Neurologic Complications of Regional Anesthesia in Obstetrics

Neurologic Complications of Regional Anesthesia in Obstetrics

David Wlody

The increasing use of neuraxial anesthesia for labor and both vaginal and cesarean deliveries has unquestionably led to decreases in maternal morbidity and mortality associated with general anesthesia, particularly complications of airway management such as aspiration of gastric contents and failed intubation. Equally apparent, however, is a subsequent increase in the number of complications of regional anesthesia in the obstetric population (Table 26-1). Some of these complications, such as transient neurologic symptoms (TNS) after lidocaine spinal anesthesia, may be mild and self-limited; others, such as epidural abscess or bacterial meningitis, may lead to permanent neurologic injury or even death. A thorough understanding of the risk factors and underlying pathophysiology of the common and most serious complications of regional anesthesia will permit the anesthesiologist to quantitate the risk of neurologic injury in patients receiving spinal or epidural anesthesia, and will enable them to modify their anesthetic technique to decrease the risk of those complications. An understanding of the obstetric nerve palsies will enable the practitioner to distinguish those nerve deficits due to pregnancy itself from those due to regional anesthesia. And finally, a review of diagnostic studies for evaluating neurologic deficits will enable the anesthesiologist to choose a tool that can identify lesions requiring urgent intervention, those in which intervention is not indicated, and to utilize these tools to determine the prognosis of a neurologic deficit.


Extrapolation from studies of neurologic complications after neuraxial anesthesia in non-obstetric patients to the obstetric population is fraught with difficulty. It is likely that the young, typically healthy parturient is protected from neurologic injury for a number of reasons. First, few of these patients are receiving medications affecting coagulation, unlike elderly orthopedic patients who may be disproportionately represented in studies of regional anesthesia in the non-obstetric population. Such patients may be receiving antiplatelet medications for pre-existing cardiac disease and oral anticoagulants for venous thromboembolism prophylaxis after total joint replacement. Second, the incidence of atherosclerotic vascular disease is lower in the obstetric population, and if there is a vascular component to certain neurologic deficits then it is likely that the absence of pre-existing disease will be protective. Finally, osteoarthritic changes in the vertebral column of the elderly patient limit the patency of the intervertebral foramina; thus, egress of blood accumulating within the epidural space is limited. The patency of the intervertebral foramina in the obstetric population is maintained, allowing blood within the epidural space to dissipate, minimizing the increases in epidural pressure that can lead to spinal cord compression.

Studies in the obstetric population have demonstrated a consistently low risk of significant neurologic injury after neuraxial anesthesia. In a prospective study over a 10-month period, 8,150 French anesthesiologists reported two peripheral neuropathies and no serious sequelae in 5,640 obstetric spinal anesthetics. In almost 30,000 epidurals, there were no neurologic sequelae. (1). Moen et al. reported the results of a retrospective postal survey and national registry search of complications of central neuraxial blockade in Sweden from 1990 to 1999. In 200,000 lumbar epidural anesthetics performed for labor, there were eight serious complications (1:25,000). There were two serious complications described in 50,000 spinal anesthetics performed for cesarean delivery (1:25,000) (2). Cook et al. reported the results of the Third National Audit of the Royal College of Anaesthetists. Data were interpreted “pessimistically,” that is, when causation was unclear it was attributed to regional anesthesia, or “optimistically,” in which causation was attributed to the anesthetic only when evidence was strongly suggestive of such a relationship. The incidence of permanent neurologic injury caused by obstetric neuraxial anesthesia was estimated to range from 0.3/100,000 anesthetics (optimistic) to 1.2/100,000 anesthetics (pessimistic) (3).

Infectious Complications

Infection after neuraxial anesthesia is typically seen in elderly, immunocompromised patients, and is rarely seen in the obstetric population. Nevertheless, analysis of data from the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Closed Claims Project revealed that 46% of all claims filed from 1980 to 1999 secondary to complications of obstetric neuraxial anesthesia involved infectious complications, either epidural abscess or bacterial meningitis (4). There is growing concern that by inserting an epidural catheter in close proximity to a dural puncture, as occurs routinely with combined spinal–epidural anesthesia (CSEA) for labor, anesthesiologists are providing a direct route from a potentially contaminated external environment to the central nervous system. And finally, there is clear evidence that some common anesthetic practices, as well as technical lapses that are not infrequently observed, can play a direct role in the development of infectious complications after spinal and epidural anesthesia.

Risk Factors for and Prevention of Neuraxial Infectious Complications

In a 2008 review of neurologic infection after neuraxial anesthesia, Reynolds illustrated the difficulty of identifying risk factors for infection in the obstetric population. In a summation of studies comprising over 1 million obstetric anesthetics, the incidence of meningitis after spinal anesthesia was
1:39,000, and that of epidural abscess after epidural anesthesia was 1:303,000. The total number of infections was small enough that it was difficult to identify causative factors in the OB population (5). In the surgical literature, however, there is a clear relationship between epidural abscess and patient age, immunocompromise, and prolonged epidural catheterization (6). The possibility of spontaneous epidural abscess in the absence of epidural anesthesia should be considered (7), as should coincidental community-acquired meningitis; the causative organism, however, may be very helpful in determining the time of acquisition of infection (Table 26-2).

Table 26-1 Closed Claims in Obstetric Anesthesia

Category of Claimed Injury Pre-1990 1990 and Later
Maternal deatha 22% 11%
Maternal brain damage 7% 5%
Newborn death/brain damagea 29% 21%
Maternal nerve injurya 8% 21%
Headache 12% 12%
Backachea 5% 10%
Percentage of claims in each category of injury.
ap < 0.05 comparing two time periods.
Adapted with permission from: Davies JM, Posner KL, Lee LA, et al. Liability associated with obstetric anesthesia: A closed claims analysis. Anesthesiology 2009;110:131–139.

Hand hygiene has been recognized for well over a century and a half as an integral part of infection control in the health care setting. The integrity of sterile gloves worn during neuraxial anesthesia can never be guaranteed, and appropriate hand hygiene will decrease the bacterial inoculum should a glove be punctured or torn during the procedure. Rings and wristwatches should be removed before hand washing, which is the most effective when an antimicrobial cleanser containing alcohol is used.

Since the most common causative agent for epidural abscess is Staphylococcus aureus (8), appropriate skin preparation is essential. Numerous studies have shown the superiority of chlorhexidine–alcohol to povidone–iodine in reducing growth of S. aureus, and in the prevention of central line associated infections (9,10,11). Iodophor–alcohol solutions are similarly superior to povidone–iodine alone in both immediate skin disinfection as well as epidural catheter colonization (12). Chlorhexidine is not inactivated in the presence of organic material such as blood, and its penetration of the stratum corneum of the skin gives it a prolonged duration of action, and effectively kills bacteria within hair follicles and sebaceous glands (13). While the package insert for the most commonly used chlorhexidine–alcohol preparation specifically states that it is not to be used prior to lumbar puncture (14), both the ASA in its practice advisory for the prevention of infectious complications in neuraxial anesthesia (15) and the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ASRA) (16) have recommended the routine use of chlorhexidine–alcohol solutions for skin preparation prior to neuraxial anesthesia. The failure to demonstrate any increase in the incidence of neurologic deficits above baseline after the use of chlorhexidine for skin preparation in spinal anesthesia provides further evidence of its safety (17). And while chlorhexidine has been shown to be more cytotoxic than povidone–iodine at low concentrations in an in vitro model, there is no difference in toxicity at clinically relevant concentrations. Following the manufacturer’s instructions to allow the solution to dry for 2 to 3 minutes after application can further minimize any risk of toxicity of chlorhexidine (18).

Table 26-2 Risk Factors: Neurologic Infectious Complications

Advanced Age
Prolonged epidural catheterization
Substance abuse
Pancreatitis, GI bleeding
Reprinted with permission from: Wang LP, Hauerberg J, Schmidt JF. Incidence of spinal epidural abscess after epidural analgesia: A national 1-year survey. Anesthesiology 1999;91:1928–1936; American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on infectious complications associated with neuraxial techniques. Practice advisory for the prevention, diagnosis, and management of infectious complications associated with neuraxial techniques: A report by the American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on infectious complications associated with neuraxial techniques. Anesthesiology 2010;112:530–545.

In 2012, it is frankly astonishing that masks are not always worn during neuraxial anesthesia. It has been demonstrated that wearing a face mask results in a marked reduction in the bacterial contamination of a surface in close proximity to the upper airway (19). Both ASA and ASRA recommend the routine use of a face mask during neuraxial anesthesia, (15,16) and this is in fact a requirement of the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (20).

Further, there are numerous reports of cases of meningitis after spinal anesthesia in which a mask was not worn during the procedure (21,22,23). In a noteworthy report from the CDC, two separate outbreaks of meningitis in five obstetric patients receiving neuraxial anesthesia were described (24). Three women in New York State who received CSEA from the same anesthesiologist were found to have the identical strain of Streptococcus salivarius, a common nasopharyngeal organism. While the anesthesiologist reported wearing a mask during the procedures, the hospital permitted unmasked visitors to freely enter labor rooms during neuraxial procedures. In Ohio, two women received single-shot spinal anesthetics from the same anesthesiologist, who was determined to have routinely performed neuraxial procedures without a mask; one of these women died. The causative organism in both cases was a strain of S. salivarius that was genetically identical to an organism cultured from the anesthesiologist’s nasopharynx. The need for the operator to wear a mask during neuraxial procedures cannot be overemphasized. Requiring any other personnel in the labor room during the neuraxial procedure to wear a mask, including family members, should be considered as well.

While the ASA has recommended that a gown be worn during invasive procedures performed in immunosuppressed patients, there is no evidence that this is beneficial or necessary in routine neuraxial anesthesia. It should be noted, however, that while the ASA makes no recommendations regarding the use of sterile gowns, a substantial minority (33%) of the participating consultants agreed or strongly agreed that gowns should in fact be worn during neuraxial anesthesia (15), and this practice is fairly common in the United Kingdom.

The integrity of the epidural infusion system must be maintained at all times; this is of particular importance in patients receiving postoperative analgesia on the postpartum ward, where the level of surveillance for breaks in sterility may not be as great as in a labor and delivery unit. Disconnections and reconnections should be minimized, and catheter removal should be seriously considered in the setting of an unwitnessed disconnection.

In-line antibacterial filters are commonly used in the United Kingdom (25) and the ASA suggests consideration of their use in the setting of long-term epidural catheterization (15). While there is in vitro evidence that these filters are effective in eliminating passage of bacteria contained within even highly contaminated solutions (26), clinical studies suggest that the use of filters does not decrease the incidence of catheter tip colonization (27), and CNS infections have been reported even when filters were used (28,29,30).

Bacterial contamination can occur at the time that epidural local anesthetic infusions are prepared, and while local anesthetics are weakly bacteriostatic (31,32,33,34), microbial growth can occur during prolonged infusion. It should be noted that the newer single-enantiomer agents, ropivacaine and levobupivacaine, have lower antimicrobial activity than the older racemic mixtures (35,36,37).

In 2004, the United States Pharmacopeia formulated regulations, USP Chapter 797, regarding the compounding of pharmaceutical preparations, including local anesthetic infusions for epidural administration. These regulations, which represent a national standard enforceable by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), state boards of medicine, and the Joint Commission, mandate that local anesthetic infusions intended to be infused over several days be prepared under a laminar flow workbench (38,39,40). Unfortunately, these guidelines do not specifically address infusions administered over a shorter time frame. Nevertheless, a close reading of the regulations suggest that multidrug infusions (e.g., local anesthetic and opioid +/- epinephrine) are considered medium-risk preparations, and as such should be prepared under a laminar flow hood in a pharmacy (Table 26-3).

Clinical Aspects of Infectious Complications

The two major infectious complications of neuraxial anesthesia are meningitis and epidural abscess. While there may be some overlap in their clinical presentations, they differ significantly in their incidence, risk factors, microbial etiology, pathophysiology, and treatment. An excellent review of these complications is provided by Reynolds (5).


The frequent clustering of cases of meningitis after neuraxial anesthesia, which suggests a unique causation (e.g., a practitioner using poor sterile technique), makes the task of estimating the incidence of infection a difficult one. Older surveys and case reports may reflect practices that are no longer commonly used; multi-institutional surveys may reflect a wide range of practices that influence the risk for infection. Nevertheless, a review of some of the large-scale, nationwide surveys may be useful in determining the risk of meningitis. For example, in Moen’s survey of neurologic complications after neuraxial anesthesia in Sweden, the overall incidence of meningitis after spinal block was 1:53,000; again, however, a cluster of four cases in a single institution (yielding an incidence of 1:3,000 at that site) clearly skewed the results (2). In 50,000 spinal anesthetics performed for cesarean delivery, there were no cases of meningitis. The Third National Audit Project of the Royal College of Anaesthetists identified three cases of meningitis in some 707,000 central neuraxial blocks, performed for obstetric, surgical, and chronic pain indications; none suffered permanent sequelae (3).

Table 26-3 Prevention of Infectious Complications in Neuraxial Anesthesia

Consider use of pre-procedural antibiotics in patients with suspected bacteremia
Hand washing
Remove wristwatches and jewelry
Always wear a cap and face mask
Consider a gown in immunocompromised patients
Utilize single-use packets of skin preparation solutions
Prepare skin with chlorhexidine (preferably with alcohol) or iodophor–alcohol solutions in preference to povidone–iodine
Consider use of bacterial filters during extended epidural catheterization
Limit disconnection and reconnection of infusion systems
Consider removal of catheter after unwitnessed disconnections
Reprinted with permission from: American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on infectious complications associated with neuraxial techniques. Practice advisory for the prevention, diagnosis, and management of infectious complications associated with neuraxial techniques: a report by the American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on infectious complications associated with neuraxial techniques. Anesthesiology 2010;112:530–545.

In view of the low incidence of meningitis after neuraxial anesthesia, much of our knowledge of the clinical presentation of the disease is based on case reports. Reynolds identified 38 cases of meningitis in obstetric patients that received neuraxial anesthesia; in all but two cases (one viral, one community-acquired) the anesthetic was determined to be the causative factor (5). The clinical presentation is like that of meningitis seen in other settings, with headache, nausea, fever, meningeal signs, and alterations in consciousness appearing hours to several days after anesthesia. Notably, meningitis has been confused with post-dural puncture headache (PDPH), one of these patients having received two epidural blood patches.

When faced with a patient developing meningitis after neuraxial anesthesia, it is understandable that those involved in the anesthetic care of the patient would consider the possibility that the infectious process was unrelated to the anesthetic procedure, and that the development of meningitis was coincidental. However, the organisms responsible for community-acquired meningitis (Neisseria meningitidis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae) are only rarely found in obstetric patients. Most often, meningitis seen in the setting of neuraxial anesthesia is caused by alpha-hemolytic streptococcus, typically S. salivarius, an organism found in both the nasopharynx and the vagina. As mentioned previously, the frequency with which this organism is seen in cases of meningitis after spinal anesthesia makes the use of a mask during preparation for and performance of spinal anesthesia mandatory.

Of the 36 cases of anesthesia-related meningitis identified by Reynolds, 30 were associated with a recognized dural puncture, two were likely to have been complicated
by unrecognized dural puncture, and two probably represented epidural infection (5). Thus, dural puncture appears to be a prerequisite for anesthesia-related meningitis. Again, this may represent introduction of bacteria into the subarachnoid space via contaminated equipment or medications. It may also represent introduction of bacteria from the bloodstream; animal studies have demonstrated lumbar puncture in the setting of bacteremia may lead to meningitis (41). The ASA has recommended that in the setting of suspected bacteremia, a full consideration of the risks and benefits of neuraxial anesthesia should occur, and that the use of pre-procedural antibiotics should be strongly considered (15). ASRA has recommended that in the setting of systemic infection, if antibiotic therapy is initiated prior to neuraxial anesthesia, an effective response to that therapy should be demonstrated, for example, decrease in fever, before the neuraxial procedure is attempted (42). The use of regional anesthesia in the patient with chorioamnionitis appears to be safe (43,44).

Epidural Abscess

Almost 95% of epidural abscesses are unrelated to neuraxial anesthesia, the great majority of cases being a result of hematogenous seeding of the epidural space from a distant infection, or local spread from a cutaneous infection. The most common risk factors are diabetes, trauma, intravenous drug abuse, and alcoholism, that is, conditions that predispose to immune suppression (45). Reynolds identified 16 cases of epidural abscess after obstetric neuraxial anesthesia, and all occurred after epidural or CSEA; none occurred after spinal anesthesia alone (5). Similarly, in Moen’s study of complications after neuraxial anesthesia in Sweden, 12 of 13 cases of epidural abscess occurred after epidural anesthesia (2). Given the rarity of reported cases of abscess after epidural anesthesia, bacterial colonization of epidural catheters is surprisingly common; in one study, 5.8% of patients receiving postoperative epidural analgesia for an average of 5 days had positive catheter tip cultures, 75% of which were Staphylococcus epidermidis. None of these patients developed an epidural abscess (46). Again, while it is difficult to describe a true incidence of epidural abscess in the obstetric population, it appears to be extremely low; in Moen’s study, one case of epidural abscess was identified in 200,000 obstetric epidurals (2), and in the Royal College survey, one case of epidural abscess was identified in 161,000 obstetric patients receiving epidurals (3).

Kindler reviewed and published 42 cases of epidural abscess after epidural anesthesia in both surgical and obstetric patients (8). Back pain and fever were seen in over 90% of patients. Leukocytosis was common, and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein levels were elevated in all patients in whom those studies were obtained. Thirty-six percent of patients had a risk factor, including diabetes, corticosteroid therapy, and alcoholism. The mean duration of catheterization was 4 days, and symptoms developed in 5 days or less in 48% of cases. Staphylococcus species were the causative organism in 70% of cases. Troublingly, only 45% of patients had a full recovery; these patients had a shorter interval from symptom onset to surgical intervention than the 48% of patients with permanent sequelae.

The clinical presentation of epidural abscess in obstetric patients identified by Reynolds largely mirrors Kindler’s findings (5). The median duration of catheterization was 1 day, and the median time to onset of symptoms was 6 days. In the majority of cases, staphylococcus species were identified as the causative organism; streptococcal infection was also identified in several patients. Patients were typically healthy, with few comorbidities predisposing the patient to epidural abscess.

A consistent pattern in case reports of epidural abscess is the poor outcome seen when definitive therapy is delayed. In the setting of fever, back pain, and leukocytosis, prompt imaging of the spine is essential, especially when lower extremity neurologic changes are present. MRI is the imaging technique of choice (47).

Laminectomy is generally accepted as the most effective technique for ensuring that areas of infection are completely eradicated. However, medical treatment with antibiotics alone has been utilized in cases of epidural abscess in which significant neurologic deficit has not yet developed (48,49). There are also numerous case reports of percutaneous drainage of epidural abscess (50,51,52). Should neurologic deficits develop or progress at any time during conservative treatment, however, surgical intervention is indicated.

Epidural Hematoma

Other than the absence of signs of infection such as fever and leukocytosis, the presentation of epidural hematoma is similar to that of epidural abscess, that is, back pain, sometimes severe, eventually followed by weakness and sensory alterations in the lower extremities. Unlike epidural abscess, however, which may take days to manifest itself, the signs and symptoms of epidural hematoma may develop within 12 hours of the initial neuraxial procedure. Herein lies a diagnostic challenge, since an epidural hematoma may develop during the time period in which motor and sensory blockade might be expected to persist after an uncomplicated neuraxial anesthetic. Recurrence of motor block after partial recovery, or prolonged block in patients at risk for an epidural hematoma, should serve as a red flag to initiate diagnostic studies to rule out possible spinal cord compression. Optimal results of surgical intervention are seen when decompression occurs within 8 hours of onset of paraplegia; outcomes markedly worsen when the 8 hour limit is exceeded (53).

The incidence of epidural hematoma is extraordinarily low in the obstetric population. In the Royal College survey, there was not a single incidence of epidural hematoma in 295,000 neuraxial anesthetics (3). A retrospective study of 505,000 obstetric epidurals administered over a 5-year period revealed one epidural hematoma (54); in a 2-year prospective study by the same author, there were no hematomas identified in over 122,000 patients that received neuraxial anesthesia (55). In Moen’s study, two patients with HELLP syndrome developed an epidural hematoma, one after subarachnoid block and one after epidural block, yielding an incidence of epidural hematoma after spinal and epidural anesthesia of 1:50,000 and 1:200,000, respectively (2). In contrast, the incidence of epidural hematoma in female patients undergoing knee arthroplasty was 1:3,600. This difference is likely due to combination of the greater use of anticoagulants in this population, as well as a less compliant epidural space secondary to anatomic changes in the osteoporotic spine (56). Finally, the possibility that an epidural hematoma is unrelated to a neuraxial anesthetic cannot be discounted; four such cases have been identified since 1966 (7,57).

A detailed description of the many coagulation disturbances that predispose to the development of epidural hematoma in the parturient is beyond the scope of this review. These disturbances can be divided into two groups: Coagulopathy due to underlying disease and iatrogenic disturbances due to therapeutic anticoagulation.

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