Hôpital Ambroise Paré Service de Réanimation Médicale, Boulogne (Paris-West University), France
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The online version of this chapter (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-15371-1_30) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
The potential of lung ultrasound in detecting interstitial syndrome provides an original piece of information which will be used for the sequential diagnosis of a circulatory failure. In the management of shock, it allows to avoid two issues: giving too much fluid, a concern for the modern generation, and keeping a patient in occult hypovolemia, another killer, probably as substantial. The FALLS-protocol may locate the critically ill patient between these two extreme issues, by proposing the appropriate amount of fluid resuscitation.
Using a simple approach considering a focused part of cardiac sonography, some venous sonography, and this simple part of lung ultrasound which visualizes a direct parameter of volemia, an alternative decision tree for hemodynamic assessment can be proposed.
It is through error that man tries and rises. All the roads of learning begin in darkness and go out into the light.Hippocrate de Cos (460 b. JC/370 b. JC), the father of medicine.
A Few Warnings
This chapter is long (those who are happy with their hemodynamic management can skip it). In spite of its length, it considers two simple elements (the A-line and the B-line) which were never yet taken into consideration in the question of hemodynamic assessment. If simplicity is integrated in a complex field, complex explanations must be given. This is why this chapter is the longest of the textbook (we even bet that, like the chapter on the BLUE-protocol of our 2010 edition is now a whole textbook, this chapter will make our next textbook).
The reader is invited to think different. The FALLS-protocol turns around one main idea: in a domain where “everything has been said,” but where passion still rules, shouldn’t the introduction of a fully new concept (based on logic, on the early detection of a precious data: lung fluid overload) be a help, even partial? We admire the high level and the highly respectable knowledge of most intensivists and world experts in hemodynamics. We are aware that our ambition may appear a bit provocative, and it is with the highest level of humility that we propose a new concept. For achieving this aim, one’s current knowledge should temporarily be forgotten, just the time for being able to understand the spirit of the FALLS-protocol. The usual targets (cardiac index changes, etc.) are not used here for instance. After this effort, the readers will take again their usual practice and use a bit, or more, as they feel, of the FALLS-protocol in their daily practice. We know that we ask huge efforts to some.
This chapter is the latest avatar of chapter 23 of our 2010 edition. Numerous questions, comments, criticisms heard here and there were answered, resulting in multiple changes. The spirit was unchanged, but many details were adapted for increasing the logic of the FALLS-protocol. We again took great care for making this chapter as moderate as possible and fully open to criticisms. The FALLS-protocol proposes a parameter which can be criticized like all parameters in this field, but whose peculiarity is to provide a direct assessment of the clinical volemia.
For performing the FALLS-protocol, which takes mainly simple cardiac sonography and lung ultrasound (both caval veins if needed), our simple unit with its 5 MHz microconvex probe is usually perfect.
Evolution of Concepts Considering Hemodynamic Assessment in the Critically Ill. Which Is the Best One? And for How Long?
The bedside work of the intensivist is to provide adequate oxygen output to the tissues. Our obsessive work is to answer this question: “How to better feed these mitochondria?” All in critical care turns around this.
Before ICUs were created (in the mid-1950s), the patients in circulatory failure died. Then, the physicians in charge of these new units did their best, using the central venous pressure (CVP), until the Swan-Ganz catheter, developed, in the early 1970s, provided more precise data, which gave them the feeling to go in a direction assumed to be the good one [1].
The Swan-Ganz catheter measures the pulmonary artery occlusion pressure (PAOP) [1, 2]. The PAOP informs on left ventricular (LV) end-diastolic pressure [2–5]. This PAOP classically guides fluid therapy [6] and defines risk for hydrostatic pulmonary edema [3, 7].
After decades of use, the Swan-Ganz catheter experiences difficult times. Some considered possible side effects [8], a questionable usefulness [7–23], and others a suboptimal use of a potentially interesting method [24–26]. Alternative techniques were considered such as echocardiography – long accessible by trans-thoracic approach, and by trans-esophageal approach, a 1976 concept [27], which became so current that we now benefit from disposable TEE probes [28]. These techniques made the Swan-Ganz catheter definitely obsolete [29–39]. Since TEE was not easily accessible (cost, training), other tools were developed, mainly continuous cardiac output devices for assessing lung water (PICCO), esophageal Doppler, pulse pressure variation, pulse contour analysis, pulse analysis of the arterial pressure, sophisticated oxygen transport assessment, or again microcirculation assessment and derived, such as gastric tonometry, sublingual capnometry, laser Doppler flowmetry, near-infrared spectroscopy, gravimetry, and so on [40–51]. Each year, a new tool merges, advocating to definitely solve the problem.
All methods, up to the most recent, are compared to previous ones. The initial reference was the LV catheterization, to which the Swan-Ganz catheter was compared (with accuracy <100 %), and subsequent tools were compared to the Swan-Ganz catheter (with accuracy <100 %). From study to study, the distortion may be substantial with the historical LV catheterization. Even this “floor” is not a direct tool for measuring clinical volemia. Therefore, how about the real value of the most recent tools?
And they provide so many data. If we take a minimal distance, we just may feel disconcerted by the left column of Table 30.1. This impressive list of data extracted from these multiple tools is probably the best proof, ab absurdo, that no gold standard really exists. We know that no isolated, static parameter of preload status is valuable for predicting fluid responsiveness [52, 53]. This assumption indicates that we do not have the direct parameter. The struggle that opposes PAC, TEE, PICCO, etc., gets routine – a godsend for the manufacturers, but some intensivists may feel a little blind in their daily work.
Table 30.1
Usual data and usual therapeutic possibilities in acute circulatory failure
Data derived from various approaches |
Therapeutic consequences |
Aortic blow velocity |
Arterial pH |
Fluids or not |
Arterial pulse pressure |
Arterial systolic or pulse pressure variation |
Inotropics or nota |
Capillary wedge pressure |
Cardiac output |
Vasopressors or notb |
Cardiac index |
Central venous pressure | |
Central venous oxygen saturation | |
Color Doppler regurgitant flow assessment (mitral regurgitation) | |
Continuous wave Doppler velocities of tricuspid insufficiency | |
Continuous wave Doppler velocities of pulmonary insufficiency | |
Cardiac output change following passive leg raising | |
Delta PP | |
DTE, deceleration time of mitral Doppler Es wave | |
E/A waves | |
E = maximal Doppler velocity of early diastolic mitral wave | |
A = maximal Doppler velocity of late diastolic mitral wave during atrial contraction | |
E/E′ – pulsed wave Doppler recorded at the tip of the mitral valve (E) | |
E′ = maximal tissue Doppler velocity of early diastolic displacement of the mitral annulus | |
End diastolic left ventricular dimension | |
End diastolic left ventricular area | |
Expired C02 | |
Esophageal Doppler | |
Extravascular lung water | |
Gastric tonometry | |
Global right ventricle size | |
Global right ventricle systolic function | |
Global left ventricle systolic function | |
Heart rate | |
Heterogenous left ventricle contraction | |
Inferior vena cava collapsibility index | |
Intracardiac shunts | |
Intrapulmonary shunts | |
Laser Doppler flowmetry | |
Left ventricle end-diastolic pressure | |
Left ventricular diastolic elastance: active relaxation and passive compliance |
Lactic acid | |
Mottled skin | |
Near-infrared spectroscopy | |
Output impedance | |
Paradoxical septal motion | |
Pulse wave Doppler velocities of right ventricle outflow | |
Pulse contour analysis | |
Pulse analysis of the arterial pressure | |
Pericardial fluid assessment | |
Pulmonary artery diastolic pressure | |
Pulmonary artery mean pressure | |
Pulmonary artery occlusion pressure | |
Pulmonary artery systolic pressure | |
Pulsed wave Doppler recorded at the tip of the mitral valve | |
Pulsed wave Doppler recorded in upper left pulmonary vein | |
Pulse pressure variations | |
Respiratory systolic variation | |
Respiratory variations of maximal Doppler velocity of aortic blood flow | |
Right ventricular end-diastolic area | |
Right ventricular elastance | |
Right ventricle outflow Doppler patterns | |
Restrictive flow (E/A ≥2, DTE <120 ms) at the pulmonary vein | |
Systemic resistances | |
Systolic fraction of the pulmonary vein flow | |
Systolic blood pressure | |
Systolic pressure variation | |
Stressed vascular volume | |
Stroke volume variation | |
Sublingual capnometry | |
Superior vena cava collapsibility index | |
Tricuspid annular plane systolic expansion | |
Urine output |
For lack of any perfect gold standard, the point is now to know which patients will increase their cardiac output of more than 15 %. Those who don’t would have only the risk of pulmonary edema, for no benefit. This originated elegant concepts. Fluid responsiveness is a concept based on pathophysiology of fluid dynamics [36, 40, 47, 54–56]. It is a current standard, widely used nowadays. Looking at the cardiac Doppler values for knowing the volemic status is an elegant approach, and we take major interest to data extracted from this field: restrictive flows, E/E′ ratio, etc. We just wonder how long is needed for a current investigation, how precise it is (how wide is the gray zone in current practice), how high is the expertise required for a 24/7/365 use in any hospital, and mostly how far these data are direct ways to show the lung damage in case of fluid overload, as elegant can these methods be.
We have the same questions regarding other arising concepts, such as this elegant one of abdominal compartment syndrome [57, 58]. Even if all these techniques would work perfectly, they would just tell that the patient increases (or not) the cardiac output. Do these techniques tell the patient needed such an increase is a quandary which we point as central in the spirit of the FALLS-protocol (which as we will see uses a different approach for answering). In late disorders of septic shock comes the far more subtle situation where microcirculation alterations, capillary leak, interstitial and endothelial cell edema, hyperchloremic acidosis, coagulopathy, etc., are mingling, time for multiple organ failure [59, 60]. At this step, it is even not clear whether the tissues really require supplementations in oxygen. The question is probably no longer about the quantity of fluid to administer, whatever the tool used – the usual strategies for hemodynamic optimization become of limited efficiency [61, 62]. Knowing at any price that the cardiac output of a shocked patient increases under fluid therapy is questionable if it is of no benefit to this patient.
Consequently, in the ICU corridors and congresses – a constant phenomenon since the day we began in intensive care (1985) – multiple voices sing dissonant songs. This may confuse those worried by the feeling they may work blindly, whereas the others feel fully reassured using one given approach (PICCO here, ECHO there, etc.). The latter ones argue to the former ones that they did not understand the tool or did not read the user guide, etc. Habits, more than evidence-based medicine, seem to rule. If we are not fully wrong, medicine is not an exact science, and this makes the bed for authoritative behaviors.
In this peak of complexity, where some advocate a return to more simplicity [63], simple maneuvers [32, 64], every point can be debated, even the place of familiar parameters such as cardiac output: not everyone admits its targeting may affect patient’s outcome [65], and expert opinions do not recommend its routine measurement [66]. Each current tool has advantages and drawbacks [67]. Table 30.2 shows some of them.
Table 30.2
Comparison between some hemodynamic methods
Cost |
Invasiveness |
Technical easiness |
Monitoring possibilities |
Overall durationa |
Direct approach to interstitial pulmonary edema |
Global ratingb | |
Low – 0 |
High – 2 |
Relative – 1 |
Yes – 0 |
Long – 2 |
No – 1 |
6 |
High – 2 |
Relative – 1 |
Long training – 2 |
Limited – 1 |
Rather long – 1 |
No – 1 |
8 |
Relative – 1 |
High – 2 |
Easy – 0 |
Limited – 1 |
Long – 2 |
No – 1 |
7 |
FALLS-protocol |
Low – 0 |
Nil – 0 |
Easy – 0 |
Easy – 0 |
Fast – 0 |
Yes – 0 |
0 |
Probably, the modern medicine has progressed with respect to the era of the CVP. Probably, the issues of hemodynamic therapy are partly solved using modern tools. However, we still hear discordant comments in the corridors of the many ICUs we have the privilege to visit trough the world: read Anecdotal Note 1. These comments probably reflect the real life of usual ICUs.
To the classical question: Which technique(s) should I introduce in my ICU? Which ones are the good ones? Between progresses and trends, admitting the hypothesis that what is modern is good, may we oppose the notion of the sinusoidal profile? A revolutionary novelty of 1 day is forgotten when the next tool is available. Initial enthusiasm for a novelty, full discredit some years later (usually one decade), and more balanced conclusions after prolonged use, this is a familiar tune. Like a single voice, the whole community goes left. Several years after, it makes the opposite turn, and so on. This profile, seen in 100 instances, makes winners and losers of one day. For example, the supranormal value in oxygen delivery in the septic shock was an honorable target [68], before being discredited [69]. Corticoids in sepsis, new immunotherapies in sepsis, etc., up to fluid therapy, typically obey to this sinusoid. During decades, in the hot minutes of shock management, doctors gave fluids cautiously with the fear of the major issue, pulmonary edema [3]. Then they faced this issue of insufficient fluid therapy, keeping the patient in occult hypovolemia (with hemodynamic risk if vasoactive drugs were administered together). Then they were taught to give (early and) massive fluid therapy in septic shock [70]. This has ruled during more than one decade as an evidence. And now, this protocol is thoroughly and completely discredited [61, 71, 72]. This sinusoid music rhythms our life of intensivists. It makes it, it is true, somehow exciting, a “hot” profession definitely, where we can hear prestigious and passionate tenors sharing their point of view on a question which fills the congresses, with complex, thrilling pro/con debates between experts.
So currently, a strong ruling idea, the reality (of today) is a limitation in fluid therapy. Recommendations of yesterday (“early and massive fluid therapy in sepsis”) are now erased by modern spectacular teasers: “Dry, the patient survives. Wet, the patient dies.” The must is the “dry attitude.” Without nuance, “fluids kill,” etc. These old and new trends arose and arise from prestigious journals (the EGDT as well as its executors). Now, the patient will benefit from the modern trend, built by the Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines, ProCESS, ARISE, and “other” FEAST, FIRST, CRYSTAL, and 6S trial. All in all, the consensus seems to express that the early steps (minutes, hours) should make liberal fluid therapy, whereas the later steps (days, weeks) should be conservative. From all these orders and counterorders which spread from congresses and corridors, we have the confused feeling (possibly completely wrong) that currently the trend is to definitely keep the patient dry to the point that standard physicians feel nearly guilty when they prescribe fluids. There should be no place for emotion, only for facts, yet medicine is still medicine: again, how do we locate our patient within the middle part of this familiar curve indicating the area of optimal volume load [73]?
Some teasers, as far as we understood, seem more balanced than the trend (from Michael Pinsky without mistake): “Dry lungs, happy lungs. Dry liver, dead liver.” Would this mean that not all the current voices run in the same direction like one man? Is the problem not completely solved? Other sounds, from respectable key-opinion leaders, seem to point out that the great recent studies which invalidated the EGDT are possibly more of an opportunity to publish than a real advance. They insist on the point that time is of essence. As students, we had the slight idea that in a critically ill patient, it was better to be fast than slow. So none of these guidelines really changed our practice to consider a shock as an emergency.
Fluids kill. Let us admit. Our candid question is: for how long? Should we keep nothing from our previous concepts, without nuance? Physicians now know (or think they know) that too liberal fluid therapy is not good, but do they have the tool which indicates the endpoint with certitude?
We understand that simple ultrasound is introduced in a delicate setting, still open for some [74], less for others who apparently possess the right tool [75].
Can a different approach be considered for the longstanding problem of hemodynamic assessment?
Can our beloved principle of simplicity be used in such a complex field?
Can We Simplify Such a Complex Field? The Starting Point of the FALLS-Protocol
The two basic questions are simple: can this given patient receive fluid therapy? Once initiated, how to determine the endpoint? These questions originated various schools, but did not receive a definite answer admitted by all, to our knowledge and without mistake.
An anxious intensivist, willing to give maximal security to this critically ill patient, would insert a Swan-Ganz catheter, plus a PICCO device, make liberal echocardiography, and use all other possible tools. This intensivist would benefit from an impressive list (Table 30.1). Look at a remarkable point: on the left, this huge amount of data (Table 30.1, left column) and on the right, such a limited list of practical options (Table 30.1, right column). Apart from disobstruction of an obstacle (clot, gas, pericardial fluid), apart from specific therapies of given causes of shock (e.g., hemodiafiltration in septic shock, etc.), there are just three options for trying to stabilize a shocked patient: inotropics, vasopressors, and fluids. Just these three limited options – for saving a life – whatever the quality and sophistication of very fine articles [1–76].
Let us study Table 30.1. Shall we say to our nurse that the value of the indexed LV end diastolic volume is 1.23 ml or 109.15 l? What would the nurse understand? She, or he, waits rather precise instructions, to give, or not to give fluids. When we have to give precise instructions, things get suddenly extremely simple in terms of choice (again): inotropics or not, vasopressors or not, fluids or not.
Now, these three options (not a lot) can be reduced to just one. Inotropics are usually given from a gray-scale echocardiographic view; the vasopressive option is calculated from the two other parameters. This means that the biggest challenge in the hemodynamic management of a shock is “just” the question of fluid therapy.
The contrast between the left and right columns of Table 30.1 (i.e., the major complexity of usual tests and the so simple alternative “fluids or no fluids”) was the starting point of the FALLS-protocol.
How to recognize those lungs which are still dry from those already wet? Can lung ultrasound be of any help? While carefully respecting all positions, we felt free to add one more data to the impressive left column of Table 30.1: lung ultrasound – A-lines and B-lines precisely. Interstitial edema was one application of ultrasound [77] with clinical uses [78, 79]. Thinking that any new idea in this symphony should be considered – if it can provide any help, even minor, even debatable – our idea is to take, again, our 29-cm wide gray-scale ultrasound unit with its simple microconvex probe, the one which we used already for carrying on 100 life-saving applications.
Would lung rockets help in assessing the lung tolerance to fluid therapy, i.e., fluid administration limited by lung sonography (i.e., FALLS-protocol)? In our 2010 edition, the FALLS-protocol was part of the slightly pompous “limited investigation considering hemodynamic therapy.” Now for making short, the FALLS-protocol is this multi-organ approach, including heart and lungs (and veins if needed).
May the FALLS-protocol answer to these two basic questions, purposely recalled:
Can fluid therapy be initiated in this patient?
If yes, can the endpoint, where the risk is superior to the benefit, be determined?
Three Critical Pathophysiological Notes for Introducing the FALLS-Protocol
Pathophysiological reminder of pulmonary edema. The relationship between PAOP and ultrasound lung artifacts
Pulmonary edema combines hemodynamic and respiratory phenomena, long understood [3, 80–86]. Acute hemodynamic pulmonary edema occurs after the left heart has reached the inflexion point of the Frank-Starling curve, and the end-diastolic LV pressure increases. The capillary pressure and the PAOP are always increased. The transudate invades the interstitial compartment first, with constant interstitial edema. Interstitial edema is an early, silent step which precedes alveolar edema. Within this early phenomenon of interstitial edema, the excess fluid first accumulates along the interlobular septa, a non-respiratory part of the interstitial tissue which is not involved in gas exchanges (they occur at the alveolocapillary membrane). The interlobular septa behave like “puisards” (French term, possibly translatable in passive containers), protecting the gas exchanges in the initial step [86]. Then, when lymphatic resorption capacity is exceeded, fluids invade the alveoli. This step initiates alveolar edema, with now clinical signs (dyspnea, rales), radiologic changes, and gas exchange impairment, i.e., the situation that no intensivist wants to reach. At the interstitial step, since the fluids accumulate under pressure, all interlobular septa are filled, including their anterior, nondependent subpleural part – a feature fully accessible to lung ultrasound: lung rockets appear. The B-profile.
Our study in the critically ill showed a correlation between the A-profile and low PAOP values. The A-profile indicates a PAOP ≤18 mmHg with 93 % specificity (Fig. 30.1) (Appendix A.1) [87]. Schematically, A-lines correspond to dry lungs, lung rockets to wet lung, i.e., pulmonary edema, from hemodynamic (with high PAOP) or permeability-induced (with low PAOP) cause [77].

Fig. 30.1
The correlation between PAOP and lung ultrasound. This graph indicates a quasi-desert area in patients with low PAOP and absence of lung rockets. As expected, lung rockets, indicating either hemodynamic or permeability-induced pulmonary edema, are seen with high and low PAOP, precluding conclusions on the PAOP value. Yet there is an empty space. One empty space? The door opened to scientific rules. Note the other empty space between high PAOP and B′-profile (Permission of CHEST pending)
From our study, if an A-profile indicates a PAOP “lower than 18 mmHg,” it means that between 0 and 18 mm, the A-profile is the same: healthy subjects and deeply hypovolemic patients display the same A-profile. More relevant, if we see A-lines just transforming into B-lines, the PAOP has just reached the value of 18 mmHg.
A-lines are dichotomous to B-lines: there is no known intermediate artifact
After 26 years of daily observations, i.e., hours and hours looking at a screen, we were able to describe only two main lung artifacts, one horizontal (the A-line) and one vertical (the B-line). This means that there is no intermediate artifact. This also means that the B-line appears (as well as vanishes) all of a sudden. A-lines are dichotomous to B-lines, without space for other patterns. Lung ultrasound is, definitely, a dichotomous discipline.
The normal subpleural interlobular septa are thin, too thin for being traversed by the ultrasound beam, and this results in A-lines. If we enlarge the septum slightly, by giving fluid therapy while blocking the kidneys, it will first still be too small for generating a change in the artifact. If this fluid therapy is resumed, from a critical amount of fluid, the septum will be enlarged enough for allowing the ultrasound beam to penetrate into the lung. This penetration is minute, less than 1 mm, yet it is sufficient for allowing the B-line to be generated, all of a sudden, like a nuclear chain reaction. We remind the principle N°2 of lung ultrasound: the artifacts come from the mingling between two components with major acoustic impedance gradient: air and water, both present here.
The difference between thin septa and thicker septa, demonstrated by an ON-OFF mechanism generating A-lines then B-lines, is a volume. This volume is the fluid capacity of the whole interlobular septal network. Probably the physiologists know this volume, which we guess is small, a few milliliters. However, even small, this volume has a highly strategic relevance for detecting fluid overload. This difference of volume, occurring at the most vital organ, which is normally fluid-free, is accessible to lung ultrasound. This may provide a direct parameter of volemia. The way is opened for using the FALLS-protocol (Fig. 30.2).

Fig. 30.2
The concept of the swelling septa. Fluid therapy under sonographic control. On the left image (lung CT), subpleural interlobular septa are drawn. Fine, they yield A-lines. Under fluid therapy, on the second and third steps, one can see the septa regularly thickening, without ultrasound change. At the last, right step, from a very level of septal edema, the lung artifacts suddenly become B-lines (here, lung rockets). At this level, we witness a fluid overload at the early, silent step. We see also, of high importance, that whereas the septa gradually enlarge, the artifacts suddenly go up from state A to state B, at a precise threshold. Here, at the fourth step, the PAOP has just reached the value of 18 mmHg: Enough fluid was given. The two vertical lines symbolize the practical action of the FALLS-protocol: discontinuing fluid therapy. This is a dichotomous rule: only A-lines or B-lines have been described, with no intermediate step
Another level of dichotomy
Observation in our critically ill patients shows that in terms of fluid overload, in a wide given territory (lateral, anterior), there is little space for intermediate, patchy patterns. Under the influence of hemodynamic changes, all septa of a given area are rapidly invaded by the edema, provided lungs are healthy, spared from scars, focal emphysema, etc. Focusing on this area in a critically ill patient, lung ultrasound offers a qualitative, dichotomous approach: A-predominance versus B-predominance.
Three Critical Tools Just Before Using the FALLS-Protocol
Lung ultrasound was not supposed to exist. It now advocates to provide a direct parameter of volemia. This calls for some precautions, and we will need three critically important tools:
Humility should be the most important: hemodynamic assessment is one of the most complex fields in critical care. The FALLS-protocol does not pretend to suddenly solve all dilemmas met in the daily life of the intensivist. It is completely open to any suggestion, any comment, and any criticism. Up to now, the numerous criticisms made here and there resulted in nice refinements in the concept.
This is a popular tool in critical care. Each method has limits (Table 30.2). Swan-Ganz catheters are now rarely used. PICCO (apart from its invasiveness) needs some delay to be all set. Echocardiography can be in failure for various reasons: first, most patients on Earth will never see such a technique. Second, the young intensivist needs a long training for this expert discipline. Third, it is never possible to predict that a given patient will have suitable cardiac windows. Fourth, regarding its most advanced development (trans-esophageal echocardiography), apart from the same drawbacks, here exaggerated (access to the planet, etc.), and from the time needed, issues may always appear: non-availability (sterilization on process), failure from breakdown, contra-indication such as recent esophageal surgery. The (good) intensivist (all intensivists are good) is always ready for an alternative tool, the famous “plan B,” ready to use.
Practical Progress of a FALLS-Protocol
We visit a shocked patient. The physical examination may be sufficient (typical pulsus paradoxus, etc.) or not. In this case, ultrasound is of major help. We use the Max Harry Weil’s classification of shocks [88], slightly adapted for allowing a sequential use of ultrasound (Fig. 30.3). Since the heart is a traditional site for answering this question, we have respected this vital organ by dealing with it first, in a simplified model. The FALLS-protocol suggests to place lung ultrasound immediately after. For a schematic demonstration, we assume the case of a patient victim of an acute circulatory failure with fully unknown origin.

Fig. 30.3
The decision tree of the FALLS-protocol. Using a simple unit, the FALLS-protocol makes a sequential analysis. Obstructive shock is ruled out, and the left cardiogenic shock diagnosed through the constant B-profile. Then fluid therapy is initiated. The hypovolemic shock is diagnosed through an A-profile which remains unchanged while the circulatory failure recovers. The septic shock is diagnosed through the change from an A-profile to a B-profile while the patient remains unstable. Countless subtleties are described in the main text. For sharing a readable, usable decision tree, several branches were cut, such as the withdrawal of fluid once the endpoint has been reached. 1 If there is no cardiac window, the BLUE-protocol can be used instead. The A-profile with a DVT is quite specific to pulmonary embolism. 2 The cardiogenic shock is considered if clinically acceptable. If not, ARDS with shock, or chronic interstitial disease (with shock) should be envisaged. A right cardiogenic shock gives an A-profile (see main text)
Like any traditional shock management, the FALLS-protocol will mingle diagnostic and therapeutic actions. The therapeutic actions will not be “symptomatic” but enlightened.
We use a single probe for expediting the approach of heart, lungs, and veins (and belly): this is holistic ultrasound.
Step 1: Obstructive shock?The FALLS-protocol begins by the simple emergency cardiac sonography. See in Chap. 19 why and how this approach is different from the numerous protocols developed such as RACE, FATE, FEER, now FOCUS.) (Read Anecdotal Note 2).(a)Pericardial tamponade?(b)Pulmonary embolism?In an acute respiratory failure, a RV enlargement is common, seen in COPD, pulmonary embolism, extensive pneumonia, as well as severe asthma. In an acute circulatory failure, such a finding is a major argument favoring pulmonary embolism.The FALLS-protocol checks the presence of an A-profile, and searches for a DVT. This can also be done without drawback if absent cardiac windows or even routine, since it has a 99 % specificity in the BLUE-protocol [79]: 99 %, just lungs plus veins.Note: when the FALLS-protocol finds an enlarged RV (or, if no cardiac window, at the next step, an A-profile), an ECG is asked, allowing to detect the exceptional RV infarction. If a B-profile is associated, read below.(c)Tension pneumothorax?Here, the BLUE-protocol is used without adaptation, same probe, same setting, applied at the anterior BLUE-points (Video 30.1). It will constantly show an A′-profile (Chap. 14).No substantial pericardial fluid, no cardiac, venous, lung sign of pulmonary embolism, no pneumothorax? The obstructive shock is, schematically, ruled out.At this step, interestingly, note that we did not push on the button “Doppler.”
Step 2: Cardiogenic shock?This is the next step. The B-profile usually indicates hemodynamic pulmonary edema, i.e., here, left (from far) cardiogenic shock. Its origin requires subtle approaches, not dealt with in this textbook (diastolic dysfunction, valvular troubles, etc., diagnosed by expert echocardiography). For the rare cases of cardiogenic shock originating from a right heart failure, please read FAQ N°2.The B-profile can also come, in a minority of cases, from a lung sepsis. The section on “the case of the B-profile on admission” will show how the caval veins are positioned with respect to the FALLS-protocol.Chronic interstitial diseases make the last main cause of B-profile on admission. Here, it is bad luck to have a circulatory failure in addition to this respiratory disease, yet in case these two events come by coincidence, Chap. 35 gives the simple clues for distinguishing chronic lung disease from pulmonary edema.In the absence of a B-profile, a left cardiogenic shock can be ruled out.Note: we still did not push the Doppler button.
Step 3: Hypovolemic shock? The core of the FALLS-protocol. The definition of FALLS-responsivenessAt this step, two major mechanisms of shock have been ruled out. At this step, the remaining causes, i.e., hypovolemic and distributive shock, should practically benefit from one common therapy: fluids.At this step, how does lung ultrasound look? From the eight profiles of the BLUE-protocol, the B-profile and the A′-profiles have been seen above. Six remain. The three variants of the A-profile make the A-profile. The A/B-profile and the C-profile seen on predominant A-lines around are considered as equivalents of the A-profile. Therefore at this step, the patient has usually the A-profile or equivalents. The B′-profile? Read FAQ 11.Our study showed that these profiles indicate a low PAOP (Fig. 30.1) [87]. Such patient is decreed FALLS-responder. The state of FALLS-responsiveness implies a clearance for fluid therapy. The A-profile, when found at this step, indicates that such patients can receive fluid therapy. But it means more. We assume that most physicians will consider that fluids are part of the therapy of distributive shocks. For these physicians, we make our concept explicit: shocked patients, at this step of the FALLS-protocol, must receive fluid therapy (Anecdotal Note 4).A venous line is inserted, fluid therapy is initiated. Which type of fluid (colloid, etc.) is not our debate. One should understand the FALLS-protocol as a therapeutic test – a step expedited at the bedside.Initiating a fluid therapy with an ultrasound probe applied on the lung, the physician enters into the FALLS-protocol. She/he has determined at this point which patients need fluids, answering to the first of the two main questions.Fluid therapy begins.It is administered under the monitoring of clinical parameters (heart frequency, mottling, etc., we let each doctor choose his/her own criteria) and lung ultrasound. Which speed for this fluid therapy and which frequency for the “FALLS-points” (lung ultrasound for analyzing a change in artifacts)? Read FAQ N°4. In the case of an A/B-profile, read Anecdotal Note 3. The physician takes profit of ultrasound for searching a site of hypovolemia, a site of sepsis (an action labelled “round-FALLS-protocol”).Under fluid therapy, two events may occur.A.The patient improves.The improvement of the signs (clinical, biological) of shock under fluid therapy, without change from A-profile to B-profile defines, schematically, the hypovolemic shock.The origin of this hypovolemia can range from occult bleeding to adrenal failure. This is not in the scope of the FALLS-protocol, which aims at giving a mechanism of shock. Associated signs (not used in the protocol but easy to assess) are a small hypercontractile LV, flattened caval veins.For the case of active bleeding, read Anecdotal Note 5.B.The patient does not improve: time to read the next section.Still no Doppler used at this step.
Step 4: Septic shock: the climax of the FALLS-protocol. The concept of FALLS-endpoint.In septic shock, immediate adapted therapy results in a decreased death rate [70, 89, 90]. The last group of the FALLS-protocol is possibly the heaviest.If the clinical signs of shock resist to fluid therapy, schematically, there is no reason to discontinue it (interrupting at “3,000 ml”, e.g., has no scientific basis). Since we obviously reach the conditions of a fluid overload, the more fluid is given, the tighter is the clinical and ultrasound monitoring. Should we introduce norepinephrine at this step? Read FAQ N°13. At one precise moment, a fluid overload will be present and will generate an interstitial syndrome, under the basic rules of pathophysiology (Fig. 30.2). A “new” sign appears, the ultrasound interstitial syndrome. B-lines replace A-lines. Lung ultrasound detects the interstitial edema at the earliest step, an infra-clinical and infra-biological step [91]. The lung rockets appear suddenly, although they indicate a soft, continuous change in the septal thickening, with a threshold value, as shown in Fig. 24.1.The apparition of interstitial changes under fluid therapy indicates that the PAOP is now above (and just above) the value of 18 mmHg [87]. This specific, critical phase has been labelled FALLS-endpoint. At this step, the fluid therapy is discontinued. A hypovolemic shock would have recovered (far before lungs are drowned with fluids). The FALLS-protocol has just answered the second and last main question.At this step, the protocol orders for several blood tests, including the excellent lactate for assessing the shock, etc., but above all blood cultures. Why several? Why blood cultures?Why several? A comprehensive answer is made in the FAQ N°5. For hurried readers: this slightly decreases the PAOP.Why blood cultures? Look carefully at Max Harry Weil’s classification. The FALLS-protocol has ruled out, sequentially: obstructive shock, cardiogenic shock, hypovolemic shock. What remains if not distributive shock? And what is distributive shock? In the daily life, anaphylactic shock is usually a clinical diagnosis. The spinal shock is a rarity seen in specific settings. What remains then, if not one of the most familiar challenges in critical care: septic shock. Consequently, blood cultures will hopingly find the responsible microbe.Septic shock is sometimes a simple diagnosis, not requiring the FALLS-protocol (or even ultrasound), and sometimes challenging. The FALLS-protocol just considers the change from horizontal to vertical artifacts. Many among the world experts would find this approach a little too simple, not to say bold. This is why we reiterate that, although the FALLS-protocol has been conceived around logic, any comment or criticism is welcome.For improving the circulation, we can assume that enough fluid was given. It is now time for the vasoactive therapy. The fear of its deleterious side effects if given on still hypovolemic patients has long ruled. At this step, for sure, one can assume these patients are protected – a major potential benefit of the FALLS-protocol. As volemia has been more than optimized, we recommend small initial doses.All other therapies judged appropriate in this diagnosis of septic shock (renal replacement, etc.) can be given at this step.
Step 4′: Other distributive shocks.
Aside Note of Nice Importance
At this step, we have never used the Doppler button.
The Case of the B-Profile on Admission. Which Management? Are We Still in the FALLS-Protocol? The Place of the Caval Veins
In this latest avatar of the FALLS-protocol, the case of the B-profile is increasingly considered apart.
The B-profile means usually hemodynamic pulmonary edema, and the physician can be satisfied with this diagnosis, if occurring in a suggestive setting. In acute respiratory failure, the B-profile was usually associated with hemodynamic pulmonary edema (in circulatory failure, the word would be cardiogenic shock), rarely pneumonia/ARDS (in circulatory failure, the word would be lung sepsis), exceptionally chronic interstitial lung disease, or CILD (in acute circulatory failure, this would be any coincidental cause of shock); we therefore concentrate only on the first two causes (for CILD, several items, including the simple one of thick free RV wall, usually allow diagnosis, see Chap. 35).
Therefore, when the setting is not simple, cardiogenic shock must be distinguished from lung sepsis with a B-profile. The problem of the FALLS-protocol is simple: a cardiogenic shock does not require fluids (schematically), but a septic shock, yes. The physician has just to gather arguments for lung sepsis. These arguments are numerous, their sum usually allows the diagnosis.
First be sure this is a real B-profile (the notion of enlarged B-profile means a liberal scanning for detecting possible C-profiles, or A/B-profiles, or B′-profiles, all fully unusual in hemodynamic pulmonary edema). ARDS, lung sepsis, extensive pneumonia generate a true B-profile in only 14 % of cases. In the other 86 %, we see a B′-profile, C-profile, A/B-profile, or A-no-V-PLAPS-profile [79]. Read Chap. 35 (the section on the diagnosis between pulmonary edema and ARDS).
Then make an Extended BLUE-protocol, which is detailed in Chap. 35, and integrates various data:
Common sense first.
From simple history and simple physical and biological examination: fever, white cells, CRP, BNP, etc.
From the simple cardiac sonography:
Now we look at the LV contractility – not at the beginning of the FALLS-protocol (read Anecdotal Note 6). A good contractility slightly favors non-hemodynamic edema (septic shock can generate cardiac hypocontractility). There was no cardiac murmur on auscultation? The possibility of hemodynamic edema with conserved contractility is decreased.
Now we look at the LV thickness. Absence of hypertrophic LV walls make another small argument against cardiogenic pulmonary edema.
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