Detect anemia and diagnose
Detect hemostasis defects and diagnose
Anticipate intraoperative blood loss
Type and screen
Treat anemia (iron, ESAs, vitamin B12, folate)
Optimize hemostasis (withdrawal of interfering drugs)
Preoperative normovolemic hemodilution
Physical tools (body position, tourniquet, etc.)
Blood-saving surgical techniques
Blood-saving anesthesiology measures, including regional anesthesia
Normotension (controlled hypotension)
Tranexamic acid
Pharmacological support to increase CO
Hyperoxic ventilation
Fibrin sealants and other topic treatments
Transfusion guidelines
Intraoperative cell salvage
Limit blood drawing for tests
Postoperative period
Iron ± ESA
No drain
Postoperative shed blood reinfusion
Transfusion guidelines
Pharmacological support to increase DO2
Hyperoxic ventilation
Limit blood drawing for tests
1.4 Structure of PBM Programs
As mentioned above, PBM is a multiprofessional and multidisciplinary strategy; therefore, from a managerial standpoint, its implementation will require drawing a new pathway for patients candidate for elective orthopedic surgery, with involvement of different specialists, among which anesthetists are to play a major role. The draw should be robust, including detailed algorithms for the management of patients with different features and needs, going through the various steps (e.g., see Kotzé et al. 2012). Also, organization of continue education and controlled communication processes should be included.
1.4.1 Preoperative Management Preoperative Assessment
In elective surgery, a preadmission assessment of patient’s clinical conditions is generally performed some 30 days before surgery. Potential benefits include increased patient safety, reduced cancellation or delay of surgery, reduced LOS, and increased quality of patient experience. Pillars of preanesthesia evaluation are medical records, patient interview, and physical examination and tests, where indicated (NICE 2003; ASA 2012): major surgery schedule for adults includes a complete blood cell count and blood typing (T&S).
In a PBM program, such schedule is to be further integrated with the ultimate aim of optimizing patient’s medical health prior to surgery, ultimately avoiding unnecessary transfusions. For the weight that anemia has as a prognostic factor of unfavorable outcome, its diagnosis is central to subsequent correction. Etiology is heterogeneous, and unexpected diseases such as chronic kidney failure or occult malignancy are to be considered. In these cases, referral to appropriate specialist is necessary, before planning any elective surgery. Overall, iron-restricted erythropoiesis as the most relevant abnormal condition in elderly and chronic inflammation are common in candidates for lower limb arthroplasty (Spahn 2010). Consequently, the “iron status” must be assessed, by measuring blood ferritin and TSAT, together with an inflammation index (CRP). These tests can be ordered contemporaneously to full blood cell count or later, only for anemic patients, depending on organizational constrains (Goodnough et al. 2011; Royal Cornwall Hospitals 2013).
All the collected data will lead to discriminate among three possible conditions:
Absolute iron deficiency, due to blood loss, nutritional deficiency, or malabsorption
Functional iron deficiency, for increased erythron iron requirements (treatment with ESAs, hemoglobinopathies, or hemolytic anemias)
Iron sequestration, in the presence of inflammation, through a hepcidin-dependent mechanism (Weiss and Goodnough 2005)
In elderly population, also vitamin B12 and folate deficiency are relatively common (Bisbe et al. 2008; Saleh et al. 2007). We suggest to order their dosage (as a reflex test) when defects are suspected, i.e., when macrocytosis is present.
In order to minimize blood loss during surgery, the assessment of hemorrhagic risk constitutes a priority. Algorithms for scoring the risk are available (Tosetto et al. 2007; Nichols et al. 2008). Fundamental is the interview, where any personal and family history of bleeding disorders must be uncovered, as well as the use of medicaments, both prescribed or not. Besides anticoagulant or antiplatelet drugs, agents that are able to interfere with hemostasis include NSAIDs, serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants, and herbal remedies such as garlic, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, and others (Ang-Lee et al. 2001).
Preoperative evaluation must also assess a transfusion strategy, beginning with the prediction of the need for ABT. Apposite algorithms have been elaborated (Mercuriali and Inghilleri 1996; Noticewala et al. 2012; Park et al. 2013), taking into account surgical technique, procedure duration, hemostatic measures, and patient’s features. On the basis of that, alternatives to transfusion are to be planned, including the use of autologous blood and/or pharmacological treatments.
For major surgery, a preadmission ABO/Rh typing should be ordered. Instead, the usefulness of a red cell antibody screening depends on patient’s history (previous transfusions) and on organizational peculiarities, i.e., it is advisable if pre-transfusion tests and cross-matched blood may be not available because of time constraints, when surgery occurs shortly after admission. Preoperative Measures
Nutritional deficiencies should be treated by proper vitamin and/or mineral medicament, besides a correct diet. Treatment of iron-restricted erythropoiesis is particularly important for the prevalence of preoperative anemia and for its unfavorable consequences. It is based on the availability of two classes of agents: iron, in oral and IV formulations, and erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs). Iron Therapy
In brief, oral iron therapy, when tolerated, will work appropriately in most iron-deficient patients, unless an absorption defect is present. When a diagnosis is made of functional iron deficiency, iron sequestration, or mixed anemia, IV iron therapy may be necessary, particularly in the presence of a systemic inflammatory response, because of inhibition of gastrointestinal absorption caused by increased hepcidin levels. At present, IV iron is included in guidelines as a recommended pharmacological measure aimed to reduce transfusion rate (Leal-Noval et al. 2013). Several formulations are available for IV use, currently for different anemic conditions. High-molecular-weight iron dextran (HMWD) should be abandoned in favor of low-molecular-weight iron dextran (LMWD), for a lower rate of adverse reactions. Ferric gluconate and iron sucrose are formulations widely used in chronic kidney disease, but adverse effects are not rare. The recently introduced ferumoxytol does not require dilution for slow IV use, in contrast to iron sucrose and sodium ferric gluconate. Ferric carboxymaltose and iron isomaltoside, still in the course of study for some applications, are proposed, as well as ferumoxytol, for total dose infusion, that is, a slow infusion of 1–1.5 g. The European Medicines Agency’s Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP; 2013) has emanated new recommendations to manage risk of allergic reactions with intravenous iron-containing medicines indicating that IV iron medicines are used when iron supplements given by mouth cannot be used or do not work and staff trained to evaluate and manage anaphylactic and anaphylactoid reactions must be immediately available, as well as resuscitation facilities. Moreover, the utility of test dose is underscored, and a 30-min period of observation after infusion is prescribed. Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agents (ESAs)
In the late 1980s, ESAs were first approved for use in chronic kidney disease patients, who mostly continue to benefit of this therapy. Later on, ESAs have also been approved for oncology patients suffering from chemotherapy-induced anemia and for patients candidate for elective surgery, even though not universally. In particular, in many European countries, ESA preoperative use is not approved, unless preoperative autologous blood donation (PABD) is scheduled. More recently, following post-approval clinical trials, targeting risk of thrombotic adverse effects of ESAs, and overall increased rate of morbidity and mortality, limits for their use have been indicated, in respect to Hb levels and an appropriate antithrombotic prophylaxis, by regulatory agencies.
Used preoperatively, ESAs are able to increase Hb levels, being the equivalent of 1 RBC unit produced by day 7 of treatment. In the course of a PABD program, 5 units can be produced with a timing compatible with storage and use during surgery (Goodnough et al. 1992). Most effective dosage and timing of administration are debated, and diverse schedules are used. Low doses of erythropoietin (400 U/kg over a 2-week period) are sufficient to exert a significant stimulus on erythropoiesis (Sans et al. 1996). Even a single administration of erythropoietin plus iron, 1 day before surgery, has been found to be effective in reducing the need in ABT in cardiac surgery (Yoo et al. 2011). Aggressive schedules are employed in the course of a PABD program, when the RBC mass produced on a 3-week period, directly related to erythropoietin dosage, can be anticipated: RBC volume (ml per kg) = 6.34 + 0.0013X, where X equals the total units of erythropoietin administered, per kg body weight (Goodnough et al. 1994). Throughout the course of ESA treatment, iron supplementation is necessary to maximize the RBC production stimulated by ESAs. Withdrawal of Drugs
In order to prevent severe blood loss, withdrawal of anticoagulant or antiplatelet drugs is recommended, unless critical for patient’s safety. Under usual circumstances, warfarin and aspirin should be discontinued, 5 days before surgery, but at least 7 days of withdrawal are necessary for clopidogrel. Stopping aspirin and/or clopidogrel for secondary prevention should be carefully weighted case by case, after discussion with the prescribing cardiologist, but maintaining low-dose aspirin is mostly recommended (Korte et al. 2011; Royal Cornwall Hospitals 2013). Experiences of urgent orthopedic surgery in patients on antiplatelet drugs should relieve general concerns about excessive perioperative bleeding (Collinge et al. 2012; Feely et al. 2013). The BRIDGE trial, targeting bridging for anticoagulation, is still ongoing.
The use of other, nonprescribed drugs and herbal remedies possibly interfering with the hemostatic process is to be discouraged. Classical NSAIDs, because of their short half-life, usually do not raise concern of intraoperative bleeding; also, there is no indication for withdrawal of COX-2 inhibitors, provided adverse cardiac effects are taken into account. Serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants have been imputed to enhance perioperative bleeding, but so far a clear evidence of increased risk of ABT is lacking; it is advisable to avoid coadministration with aspirin (Movig et al. 2003; van Haelst et al. 2010). For recommended behavior regarding perioperative use of drugs, see a list in Royal Cornwall Hospitals (2013). Autologous Blood Donation
Preoperative autologous blood donation (PABD), consisting of collecting and storing the patient’s own blood prior to surgery, has been widely practiced in different surgical settings, offered to patients as a main alternative to ABT. Indeed, PABD programs in major orthopedic surgery have caused a reduction in risk of ABT (Rosencher et al. 2003; Carless et al. 2004). Greater effectiveness is obtained when a PABD program is integrated with treatment with an ESA. Yet, the overall risk of transfusion is increased, entailing an increased risk of clerical errors as well as some kind of complication also presented by PABD (TACO, fever and chills, infections, possibly immunomodulation). These and other disadvantages (over-collection, outdating, wasting) are to be taken into account in order to evaluate PABD cost/benefit ratio. The British Committee for Standards in Hematology (2007) emanated internationally recognized guidelines that do not recommend PABD unless specific conditions are present. In particular, patients still considerable candidate for PABD are children with scoliosis, patients who refuse transfusion but would consent to PABD, bearers of rare blood groups, or who are poly-immunized. A PABD program, in combination with blood salvage, may be beneficial in bilateral TKA (Boettner et al. 2009).
1.4.2 Intraoperative Management
Normothermia should be maintained intra- and postoperatively, in order to sustain physiologic hemostasis and reduce blood loss and need for transfusion (Rajagopalan et al. 2008). For methods of fulfilling this requirement, refer to specific literature.
Acute normovolemic hemodilution, consisting of the collection of 2–4 units of whole blood exchanged with crystalloid/colloid solutions and performed in the operating theater, immediately preceding surgery, doesn’t seem beneficial in the orthopedic setting (Carless et al. 2004). It is to be considered only in combination with other blood-sparing measures in selected patients undergoing spine surgery (Shander and Rijhwani 2004).
Intraoperative cell salvage is restricted to settings concerning high risk of intraoperative bleeding. In arthroplasty, it may be considered for hip surgery in a subpopulation of patients in which an expected substantial blood loss cannot be prevented by different means.
The use of antifibrinolytic drugs (i.e., tranexamic acid) has been found to be effective in minimizing blood loss in lower limb arthroplasty, more remarkably in TKA, also proving cost-effectiveness (see Henry et al. 2011; Ker et al. 2013; Irisson et al. 2012). Concerns about its safety are not completely relieved: they would be not justified for some authors (Henry et al. 2011; Sukeik et al. 2011), whereas Australian authors solicit a post-market surveillance program (Bruce et al. 2013). Different schedules are used for administering tranexamic acid, taking into account its short half-life. In TKA, when a tourniquet is used, administration must precede its release, given the activation of fibrinolysis occurring thereafter. Tranexamic acid has also been used topically in TKA and THA, obtaining a significant reduction of postoperative blood loss, without relevant complications (Wong et al. 2010; Ishida et al. 2011; Alshryda et al. 2013a, b).
In TKA, topically applied blood components, such as fibrin sealants, have been shown to be safe and effective in reducing total blood loss and ABT rate (Liu et al. 2013). In addition, some authors (Everts et al. 2006), but not others (Diiorio et al. 2012), have also found platelet gel to be effective. As a consequence, definitive recommendations on topically applied blood components cannot at present be drawn.
1.4.3 Postoperative Management
In TKA, some 50 % of the total blood loss occurs during the postoperative period (Sehat et al. 2004). Therefore, drainage is a common practice, aimed to reduce the occurrence of wound hematomas and compression of vital structures, meanwhile permitting the application of salvage/reinfusion systems. To date, two kinds of blood salvage systems are considered safe and effective, therefore widely used, including or not washing of blood cells. About the discussion on the features and safety profiles of the two systems, see Muñoz et al. (2011).
Recently, the real efficacy of closed suction drainage has been questioned, emerging that it causes an increased need for allogeneic blood transfusion (Parker et al. 2007). Instead, the use of low-vacuum drains with salvage/reinfusion systems is associated with a reduced rate of ABT and LOS (Markar et al. 2012; Haien et al. 2013). On the other hand, the use of antifibrinolytic drugs appears to be as effective as reinfusion drains in lowering the risk of ABT (Sasanuma et al. 2011) and significantly reduces the volume of shed blood, therefore rendering useless its collection (Iwai et al. 2013; Oremus et al. 2014).
To date, randomized trials comparing low-vacuum drain/blood salvage versus no drain in TKA are still insufficient. One recent study with such a design shows that the “drain” group of patients presents a higher Hb level during a 3-day postoperative period, together with lower net blood loss (Horstmann et al. 2013). This study was not powered enough to detect significant differences in either ABT or complication rate.
It seems reasonable to argue that if postoperative drains are to be used, especially on the basis of an expected high postoperative blood loss in diverse conditions, such as in hemophilic patients (Kang et al. 2014), application of a low-vacuum salvage/reinfusion system still represents the best option in order to prevent ABT need. Cost-effectiveness is debated, as Muñoz et al. (2013) found that in TKA, postoperative blood salvage would also be cost-effective in most cases, that is, in patients presenting at surgery with Hb ≤15 g/dl; instead, for patients presenting with Hb >13 g/dl, any form of blood salvage would be useless and would increase costs, according to So-Osman et al. (2014b). Indeed, it is to be considered that institutions in which postsurgery strategies generally do not include drainage would afford relevant costs in case of sporadic use of postoperative blood salvage, because of both cost of devices and skill maintenance.
The use of iron and ESAs has also been proposed as immediate postoperative treatment aimed to accelerate early recovery from postoperative anemia. More trials are needed to draw any conclusion, but the use of one of two different IV iron formulations on postoperative days of lower limb arthroplasty has been effective in reducing rate of transfusion, without incremental costs (Muñoz et al. 2014).
In conclusion, in this discussion we have focused on the philosophy of PBM and on the instruments that can be used when drawing PBM programs. Aware of difficulties that may hamper their implementation, we solicit managers of public and private institutions to actively promote projects for implementation of beneficial and cost-effective PBM pathways.
Key Points
PBM strategy has been developed because of concerns about safety of blood transfusion, future blood supply shortage, and escalating costs.
Presently, PBM strategy is “patient centered,” aiming not only to avoid blood transfusion but also target patient clinical outcomes.
PBM implementation requires a solid design, including algorithms for management of all kinds of patients and taking into account educational and communication issues.
Priority must be given to the treatment of preoperative anemia, improving anemia tolerance, reduction of blood loss by means of blood-sparing surgical techniques and careful hemostasis, and adherence to protocols for administering ABT.
Despite scarcity of evidence concerning the whole protocol of PBM, adequate rationale exists for promoting wide implementation of PBM programs. Further studies are needed in order to target relevant clinical outcomes.
Alshryda S, Mason J, Sarda P, Nargol A, Cooke N, Ahmad H, Tang S, Logishetty R, Vaghela M, McPartlin L, Hungin AP (2013a) Topical (intra-articular) tranexamic acid reduces blood loss and transfusion rates following total hip replacement: a randomized controlled trial (TRANX-H). J Bone Joint Surg Am 95(21):1969–1974PubMedCrossRef
Alshryda S, Mason J, Vaghela M, Sarda P, Nargol A, Maheswaran S, Tulloch C, Anand S, Logishetty R, Stothart B, Hungin AP (2013b) Topical (intra-articular) tranexamic acid reduces blood loss and transfusion rates following total knee replacement: a randomized controlled trial (TRANX-K). J Bone Joint Surg Am 95(21):1961–1968PubMedCrossRef
ASA (2012) Practice advisory for preanesthesia evaluation: an updated report by the American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on Pre Transfusion Anesthesiol 116(3):522–538
Barr PJ, Donnelly M, Cardwell C, Alam SS, Morris K, Parker M, Bailie KE (2011) Drivers of transfusion decision making and quality of the evidence in orthopedic surgery: a systematic review of the literature. Transfus Med Rev 25(4):304–316.e1–6PubMedCrossRef

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