Management of Alzheimer Disease
M. Cornelia Cremens
According to the prevalence data from the National Institute on Aging, approximately 5.1 million Americans suffer from Alzheimer disease (AD). With the aging of the US population and a doubling of the prevalence of dementia for every 5 years older than the age of 65 years, the problem of caring for such patients is becoming an increasingly important medical and societal challenge. The problem is worldwide, with a projected 115 million new cases by 2050.
The challenges in managing these patients are legion and complicated by the current absence of disease-modifying therapy. In the early to intermediate stages, care can be delivered largely on an outpatient basis by the primary care team in collaboration with neuropsychiatric colleagues and community support services. This role requires knowledge of the course of the illness, the best approaches to maintaining cognitive function, managing concomitant medical and psychiatric complications, providing caregiver support, and marshalling community resources. Skill is required in family education and counseling, the appropriate application of new therapies, and the cessation of life-prolonging therapy at the end of life.
The leading hypothesis regarding the pathophysiology of AD derives from studies of familial early-onset disease, in which there is overproduction of β-amyloid peptide. The peptide is believed to be neurotoxic. Pathologic hallmarks include extracellular β-amyloid plaques and neuritic plaques composed of β-amyloid and degenerated neurons, starting in the hippocampus and spreading diffusely. Intracellular neurofibrillary tangles composed of phosphorylated tau protein account for the other characteristic finding. Synapses fail as mitochondria are damaged by the β-amyloid. Cholinergic neurons are particularly hard hit. The initial trigger(s) for these changes that culminate in neuron cell death remains unknown. The genetic predisposition conferred by mutations in the apolipoprotein ε 4 (APOE) gene raises the question of abnormalities in lipid metabolism.
Longitudinal study reveals characteristic biochemical changes taking place over decades, long before symptoms emerge. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) concentrations of amyloid-beta42 decline 25 years before onset of symptoms, followed about 10 years later by PET scan-detectible deposition of beta-amyloid in the brain and tau protein in the CSF. About 10 years before onset, cerebral hypometabolism and episodic memory loss emerge, followed in 5 years by global cognitive decline that predates appearance of frank clinical dementia by about 5 years. Whether this sequence pertains to the pathophysiology of sporadic (nondominantly inherited disease) remains to be determined.
The clinical course of AD is one of gradual onset and slow, but inevitable progression eventually leading to death. The earliest symptomatic phase is characterized by mild cognitive impairment (MCI) followed by emergence of dementia.
Mild Cognitive Impairment
The early decline in cognitive function beyond that of normal aging is designated by the term mild cognitive impairment (MCI). MCI is viewed as an intermediate or transitional stage between age-appropriate cognitive function and full-blown dementia. It is characterized by decline in at least one domain of cognitive function more than expected for age, but overall functional capacity remains intact. The most common presentation is the amnestic variety, notable for subjective reports of memory loss and objective memory deficits greater than those expected for age, but with relative preservation of all other cognitive functions and adequate functional capacity. Shortterm memory is affected most. Patients may report missing an appointment or forgetting conversations or recent events. Executive functioning and use of language remain intact. Nonamnestic MCI is noteworthy for declines in attention, language, and visuospatial skills without notable memory deficits and without overall compromise of functional capacity. MCI patients notice their deficits and often report them; they are also evident to family members but not necessarily to casual observers.
Risk of Progression to Alzheimer Disease
Persons with amnestic MCI demonstrate nearly 5 to 10 times the risk of progressing to AD compared to normal individuals (5% to 10% per year vs. 1% to 2% per year for normal persons of the same age in community-based study). Persons with nonamnestic impairment are at increased risk for other forms of dementia, including those due to vascular disease, frontotemporal lobar degeneration, and Lewy body disease. Progression to dementia is not necessarily inevitable; short-term rates of reversion to normal are as high at 25%, but there is a dearth of data regarding longer-term rates and whether persons who revert are still at increased risk of dementia. Some of these persons may have depression, sleep deprivation, or medication accounting for their cognitive deficits and not an early stage of AD.
Progression to Clinical Alzheimer Disease
As noted, the clinical course of AD is slow, progressive, and eventually fatal. The emergence of clinical dementia heralds the onset of AD. It involves not only a further decline in memory and cognition (the first symptoms to emerge) but also a loss of ability to care for oneself and the emergence of disabling and disruptive psychiatric and behavioral symptoms. The principal clinical features include memory loss, language impairment, and visuospatial deficits, followed later by gait disturbance, motor and sensory impairments, incontinence, and delusions and hallucinations. AD often occurs in the context of concurrent vascular dementia and is worsened by the progression of cerebrovascular disease. The presentation and course of AD can be divided into early, intermediate, and advanced stages. Although the disease is progressive, there may be plateau periods of 1 to 2 years when the disease process slows and the patient appears transiently stable.
Early Stages
In the earliest stages of the illness, the patient is concerned, but there are no social or employment problems and no evidence of memory deficit during a clinical interview. Progression to early dementia may be heralded by decreased performance in demanding work or social situations. Patients complain of poor concentration, more prominent memory loss, and confusion, and they may report that coworkers have noticed their relatively poor performance. Characteristically, there is an inability to learn and remember new information and difficulty in consolidating the information into memory (revealed by simple word retrieval testing or the use of a word list; see Chapter 169). Patients may present with visual-spatial deficits or difficulty with speech; they may report getting easily disoriented or lost when traveling to an unfamiliar location. Anxiety and/or depression may ensue as patients become aware of their symptoms; some begin to deny them. Changes in personality and judgment can cause problems with family and coworkers.
Intermediate Stages
As the illness progresses, patients become unable to travel alone and are unable to handle their personal finances. Memory for recent events is drastically impaired, and patients display a decreased knowledge of current events. Complex tasks are impossible, but patients remain fairly well oriented to time and person and can travel to very familiar places, such as the corner drugstore. Many patients remain aware of their deficits and are capable of understanding what is happening to them. They instinctively withdraw from previously challenging situations and may even have trouble with the activities of daily living. Difficulty with speech and language is more pronounced. Denial may become pronounced. Anxiety and depression may increase, along with suspiciousness and agitation. The most difficult behavior at this stage is wandering and pacing (balance and gait are usually preserved); the patient may get lost.
Late-Stage Disease
Patients can no longer survive without some assistance. They are unable to recall major relevant aspects of their current lives or even the names of close friends and family members. Delusions and hallucinations are common. For example, the spouse may be accused of being an impostor, or patients may talk to imaginary persons or their own reflection in the mirror. Depression, agitation, aggression, and violent behavior may occur. Frequently, patients are disoriented to time or place. However, they generally remain able to eat and use the toilet without assistance, but they may have difficulty in properly choosing and putting on clothing.
Advanced Disease
In the final stages of the disease, patients become totally incapacitated and disoriented. They eventually forget their name and may not recognize their spouse. Incontinence is common, frequently with a loss of both bladder and bowel control. Personality and emotional changes are prominent, although these changes occasionally occur even in the earliest stages of disease (see prior discussion). Eventually, all verbal abilities are lost; motor skills further deteriorate, making gait and balance nearly impossible; and patients require total care. Total dependence on the caregiver ensues, leading to caregiver stress or “burnout” (see later discussion). Generalized cortical and focal neurologic signs and symptoms are frequently present. Death usually occurs from total debilitation or infection.
Clinical Course
The course of AD from onset to death varies from 2 to 20 years. The average is about 8 to 10 years. Typically, the illness progresses at a fairly constant rate. If it has rapidly developed during the last year, it is likely to continue at that rate. A slowly progressive illness during the last 5 to 10 years suggests that the patient may survive for a number of years, especially if he or she is in otherwise good physical health. Other clinical features found to be independent predictors of more rapid progression to incapacity and death include hallucinations, paranoia, delusions, misidentification syndromes, extrapyramidal signs, and a low score on initial psychometric testing.
DIAGNOSIS (see Chapter 169)
Principles of Management (12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76 and 77)
Once treatable causes of dementia have been ruled out (see Chapter 169), the primary care physician and practice team face the daunting challenge of caring for patients with a largely irreversible, progressively debilitating, and ultimately fatal illness. Management of AD involves the skillful interplay of psychological support to patient and family, medication to improve the patient’s cognitive state and functional status, psychopharmacologic therapy for behavioral disturbances and psychosis, and marshalling of community resources, all to help keep the patient at home and functional as long as possible. A multidisciplinary approach is essential, requiring not only a strong patient/family-doctor relationship in the primary care setting but participation by the entire medical home team and community nursing, all working in close consultation with neurologic and neuropsychiatric colleagues.
Interest in primary prevention extends from lowering one’s risk of developing AD to preserving mental function in an aging population. Lifestyle measures have shown some promise, but pharmacologic interventions, vitamins, herbal supplements, and other complementary measures have not, despite frequent but poorly substantiated claims. Many people try things under the assumption that “they cannot hurt,” but many purported preventive remedies have potentially adverse effects (see subsequent discussion) and represent wasteful health care expenditures by the public.
Exercise and Leisure Activities
When examined in retrospective cohort study, simple lifestyle measures for elderly persons, such as regular modest exercise, are associated with significantly reduced risks of developing dementia, including AD. Walking at a slow pace for as little as 1.5 hours per week was associated with a 20% reduction in risk among elderly women in the Nurses’ Health Study. Subsequent prospective cohort study found a similar degree of benefit, which increased with increasing intensity and frequency of exercise (33% reduction in the most active group). In one of the few randomized trials of exercise in the elderly, a program of brisk walking for 21/2 hours per week was associated with improved cognitive function at 6 months, and residual benefit was noted 18 months later.
Similar degrees of reduced risk were found in cohort studies of elderly persons participating in cognitively stimulating leisure and social activities such as playing board games, playing musical instruments, or reading. Cognitive training exercises reportedly negated the expected amount of normal cognitive decline in an elderly population. These and other healthy lifestyle interventions need confirmation by prospective long-term study to better assess their precise contributions to prevention, but there seems little harm in implementing them while awaiting confirmatory data.
Persons consuming a diet high in fruits, vegetables, nuts, oily fish, and olive oil and low in animal fat and red meat—a Mediterranean-style diet—exhibit an independent reduction in risk of AD in retrospective and prospective cohort studies. The observed degree of reduction was as high as 40%. While these findings need confirmation, implementation of such a diet makes good sense, given its positive contributions to overall health, particularly cardiovascular health (see Chapters 18, 27, and 31).
Treatment of Atherosclerotic Risk Factors
Hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, smoking, and diabetes are major risk factors for vascular dementia, which often coexists with AD and makes for a worse prognosis. Even higher glucose levels (e.g., 115 mg/dL) in elderly people without diabetes have been associated with a significant increase in risk of dementia. Atherosclerotic risk factors also appear to increase the risk of progression to AD in persons with MCI. Consequently, there is interest in aggressive treatment of these atherosclerotic risk factors for prevention of AD. Studies are under way. In the meantime, maintaining good cardiovascular health makes good sense.
Homocysteine elevation, an independent atherosclerotic disease risk factor, is also associated with an increased risk of AD, but randomized trials of lowering homocysteine through the use of folate, B12, and B6 supplementation in older persons with an elevation in serum homocysteine have failed to show improved cognitive performance or the prevention of progression to AD. Supplements with high doses of these vitamins are popular and do lower homocysteine levels significantly, but not only do they not reduce cardiovascular risk in controlled trials, but in some studies increased rates of adverse vascular events were observed (see Chapters 18 and 27). Use is not recommended.
Vitamins and Other Supplements
The hypothesis that “oxidative stress” from free-radical formation might damage neurons has been given much play in the lay media, spurred by commercial interests promoting the use of vitamins and other supplements. The hypothesis derives support from epidemiologic data and small, randomized trials revealing an association between the dietary intake of fruits and vegetables (i.e., foods rich in the so-called antioxidants) and a reduction in the risk of developing AD noted earlier. However, randomized, controlled trials of supplement preparations containing the so-called antioxidant vitamins (e.g., C, E, β-carotene, flavonoids), even at high doses, have consistently failed to show any protective effect and do not support their use. The notion that such use is harmless and therefore worth a try is contradicted by studies showing potential risk of adverse effects with high doses of some vitamins (e.g., E, β-carotene, and the combination B6/B12/folate—see discussion of homocysteine and Chapters 18, 27). The best nutritional advice is to adopt a well-balanced diet as described earlier and to consider vitamin supplements only in the presence of documented deficiency. Moderate alcohol intake (<2 oz/d) has not been shown to be harmful (but red wine offers no special advantage despite enophilic enthusiasm for its purported health benefits).
Fish-oil supplements containing omega-3 fatty acids are very popular for their purported contribution to cardiovascular health (which remains to be fully established—see Chapters 18, 27, and 31). Their use in prevention of dementia is the subject of ongoing study, stimulated in part by epidemiologic data suggesting an inverse association between omega-3 fatty acid consumption and risk of AD, the high concentration of docosahexaenoic acid (one of the two major omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil) in brain synapses, and reduced levels in persons with AD. Pending results of such studies, the best advice seems to be that of the American Heart Association, which recommends two servings per week of an oily fish (e.g., salmon, herring, sardines, anchovies, trout), a more palatable and more nutritious approach than consuming fish-oil tablets every day. One might want to take into consideration the high mercury content of some oily fish (e.g., shark, tuna, sword fish) in making fish choices.
Measures of No Proven Value
Randomized, placebo-controlled trials of Ginkgo biloba, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, estrogens, antioxidants, and statins have produced either negative results or inconsistent findings that do not provide a sufficient scientific basis to warrant their use for primary prevention. Often the initial rationale for use was a preliminary finding from an epidemiologic study or a small prospective trial of inadequate design. For example, early epidemiologic data suggested some protection against the development of AD in postmenopausal women using hormone replacement therapy (HRT), but more definitive data from the Women’s Health Initiative Memory Study failed to confirm the initial findings and even suggested an increase in risk of dementia (including AD).
Avoidance of Potentially Toxic Substances and Potentially Harmful Drugs
The avoidance of known toxins that can cause brain injury is important for prevention of any type of dementia. Of particular concern are aniline dyes, heavy metals, and perhaps very high levels of dietary mercury (see Chapter 169). There is no evidence that the avoidance of aluminum-containing preparations (e.g., antacids) is of any benefit, although concerns were raised when aluminum deposition was noted in the central nervous system of patients with AD.
Epidemiologic evidence from community-based study finds a relationship between use of anticholinergic drugs and cognitive decline in the elderly. Discontinuing such drugs was associated with a decreased risk of decline.
Management of Mild Cognitive Impairment (5,25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 and 38)
Communicating the Diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment
Communicating an accurate diagnosis and prognosis without instilling unnecessary fear and potential harm can be a challenge. Since progression to AD is not inevitable, some recommend that in communicating the diagnosis, clinicians avoid terms that mention Alzheimer disease (such as “early Alzheimer disease,” “prodromal Alzheimer disease,” or “mild cognitive impairment of the Alzheimer type”). Nonetheless, addressing the obvious concern about progression to AD is essential. One can help put things into perspective by noting that average risk of progression to AD in community-based populations is about 5% to 10% per year, substantially lower than that seen in reports from specialty clinics. Moreover, one can mention that a substantial fraction of patients (up to one quarter) revert to normal cognitive function over the course of 6 months, perhaps because depression or medication was actually the source of the problem and not AD. Patients and families may ask about newly developed tests for early detection for AD, given the amount of attention paid to them in the media. Noting that at present these tests have no impact on treatment and are intended mainly for research purposes can alleviate demand for unnecessary testing and the risk of a false-positive diagnosis.
Estimating Prognosis: Risk of Progression to Alzheimer Disease
Persons presenting with more severe deficits have the greatest risk of progressing to AD probably because they are closest to it. The risk assessment can be adjusted based on the patient’s clinical presentation (i.e., mild symptoms imply lesser risk of progression). A number of instruments providing structured measures of cognitive function correlate with risk and can be incorporated into clinical practice. The application of testing modalities that focus directly on AD pathophysiology (e.g., genetic testing, MRI imaging of the hippocampus, detection of tau protein and beta-amyloid peptides in the CSF, PET imaging of synaptic transmission and brain amyloid), though drawing much media attention, will remain confined to research settings until standardization of measurement, ranges of normal and abnormal, correlations with clinical outcomes, and impact on clinical care can be established.
Neuropsychiatric Testing.
The Mini-Mental State Exam is too insensitive to provide reliable diagnostic or prognostic information for many patients with MCI. A more sensitive brief instrument for diagnosis is the Short Test of Mental Status, the results of which in normals correlate with risk of developing MIC and AD. Formal neuropsychiatric testing is often needed. Requiring administration and interpretation by a trained professional, it examines all domains of cognitive function; measures of functional status correlate with risk of progression. When such formal cognitive testing is not available, one can assess cognitive functional status in the primary care setting by use of the Clinical Dementia Rating Scale (, which is a validated and widely used instrument for use in assessment of cognitive function; results are predictive of clinical course. It takes about 30 to 45 minutes to administer with little training but does need the participation of a person who knows the patient well.
Structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).
This MRI-based study measures hippocampus volume; among persons with MCI, those in the lowest quartile appear to two to three times the risk of progression as persons in the highest quartile. Standardization studies are ongoing; use in routine clinical practice is not recommended at present.
Family History and Genetic Testing for Apolipoprotein (APOE) e 4 Allele.
Immediate (first-degree) family members of a single late-onset AD patient have a doubling of lifetime AD risk; those with multiple relatives having AD are also at increased risk. Persons who are positive for one APOE ε 4 allele average a two-to threefold increase in lifetime risk of late-onset AD; those with two copies have twice that risk. Because degree of penetrance is variable and there is no treatment, genetic testing is not recommended for routine use. (Interestingly, one study exploring the psychological harms and benefits for family members of such genetic information found considerable reassurance benefit among those who tested negative and no increase in measures of anxiety or depression among those who tested positive.)
Positron Emission Tomography (PET).
The advent of PET technologies, using radiolabels such as 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose [FDG-PET] and florbetapir F18 to provide functional imaging of synaptic activity and detection of brain β-amyloid, respectively, holds considerable promise for enhanced diagnosis and early detection of AD, particularly in persons who are currently designated as having MCI. FDG-PET images suggesting abnormally low metabolism in the temporal and parietal regions of the brain are associated with more rapid progression and greater risk of developing AD (11-fold risk over 2 years in one study). Using PET with an earlier ligand for detection of brain β-amyloid reliably identified persons at risk for more rapid progression to AD. Despite the promises of improved prognostication and diagnosis, use of PET is confined to research settings while standards for test performance characteristics and interpretation are worked out and implications for clinical use are clarified.
Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Analysis of Disease Markers.
Increased CSF levels of tau protein (responsible for the characteristic intracellular neurofibrillary tangles of AD) correlate with increased risk of progression to AD as do low levels of the amyloid metabolite β-amyloid peptide 42. As with the other modalities mentioned, use is currently confined to research settings as more experience with these markers is obtained.
Risks and Benefits of Testing.
While better prognostication and earlier diagnosis of AD are likely to emerge from the application of these new testing modalities, their premature use can potentially result in considerable harm, especially in the absence of disease-modifying treatment for AD. Most authorities recommend use be confined at present to research settings while test specificity and sensitivity are determined—the risk of a falsepositive result could be very harmful (e.g., major depression, loss of job, loss of insurability). Not only do test characteristics need to be defined but also impact on care. Once disease-modifying therapy becomes available, early diagnosis will emerge as a priority with many MIC patients reclassified as having early or preclinical AD and qualifying for early application of diseasemodifying treatment that could change the course of illness and their life.
Improving Cognitive Function and Preventing Progression to Alzheimer Disease
The healthy lifestyle measures noted earlier in discussion of primary prevention and the application of a cognitive rehabilitation program (i.e., computer-assisted training and use of mnemonics, and association strategies) can produce a transient improvement in cognitive function in persons with MCI; they are probably worth recommending, but neither these measures nor early application of drugs used to improve cognition in AD appears capable of altering the natural history of the disease in persons with MCI. The only MIC persons with reversible disease are probably those who have depression or another
non-Alzheimer pathophysiology responsible for their cognitive decline. One oft-quoted early study suggested a disease-slowing benefit with use of the cholinesterase inhibitor donepezil during MIC in carriers of the APOE ε 4 allele; a delaying effect was noted at 12 months but was no longer evident at 36 months. Subsequent randomized, placebo-controlled trials and metaanalyses of cholinesterase inhibitors have shown no effect on disease progression.
non-Alzheimer pathophysiology responsible for their cognitive decline. One oft-quoted early study suggested a disease-slowing benefit with use of the cholinesterase inhibitor donepezil during MIC in carriers of the APOE ε 4 allele; a delaying effect was noted at 12 months but was no longer evident at 36 months. Subsequent randomized, placebo-controlled trials and metaanalyses of cholinesterase inhibitors have shown no effect on disease progression.
Management after Progression to Alzheimer Disease (5,39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77 and 78)

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