Management of Asthma
Asthma affects an estimated 5% to 7% of the US population, impairing daily functioning and accounting for much health care utilization by children and adults. Although there are no cures for asthma and it remains uncertain as to whether treatment affects disease progression, highly effective therapies are available that can improve symptoms, airway function, and quality of life while reducing the frequency of emergency room visits and hospitalizations (a common outcome measure and proxy for overall quality of primary care).
The primary care physician and medical home team need to be skilled in asthma management and able to design and implement a practical, cost-effective treatment program that minimizes side effects, maximizes functional status, and reduces the frequency and severity of flares. An increasing appreciation for the heterogeneity of asthma holds promise for offering more personalized treatment regimens in the future, but even currently recommended stepped-care approaches applied broadly offer considerable relief to most asthmatics.
Patient involvement is essential to achieving best outcomes, facilitated by a collaborative patient-doctor relationship and participation by the entire medical home team in provision of personalized education and ongoing support. Neither doctor nor patient alone can manage asthma effectively. Participation by the consulting pulmonologist is also welcome, particularly in helping to guide care of patients with severe disease.
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY, CLINICAL PRESENTATION, AND COURSE (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16)
Pathology, Pathobiology, and Pathophysiology
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by airway hyperresponsiveness and bronchoconstriction leading to airflow obstruction. Airway edema and excessive mucus production contribute to the respiratory compromise. Histopathology reveals an inflammatory infiltrate composed to varying degrees of eosinophils, neutrophils, lymphocytes, and activated mast cells. Characteristic features include mast cell degranulation, eosinophilic infiltration, endothelial activation, and recruitment and proliferation of T cells. The normal respiratory epithelium may become denuded and replaced by proliferating goblet cells. Bronchial hyperresponsiveness is exacerbated by loss of the normal epithelial barrier and can be triggered by exposure to allergens, exercise, cold, and pharmacologic agents.
The precise pathogenesis of asthma remains incompletely understood but appears to involve a complex interplay between genetic predisposition and environmental exposures. Exactly what triggers the inflammatory process in the first place remains a subject of much inquiry, but emerging data suggest it often begins early in life with a tilt of the immune system from host defense to allergic hyperresponsiveness. Important inflammatory pathways and mediators have been identified as their specific roles and interrelationships are being elucidated. The traditional view of asthma as a relatively homogenous disease mediated by eosinophils has been supplanted by an appreciation for asthma’s heterogeneity with regard to pathogenesis and pathophysiology, manifested by its wide range of susceptibilities, clinical presentations, courses, and treatment responses.
At present, the focus of basic research is on identifying some of the more important inflammatory pathways and mediators, while clinical research attempts to identify important phenotypes that share a common clinical presentation, course, and response to treatment. Ultimately, linking the phenotypes to underlying disease mechanisms should enable design of more personalized treatment regimens. This section reviews current knowledge to help the reader understand the scientific basis for approaches to clinical management that are likely to emerge in the near future.
Inflammation: Pathways and Mediators
Being an inflammatory condition with both allergic and nonallergic precipitants, asthma engages a wide variety of inflammatory pathways and mediators.
For many decades, asthma was viewed as a disease driven largely by an immune pathophysiology mediated by eosinophils. The cell’s prominent presence in asthma histology, its inflammatory enzymes, ability to generate leukotrienes, and expression of a wide variety of proinflammatory cytokines made the eosinophil a logical choice for a central if not premier role in asthma. Moreover, increases in eosinophils were found in persons with more severe asthma, and drugs that reduce the number of eosinophils bring clinical improvement. However, the role of eosinophils has been undergoing a reevaluation, with the view emerging that it is not the solely important effector cell in asthma but rather an important one in particular phases or domains of the disease. For example, there are asthma phenotypes relatively devoid of tissue eosinophilia, which manifest greater degrees of airway obstruction but less risk of exacerbations or remodeling compared to eosinophilic phenotypes. When drugs inhibiting eosinophilic proliferation are given to patients with sputum eosinophilia, some outcomes such as symptoms and measures of airway function do not
improve, even though frequency and severity of exacerbations decline significantly.
improve, even though frequency and severity of exacerbations decline significantly.
T-Helper Cell Pathways: Th2.
This pathway has attracted much attention because of evidence suggesting it is prominent in atopic, childhood-onset asthma. It is hypothesized that the balance between innate and adaptive immune responses is disrupted, a balance that normally exists between helper lymphocytes of Th1 pathway (which moderates host cellular defenses) and those of the Th2 pathway (which participates in allergic activation through release of cytokines). An upset early in life due to the interaction of genetic and environmental influences is postulated, leading to a predominance of Th2 pathway and development of atopy and childhood-onset asthma. The increase in frequency of asthma among children in Westernized societies, who have greater exposure to antibiotics and less exposure to normal environmental microbes, is suspected of being a reflection of this environmentally driven shift in immune response in genetically predisposed persons. Of note, farm-raised children (who have much greater exposure to normal environmental microbes) have a lower prevalence of asthma compared to their city-dwelling peers.
Important mediators in the Th2 pathway include interleukin (IL)-4, interleukin-5, and interleukin-13 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF). IL-4 promotes T-cell differentiation and proliferation as well as switching B cells from immunoglobulin G (IgG) production to immunoglobulin E (IgE). IL-5 promotes eosinophil maturation, differentiation, and survival. IL-13 mediates airway hyperreactivity and mucus overproduction. TNF also promotes airway inflammation, hyperresponsiveness, and eosinophilia. Associations between mutations in genes controlling these cytokines and presentations of asthma have been observed as has responsiveness to corticosteroids.
Overall, the Th2 pathway is believed to be the operative pathway in about 50% of patients with asthma and is characterized by more airway hyperreactivity, eosinophilia, remodeling, and responsiveness to corticosteroids.
These potent bronchoconstrictor molecules are released by mast cells and leukocytes, causing airway smooth muscle contraction. They also trigger migration of eosinophils, production of mucus, and airway wall edema as well as promote bronchial hyperresponsiveness. They account for bronchoconstriction seen in persons with aspirin-induced asthma and in persons with asthma precipitated by exposure to cold, dry air, as seen in exercise- and cold-induced exacerbations.
Immunoglobulin E.
IgE antibody occupies an important role as an effector of immune activation and perpetuation. Activation begins with attachment of IgE to airway mast cells and basophils, which have a particularly high affinity for the immunoglobulin. Upon presentation of specific allergens, IgE-primed cells then release a wide variety of inflammatory mediators. The results are acute bronchospasm and release of proinflammatory cytokines that perpetuate airway inflammation. Basophils, dendritic cells, and lymphocytes also have high-affinity IgE receptors.
Monoclonal antibodies against IgE have been found capable of reducing IgE levels and blunting manifestations of asthma, supporting the role of IgE as an important mediator of the asthma immune process.
Airway Hyperresponsiveness
Airway hyperresponsiveness, a characteristic feature of asthma, is manifested by an exaggerated bronchoconstrictor response to multiple stimuli. Purported mechanisms include inflammation, dysfunctional neuroregulation, and structural changes.
Neurogenic Pathways.
Bronchial smooth muscle is responsive to autonomic influences; it has not been determined whether the effect is direct or by way of biochemical mediators. Vagal stimulation and cholinergic drugs cause bronchial constriction; β-adrenergic stimulation appears to be capable of countering the cholinergic influences. Bronchial irritants and emotional stress in persons with adult-onset or “nonallergic” asthma are believed to precipitate bronchospasm, in part, by way of triggering vagal reflexes. The nerve endings of asthmatic patients have been found to be devoid of the bronchodilator neuropeptide vasoactive intestinal polypeptide.
Airway Remodeling.
In patients with particularly severe and chronic disease, airway remodeling may ensue, manifested by subbasement fibrosis, injury to epithelial cells, smooth muscle hypertrophy, and angiogenesis. Potentially important effectors of airway remodeling are the matrix metalloproteases, which participate in the inflammatory process and enzymatically digest matrix proteins such as collagen and elastin. Alveolar macrophages release matrix metalloprotease 12 as do bronchial epithelial cells. Excess levels are found in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients, suggesting a mechanism for airway remodeling and loss of elastic recoil in those conditions. As important as inflammation is to asthma pathophysiology, airway remodeling has been observed to occur in the absence of inflammation as long as bronchoconstriction is present. It is postulated that bronchoconstriction may induce “epithelial stress,” triggering a tissue response.
Early and Late Phases of Asthmatic Attacks
Asthmatic reactions have early and late phases. The acute bronchoconstrictive phase involves the rapid development of reversible airway obstruction; it represents the hyperresponsiveness to environmental stimuli characteristic of the asthmatic airway. It is most pronounced in persons with adult-onset disease. Stimuli include allergens (e.g., molds, sulfites, animal dander, pollens), aspirin, exercise, emotional stress, viral respiratory infections, and respiratory irritants such as perfumes, tobacco smoke, and dusts.
In addition to the initial hyperreactivity, asthmatic patients experience a second or late-phase reaction 6 to 12 hours later. This late-phase reaction is believed to be a manifestation of the inflammatory response that is more refractory to bronchodilator treatment than is the initial one. Neutrophil chemotactic factor is believed to play a role. Even some patients with exercise-induced asthma experience a late reaction.
In growing recognition of the heterogeneity of asthma’s pathogenesis and pathophysiology and until validated means of genotyping and biomarking emerge, phenotyping represents an opportunity to unravel the heterogeneity of asthma and better classify patients, under the assumption they are likely to share mechanisms of disease and responses to treatment.
Traditionally, asthma has been divided phenotypically on the basis of age of onset and presence of atopy into childhoodonset/atopic asthma and adult-onset/nonatopic asthma. These are sometimes referred to as allergic and nonallergic asthma (see later discussion). However, patients in both groups have demonstrated reactivity related to IgE, which challenges the notion of separate allergen-related and non-allergen-related categories of this reactive airway disease.
Others have suggested phenotyping by degree of eosinophilia, one characterized by prominence of tissue and sputum eosinophils and associated with greater airway remodeling and more exacerbations and the other with little eosinophilia and greater obstruction to airflow.
Cluster analysis has been applied to asthma phenotyping, identifying as many as six distinct clusters of patients, in which members of each share important clinical characteristics. Easily ascertainable domains for use in clustering have been identified by discriminant analysis and include not only age of onset and atopy status but also gender, race, body mass index, duration, and
baseline and maximal pulmonary function measures. Members in each cluster manifest similar clinical courses and responses to therapy, suggesting a shared pathogenesis and/or pathophysiology.
baseline and maximal pulmonary function measures. Members in each cluster manifest similar clinical courses and responses to therapy, suggesting a shared pathogenesis and/or pathophysiology.
Although refinement and revisions are almost certain and linking to specific inflammatory pathways and mediators remains a major unfinished task, this exercise in phenotyping points the way toward design of more targeted, personalized approaches to asthma treatment. The work presented here derives from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s Severe Asthma Research Program (SARP)—a collaborative effort that, despite its name, encompasses the full spectrum of asthma patients. Since such clustering represents a work in progress, it would be premature to consider each cluster a well-defined subgroup requiring a particular approach to management, but this effort is presented to provide the reader with a foundation for understanding future asthma categorization and subsequent management. Of particular note was the finding of the SARP investigators that 80% of patients could be accurately categorized by consideration of just baseline pulmonary function (pre- and postbronchodilator FEV1% predicted) and age of onset, suggesting a potentially useful approach to future phenotyping. Two other observations of potential prognostic importance are (a) that the likelihood of change in cluster over time varies according to atopy status (persons without atopy are at greater risk for progression to a more severe disease cluster), and (b) that disease severity is greatest and prognosis is poorest for persons with the poorest prebronchodilator and postbronchodilator measurements a time of diagnosis (baseline and best FEV 1< <68% predicted) whereas a prebronchodilator FEV1 ≥80% predicted identifies persons with a favorable prognosis.
A number of comorbidities are associated with asthma, especially with increasing age and severity. These include gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), sinus disease, pneumonia, obstructive sleep apnea, and hypertension. While not directly participating in asthma’s pathophysiology, they can interact with it and have important impacts on clinical presentation, course, severity of symptoms, and response to treatment.
Clinical Presentations
Regardless of pathogenesis and triggering factor, the pathophysiologic final common pathway is relatively uniform, consisting of airway inflammation, with bronchial edema, smooth muscle contraction, and excessive mucus production in conjunction with airway hyperresponsiveness to environmental stimuli. Clinical manifestations include varying degrees of wheezing, dyspnea, cough, and sputum production. Presentations range from pure bronchospasm, with little cough or sputum production, to a predominance of bronchorrhea and coughing that mimics bronchitis or an upper respiratory tract infection. In fact, cough and sputum production may be the initial symptoms of an asthmatic attack. Nocturnal exacerbation of symptoms is common, linked to the diurnal variation in blood levels of catecholamines and vagal tone. Airway hyperresponsiveness to allergens as well as irritants and bronchoconstricting agents is also characteristic.
Although classifying clinical presentations on the basis of a single factor (e.g., atopy or its lack) is an oversimplification (see earlier discussion), a number of relatively distinct clinical presentations have been described and traditionally referred to. These asthma presentations are often referred to as “allergic” (or extrinsic), “nonallergic” (or intrinsic), “exercise induced,” and “occupational.”
“Allergic”/“Extrinsic” Asthma
Patients with so-called allergic asthma typically give a history of atopy, onset of symptoms during childhood or adolescence, predictable seasonal occurrence, and hyperresponsiveness to environmental allergens. However, the condition can occur at any age, and attacks may take place seasonally or year-round, precipitated by such common household allergens as dust mites (in beds and living room rugs, carpets, drapes, stuffed furniture), animal dander, and fungal spores.
Anxiety, inhalation of airway irritants, and exposure to perfumes and strong household odors can also precipitate asthmatic episodes in these patients, since they suffer from the hyperresponsiveness characteristic of all asthmatics. The course of attacks is usually self-limited, although some patients have severe bouts requiring hospitalization. Prognosis is relatively good, with 70% found to be symptom free 20 years after onset.
“Nonallergic”/“Intrinsic” Asthma
Patients with nonallergic asthma usually begin having symptoms in the third or fourth decade. Although no identifiable extrinsic allergen is associated with attacks in these patients, they do demonstrate elevations in serum IgE, similar to those of patients with “allergic” disease. Sputum production can be considerable, so that differentiation from chronic bronchitis is sometimes difficult. Minor upper respiratory tract infections often precipitate attacks. Some of these patients present with exertional dyspnea or cough and no demonstrable wheezing, although expiratory flow rates are significantly reduced. “Intrinsic” asthma is sometimes more refractory to treatment than is “extrinsic” disease.
Postexertional Asthma
Postexertional asthma is a form of airway hyperreactivity most common in children and adolescents. The stimulus is believed to be a reduction in the temperature of inhaled air, which leads to mediator release (especially leukotrienes) in susceptible patients. Both initial and late-phase reactions have been identified. Vigorous exercise on a cold, dry day is particularly apt to trigger an attack; airway temperature can become quite low in such circumstances. Although bronchospasm does not occur during exercise, it becomes marked shortly after exercise ends and can last for up to 1 hour.
Occupational Asthma
Occupational asthma has gained increasing recognition as an important cause of work-related disability. True occupational asthma involves the development of sensitization through inhalation exposure to an occupationally related allergen. Exposure to irritant or toxic pollutants in the workplace can also trigger bronchospasm, especially in a person with preexisting airway hyperresponsiveness. Cold air, sulfur dioxide in low concentrations, fluorocarbons, and inert dusts are common irritants that stimulate reflex bronchospasm. Toxic gases such as sulfur dioxide in high concentrations, halogens, ammonia, acid fumes, and solvent vapors cause inflammatory bronchoconstriction. Important allergens include animal proteins, enzymes, grain and cereal dusts, seeds, vegetable gums, and legumes. Other substances have pharmacologic activity; histamine-releasing compounds are present in cotton dust, organic acids are found in wood dust, and numerous chemicals have anticholinesterase activity. Some agents provoke asthma through multiple mechanisms; toluene diisocyanate has reflex, pharmacologic, β-blocking, and IgE effects.
Patients with occupational asthma caused by toxic or irritant substances characteristically report a direct relation between exposure and onset of symptoms. Those with allergen-induced disease note no symptoms at the time of the first exposure but marked wheezing after even minor repeated contact with the allergen (anamnestic response). Typically, patients with occupational asthma are symptom-free during days off from work, only to have a flare-up on returning (see Chapter 39).
Nasal Polyps and Aspirin Sensitivity
Nasal polyps and aspirin sensitivity comprise a curious but important familial asthma syndrome. The bronchospasm associated with aspirin intake may be marked. The finding of nasal polyps in a person with a history of asthma should lead to consideration of aspirin sensitivity. Aspirin sensitivity can be demonstrated with oral provocation testing among 21% of adults with asthma. Almost all patients with aspirin sensitivity have cross-reactivity with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents. Only 7% of those with aspirin sensitivity have cross-reactivity with acetaminophen.
Cough Variant Asthma
In some cases, chronic cough may be the principal or only manifestation of asthma. Such “cough variant asthma” is found mostly in children, but adults may present with it. On spirometry, there is typical reversible airflow obstruction and hyperresponsiveness demonstrated. Response to treatment is similar to that for other forms of asthma.
Presentations by Disease Severity
For management purposes (see later discussion), four categories or steps of asthma according to disease severity have been defined to help guide treatment. A shortcoming of such a categorization is the likely heterogeneity of patients within each step or stage of disease, which could affect response to treatment and natural history of disease. Nonetheless, this categorization remains a key element of currently recommended treatment guidelines.
Mild intermittent asthma: Symptoms occur no more than twice weekly and nighttime symptoms no more than twice monthly, lung function (peak flow rate, forced expiratory volume in 1 second [FEV1]) is reduced to no less than 80% of predicted, patient is asymptomatic between exacerbations, and peak expiratory flow rates are normal between attacks.
Mild persistent asthma: Patient is symptomatic more than two times per week but less than once a day, and nighttime symptoms occur more than twice monthly; episodes may affect activity; and pulmonary function is normal between episodes and decreases to no less than 80% of normal during episodes.
Moderate persistent asthma: Daily symptoms occur, there is daily use of β2-agonists, and nocturnal symptoms occur more than once a week; attacks limit activity; and pulmonary function declines to 60% to 80% of normal and may not return to normal after an exacerbation.
Severe asthma: Symptoms are continuous, there are frequent acute exacerbations and frequent nocturnal symptoms, activity is limited, and pulmonary function is always abnormal and less than 60% of normal without treatment.
Clinical Course and Natural History
Regardless of the type of asthma, subclinical but significant bronchospasm remains for days to weeks after the wheezing of an acute attack subsides. The continuing bronchial hyperresponsiveness is believed to be related to ongoing inflammation. Often, small airways may remain constricted even after large airways have relaxed. The clinical recurrences that commonly develop shortly after the apparent resolution of an acute attack are most often not new episodes but relapses.
The consequences of airway remodeling that result from chronic airway inflammation have yet to be fully established, but in population studies with long-term follow-up, some asthmatic patients demonstrate a progressive decline in FEV1 that is statistically significant in comparison to those without asthma, a decline that is exacerbated by smoking. When adjusted for the effects of smoking and the presence of any COPD, the degree of decline in FEV1 associated with asthma appears to be more modest, making unclear at present its clinical significance regarding contribution to fixed airflow obstruction.
Overall mortality for all forms of asthma is 0.1% annually; the rate increases markedly to 3.3% for patients with episodes of status asthmaticus. A disturbing increase in asthma mortality has occurred in the last two decades despite the availability of increasingly effective therapy. The cause for this increase is unclear, but much of it is localized to inner-city populations in New York City and Chicago, which suggests that increased exposure to potent allergens and air pollution may be contributing, in addition to inadequate access to proper health care.
Although current treatment is effective in controlling symptoms, reducing airflow limitations, and preventing exacerbations, it has yet to demonstrate ability to alter asthma’s natural history.
Differential Diagnosis (Table 48-1)
When confronted with a patient complaining of an acute attack of wheezing (i.e., high-pitched whistling sounds when breathing out) and before initiating therapy for asthma, the primary care physician and team members should not forget the age-old dictum: “all that wheezes is not asthma.” In addition to asthma, the differential diagnosis for an adult who presents with any combination of wheezing plus cough, shortness of breath, or chest tightness encompasses a number of must-not-miss conditions that include acute coronary insufficiency with pump failure, COPD flare, pulmonary edema, and pulmonary embolization (see Table 48-1 and Chapters 20, 32, 40, and 41).
Most other causes of wheezing and respiratory difficulty can be readily distinguished from asthma during standard workup, with the exception of vocal cord dysfunction and tracheomalacia. These conditions often elude initial workup and enter into the differential diagnosis of difficult-to-treat asthma; they may even coexist with it. For example, elite athletes may have both conditions, with their asthma being of the exercise-induced variety. Localized tracheomalacia is seen most often in persons who had prolonged intubation; other causes include chronic compression by a large substernal goiter. In those with milder tracheomalacia, symptoms of obstruction to airflow may develop only at times of a tracheobronchitis, when increased secretions cannot be cleared. Diagnosis is suggested by the flow-volume loop pattern generated during spirometry.
History, physical examination, and a few basic spirometry results will usually suffice for the diagnosis of asthma, once
other conditions that may mimic asthma have been ruled out, which often requires additional investigation (see Chapters 20, 40, 41, and 47). Hallmark features of asthma include episodic symptoms, signs, and airflow measurements of reversible airflow obstruction and airway hyperresponsiveness. The absence of wheezing does not rule out the diagnosis of asthma nor does the finding of airflow obstruction rule it in. The diagnosis requires taking into account the full picture of symptoms, precipitants, and airflow measures once other etiologies of wheezing, dyspnea, cough, and chest tightness have been ruled out.
other conditions that may mimic asthma have been ruled out, which often requires additional investigation (see Chapters 20, 40, 41, and 47). Hallmark features of asthma include episodic symptoms, signs, and airflow measurements of reversible airflow obstruction and airway hyperresponsiveness. The absence of wheezing does not rule out the diagnosis of asthma nor does the finding of airflow obstruction rule it in. The diagnosis requires taking into account the full picture of symptoms, precipitants, and airflow measures once other etiologies of wheezing, dyspnea, cough, and chest tightness have been ruled out.
TABLE 48-1 Differential Diagnosis of Asthma-Like Symptoms | ||||||||||||||||||||
Besides diagnosis, the evaluation effort should include elements essential to management, such as precipitating factors, comorbid conditions (which may aggravate symptoms), disease severity, and the patient’s capacity for self-management.
In obtaining the history, particular note should be taken of any cough or wheezing that is recurrent and may be accompanied by shortness of breath or chest tightness, worse at night or awakening the patient, and occurring or worsened by exercise or viral infection. Also useful is checking for exacerbations brought on by contact with hairy or furry animals or exposure to house dusts, airborne chemicals or dusts, smoke (tobacco or wood), mold, or pollens, which not only helps establish the diagnosis but also provides potentially useful information for prevention. Any triggering by changes in weather, emotional outbursts, or menstrual cycle should also be noted since these are characteristic features in subsets of patients.
Age at onset, duration of symptoms, and history of hay fever or eczema or family history of atopy are useful elements of the history for phenotyping, though not for diagnosis. Similarly, checking history for comorbidities such as obstructive sleep apnea (see Chapter 46), GERD (see Chapter 60), sinus disease (see Chapter 219), and hypertension (see Chapter 19) facilitates management, because their presence can hinder treatment and/or exacerbate symptoms.
Review of the patient’s medication list is also indicated. Concurrent use of noncardioselective beta-blockers in asthmatics with underlying hypertension or cardiovascular disease can cause bronchospasm and blunt the bronchodilating effects of β2-agonists. Concern about beta-blocker therapy has been reduced by the advent and judicious use of cardioselective (β1) beta-blockers (e.g., atenolol, metoprolol). Meta-analytic work found only a 7.5% reduction in FEV1 in mild to moderate asthmatic patients with the addition of a cardioselective beta-blocker and no impairment of the bronchodilating effects of beta-agonist therapy. Most asthmatic patients with a clear indication for beta-blockade (i.e., those with hypertension, coronary disease, or heart failure) need not forego or stop beta-blocker therapy as long as cardioselective preparations are used and doses are kept low. However, the safety of cardioselective beta-blockade in those with severe asthma is not well established.
Physical Examination
Vital signs should be noted for tachypnea, tachycardia, and elevated blood pressure, though they may be entirely normal in the absence of an exacerbation, as may the entire examination. Characteristic physical findings include a prolonged expiratory phase of respiration, use of accessory muscles during an attack, and wheezing during normal breathing. Of note, wheezing may only be heard during forced exhalation; it is not a reliable indicator of airway obstruction, and as noted, its absence does not rule out the diagnosis of asthma.
Associated findings helpful in phenotyping include a check for any nasal polyps, excess secretions, and mucosal edema. The skin is examined for eczematous changes (see Chapter 184) and Dennie-Morgan lines (creases just below the lower eye lids, seen in persons with atopy).
Pulmonary Function Testing
Spirometry is essential to the diagnosis of asthma. The key measurement of impaired airway function is the reduction in forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) expressed either as a percent of the predicted value or as a proportion of the forced vital capacity (FEV1/FVC). The latter calculation is the more accurate since it corrects for conditions other than airflow obstruction that might affect the FEV1, such as generalized debility or chest wall deformity.
Determinations are made before and after the patient inhales a short-acting bronchodilator (e.g., two to four puffs of albuterol). Reversibility, a key determinant for the diagnosis of asthma, is defined by an increase in FEV1 of >200 mL, a ≥12% increase from baseline, or an increase ≥10% of predicted FEV1.
The degree of airflow obstruction and short-term reversibility as measured objectively also correlates with degree of inflammation and prognosis—patient perception of disease severity is often discordant with actual measurements. Patients with the greatest degree of baseline airflow obstruction appear to have the worst prognosis. Those with the greatest reversibility are often at greatest risk of developing fixed airflow obstruction and the greatest loss of lung function.
Other Studies
Biomarkers have been sought as a more convenient way to confirm the diagnosis, determine disease severity, and predict prognosis. Among those measures studied include blood or sputum eosinophils or eosinophilic cationic protein (ECP), fractional exhaled nitric oxide concentration (FeNO), serum immunoglobulin E (IgE), number of positive skin tests, cytokine levels, and exhaled breath condensate (EBC). To date, none have proved superior to spirometry. Chest imaging studies are useful in conditions that might mimic asthma, but there are no findings diagnostic of asthma, although the plain film of the chest might show some hyperinflation during an exacerbation.
Assessment of Capacity for Self-Management
Because a high degree of treatment compliance and self-monitoring is required for effective implementation and maintenance of an asthma treatment program, it is essential to assess and support the patient’s capacity to carry out these functions (see also Patient Education). This requires inquiry into the patient’s knowledge of the condition as well as an estimate of skills and aptitude for self-management. Review of any prior experience with a medical regimen for control of a chronic illness having exacerbations and remissions can be very helpful in this regard.
PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT (17,19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72 and 73)
Appreciation for the pivotal role of inflammation in the pathophysiology of asthma has led to a major restructuring of treatment over the past two decades, with antiinflammatory therapy emerging as the primary treatment for disease control and bronchodilator therapy relegated to a supporting role. Consequently, current consensus guidelines recommend inhaled, topically active corticosteroid use as first-line therapy for all patients with active, persistent disease and inhaled beta-adrenergic agents as supplementary treatment for symptomatic relief. The previous reliance on bronchodilator monotherapy therapy (except for persons with mild intermittent disease) has been largely abandoned due to its association with higher rates of severe exacerbations and asthma-related deaths (see later discussion). Although the advent of the topically active, semiselective, long-acting
beta2-agonists (LABAs) has improved the safety and convenience of bronchodilator therapy, use is largely reserved for administration in conjunction with inhaled corticosteroids (IHCs).
beta2-agonists (LABAs) has improved the safety and convenience of bronchodilator therapy, use is largely reserved for administration in conjunction with inhaled corticosteroids (IHCs).
Unlike corticosteroids, which have a very broad anti-inflammatory effect, therapies that counter specific mediators of the inflammatory process are being actively studied, both to better understand the role(s) of specific mediators in the disease process and to test their candidacy for use in steroid-resistant disease and as better targeted first-line agents. The first to come to market have been the leukotriene inhibitors (e.g., montelukast), approved as initial monotherapy for persons with mild intermittent exercise-induced asthma but also being explored as an option for initial therapy and as an alternative to LABAs in a wider range of asthma patients. Agents that target eosinophilic inflammation (e.g., the IL-5 inhibitor mepolizumab), IgE activity (e.g., omalizumab), and activation of the Th2 pathway (e.g., IL-4 and IL-13 inhibitors) are being utilized both for study of the disease and, in limited circumstances, for treatment. In addition, the longacting anticholinergic muscarinic blocker tiotropium (effective for bronchodilation in COPD—see Chapter 47) shows promise.
Current treatment guidelines focus on treating inflammation in a rather nonspecific manner, recommending therapy largely on the basis of asthma stage, which is determined only by severity and degree of symptom persistence rather than by specific phenotype or more precise targeting of underlying pathogenesis and pathophysiology—a goal of future treatment paradigms. Under the current consensus approach, a substantial fraction of patients either do not respond to standard treatment or are unnecessarily exposed to anti-inflammatory agents they do not need. The ultimate goal is a more personalized, targeted approach to asthma treatment tailored to patient’s specific disease mechanisms and precipitants. The reader is encouraged to watch for increasing efforts in this direction.
Personalization of therapy also entails patient education and participation in design of the treatment program, made all the more important because of the need for a high level of compliance with treatment and monitoring (see Patient Education).
Development of Practice Guidelines
As the treatment of asthma shifted over the past two decades from a focus on bronchospasm to amelioration of inflammation, the National Institutes of Health convened expert panels to develop clinical practice guidelines for asthma management and published them as the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NAEPP). These prescribe the stepped approach to care noted earlier. Oral steroids, other anti-inflammatory agents, and other bronchodilators are used in adjunctive fashion. Patient education is a central feature of the guidelines. Underuse of anti-inflammatory therapy and failure to monitor peak flows correlate strongly with an increased number of emergency department visits and hospitalizations.
Guideline Implementation and Compliance
Like most practice guidelines, many of the NAEPP recommendations are supported by the results of randomized, controlled trials. Primary care physicians may need to customize for individual patients those elements that pertain to patient self-monitoring and self-treatment of an exacerbation. Surveys indicate that fewer than 50% of asthma patients who should take inhaled steroids daily do so and fewer than 20% measure their peak flow regularly. Some have suggested that time pressures and staffing limitations in primary care practices may limit the teaching effort and contribute to inadequate outcomes. They propose disease management strategies, which emphasize the use of information technology to identify patients, customize the teaching intervention, monitor care, and control costs. The efficacy of the disease management approach is still being evaluated, but many studies have shown reductions in rates of emergency room visits and hospitalizations, especially when integrated with the work of the primary care practice.
Basic Elements of Treatment Guidelines (Incorporating the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program Recommendations)
Mild Intermittent Asthma.
The treatment of choice is as-needed short-acting bronchodilator therapy with a short-acting β2-agonist (SABA), such as albuterol (see Table 48-2). As-needed use is preferred to regular use, which is no more effective and may induce tachyphylaxis. Patient education includes instruction in proper inhaler use and technique, the role of medication, and avoidance of environmental precipitants. If β2-agonist therapy is needed more than twice weekly, then therapy for mild persistent asthma should be considered.

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