Neonatal resuscitation

2.6 Neonatal resuscitation



Between 5 and 10% of newborns require some assistance to begin breathing at birth and, in developed countries, approximately 1% need intensive resuscitative measures to restore cardiorespiratory function. It has been estimated that birth asphyxia significantly contributes to approximately 20% of the five million neonatal deaths that occur worldwide each year; outcome might therefore be improved for more than one million newborns per year through effective resuscitation at birth.

Neonatal resuscitation is unique in that it is required at a time when the newborn is undergoing a predetermined process of transition from a liquid filled intrauterine environment to spontaneous breathing of room air. There is an accompanying sequence of dramatic alterations in physiology, each of which may be altered and require correction.

There are two important caveats in this process. First, the achievement of lung expansion with an appropriate oxygen-containing gas leading to establishment of a functional residual capacity and adequate spontaneous ventilation is of primary importance. Second, the significance of a vital sign abnormality depends greatly on the time since birth and the time during which effective resuscitation measures have been administered. For instance, bradycardia immediately after birth prior to any resuscitative manoeuvres likely indicates an intrapartum stress. The same heart rate after 1 to 2 minutes of adequate ventilation suggests a different range of aetiologies and requires a different resuscitative response.

The majority of circumstances where newborn resuscitation is needed can be predicted, allowing opportunity for preparation of appropriate equipment and personnel. Factors placing the newborn at high risk for neonatal resuscitation include those listed in Table 2.6.1, due to maternal, fetal and intrapartum circumstances.

Table 2.6.1 Risk factors for need for neonatal resuscitation
Maternal Fetal Intrapartum
Premature or prolonged rupture of membranes Multiple gestation Fetal distress
Antepartum haemorrhage Preterm (<35 weeks) or post-term Abnormal presentation
Hypertension (>42 weeks) gestation Prolonged or precipitate labour
Diabetes mellitus IUGR Thick staining of amniotic fluid
Substance abuse Polyhydramnios Instrumental delivery or emergency caesarean section
Maternal infection or chronic illness Congenital abnormalities  
Absence of antenatal care    

IUGR, intrauterine growth retardation.


Table 2.6.2 Equipment and drugs recommended for newborn resuscitation
Equipment Drugs
Stethoscope Adrenaline (epinephrine) 1 in 1:10000 solution.
Suction catheters (6–12 French) and suction Naloxone hydrochloride 1.0 or 0.4 mg mL–1
8 French feeding tube and 20 mL syringe for gastric decompression Dextrose 5% or 10%
Face masks NaHCO3 4.2% solution
Oropharyngeal (Guedel’s) airways Volume expander (0.9% saline or 4% HSA)
Resuscitation system for PPV  
Laryngoscope with straight blade  
ET tubes 2.5 to 4 mm internal diameter  
ET stylets  
Tape for ETT and IV fixation  
Cannulae, syringes and UV catheterisation equipment  

HSA, human serum albumin; PPV, positive pressure ventilation.


The initial assessment is an evaluation of the presence and quality of respirations.

Artificial ventilation

Various bag and mask systems are available for neonatal resuscitation. T-piece mechanical devices designed to regulate pressure, self-inflating bag or flow-inflating bag are all recognised as acceptable devices for ventilating newborn infants either via a face mask or endotracheal tube. Target inflation pressures, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and long inspiratory times are achieved more consistently using T-piece devices than when using bags but the ability to achieve an increased inspiratory pressure when required in response to altered compliance (even for a few breaths) is greatest with the self-inflating bag. It is suggested in fact that the invariable success of rescue breathing at birth is because the FRC is established by an induced inspiratory effort via Head’s paradoxical reflex (inspiratory effort induced by any lung inflation). The corollary is that face mask rescue breathing is unlikely to be effective in the severely asphyxiated infant.

Regardless of these issues, it is generally accepted that higher inflation pressures (>30 cmH2O) and longer inflation times (>1.5 seconds) may be required for the first several (≈5) breaths. Initial peak inflating pressures required are variable and unpredictable. In general, the minimum pressure required to achieve an increase in the heart rate should be used. Visible chest wall movement and an increase in the heart rate are the best indicators of adequate ventilation. Ventilations should be administered at a rate of 40–60 min–1 and after 30 seconds of effective ventilation, the heart rate should be evaluated.

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Sep 7, 2016 | Posted by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE | Comments Off on Neonatal resuscitation

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