenital anomalies was not significantly different between two groups [44]. Among the patients who had surgery during pregnancy, the incidence of preterm delivery followed surgery was 8.8%, and the incidences of perinatal mortality and low-birth-weight infants were increased [44]. Canada data showed that there was no significant difference in the incidence of congenital anomalies in 2565 women who had undergone surgery during pregnancy. There was an increased risk of spontaneous abortion in women undergoing surgery with general anesthesia in the first or second trimester [45]. Analysis of three Swedish health care registries data showed 5405 operations in the population of 720,000 pregnant women [1]. 2252 were performed in the first trimester, 65% received general anesthesia. The incidence of congenital malformations and stillbirths were not increased in the offspring of women having surgery. However, the incidences of very low and low-birth-weight infants were increased. No specific types of anesthesia were associated with increased incidence.
Anesthesia during pregnancy does not result in an overall increase congenital abnormality, but may increase risk of miscarriage.
During surgery, surgeon requested to perform intraoperative cholangiography. State the adverse effects of radiation on fetus.
Ionizing radiation is a human teratogen that can result in an increased, dose-related risk for the miscarriage, fetal growth restriction, congenital malformation, mental retardation, and increased risk for childhood malignant disease, and fetal death [46]. Radiation is measured as grays (Gy) or milligrays (mGy) and is calculated as cumulative dose throughout the entire pregnancy. Most researchers agree that a dose of below about 50 mGy in humans and animals represents no detectable noncancer risk to the embryo or fetus at any stage of gestation [47]. Direct radiographic examination of abdomen, pelvic, and abdominal imaging studies that include fluoroscopy may cause more significant fetal radiation exposure [48]. Animal study showed that radiation at level of 300–1000 mGy was associated with failure of implantation, abortion, growth retardation and central nervous system (CNS) effects [48]. A practical threshold for congenital effects in the human embryo or fetus is most likely between 0.10–0.20 Gy (10–20 rads) [47]. According to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cancer risk from prenatal radiation exposure is similar to, or slightly higher than, cancer risk from exposure in childhood [47].
However, if radiographic studies are necessary for the mother’s condition, no other acceptable imaging study is available, testing should not be denied. Radiologists should follow the ALARA principle (as low as reasonable achievable) [3]. The providers should use the minimum radiation dose, fetal shielding, radiation dose monitoring [48].
Describe the potential adverse effects of ultrasonography on fetus.
Diagnostic ultrasonography during pregnancy has no embryotoxic effects. Prenatal ultrasound in rats showed no consistent evidence of neurobehavioral effects at low exposure ultrasound intensities (up to 20 W/cm2 ) [49]. However, higher intensities (>30 W/cm2) can cause postnatal neurobehavioral effects [50]. Ultrasound can increase the fetal temperature. Hyperthermia is a recognized teratogen in mammalian laboratory animals and is a suspected teratogen for humans. Human epidemiology does not indicate that diagnostic ultrasound presents a measurable risk to the developing embryo or fetus [51]. Because higher exposures of ultrasound can elevate the temperature of the embryo, the use of diagnostic procedures should take into consideration the hyperthermic potential of higher exposures of ultrasound [51]. To prevent hyperthermia, exposure time and acoustic output should be set to the lowest level possible.
Describe Behavioral teratology
Behavioral teratology was described as the adverse effects of a drug on the behavior or functional adaptation of the offspring to its environment [52]. In animal studies, brief intrauterine exposure to halothane resulted in postnatal learning deficit, CNS degeneration and decrease brain weight in rats [53]. Maternal administration of systemic drugs, including barbiturates, meperidine, resulted in behavioral changes in rat offspring [54, 55]. Maternal administration of lidocaine showed no effect on behavioral changes or clinical dysfunction in rat offspring [25]. The researchers administered to 7-day-old infant rats a combination of drugs commonly used in pediatric anesthesia (midazolam, nitrous oxide, and isoflurane) in doses sufficient to maintain a surgical level of anesthesia for 6 h, and have demonstrated that this causes widespread apoptotic neurodegeneration in the developing brain, deficits in hippocampal synaptic function, and persistent memory/learning impairments [56]. However, there is no evidence to prove that anesthesia administered to a pregnant woman has adverse effects on later intelligence, neuromuscular physiology, learning ability, and behavior of her infant [57].
Describe teratogenicity of Hypoxia and hypercarbia.
Animal studies demonstrated that congenital abnormalities have been described after exposure to hypoxia during organogenesis [58]. In humans, brief experience of hypoxia and hypercarbia has not proven to be teratogenic [59, 60]. Common causes of maternal hypoxia in pregnant women during surgery include laryngospasm, airway obstruction, esophagus intubation, inadequate ventilation, low inspired oxygen in anesthetic gas mixture, severe toxic reactions, high spinal or epidural blocks with maternal hypoventilation.
How do anesthesia providers maintain fetal well-being during surgery?
Intrauterine asphyxia can cause serious damage to fetus. It is important to maintain normal maternal arterial oxygen tension, oxygen-carrying capacity, oxygen affinity, and uteroplacental perfusion in pregnant women during surgery [3].
Maternal oxygen tension commonly elevated during anesthesia. Is there any concern about maternal hyperoxia?

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