The focus of this article is noncardiac surgery in the adult with congenital heart disease (CHD). The purpose is to provide the general and pediatric anesthesiologist with a basic overview of the most common congenital cardiac lesions, their long-term sequelae, and expected perioperative concerns during noncardiac surgery. Because of the very heterogeneous nature of CHD, it is difficult to make a single article a comprehensive guide for every lesion and its associated perioperative concerns. The authors hope to provide those who are not specifically trained in congenital cardiac anesthesia the basic principles and a greater understanding of each defect.
Key points
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Patients with congenital heart disease are increasingly surviving to adulthood and may present for noncardiac surgery.
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Congenital heart disease is exceedingly heterogeneous, and repairs and perioperative concerns depend on individual anatomy and the resultant physiology.
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Anesthesia for adult congenital heart patients should be individualized to the patient’s specific lesion, physiology, and operation.
Congenital heart disease (CHD) is the most common birth defect, present in almost 1% of live births comprising approximately 40,000 births in the United States and 1.35 million births worldwide per year. , The incidence has climbed from 0.6% in the 1930s to current rates, with ventricular septal defect (VSD), atrial septal defect (ASD), and patent ductus arteriosus being the most common. Although some increase can likely be attributed to incidental findings of subclinical lesions often found incidentally owing to increased and improved screening techniques, there is undoubtedly a large public health concern regardless of cause of CHD. Interestingly, geographic factors appear to influence both prevalence and type of CHD, with Asia having the highest incidence overall and predominantly right ventricular outflow tract obstructive lesions. European and North American children have a higher incidence of left ventricular obstructive lesions. African populations showed the lowest overall prevalence of CHD, suggesting a strong genetic component for all lesions. Because the United States is home to people of all populations, providers can expect to encounter all types of CHD during their practice.
Patients with CHD are increasingly surviving long term, with between 85% and greater than 90% expected to reach adulthood, , and providers should expect to see adults with congenital heart disease (ACHD) patients in the operating room for noncardiac surgeries. When undergoing anesthesia for a procedure, patients with CHD had a higher instance of morbidity and mortality than the general population. Given the heterogeneity of cardiac disease, consideration of not only the patient’s operation but also the individual lesion is critical for the provider. Long-term sequelae from ACHD, including repaired versus unrepaired lesions, right and left heart function, arrhythmias, conduction defects, hypertension, aneurysms, previous vascular access including possible extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, residual intracardiac shunts, valvular lesions, and need for endocarditis prophylaxis are all factors influencing clinical decision making. Independent risk factors for mortality in ACHD patients admitted to the hospital are related to their existing comorbidities, including respiratory dysfunction, the use of a ventricular assist device, sepsis, acute myocardial infarction, and acute renal failure. ,
Atrial septal defect
ASDs ( Fig. 1 ) comprise 6% to 10% of all CHD, affect women and girls more than men and boys. More than 75% of all ASDs are ostium secundum types, arising from enlargement of the foramen ovale, reabsorption of the septum primum, or inadequate growth of the septum resulting in a secundum type.

Overview and Anesthetic Implications
Left-to-right shunts in patients with ASD cause increased right heart (RH) circulation and possible RH dilation leading in some to arrhythmias (atrial fibrillation in up to 23% of adults) and placing the patient at risk of atrially originating embolism. Volume overload of the RH can eventually cause right ventricular dilation. Increased pulmonary blood flow may eventually lead to pulmonary congestion and pulmonary hypertension. Noxious stimuli, hypothermia, acidosis, hypoxia, and hypercarbia associated with surgery can worsen pulmonary hypertension and right-to-left shunting.
Although most solo ASDs will have a predominantly left-to-right shunt, it is possible for patients to have right-to-left shunt when pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) increases above systemic vascular resistance (SVR), causing a risk of paradoxic embolus. It is therefore vital to remove all air bubbles from intravenous lines in order to prevent stroke. The effects of anesthesia on SVR increase the likelihood of a right-to-left (hypoxic) shunt.
Right heart over circulation
Pulmonary hypertension
Hypoxic shunt
Paradoxic embolus
Ventricular septal defects
VSDs are the most common lesion, found in approximately 30% of patients with CHD. , VSDs ( Fig. 2 ) are often diagnosed after discovery of a pansystolic murmur. Small VSDs are rarely clinically significant. Upwards of 40% resolve spontaneously during childhood, specifically muscular VSDs. , Larger VSDs, which produce significant shunting, may require repair as early as infancy or may not be discovered until they become clinically significant later in life.

Overview and Anesthetic Implications
Patients with VSD often have a volume-overloaded left heart, leading to left atrial and ventricular dilation. Up to 5% of patients with VSDs has a conduction defect, sometimes requiring a pacemaker. Many VSDs that require closure are now occluded with devices in the catheterization laboratory. However, larger or more complex VSDs require surgical intervention. Most adult patients with clinically significant VSDs will have had either device closure or surgical repair before adulthood. Because of significant shunting with larger VSDs, patients who have been repaired may already have developed pulmonary overcirculation resulting in a residual pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular hypertrophy, or Eisenmenger syndrome. This state of higher right-sided cardiac pressures puts the patient at risk for paradoxic embolus. Patients who remain unrepaired may present with biventricular hypertrophy as compensation for dramatic over circulation.
Along with SVR decreases owing to anesthesia, noxious stimuli, hypoxia, and hypercarbia may lead patients with pulmonary hypertension to have a decrease in Qp:Qs and therefore subsequent oxygen desaturation secondary to right-to-left shunting. Conversely, in patients with large, unrestricted VSDs who have an increased SVR, hyperoxia and hypocarbia may result in pulmonary overcirculation under anesthesia and subsequent hypotension and pulmonary edema. However, most adults with unrepaired VSDs do not have lesions large enough to cause significant hemodynamic instability. It should be noted that all patients with unrepaired VSDs are at risk for endocarditis before repair.
Left heart overcirculation and dilation
Right heart overcirculation
Eisenmenger syndrome
Pulmonary hypertension
Hypoxic shunt
Paradoxic embolus
Valve abnormalities
Of all valvular CHD lesions, bicuspid aortic valve is by far the most common, encompassing almost 2% of the general population and accounting for more than half of patients requiring aortic valve replacement before age 70.
Overview and Anesthetic Implications
The 2 main subcategories of congenital valvular heart disease are obstructive and stenotic, although both may be present. For example, patients born with bicuspid aortic valve will often develop both aortic valve stenosis and regurgitation in adulthood. Often there is no need for operation in childhood, but eventually many valvular diseases require surgical intervention.
Obstructive lesions, such as aortic stenosis or pulmonary atresia ( Fig. 3 ), place the patient at increased risk of perioperative morbidity and mortality. Severity of the lesion and symptoms including but not limited to congestive heart failure determine the timing of need for surgical repair. As the obstructive lesion worsens, the ventricle hypertrophies, leading to increased dependence on atrial contraction for contribution to left ventricular end diastolic volume. Therefore, sinus rhythm and preload are both vital to maintaining cardiac output, and adequate SVR is required for coronary perfusion to avoid myocardial ischemia. , Regurgitant valve lesions require that the patient be maintained in a normal to high heart rate in order to maintain cardiac output and forward flow, and bradycardia should be avoided. In addition, a normal or mildly reduced SVR is needed for adequate end-organ perfusion, and providers should prevent hypertension.

Although both types of valvular lesions present unique anesthetic implications, often the patients have already had surgical repair and will therefore have another additional set of perioperative risks for the consideration by the anesthesia provider. For patients who have undergone valve repair, risks for noncardiac surgery include inadequate repair with a residual lesion, leaflet perforation, perivalvular pseudoaneurysm, annular dilation leading to regurgitation, hematoma, and endocarditis. Patients who have valve replacement in lieu of repair will have an entirely different set of implications for the perioperative period. Regardless of autograft, homograft, or mechanical valve replacement, complications include valve dysfunction and endocarditis. Furthermore, mechanical valves have additional risks, such as thromboembolism and need for anticoagulation, leading to bleeding. Other rarer cardiac valve lesions include Ebstein anomaly, which is characterized by a downwardly displaced, often dysplastic tricuspid valve, and atrialization of a portion of the right ventricle. These lesions often need surgical repair as well as lifelong follow-up with cardiology owing to risk of arrhythmias, including Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome and sudden cardiac death in adulthood.
Obstructive lesions:
Maintenance of sinus rhythm
Ventricular hypertrophy
Maintenance of SVR for coronary perfusion
Regurgitant lesions:
Maintenance of normal/fast heart rate
Reduction of SVR to maintain normal flow
After valve surgery
Inadequate repair
Postrepair complications: hematoma, aneurysm
After valve replacement
Bleeding secondary to anticoagulation
Coarctation of the aorta
Coarctation of the aorta ( Fig. 4 ) is a common defect seen in 6% to 8% of patients with CHD and in 0.06% to 0.08% of the general population; it is more common in men and boys than in women and girls. It may be isolated but often occurs with other cardiac and vascular lesions, including VSD, bicuspid aortic valve, mitral valve stenosis, and circle of Willis aneurysms. , The most common genetic cause of coarctation of the aorta is Turner syndrome, characterized by XO sex chromosomes and often associated with left-sided heart defects. First-degree relatives of patients with coarctation of the aorta have a 10-fold increase in risk of having an obstructive left-sided lesion.

Overview and Anesthetic Implications
Aortic coarctation is characterized by a discrete narrowing of the aorta, usually adjacent to the location of the ductus arteriosus. Symptoms include precoarctation hypertension found in the upper extremities, hypotension in the lower extremities, and left ventricular hypertrophy on electrocardiogram. Long-term survival without repair is significantly reduced, because without surgical intervention, mortality is 75% by age 50. Untreated coarctation of the aorta can be associated with premature coronary artery disease, left ventricular dysfunction, aortic aneurysm/dissection, and cerebral vascular disease, despite development of significant collateral blood flow.
Although there is increased morbidity and mortality without intervention, surgical repair has its own set of associated complications, including most commonly restenosis, which is seen in up to 10% of patients. Other issues include aortic root aneurysm, aortic dissection, collateral vessel aneurysm, and less commonly, lower-extremity paralysis or other perfusion-related spinal cord injuries from aortic cross-clamp time during the procedure. Furthermore, age of the patient at time of repair also has implications for long-term outcomes and associated issues. Thus, 90% of patients repaired in childhood has no hypertension, but 50% of those repaired after age 40 has persistent hypertension.
Several considerations are needed when caring for patients with coarctation of the aorta during noncardiac surgery, starting with if the patient has had surgical repair. Issues such as hypertension, left ventricular hypertrophy, aortic root aneurysm, spinal cord hypoperfusion injuries, and other associated issues can influence the surgical plan and must be thoroughly investigated before noncardiac surgery. , The timing of the operation or intervention also heavily influences the types of likely sequelae, with later–in-life operations having more long-term issues, including coronary artery disease and long-standing hypertension. The type of repair also affects the possible long-term effects, with end-to-end anastomotic repair more frequently (3%) causing restenosis, but patch repair more commonly causing aortic root aneurysm. , Regardless of treatment, patients born with coarctation of the aorta have a lifelong increase in the risk of cerebral artery aneurysm. Therefore, all patients with coarctation should be followed long term by a congenital cardiologist.
Associated cardiac defects and genetic syndromes
Management of hypertension
Coronary artery disease
Cerebral vascular disease
Aortic root aneurysm
Aortic root dissection
Collateral blood vessels
Spinal cord hypoperfusion injuries from repair
Age of patient at time of repair
Single-ventricle patients
The 10- and 20-year survival of patients receiving a Fontan shunt is greater than 90% and 84%, respectively. Because palliative surgery can be between 18 months and 2 years of age, but on average childhood to early teen years, patients will present as adults with palliated single-ventricle (Fontan) physiology for noncardiac surgery. The number of adults with univentricular physiology is increasing.
Overview and Anesthetic Implications
Congenital cardiac lesions that are not amenable to biventricular repair are palliated with Fontan physiology, resulting in total cavopulmonary connection (TCPC). In TCPC, the superior vena cava and inferior vena cava are directly connected to the pulmonary arteries (Glenn and Fontan anastomoses, respectively), which takes the circulation of patients with single-ventricle physiology from parallel to series. Several lesions may require Fontan palliation, including hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) ( Fig. 5 ), tricuspid atresia ( Fig. 6 ), double-outlet right ventricle, right ventricle hypoplasia, severe Ebstein anomaly, double-inlet right ventricle, and unbalanced atrioventricular canal (AVC). Regardless of the original lesion, the resulting physiology causes total dependence of cardiac output on passive pulmonary blood return. The 1 exception seen to this complete dependence occurs in patients with a fenestrated Fontan conduit. The fenestration allows augmentation of cardiac output by directly supplying additional volume to an underfilled ventricle.