The mechanism underlying all local anesthetics is their capacity to reversibly bind to sodium (Na+) channels on nerves. This allows inhibition of neuronal impulse propagation and generation of action potentials that are responsible for nerve conduction and ultimately can lead to abolished sensation and motor function.
Action Potential Physiology
Consistent with all biological cell membranes, the neuronal membrane is made up of an amphipathic phospholipid bilayer. Dispersed throughout this bilayer are embedded protein channels that span the thickness of the membrane. These channels create a conduit between the intracellular and extracellular environments and allow efficient passage of essential molecules across the layer when polarity, gradient, or size impede natural diffusion. Voltage-gated Na+ channels play a critical role in triggering nerve action potentials and local anesthetic mechanism of action.
The electrical resting potential of a neuron is around −70 mV, where the negative implies an overall negative intracellular environment compared to the extracellular environment. As a stimulus reaches the target cell, the permeability of the Na+ channel increases, which allows an influx of Na+ into the cell. If the electrical differential reaches a threshold, which is usually around −55 mV, an action potential is created and an increase amount of Na+ influx into the cell occurs. This allows further propagation of the signal down a nerve. Local anesthetics work by binding to these Na+ channels to block action potential creation.
The Na
+ channel is made up of specific protein subunits and functional domains. Local anesthetics reversibly bind to the inner protein subunit of the Na
+ channel and prevent the channel from opening.
3 Once a local anesthetic binds to the Na
+ channel, a change in membrane permeability to Na
+ occurs, impeding the influx of more sodium through the channel and inhibiting the generation of action potentials. There is no change in overall resting membrane potential or sodium concentration gradient.
4 Clinically, we use this to our advantage to block impulse conduction of sensation and create local anesthesia. Local anesthetics can exert this function on any type of nerve, in any part of the body.
Differential Nerve Blockade
Different nerve fiber types have varying sensitivity to local anesthetics. Generally, small diameter nerve fibers are more susceptible to nerve blockade compared to larger diameter fibers. Small sympathetic nerve fibers are blocked first followed by the small, myelinated A-delta fibers that mediate pain and temperature. Then, large myelinated A-gamma, A-alpha, and A-beta nerves, which contribute to touch, pressure, and motor function, are blocked last.
5 This is the general mechanism behind differential nerve block using local anesthetics. Typically, upon administration of local anesthetic, sympathetic function is impaired first. Therefore, vasodilation and its clinical manifestations are the first marker of a successful local anesthetic block. As the local anesthetic block progresses, patients will then feel a loss of pain sensation, followed by the loss of temperature, touch, pressure, vibration, and then lastly, motor function. Clinically, this becomes relevant in situations where preferential blockade of sensory nerve fibers over motor fibers are desired, such as during labor.