Mask Airway Insertion

   Assemble equipment, deflate LMA cuff with air syringe.

  • image   Lubricate LMA cuff.

      A. Assemble the components necessary for LMA insertion. Deflate the LMA cuff accordingto the manufacturer’s guidelines so that the leading edge is smooth. B. Lubricate theLMA with lubricant, such as lidocaine ointment.

      1. image   Explain the procedure and reassure patient. Induce general anesthesia (see Inductionof anesthesia cognitive aid). Place patient in “sniffing” position.
      2. image   Open mouth with “scissor” technique using non-dominant hand.

      C. Explain procedure and induce general anesthesia. Neuromuscular blockade is usuallyunnecessary for LMA insertion. Place patient in proper “sniffing” position. D. Tilt thepatient’s head backward (caution in patients with uncleared c-spine injuries) or openmouth with “scissor” technique.

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    1. Nov 25, 2016 | Posted by in ANESTHESIA | Comments Off on Mask Airway Insertion

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