
   Assemble equipment for airway manipulation and intubation.

  • image   Explain the procedure and reassure patient. Induce general anesthesia (see Induction of anesthesia cognitive aid). Place patient in “sniffing” position.

      A. Assemble the airway equipment needed for endotracheal intubation, including an ETT, stylet, laryngoscope and Macintosh 3 blade. B. Place the patient in the “sniffing” position after induction of anesthesia and establishing optimal neuromuscular blockade and intubating conditions.

      1. image   Use right thumb and third finger to “scissor” open mouth widely.
      2. image   Insert laryngoscope sweeping tongue aside from right to left.

      C. Use the right hand to scissor open the mouth with thumb and third finger. D. Insert the Macintosh laryngoscope blade into the mouth, sweeping the tongue to the side (right to left).

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    1. Nov 25, 2016 | Posted by in ANESTHESIA | Comments Off on Intubation

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