Chapter 15 Neurosurgical emergencies
This chapter covers the approach to the patient who presents with headache as well as the following topics:
Primary versus secondary brain injury
Normally ICP is between 5 and 10 mmHg. Autoregulatory mechanisms will maintain constant cerebral blood flow when the cerebral perfusion varies between 50 and 150 mmHg. In some patients, such as those with severe head injury, cerebral autoregulation may be lost. Any process that reduces MAP (e.g. hypovolaemic shock) or increases ICP (post-injury oedema, expanding intracranial haematoma or mass, hypercarbia) will compromise cerebral perfusion, leading to secondary brain injury.
Boxes 15.1 and 15.2 outline some criteria for computerised tomography (CT) scanning of both trauma and non-trauma patients, respectively. Further information regarding the features of different types of headaches is given under the heading of each specific diagnosis.
Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)
The GCS is a widely accepted scale for assessing alterations to a patient’s level of consciousness. A score is given based on 3 components—eye opening, verbal response and motor response (see Table 15.1). In adults, the score achieved correlates well with the severity of the underlying condition. It is also useful for objectively following a patient’s progress. Maximum score is 15 and minimum is 3.
Eye opening | Spontaneous | 4 |
To voice | 3 | |
To pain | 2 | |
None | 1 | |
Best verbal response | Alert | 5 |
Confused | 4 | |
Inappropriate words only | 3 | |
Incomprehensible sounds | 2 | |
Nil | 1 | |
Best motor response | Obeys commands | 6 |
Localises pain | 5 | |
Withdraws to pain | 4 | |
Abnormal flexion | 3 | |
Abnormal extension | 2 | |
None | 1 |
Herniation syndromes
The cranial cavity is divided into compartments by sheets of dura mater (the falx cerebri and tentorium cerebelli). The tentorium separates the cerebrum above from the cerebellum and brainstem below. Because of the rigidity and non-expansile nature of the cranial vault, significant increases in ICP can lead to herniation syndromes where the contents of one compartment herniate across an opening in these dural structures, causing specific neurological signs. The significance of a herniation syndrome is that ICP has increased beyond the capacity of the brain to compensate and death will ensue if emergent treatment is not undertaken. Raised ICP above the tentorium leads to herniation of the uncus of the temporal lobe. This manifests as dilation of ipsilateral pupil (later bilateral), contralateral pyramidal weakness and increased tone.
Raised ICP will also lead to high blood pressure and bradycardia (Cushing response).
Management principles
Airway, breathing and circulation
A patent airway is the first priority (see Chapter 2, ‘Securing the airway, ventilation and procedural sedation’). Simple manoeuvres to maintain patency may prevent secondary brain injury from hypoxia. Airway protection is also important—patients with a GCS of 8 or less will not be able to protect their airway from aspiration or maintain a patent airway and need intubation. Adequate ventilation is required to avoid hypoxia and hypercarbia. Treatment measures vary from oxygen therapy by mask to full mechanical ventilation if required. Adequate CPP relies in part on a normal blood pressure. Hypotension should therefore be treated with volume expansion.
Measures to decrease ICP
A number of interventions can reduce ICP.
Hyperventilation to lower than normal PCO2 is not recommended, as this causes cerebral vasoconstriction and does not improve outcome. In ventilated patients, target PCO2 should be in the normal range.
Classification and pathophysiology
There are different ways of classifying TBI. Each is useful in that there is some relationship to treatment and prognosis. Table 15.2 outlines a classification according to actual pathology of the injury. TBI can be classified according to severity based on GCS (GCS ≤ 8 = severe, GCS 9–13 = moderate, and GCS 14–15 = mild or minor).
Table 15.2 Pathological lesions seen in traumatic brain injury
Type of injury | Lesion |
Skull fractures | Depressed |
Base of skull | |
Linear | |
Cerebral contusion | |
Haemorrhage | Intracerebral |
Subarachnoid | |
Subdural | |
Extradural | |
Diffuse axonal injury |
Assessment and diagnosis
Assessment should be performed according to advanced trauma life support principles, which use a prioritised and systematised approach (for general principles of trauma management, see Chapter 14, ‘Initial assessment and management of major trauma’). The diagnosis of TBI per se is usually obvious from the history. However, the occasional patient presents with an altered conscious state without a definite history of trauma. In cases where the patient may have been drinking alcohol, it is sometimes misdiagnosed as alcohol or drug intoxication. This is a classic misdiagnosis that can have lethal consequences.
Clinical features
The severity of mechanism of injury, a history of loss of consciousness and the duration of loss of consciousness are important. Did the patient regain consciousness? The patient may be experiencing symptoms such as headache, nausea and vomiting. There may be amnesia concerning the events around the time of injury, or for a period before the injury (retrograde amnesia). Anterograde amnesia is the inability to remember information acquired since the injury. This often manifests as the patient asking the same questions over and over again. On examination, local head trauma (lacerations, haematomas) may be present. The GCS should be measured (Table 15.1). Focal neurological signs such as pupillary dilatation with or without hemiparesis with increased tone and reflexes indicate an uncal herniation syndrome requiring emergent management. Where there is significant increase in ICP, the Cushing reflex will lead to hypertension and bradycardia. Clues to a fractured skull base are cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak from nose, bilateral periorbital bruising (raccoon eyes), CSF leak from the ear, haemotympanum and bruising behind the ear (Battles sign).
Definitive investigation is a CT scan of the head. This should be done urgently for severe and moderate head injuries. For mild head injury (GCS 14–15), the indications are listed in Box 15.1.