Vascular injuries represent a significant burden of mortality and disability. Blunt injuries to the neck vessels can present with signs of stroke either immediately or in a delayed fashion. Most injuries are detected with computed tomography angiography and managed with either antiplatelet medications or anticoagulation. In contrast, patients with penetrating injuries to the neck vessels require airway management, hemorrhage control, and damage control resuscitation before surgical repair. The keys to diagnosis and management of peripheral vascular injury include early recognition of the injury; hemorrhage control with direct pressure, packing, or tourniquets; and urgent surgical consultation.
Key points
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Clinical guidelines from the Western Trauma Association should be used to screen for blunt cerebrovascular injuries in patients at risk so that antiplatelet, antithrombotic, or endovascular treatments can be initiated to reduce the risk of stroke.
- •
Patients with deep penetrating neck injuries and no indications for immediate surgery can be worked up with a careful physical examination and computed tomography–based angiography regardless of the zone of injury.
- •
Because the time to reperfusion is the major determinant of limb salvage in patients with extremity arterial injuries, emergency physicians’ primary responsibility is to make the diagnosis.
- •
The arterial pressure index is a highly sensitive and specific physical examination maneuver for diagnosing extremity arterial injuries and should be performed in all patients with high-risk injuries or clinical concern for vascular injury.
- •
Appropriately applied tourniquets are a useful means of temporarily controlling peripheral arterial hemorrhage when direct pressure and wound packing have failed.
Patients with major vascular injuries represent a significant clinical challenge to emergency physicians whether in a small community hospital, a high-volume urban trauma center, or n the battlefield. Such injuries may be clinically obvious and dramatic or present with minimal initial clinical findings and subsequently progress to limb-threatening ischemia if not identified. Several types of vascular injuries have been described in the settings of blunt or penetrating trauma ( Box 1 ).
External compression
Intimal disruption
Subintimal or intimal hematoma
Focal wall defects with pseudoaneurysm or hemorrhage
There have been numerous advances in the management of vascular trauma over the past several decades, including the advent of computed tomography (CT) with angiography (CT-A), the resurgence of prehospital tourniquets, the establishment of damage control resuscitation principles, as well as greater reliance on endovascular therapies. This article discusses practical and, wherever possible, evidence-based strategies for managing patients with significant vascular injuries. Potential pitfalls and opportunities are highlighted throughout, as are areas of clinical equipoise and controversy. Because it is not possible to cover the full spectrum of vascular trauma in this short article, the authors have chosen to focus on the resuscitation, diagnosis, and definitive management of those vascular injuries that are common, rapidly lethal, or associated with significant morbidity. This article comprises 3 parts:
- 1.
The diagnosis and management of blunt and penetrating injuries to the neck vessels.
- 2.
Diagnostic issues in extremity vascular injuries.
- 3.
The perspective of vascular surgeons in managing peripheral vascular injuries.
Patients with major vascular injuries represent a significant clinical challenge to emergency physicians whether in a small community hospital, a high-volume urban trauma center, or n the battlefield. Such injuries may be clinically obvious and dramatic or present with minimal initial clinical findings and subsequently progress to limb-threatening ischemia if not identified. Several types of vascular injuries have been described in the settings of blunt or penetrating trauma ( Box 1 ).
External compression
Intimal disruption
Subintimal or intimal hematoma
Focal wall defects with pseudoaneurysm or hemorrhage
There have been numerous advances in the management of vascular trauma over the past several decades, including the advent of computed tomography (CT) with angiography (CT-A), the resurgence of prehospital tourniquets, the establishment of damage control resuscitation principles, as well as greater reliance on endovascular therapies. This article discusses practical and, wherever possible, evidence-based strategies for managing patients with significant vascular injuries. Potential pitfalls and opportunities are highlighted throughout, as are areas of clinical equipoise and controversy. Because it is not possible to cover the full spectrum of vascular trauma in this short article, the authors have chosen to focus on the resuscitation, diagnosis, and definitive management of those vascular injuries that are common, rapidly lethal, or associated with significant morbidity. This article comprises 3 parts:
- 1.
The diagnosis and management of blunt and penetrating injuries to the neck vessels.
- 2.
Diagnostic issues in extremity vascular injuries.
- 3.
The perspective of vascular surgeons in managing peripheral vascular injuries.
Part I: vascular injuries in the neck
Injuries to the major neck vessels (the carotid and vertebral arteries) are among the most common injuries of all major vessels. Whether caused by blunt or penetrating mechanisms, these injuries can cause severe neurologic sequelae or lead to rapid exsanguination.
Pathophysiology of Blunt Cerebrovascular Injuries
Blunt injuries to the carotid arteries tend to be caused by the application of shear forces via one of 4 mechanisms ( Box 2 ).
- 1.
Hyperextension and contralateral rotation of the head and neck with stretching of the internal carotid over the lateral processes of the upper cervical spine
- 2.
Direct application trauma to the vessel (eg, strangulation, seatbelt)
- 3.
Intraoral trauma (eg, toddler who falls with foreign body in mouth)
- 4.
Basilar skull fracture in proximity to the carotid canal
In contrast, vertebral artery injuries are caused by variable directions and patterns of shear force, including hyperextension and hyperflexion. Fractures of the upper cervical spine (C1 to C3), especially to the foramen transversarium, and facet joint dislocations are particularly associated with blunt injuries to the vertebral vessels.
Most blunt cerebrovascular injuries are caused by motor vehicle collisions, but there is a diversity of causes, including sporting injuries, falls, and even trivial-appearing trauma such as chiropractic manipulation or shaving.
Once the vessel has been injured, a dissection flap forms and this acts as a nidus for platelet aggregation and thrombus formation, followed by either distal embolization or vessel occlusion. Less frequently, the vessel tears either incompletely and creates a pseudoaneurysm, or, least frequently, it ruptures altogether. If untreated, cerebral ischemia and infarction subsequently ensue.
A grading scale for injuries to the carotid and vertebral arteries (based on imaging findings) has been developed and is helpful in both understanding the pathophysiologic spectrum of injury and in guiding management ( Box 3 ).
Grade | Description |
I | Luminal irregularity or dissection with 25% luminal narrowing |
II | Dissection or intramural hematoma with 25% luminal narrowing, intraluminal thrombus, or raised intimal flap |
III | Pseudoaneurysm |
IV | Occlusion |
V | Transection with free extravasation |
Pathophysiology of Penetrating Injuries to the Neck Vessels
In contrast with the shear forces involved in blunt cerebrovascular injuries, penetrating injuries cause local tissue destruction as the penetrating object crushes and separates tissue planes, and, in the case of gunshot wounds, secondary to the concussive shockwave. The tight and complex anatomic confines of the deep neck spaces, coupled with localized energy dissipation associated with penetrating neck injuries (PNIs), creates a much greater potential for associated injuries to the aerodigestive, endocrine, and neurologic systems than is found with blunt neck trauma.
Diagnosis and Management of Blunt Cerebrovascular Injuries
Making the diagnosis of a blunt cerebrovascular injury (BCVI) is challenging because of the infrequency of the problem, the multitude of mechanisms of injury, and the frequently delayed development of neurologic injury. Unless there is immediate complete arterial occlusion, the development of stroke symptoms typically takes many hours to even days to develop as thrombus and/or distal embolization evolves. As a consequence, rates of severe neurologic disability with these injuries can approach 50%. Given the difficulty in establishing the diagnosis and the potential for significant morbidity and mortality, there has been great interest in the past 2 decades in developing criteria for screening patients at high risk for BCVI. Use of these screening criteria is supported by clinical practice guidelines and has been shown to be effective in preventing strokes by allowing earlier initiation of anticoagulation or antiplatelet therapies. One small, retrospective study found that the sensitivity and specificity for these screening criteria were 97% (95% confidence interval [CI], 83%–100%) and 42% (95% CI, 20%–67%), respectively.
Patients with symptoms compatible with a blunt cerebrovascular injury
Patients with the following signs and symptoms are presumed to have a BCVI and should undergo emergent multidetector CT-A from the aortic arch through the neck and cerebral vessels ( Box 4 ).
Suspected arterial hemorrhage from nose, mouth, or neck
Expanding cervical hematoma
Cervical bruit in patient less than 50 years old
Focal neurologic deficit
Neurologic deficit inconsistent with findings on CT or MRI
Stroke identified on CT or MRI
Patients who are neurologically normal and lack any symptoms listed in Box 4 , but are classified as high risk for a BCVI because of either their mechanism of injury or concurrently identified injuries ( Box 5 ), should undergo screening CT-A.
Any mechanism consistent with severe cervical hyperextension, hyperflexion, or rotation
Near-hanging with ischemic brain injury
Clothesline-type injury or seat belt abrasion with altered mental status, significant pain, or swelling
Associated injuries
Any cervical spine fracture at the C1 to C3 level
Cervical vertebral body or transverse foramen fracture, subluxation, or ligamentous injury, regardless of level
Severe facial fractures (eg, Le Fort fractures)
Basilar skull fracture in proximity to carotid canal
Diffuse axonal injury pattern with Glasgow Coma Scale score less than 6
How accurate is computed tomography angiography in identifying blunt cerebrovascular injury?
At most trauma centers, CT-A has largely replaced digital subtraction angiography (DSA) as the primary screening test for BCVI because of several factors, including the greater availability of this imaging modality; its noninvasive nature; the concurrent need to obtain CT images of the head, neck, and other body regions in patients with blunt trauma; and the reduced contrast dye burden.
As a screening test, CT-A is not perfect and the diagnostic accuracy varies greatly depending on the number of slices obtained in the scan, as well as the patient population selected and the interpreting radiologist. The largest meta-analysis on the topic found that the pooled sensitivity and specificity for CT-A compared with DSA were 66% (95% CI, 49%–79) and 97% (95% CI, 91%–99), respectively. In general, to have even moderate sensitivity, a 16-slice CT-A scan must be obtained. The limited sensitivity of CT-A implies that, for patients with a high pretest probability of BCVI, a negative CT-A scan should be followed by DSA to definitely exclude an injury but a positive CT-A scan is sufficient to confirm the diagnosis. Patients with clinical features consistent with a BCVI and a negative CT-A scan can be difficult to manage outside a trauma center and transfer for DSA and/or assessment by clinicians with expertise in trauma, cerebrovascular surgery, and interventional radiology should be considered. Similarly, patients with equivocal CT-A findings should proceed to formal DSA.
Treatment of Blunt Cerebrovascular Injury
The treatment of BCVI remains controversial and several factors contribute to the management option undertaken, including the grade of injury, the patient’s concurrent injuries, the location of the injury, local resource availability, and clinical expertise (see Box 3 ). In general, the options are antiplatelet agents, anticoagulation, endovascular therapy, and surgery. Overall, there is a very limited evidence base to guide decision making.
Most injuries (grades I–IV) are treated with systematic anticoagulation using either unfractionated heparin (no bolus; 10 U/kg/h to target partial thromboplastin time of 40–50 s) or antiplatelet agents (aspirin or clopidogrel). The Western Trauma Association guidelines suggest unfractionated heparin for patients without contraindications because it is reversible, has proven efficacy in reducing neurologic disability, and may be more effective than antiplatelet agents. In contrast, the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma (EAST) suggests that either therapy would be reasonable. For patients with contraindications to systemic anticoagulation, antiplatelet therapy is suggested. The optimal duration of treatment is unknown and guidelines suggest continuing until the injured vessel has healed on follow-up imaging, which may be as early as 7 to 10 days after injury but may be many months. In some cases, patients require lifelong antiplatelet or anticoagulation therapy.
Patients with a transection of the carotid or vertebral artery (grade V injury) have very high rates of morbidity and mortality. These patients require emergent hemorrhage control, usually via angioembolization, because the lesion is typically not surgically accessible.
Diagnosis and Management of Penetrating Vascular Injuries of the Neck
PNIs represent about 1% of trauma admissions to trauma centers in the United States and are associated with a 5% rate of mortality. Almost all deaths (∼80%) relate to cerebral infarctions, with the remainder relating to uncontrolled hemorrhage.
The initial resuscitation efforts are directed at the most likely causes of early death after a PNI: exsanguination and asphyxiation caused by airway obstruction. Additional considerations in patients with low-neck injuries or associated wounds include tension pneumothorax, massive hemothorax, and cardiac tamponade.
A patient with a PNI must be considered a difficult airway and approached carefully. Patients with so-called hard signs of significant injury to vascular or aerodigestive structures require immediate airway control ( Fig. 1 ). In general, hard signs of injury should be identified during the typical primary survey component of the assessment of patients with trauma.
It is important to be able to distinguish hard from soft signs in PNI ( Box 6 ). The former are essentially diagnostic of a serious injury (approximately 90% rate of significant injury ) and require immediate surgical consultation, whereas the latter are nonspecific features that warrant further work-up with at least CT-A. Soft signs of injury are identified during a systemic examination after immediate life threats have been managed.
Hard Signs | Soft Signs | |
Vascular Injury | Severe uncontrolled hemorrhage Refractory shock/hypotension Large, expanding, or pulsatile hematoma Unilateral extremity pulse deficit Bruit or thrill Neurologic deficit consistent with stroke | Minor bleeding Small, nonexpanding hematoma Proximity wound |
Aerodigestive Tract Injury | Airway compromise Bubbling through wound Extensive subcutaneous emphysema Stridor Hoarse voice | Mild hemoptysis Mild hematemesis Dysphonia Dysphagia Mild subcutaneous emphysema |
Concurrent with digital pressure to sites of hemorrhage, the patient should be passively preoxygenated with a nonrebreather oxygen mask and nasal cannula, placed on continuous cardiorespiratory monitoring devices, have large-bore intravenous access obtained, and the difficult airway equipment at the bedside.
Whenever possible, bag-mask ventilation should be avoided because there is a risk of the positive pressure displacing air into violated soft tissue spaces of the neck and further distorting the airway anatomy. Two suction catheters should be prepared to manage significant bleeding. The authors agree with EAST guidelines for the management of PNIs, which indicate that, if the patient is conscious and has no overt neurologic deficits, cervical spine immobilization is unnecessary and risks obscuring wounds, increasing patient agitation, and complicating airway management. This recommendation applies to both gunshot wounds and stab wounds, because, in these populations, neurologic deficits are established and final at the time of presentation to the emergency department. Overall, the incidence of cervical spinal cord injury among patients with penetrating trauma is less than 1%.
If bleeding persists despite direct digital pressure to the wound, an 18-F Foley catheter may be inserted with a finger into the wound and directed to the palpated or estimated location of bleeding before inflating the balloon with sterile water until the bleeding stops or moderate resistance is felt ( Fig. 2 ). A hemostat can then be applied to the distal end of the catheter to prevent it from migrating into the wound. In some cases a second catheter is required to occlude both proximal and distal ends of the vascular defect. Once inflated within the wound (not the vascular lumen), the balloon exerts extrinsic tamponade on the vessel.
Airway management in penetrating neck injuries: is the anatomy intact or distorted?
Patients with clearly distorted airway anatomy require a multidisciplinary team approach, including the emergency physician, anesthesia, respiratory therapist, and locally available surgical consultants (trauma/general surgery, otolaryngology, and so forth). In general, it should be anticipated that patients with PNI and distorted airway anatomy will require a surgical airway. Even if the anatomy initially appears intact, clinicians should be vigilant for changes in the patient’s airway status and be prepared for all possible scenarios, including the performance of a surgical airway.
If the larynx or trachea has been lacerated and is open to the skin, the preferred approach is to place the endotracheal tube directly through the wound and into the larynx or trachea ( Fig. 3 ).
If the airway is not accessible externally, the next best option is awake fiberoptic intubation so that any airway injury can be directly visualized and the tube clearly advanced past the lesion with the assurance that no false tract will be created.
Awake fiberoptic intubation requires a cooperative patient and is very challenging if there are significant amounts of blood in the airway. If fiberoptic intubation is not an option, then awake direct or video laryngoscopy is the next best. The limitation of these techniques is that they are blind techniques in that the operator is unable to visualize the airway distally and risks introducing the tube into a tract leading to subcutaneous tissues or converting a partial tracheal laceration into a complete laceration. There is little research on this scenario but common sense suggests that a gentle, bougie-guided intubation strategy using a smaller-than-normal endotracheal tube may be helpful in reducing the risk of creating a false passage.
Whether fiberoptic or direct techniques are used, a double setup approach is essential. In this case, the double setup includes having the skin prepped, landmarks identified, local anesthesia administered, and all equipment and personnel set up to proceed immediately to cricothyroidotomy (tracheostomy if transected larynx) if intubation is unsuccessful.
If the airway anatomy appears externally intact, then rapid sequence intubation (RSI) is generally considered to be safe and effective in the setting of PNIs. If an RSI is the initial technique chosen, clinicians should still consider the possibility of an occult airway injury and have a clear backup plan in place, including a surgical airway kit assembled and supraglottic airway devices prepared for rescue oxygenation.
What is the current approach to working up a penetrating neck injury?
Historically, PNIs were approached from the diagnostic and therapeutic perspectives using a zone-based system that classified injuries according to the anatomic location of the injury: zone I injuries in the region bounded by the clavicles/sternum up to the cricoid cartilage; zone II injuries between the cricoid cartilage and the angle of mandible; and zone III injuries superior to the angle of the mandible.
The zone-based approach is useful for identifying patients with zone II injuries for whom operative exploration would be pursued, without further investigation. However, reports indicating that roughly half of all neck explorations were nontherapeutic led to interest in identifying noninvasive testing methods that could better discern patients who could be managed nonoperatively.
Concurrently, several limitations of the zone-based approach to PNI became apparent, including (1) the limited correlation between external wound location and internal injury site, (2) the exclusion of injuries to the posterior neck from the classification scheme, (3) problem of wounds traversing more than 1 zone, and (4) the issue of patients often having more than 1 wound. As a consequence of these challenges as well as the advent of CT-A, the zone-based approach has largely fallen out of favor in preference to the no-zone approach. The latter approach is based on timely resuscitation, triage of patients with hard signs directly to the operating room, the use CT-A to work up patients with soft signs of injury, and observation for asymptomatic patients (see Fig. 1 ).
The no-zone approach to penetrating neck injuries
Once the patient has been resuscitated, found to have no concerning signs of vascular or aerodigestive tract injury (hard signs), and confirmed to have a deep neck wound (ie, platysma violating) to any area of the neck, the next step is to conduct a focused examination looking for soft signs of injury that would require further assessment with CT-A. CT-A has been found in numerous studies to have very favorable diagnostic test characteristics in the context of PNI, and most recently in a prospective, multicenter study was shown to have 100% sensitivity and 97.5% specificity in identifying clinically significant injuries. If there is any doubt regarding the depth of the wound (ie, whether it violates the platysma), the physician should consult with a trauma specialist and/or proceed to CT-A.
Patients with CT-A findings consistent with injury to the vascular or aerodigestive structures undergo either immediate operative exploration or further investigations (eg, catheter-directed angiography, endoscopy, bronchoscopy) at the discretion of the treating clinician. Those patients who are asymptomatic (no hard signs or soft signs of injury) and have negative CT-A do not require further work-up but should be considered for a period of observation (see Fig. 1 ).

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