Chapter 85 Non–North American Travel and Exotic Diseases
Travelers to tropical and subtropical areas of the world where hygienic conditions are poor and ecologic conditions are permissive may encounter infectious agents that are no longer endemic or have never existed in temperate regions of the world. Although economic development and industrialization of developing countries of the tropics have resulted in a decreased health burden of many tropical infectious diseases, it is important to realize that there is still a risk for exposure for the traveler who is unaware of appropriate measures to prevent or treat such conditions. The most important consideration in the management of this problem, which is increasing as international travel expands, is appropriate preventive measures through counsel with a travel medicine specialist and prophylaxis using safe drugs and vaccines. This topic has recently been reviewed in several excellent publications.*
This chapter is concerned with infectious diseases that are uncommon or do not exist in North America and with which most health professionals in North America have scant familiarity. Other chapters give specific details relevant to malaria (Chapter 49), tick-borne diseases (Chapter 51), infectious diarrheas (Chapter 68), and travel medicine (Chapter 84). The infectious diseases considered in this chapter should not be considered a complete listing. This is especially important to keep in mind in an era when diseases once thought to be eliminated or nonexistent in North America are emerging or reemerging coincidental with large-scale movements of human and vector populations.
Major Viral Infections
Yellow Fever
European physicians did not recognize until the late 1490s the clinical syndrome now known as yellow fever. Initially described by Columbus in the West Indies, large-scale epidemics were later observed throughout the Americas and tropical Africa in the 1700s and 1800s. After epidemic yellow fever in Texas, Louisiana, and Tennessee caused 20,000 deaths in the 1880s, the Yellow Fever Commission was organized to study the problem. Identification of the mosquito vector, Aedes aegypti, and definitive studies conducted by the U.S. military under the leadership of Walter Reed were followed by massive campaigns to eradicate mosquito breeding sites. This led to virtual elimination of urban yellow fever from the Americas. The last case of yellow fever acquired in the continental United States was reported in 1911. Because it is difficult if not impossible to eliminate jungle reservoirs, there continue to be cases reported annually from South America and tropical Africa. Larger outbreaks secondary to resurgent vector populations have occurred in recent years in tropical West Africa.14,35,38,70
Ecology and Epidemiology
Currently, both the Americas and Africa have a constant low level of jungle yellow fever because of inability to control either the monkey reservoir or the mosquito vector. Overall there are about 200,000 cases per year, resulting in approximately 30,000 deaths, occurring primarily in sub-Saharan Africa.79 Some suggest that these rates are underestimated by at least 10-fold. Persons at risk include workers or travelers in or near the tropical rainforest canopy. Urban yellow fever had been reduced in the western hemisphere through massive campaigns to control breeding and spread of the Aedes vector. However, the benefits of these campaigns have declined, and there is currently an increased threat of further outbreaks of disease. Introduction of Aedes albopictus, an aggressive anthropophilic dengue vector from Southeast Asia, and reemergence of A. aegypti into the Americas raise the specter of increased yellow fever transmission in the western hemisphere.65 Less-intense vector control measures and a more complex ecology have made elimination of urban yellow fever in Africa even more difficult.
Avoidance of this potentially fatal infection is possible through use of yellow fever vaccine. The vaccine strain 17D is an attenuated live virus grown in chicken embryos. Greater than 95% of persons vaccinated achieve significant antibody 1evels. Repeat vaccinations are recommended every 10 years, although persistent antibody titers have been detected as long as 30 to 40 years after vaccination. Yellow fever vaccine is generally well tolerated, with headache or malaise occurring in less than 10% of those vaccinated. Rare allergic side effects occur primarily in persons with hypersensitivity to eggs. Other serious adverse events, including death, have been reported, with the greater risk being associated with age older than 60 years.5,49,66,81 Vaccination is not recommended in the first 6 months of life or in other situations where live virus vaccines are contraindicated. Although pregnant women have received the vaccine without adverse effect to themselves or their infants, it is not recommended for use in this group because of possible teratogenic effects. Other means of reducing the risk for yellow fever (and any mosquito-borne infectious disease) include liberal use of mosquito repellent and netting in endemic areas. Outbreak control in endemic countries is primarily through focused vaccination campaigns.
Dengue fever
Dengue fever has been reported since the late 1700s. Since World War II, increased attention has focused on the dengue virus, largely as a result of recognition of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) and dengue shock syndrome (DSS). First noted in Southeast Asia, DHF and DSS have attained worldwide distribution in the last 30 years.34,53,67,86 Dengue is the most common insect-borne viral infection in the world. The infection has been reported in more than 100 countries, with 50 to 100 million dengue infections each year resulting in approximately 500,000 cases of life-threatening disease (DHF and DSS) annually.36,37
Virology and Pathophysiology
The etiologic agent is a single-stranded RNA flavivirus, which may be one of four serotypes, denoted DEN-1 through DEN-4. As with yellow fever, local viral replication is followed by dissemination to lymphocyte- and macrophage-rich areas, where most of the reproductive activity occurs. Infection with one virus serotype provides long-lasting immune protection against that type only. After infection with one serotype, a subsequent infection with a heterologous serotype may result in a more severe clinical course. Non-neutralizing antibodies produced in response to infection to the primary infection are thought to facilitate entrance of the heterologous virus into host macrophages. Although cases of DHF and DSS may result from this “immune enhancement,” severe DHF and DSS also occur with other serotypes in the absence of previous infection with a heterologous dengue virus serotype.60,61 Pathologic studies of DHF and DSS show hemorrhage, congestion, and perivascular edema of multiple organs. The liver may show areas of focal necrosis. As with yellow fever, the extent of pathologic findings does not correspond to severity of the clinical course.
Ecology and Epidemiology
A. aegypti is the principal vector for dengue viruses worldwide. In the Americas and Asia, viral transmission is maintained through a mosquito–human cycle without a major animal reservoir. Monkey carriers have been identified in Africa and Asia, but their importance in transmission is unclear. A. albopictus, an anthropophilic dengue vector from Southeast Asia, has also been recognized recently in the western hemisphere. Both of these mosquitoes are capable of large-scale transmission to humans in endemic areas. Currently, dengue is endemic in tropical and subtropical Asia, Africa, South America, and the Caribbean basin. In the early 1920s, large epidemics occurred in Texas, where dengue infections were reported in 500,000 inhabitants. In the last 30 years, endemic transmission on the mainland United States has been documented only in Texas. Travelers to Southeast Asia have highest risk for dengue, especially when travel takes place during periods of high transmission and epidemic dengue.98
Clinical Presentation
Most dengue infections appear after an incubation period of 2 to 14 days, either as an undifferentiated viral syndrome with fever and mild respiratory or gastrointestinal symptoms or as dengue (“break-bone”) fever with bone pain, generalized myalgia, severe headache, and retroorbital pain. Febrile illnesses that appear more than 2 weeks after putative exposure to dengue virus are unlikely to be due to this virus. After 1 to 3 days, a quiescent period may ensue. There may be a subsequent second episode of fever accompanied by a patchy maculopapular or morbilliform rash that spreads outward from the chest and that ultimately desquamates. Lymphadenopathy and leukopenia occur during this phase of the illness. The distinct severe forms of dengue disease referred to as either DHF or DSS may occur around the usual time of recovery. These are due to the development of capillary leak syndrome with associated hemorrhagic manifestations (Figure 85-1). The advanced forms have the unique feature that the platelet count decreases to less than 100,000 per mm3 and hematocrit increases by more than 20%. The severity is classified as grade I to IV, according to World Health Organization guidelines. In cases of grade I DHF, the only hemorrhagic manifestation is a positive tourniquet test, in which inflation of a tourniquet to midway between systolic and diastolic blood pressure for 5 minutes leads to development of 20 or more petechiae per square inch distal to the tourniquet. A complete blood cell count classically shows decreased platelet and leukocyte counts and increase in hematocrit value. Grade II DHF is defined as the above with hemorrhage from any site (e.g., gingiva, nares, conjunctivae). Grade III DSS includes clammy skin, hypotension, or a narrow pulse pressure (<20 mm Hg) in a patient with DHF. An undetectable blood pressure defines grade IV DHF and DSS. Most studies have noted DHF and DSS primarily in infants and young children, usually with a history or serologic evidence of previous heterologous dengue infection, but there is an increasing trend of cases in adults.
Lassa Fever
The principal animal host for this virus is a rat, Mastomys natalensis, which prefers living in and around human dwellings. The rodents become chronically infected, secreting viral particles for long periods. Natural infection in humans occurs after rodent contamination of food and drink, inhalation of aerosolized rodent secretions, or contact with rodent material through skin abrasions. Lassa fever has been reported in several areas of sub-Saharan West Africa, and large outbreaks have been noted in Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Liberia.21,62 It affects up to 500,000 people with 5000 deaths annually.54 Complete seroprevalence data are lacking, making definition of an endemic area impossible at this time. Secondary human infection has been reported and may occur after contact with infected secretions.
Virology and Pathophysiology
Lassa virus is a single-stranded RNA arenavirus. Proliferation and dissemination presumably occur after initial replication at the inoculation site. As with the flaviviral diseases, the extent of end-organ involvement noted at autopsy does not account for the rapid death of infected patients. Recent work in an animal model provides evidence for platelet dysfunction and an endothelial cell defect in shock caused by Lassa fever virus.31 DIC, believed to be a major cause of bleeding and death in patients with other viral hemorrhagic fevers, appears to play a relatively minor role in arenavirus infections. The liver is most consistently the organ in which pathologic changes are observed at autopsy.
Clinical Presentation
Most seroconversions to Lassa virus are not accompanied by obvious symptoms.63,64,69 Only 5% to 14% of seroconverters experienced a febrile illness. The incubation period is between 3 and 21 days. Patients hospitalized with Lassa fever show a distinct clinical syndrome. Fever, malaise, and purulent pharyngitis often develop after the insidious onset of headache. Retrosternal chest pain, possibly a result of pharyngitis and esophagitis, suggests the diagnosis. The combined presence of retrosternal chest pain, fever, pharyngitis, and proteinuria is the best predictor of Lassa fever.62 Hemorrhagic complications (hematemesis, vaginal bleeding, hematuria, lower gastrointestinal bleeding, and epistaxis) were seen in fewer than 25% of patients with Lassa fever. Nonfatal disease usually begins to resolve in 8 to 10 days. The combined presence of fever, sore throat, and vomiting was associated with a poor prognosis (relative risk for death = 5.5). Terminal stages of fatal disease were accompanied by hypotension, encephalopathy, and respiratory distress caused by stridor (presumably secondary to laryngeal edema). The most common complication after recovery from Lassa fever is sensorineural hearing loss, presumably due to host immune response reactions against elements of the inner ear.
The probability of transmission of Lassa fever virus to medical and nursing staff can be reduced by routine blood and body fluid precautions as well as strict barrier nursing. Barrier nursing includes wearing gloves, gown, mask, shoe covers, and, if there is risk for splashing fluids, goggles whenever entering the patient’s room. Decontamination of solid articles and rooms may be accomplished with 0.5% sodium hypochlorite solution. Recommendations for the management of patients with viral hemorrhagic fever have been published.17,11
Ebola and Marburg Viruses
Ebola and Marburg viruses are closely related large-RNA viruses known as filoviruses. They cause severe viral hemorrhagic fever syndromes with some of the highest case fatality rates (approximately 90%) of any known infectious disease. Both are endemic in focal areas of central and southern Africa.73 Ebola virus seropositivity has been noted in Sudan, Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Central African Republic, Côte d’Ivoire, and Kenya. A strain of Ebola known as Ebola Reston has been found in monkeys imported into the United States from the Philippines. More recently, there have been outbreaks with fatalities in Gabon, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Angola. Marburg disease is found in South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Kenya. In 2005, there was an outbreak that caused over 300 deaths in Angola.18 Although there is not definitive evidence indicating the animal reservoir that maintains these filoviruses in nature, current evidence strongly suggests that bats are involved. Person-to-person transmission has been well documented, primarily through contaminated needles and contact with the secretions of infected individuals.72,74
Pathophysiology and Clinical Presentation
Marburg and Ebola viruses are presumed to act through similar pathophysiologic mechanisms that involve initial infection of monocytes, macrophages, and dendritic cells that are then distributed through the circulation to many organs and cell types. The viruses suppress both innate and adaptive host immune responses, leading to overwhelming infection and wide release of proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines causing fever, vascular instability, hypotension, and shock followed by multiorgan failure and death.7,22,41,57
Patients present after an incubation period of 4 to 10 days with fever, headache, and myalgias. Diarrhea and abdominal pain occur commonly. In many victims, rash, conjunctivitis, sore throat, and chest pain appear early in the disease. As in other hemorrhagic fevers, hemorrhage, hypotension, shock, and electrolyte abnormalities mark fatal courses. The high mortality reported in various outbreaks and transmission to health care workers taking care of patients emphasizes the importance of intensive supportive care and precautions that limit contact with body secretions of infected individuals.72
Diagnosis and Treatment
If these diseases are suspected, strict isolation procedures should be instituted and the local health authorities and the CDC notified immediately. Diagnosis may be made on a serologic basis or by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). There appears to be no serologic cross reactivity between the two viruses. Although anecdotal reports suggest the efficacy of immune sera in therapy, this has not been consistently observed in experimental studies. There are currently no specific antiviral therapies for Marburg or Ebola virus infection. Care is supportive. Vaccines are in development with one in Phase I testing.7,47,60,85
Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever
Virology and Epidemiology
The etiologic agent of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is a bunyavirus. Ixodid ticks serve as both reservoirs and vectors of the virus. Infection in humans results from tick bites or direct contact with infected secretions from crushed ticks, animals, or humans. Most cases occur in individuals with occupations or living conditions that bring them in contact with domestic goats, sheep, or cattle on which ticks feed. The disease has been observed in southeastern Europe, south central Asia, the Middle East, and much of Africa.95 Nosocomial transmission through contact with infected body fluids has been well documented.32,89,90,91
Pathophysiology and Clinical Presentation
Pathophysiologic mechanisms are presumably similar to those of other hemorrhagic fevers.28 One in five infections results in clinical disease with a case fatality rate ranging from 10% to 50%. The incubation period is approximately 1 week with initial symptoms of fever, severe headache, myalgias, vomiting, and diarrhea. Various forms of hemorrhage, including petechiae, large ecchymoses, melena, and hematemesis, are more pronounced in CCHF than in other hemorrhagic viral diseases. Severe cases progress rapidly to DIC, shock, and death.
Initial management is similar to those for Lassa, Marburg, and Ebola virus infections, with strict patient isolation and notification of health authorities. Supportive therapy with attention to fluid balance and electrolytes in addition to oxygenation and hemodynamic support is the primary treatment. Although not confirmed in clinical trials, ribavirin has good activity in vitro against CCHF virus. The CDC recommends that patients believed to have CCHF receive intravenous (IV) ribavirin in the doses suggested for treatment of Lassa fever.27 Persons in contact with CCHF patients should receive prophylactic ribavirin as suggested for Lassa fever contacts. To date, almost all therapy has used the oral form of ribavirin.
Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome and Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome
Hantaviruses, when transmitted from rodent reservoirs, cause two significant human diseases, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) in Asia and Europe, and hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) in the Americas. HFRS first came to the attention of Western medical science during the Korean conflict, when febrile illness accompanied by bleeding and renal failure developed in 3000 United Nations troops and was ultimately found to be caused by the hantavirus species Hantaan virus.40 Mortality ranged from 5% to 10%. A similar, less severe syndrome (nephropathia epidemica) had been recognized in Scandinavia since the 1930s. HPS was first recognized in a cluster of deaths in the southwestern United States in 1993. A nonspecific febrile illness is followed by shock and alveolar pulmonary edema caused by the hantavirus species Sin Nombre virus.23
Hantaviruses cause chronic, nondebilitating infections of various rodent species. Human infection is initiated by contact with rodent secretions or inhalation of aerosolized rodent material. The disease occurs most commonly in rural areas, although occasional urban outbreaks occur, presumably with the common house rat as vector. Cases have been described most often from Asia, including China, Korea, Japan, and the Soviet Union, but the disease also occurs in Eastern Europe. A recent epidemiologic study from China found the highest rates of infection in men who engaged in heavy farm work and slept on the ground (rather than on raised wooden beds).99 The Sin Nombre virus appears to cause chronic infection of the deer mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus, which is the main reservoir of the virus in the United States. Since the initial outbreak, additional cases have been described across the United States and South America. The risk for infection is likely to be related to rodent exposure, but transmission is infrequent.
Care of patients with HFRS is supportive. With HFRS, renal dysfunction occurs early and may require institution of dialysis soon after diagnosis to prevent fluid overload and to correct electrolyte disturbances. Patients’ secretions should be handled with care, and enteric precautions (but not strict isolation) are prudent. It is not clear whether person-to-person transmission of the virus through direct inoculation occurs. For the hantaviruses, viremia recedes and antibody levels rise as the clinical phase appears. Accordingly, nosocomial transmission or hematogenous transmission with hantavirus infections has not been frequently documented, although presumed nosocomial transmission has been reported.99 No vaccine is available.
Japanese B Encephalitis
JE is the most common cause of encephalitis in Asia. Of the estimated 35,000 to 50,000 cases annually, 20% to 30% of infected individuals die and of those that recover, 30% to 50% have neurologic sequelae.30,46 Transmission correlates with monsoon rains in the tropics and in the summer and fall seasons in temperate regions. Rice field–breeding and other culicine mosquitoes serve as the vectors. In addition to humans, birds and pigs can be infected. Pigs play an important role as amplifying hosts because they develop high-grade viremia from which large numbers of mosquitoes may be infected. Most infections in endemic areas occur in children, whereas all age-groups of previously unexposed populations are at risk. Transmission of JE currently occurs in India, Southeast Asia, China, Korea, Indonesia, and the Western Pacific region.30 Routine use of JE vaccine in Japan has been eliminated because of low risk in this country. Recent outbreaks and case reports of JE in islands of the Torres Strait, which runs between Northern Australia and Papua New Guinea, indicate that the virus spread southward from Asia, presumably by migratory ardeid birds.39
Clinical Presentation
Incubation period is typically 2 to 15 days. Most infections do not cause clinical illness. Many patients recall a mild undifferentiated febrile illness, which probably coincides with the viremic phase of infection. Patients with encephalitis often report a similar prodrome. The encephalitis syndrome is not easily distinguished from other arboviral encephalitides. The patient usually complains of headache, lethargy, fever, and confusion and may display tremors or seizures. One clinical series suggested that the presence on admission of (1) unresponsiveness to pain, (2) low levels of anti–Japanese B encephalitis virus IgG or IgM antibodies (in serum or cerebrospinal fluid [CSF]), or (3) virus in CSF culture was associated with death. Of the 16 patients with fatal disease, all died within 7 days of hospitalization.15
Named Hepatitis Viruses
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis A virus is transmitted primarily by the fecal–oral route by either person-to-person contact or ingestion of contaminated food or water. Food items commonly associated with outbreaks are raw or undercooked clams and shellfish. Risk factors include contact with a hepatitis A–infected person, international travel, household or personal contact with a child who attends a child care center, foodborne outbreaks, male homosexual activity, and use of illegal drugs.3,59 Occasional cases are associated with exposure to nonhuman primates. Transmission by blood transfusion has been reported, but this is an uncommon source of infection. Hepatitis A is endemic worldwide, but underdeveloped nations have a higher prevalence than those in North America. Most persons in these areas show serologic evidence of past infection with hepatitis A virus. Hepatitis A is a common viral infection occurring in travelers, but rates are declining with increased use of hepatitis A vaccine

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