Intracranial Neurosurgery

Intracranial Neurosurgery

Gary K. Steinberg MD, PhD (Neurovascular surgery)1

Robert L. Dodd MD, PhD (Neurovascular surgery)1

Sayed A. Karim MD (General neurosurgery)1

Lawrence M. Shuer MD (General neurosurgery)1

Steven D. Chang MD (General neurosurgery, Stereotactic neurosurgery)1

Richard A. Jaffe MD, PhD2





Gary K. Steinberg

Robert L. Dodd

Description: Intracranial aneurysms are focal protrusions arising from vessel wall weaknesses at major bifurcations of the arteries at the base of the brain (some frequent sites of aneurysms are shown in Fig. 1.1-1) and are most commonly treated by microsurgical clip ligation. The high rate of mortality and morbidity from aneurysmal rupture necessitates treatment for symptomatic lesions. Treatment for asymptomatic lesions generally is recommended when the lifetime risk of rupture exceeds the risk of treatment. The most important surgical considerations include clinical presentation, aneurysm size and location, patient age, neurologic status, and medical comorbidities. Aneurysm rupture into the subarachnoid space is the most common clinical presentation; however, symptoms from the mass effect of enlarging aneurysms or ischemic symptoms from emboli also may occur. Aneurysm morphology, size, and location are important in determining the surgical approach, and these aneurysm characteristics, as well as patient age, condition, and comorbidities, affect the overall outcome. The Hess and Hunt clinical grading system (Table 1.1-1) has been proven useful in describing patients with ruptured intracranial aneurysms because it has been shown to have prognostic value in terms of ultimate clinical outcome. Grading is based on the neurologic examination, and ranges from grade I (minimal headache, no neurologic deficit) to grade V (moribund) (see Table 1.1-1).

Through a craniotomy or craniectomy, using microscopic techniques, the parent vessel giving rise to the aneurysm is identified. The aneurysm neck is isolated, and a small, nonferromagnetic alloy spring clip is placed across the aneurysm neck, excluding it from the circulation. A frontotemporal (pterional) craniotomy normally is used to approach anterior circulation aneurysms. This requires extensive drilling of the medial sphenoid wing (pterion)
and allows access to most aneurysms on the anterior and lateral circle of Willis vessels: internal carotid-paraclinoid/ superior hypophyseal artery; internal carotid-ophthalmic artery; posterior communicating artery; anterior choroidal artery; internal carotid artery bifurcation; middle cerebral artery; and anterior communicating artery. Posterior circulation aneurysms are approached via a pterional or subtemporal exposure (upper basilar artery, posterior cerebral artery, superior cerebellar artery), a suboccipital exposure (vertebral artery, posterior inferior cerebellar artery), or a combined subtemporal and suboccipital exposure (basilar trunk, vertebrobasilar junction). Circulatory arrest under CPB with deep hypothermia (16-20°C) is used for repairing some giant (> 2.5 cm) aneurysms.

Figure 1.1-1. Locations of aneurysms of the circle of Willis and their relative occurrence. (Reproduced with permission from Greenfield LJ, Mulholland MW, Lillemoe KD, et al: Surgery: Scientific Principles and Practice, 3rd edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia: 2001.)

Table 1.1-1. Hunt-Hess Grading System for Aneurysmal SAH*




Asymptomatic or minimal headache and slight neck stiffness (mortality ˜2%)


Moderate-to-severe headache, neck stiffness, no neurological deficit (except cranial nerve palsy)—(mortality ˜5%)


Drowsiness, confusion, or mild focal deficit (mortality 15-20%)


Stupor, moderate-to-severe hemiparesis, possible early decerebrate rigidity, and vegetative disturbances (mortality 30-40%)


Deep coma, decerebrate rigidity, moribund (mortality 50-80%)

*The presence of serious systemic disease—such as hypertension, diabetes, severe arteriosclerosis, chronic pulmonary disease, and angiographic vasospasm—results in placement in the next less-favorable category.

Usual preop diagnosis: Cerebral aneurysm; subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH); intracerebral hemorrhage; progressive neurological deficits (mass effect on cranial nerves or CNS structures); TIAs; cerebral infarct


(Procedures covered: craniotomy for intracranial aneurysms; craniotomy for cerebral embolectomy)


Aneurysms may occur in any age group, although they generally become symptomatic and are diagnosed in young or middle-aged adults who are usually in otherwise good health. Most patients have warning Sx before the first major bleed, but these tend to be mild and nonspecific (e.g., headache, dizziness, orbital pain, slight motor or sensory disturbances). The symptoms are generally disregarded by both patients and physicians. Most patients with SAH will be receiving oral nimodipine or iv nicardipine; SBP should be maintained between 120 and 140 mm Hg using vasoactive drug infusions if necessary. Patients with symptomatic vasospasm may benefit from single-H therapy (see below).


Respiratory complications (e.g., neurogenic pulmonary edema [up to 23%], pneumonia, ARDS, PE) are the most common nonneurologic causes of death following SAH. Pulmonary aspiration may have occurred as the result of a neurological deficit from an intracranial hemorrhage.

Tests: As indicated from H&P. Elevated cTnI may predict pulmonary complications.


Generally, these patients do not have other cardiovascular diseases, although intracerebral aneurysms occur more commonly in patients with certain congenital disorders, such as polycystic disease of the kidneys, coarctation of the aorta, fibromuscular hyperplasia, and Marfan or Ehlers-Danlos syndromes. Patients who have had a recent intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) are prone to develop systemic HTN, hypovolemia, ↓ Mg++ and ECG abnormalities. The HTN is thought to be due to autonomic hyperactivity and is generally treated with antihypertensive medication, which should be continued up to the time of anesthesia and surgery. ECG abnormalities occur in many patients following ICH and may represent subendocardial injury 2° catecholamine release from intracardiac nerve terminals (contraction band injury). Dysrhythmias (most commonly PVCs) occur in 30-80% of patients, and ischemic changes (typically T-wave inversion and S-T-segment depression) are seen in > 50%. Appropriate preop preparation includes ECG characterization of the abnormality. If patient has Hx of ischemic heart disease, ECHO and cardiac enzyme studies may be helpful in determining whether the myocardial injury and consequent ECG changes are likely to be of clinical significance.

Tests: ECG; others (e.g., cardiac enzymes) as indicated from H&P


Occasionally unruptured aneurysms produce neurological Sx by enlarging to the point that they compress adjacent neural tissue or cause ↑ ICP. If ICH occurs, the neurological dysfunction will vary, depending on the site and extent of the hemorrhage. Typically, SAH → ↑↑ ICP → sudden severe HA ± confusion and disorientation, ± motor deficit, ± coma. Admission GCS < 12 predicts ↑ mortality. Subsequent cerebral vasospasm (˜70% incidence) and delayed cerebral ischemia (DCI) may cause worsening of the neurological deficits. Clinically detectable vasospasm commonly begins on day 1 reaching a maximum at 5-14 d and usually is resolved within 2-4 wk. The precipitating agent is believed to be free Hb → release of vasospastic substances from brain tissue. Treatment of vasospasm usually involves support of BP (occasionally, induced HTN), euvolemia, and systemic Ca++ antagonists (e.g., nimodipine (60 mg PO q 4 h) or iv (3-15 mg/h iv)). Triple H therapy (↑ volume, ↑ BP, ↓ Hct) should be avoided in favor of euvolemia and a trial of ↑ BP for DCI. Control of BP is important: any substantial ↑ BP may → serious rebleed, permanent neurological deficits or death; any substantial ↓ BP may → cerebral ischemia and infarction. Arterial catheterization and continuous beat-to-beat monitoring of BP prior to induction of anesthesia is essential in these patients.

Tests: CT; MRI; CTA, which the anesthesiologist should examine preop to identify the nature and site of the aneurysm. DSA is the gold standard for detection of vasospasm.


Acute hydrocephalus occurs in 15-20% of patients within 24 h of SAH. External ventricular drainage may be necessary.


Thrombocytopenia may develop following SAH. DVT prophylaxis (e.g., SCD) is beneficial.

Tests: Hct; PT; PTT

Radiographic findings

CT: Blood in basal cisterns (˜95% of patients) or ventricles; CTA (replacing conventional angiography): anatomical characteristics of the aneurysm.


Cardiac enzymes if ECG changes observed (↑ cTnI predicts ↓ neurologic outcome and ↑ mortality); serum Mg++ and glucose; others as indicated from H&P. Hyponatremia may be 2° SIADH or CSW. In contrast to SIADH, patients with CSW are hypovolemic (↓ plasma volume, ↓ CVP, ↓ PCWP), ± ↑ K+.


Hepatic dysfunction following SAH is not uncommon (24% in one series).

Tests: LFTs, as indicated from H&P.


Small doses of midazolam 1-3 mg iv are preferable to opiates. Detailed discussion with the patient about the anesthetic plan, with appropriate reassurance, is essential. Should an intracranial aneurysm leak or rupture in the immediate preop period, its signs may be difficult to distinguish from those associated with excessive response to premedication.


Anesthetic technique: GETA. The goals of anesthesia for this operation are to: (a) maintain optimum CPP (cerebral MAP minus cerebral venous pressure or ICP, whichever is greater), although it may be necessary to ↓ CPP rapidly if intracranial hemorrhage occurs during surgery; (b) decrease intracranial volume (blood and tissue) to optimize working space for surgeons within the cranial compartment, thereby minimizing the need for surgical retraction of brain tissue; and (c) decrease metabolic rate and CMRO2 with the expectation that the brain will tolerate hypotension and ischemia if sudden decreases in MAP and, hence, CPP become necessary.


Smooth induction is essential. Propofol 1-2 mg/kg iv to provide amnesia and ↓ cerebral blood volume by inducing cerebral vasoconstriction. Fentanyl 7-10 mcg/kg iv to blunt response to intubation and provide analgesia for the first hours of surgery. Vecuronium 0.15 mg/kg, or rocuronium 0.6-1.2 mg/kg to provide muscle relaxation for tracheal intubation and positioning. Patients on nimodipine may require pressors (e.g., phenylephrine) during and after induction. Poor H-H grade patients (IV-V) may not tolerate ↓ MAP during induction. These patients may benefit from moderate hyperventilation during induction.


Isoflurane or sevoflurane (1/2 MAC if EP monitoring is used), inspired with O2. Avoid N2O > 50% and entirely in patients with ↑↑ ICP. Propofol (75-100 mcg/kg/min) may be used to further ↓ cerebral blood volume, ↓ cerebral metabolism, and ↓ CMRO2. If movement is of concern, rocuronium 7 mcg/kg/min will provide adequate neuromuscular blockade. A remifentanil infusion (0.05-0.2 mcg/kg/min) can be used to supplement the anesthetic without interfering with EP monitoring. TIVA is not necessary for monitoring SSEPs or MEPs.


H-H grade IV-V patients are not extubated and should be kept sedated on ventilator support postop. For grade I-III patients, with the start of dural closure, consider using low-dose sevoflurane (e.g., 0.5%) in 50% N2O, supplemented with a low-dose remifentanil infusion (e.g., 0.05 mcg/kg/min). As recovery from anesthesia occurs, the patient’s BP generally will increase in response to the emergence stimuli. Titration of β-adrenergic blocking drugs (e.g., labetalol and esmolol) with vasodilators (e.g., SNP) may be needed; if so, the dose should be stabilized before transport to ICU. (See Control of BP, below.) The inhalation agent can be D/C’d at the time of dressing application. Most patients will breathe spontaneously and can be extubated uneventfully while on the remifentanil infusion. If the brain has not been injured by the surgical procedure, the patient should awaken within 10 min after cessation of remifentanil administration. As the patient is awakening, it is important to ensure full reversal from neuromuscular blockade and close regulation of BP. If the patient begins to cough on ETT, either it should be removed or cough reflex suppressed with iv lidocaine (0.5-1 mg/kg). Patient is placed in bed in a 30° head-up position and transported to ICU for monitoring overnight. Supplemental O2 should be administered and close regulation of BP maintained. Prophylactic antiemetics (e.g., metoclopramide 10-20 mg and ondansetron 4-8 mg) should be given 30 min before extubation. Consider iv acetaminophen (1 g) and/or local anesthetic scalp infiltration for postop analgesia.

Blood and fluid requirements

IV: 14-18 ga × 2 NS @ < 10 mL/kg + UO

Maintain euvolemia. If blood volume is normal, crystalloid fluid should not exceed 10 mL/kg beyond that required to replace UO. Rapid, massive blood loss is possible.

Expand blood volume with albumin 5% if Hct > 30%. Albumin + PRBC if Hct < 30% Maintain colloid oncotic pressure

If blood volume is low because of vasospasm or prolonged bed rest, albumin 5% is given if Hct > 30%; combinations of albumin and blood, if Hct is < 30%.

Hetastarch may → coagulopathy.

Hetastarch 6% may be used in place of albumin, but limit use because of potential for coagulopathy.

Brain relaxation

Hyperventilate to PaCO2 = 35 mm Hg (PetCO2 = 30 mm Hg). PaO2 > 100 mm Hg

↓PaCO2 → ↓ cerebral vascular volume (better surgical access) + ↑ CBF to ischemic areas (“Robin Hood” effect) + ↓ anesthetic requirements + ↑ lactic acid buffering.

Consider propofol infusion to replace N2O

↓ isoflurane/sevoflurane to < 1/2


Mannitol 0.5-1 g/kg

± Furosemide 0.3 mg/kg

± Steroids

± Lumbar CSF drain

Head up to provide venous drainage

Minimize neck flexion/rotation

Propofol → cerebrovasoconstriction → ↓ ICP

Remifentanil infusion (0.05-0.2 mcg/kg/min) may then be required to provide adequate analgesia. Mannitol/furosemide → ↓ K+; monitor level and replace as necessary. If mannitol is administered too rapidly, ↓ BP may occur, 2° peripheral vasodilation. e.g., 8 mg dexamethasone

CSF drain may be placed after induction of anesthesia, avoid rapid drainage → rupture or remote hemorrhage

Otherwise → ↑ venous pressure → ↑ ICP and ↓ CBF


Standard monitors (see p. B-1). Arterial line

Bladder/esophageal temperature

Blood glucose (keep < 180 mg/dL)

UO (Foley catheter)

CVP line (subclavian preferred)

± Evoked potentials/EEG

Direct monitoring of arterial BP is essential for ABGs and because marked BP fluctuations may occur, necessitating drug therapy. Transducers should always be leveled at the head.

Monitoring CVP is desirable in virtually all patients to assess adequacy of fluid therapy, for infusion of vasoactive drugs both intraop and postop, and for aspiration of VAE. Localization of the catheter can be determined by CXR, ECG tracing (noting P-wave changes) or pressure-wave contour and value as the catheter is withdrawn from the right atrium.


Water-circulating pads

Cold operating room

Bladder irrigation

Mild hypothermia (33-34°C) is used in some centers to ↓ CMRO2 and to ↓ susceptibility to ischemic injury during temporary clip application. CMRO2 decreases ˜30% @ 33°C. This level of hypothermia has minimal effect on coagulation or the incidence of cardiac dysrhythmias. Rewarming using surface means can be quite slow. The use of bladder irrigation (40-42°C saline) or an InnerCool®-type device is useful.

InnerCool® or equivalent

A heat-exchange catheter may be placed in the vena cava (via femoral vein) to facilitate patient cooling and rewarming.

IHAST Study13

Although it implied that mild hypothermia was not useful in aneurysm surgery, the IHAST study was not designed to assess the effectiveness of mild hypothermia in the patient group most likely to benefit: otherwise intact patients requiring long temporary clip times. Generalizing the IHAST findings to all aneurysm patients is an unfortunate disservice to many of them.

Delayed response to peripherally administered drugs

Administer drugs through CVP line in hypothermic patients to ensure prompt effect.

Single H therapy (for vasospasm)


Goal: SBP 120-150 mm Hg (preclipping); 160-200 mm Hg (postclipping)


No benefit. ↑ cardiopulmonary complications, ↑ infection. Euvolemia is recommended.


Not recommended. Optimal Hct is difficult to predict but is probably 30-33% for most patients.

Control of BP

During application of head fixation device (Mayfield): remifentanil: 100-200 mcg iv bolus 1-2 min in advance.

During aneurysm exposure: ↓ MAP to ˜80% of baseline.

Temporary clipping: ↑ MAP to ˜120% of baseline.

Control of BP is critical to the successful outcome of the case. ↑↑ BP →↑↑ transmural pressure across the aneurysmal wall → rupture of the aneurysm. Many neurosurgeons apply a temporary clip on the major feeding vessel(s) in advance of clipping the aneurysm. This technique collapses the aneurysm and makes the clipping easier and less likely to cause inadvertent rupture. If this technique is used, it is essential for the anesthesiologist to ↑ BP ˜20% above baseline pressure to maximize collateral flow while the feeding vessel(s) is occluded. Phenylephrine is preferred because it has minimal dysrhythmogenic potential. EEG/EP monitoring can be useful to guide BP management.

Postclipping: MAP typically 70-90 mm Hg

If it becomes necessary to ↓ BP, use esmolol 50-200 mcg/kg/min to ↓ HR to 50-60, supplemented as necessary with SNP 0.1-4 mcg/kg/min to desired effect. Responses to vasoactive drugs are much easier to regulate if euvolemia has been established and maintained throughout the anesthetic period. Labetalol (5-100 mg total dose) is a useful adjunct for postop BP control.

Video Angiography

Indocyanine Green (ICG)

NB: Usually contains iodine

ICG is an iv fluorescent dye for video angiography using specially equipped microscopes. Usual dose is 2.5-7.5 mg depending on tissue thickness. Rarely anaphylactic or other allergic reactions may occur.

Aneurysmal rupture

↓ MAP to 40-50 mm Hg Consider carotid compression

Bolus SNP: MAP will ↓ ˜20 mmHg/15 mcg SNP. Ipsilateral or bilateral carotid occlusion is often effective in controlling hemorrhage while a temporary clip is applied.

Adenosine 12 mg iv (CVP line)

Adenosine will produce asystole, allowing time for the application of a temporary clip. An external pacemaker should be available for hypothermic patients.


For most aneurysms: Supine, head turned Three-point fixation (beware of marked ↑ BP with use of pins). Use shoulder roll. [check mark] and pad pressure points [check mark] eyes

Anesthetic gas hoses and all monitoring and vascular catheter lines are directed to patient’s side or feet, where the anesthesiologist is positioned during surgery. SCDs used to minimize DVT. Shoulder roll to ↓ brachial plexus stretch. Remifentanil (100-200 mcg bolus) to minimize ↑ BP during skull pinning.


Aneurysm rupture (intraop) Hypothermia (mild)


6-18% incidence; up to 2% rupture during induction. Many patients can be extubated safely at core T ≥ 35°C with active rewarming in progress. SCDs should be used for DVT prophylaxis



Intracranial hemorrhage Stroke

New deficits or delayed emergence may necessitate urgent transport to CT scanner and/or return to the OR.

Cerebral vasospasm SIADH/CSW

Avoid prophylactic triple H therapy (↑ volume, ↑ BP, ↓ Hct).

Pain management

Meperidine (10-20 mg iv prn) Acetaminophen 1 g iv

Meperidine will ↓ postop shivering. Avoid oversedation → interferes with neuro exam.


CT scan, if any change in neurological status

Be prepared to re-secure airway.

Suggested Readings

1. Chalouhi N, Hoh BL, Hasan D: Review of cerebral aneurysm formation, growth, and rupture. Stroke 2013; 44(12):3613-22.

2. Dashti R, Hernesniemi J, Niemela M, et al: Microneurosurgical management of middle cerebral artery bifurcation aneurysms. Surg Neurol 2007; 67(5):441-56.

3. Dodd RL, Steinberg GK: Aneurysms. In: Aminoff MJ, Daroff RB, eds. Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences. Academic Press, San Diego: 2003, 161-172.

4. Gross BA, Thomas AJ, Frerichs KU, Du R: Cerebrovascular neurosurgery in 2012. J Clin Neurosci 2013; 20(6):776-82.

5. Mayer SA, Lin J, Homma S, et al: Myocardial injury and left ventricular performance after subarachnoid hemorrhage. Stroke 1999; 30:780-6.

6. Mocco J, Rose JC, Komotar RJ, et al: Blood pressure management in patients with intracerebral and subarachnoid hemorrhage. Neurosurg Clin N Am 2006; 17 (Suppl 1):25-40.

7. Molyneux A, Kerr R, Stratton I, et al: International Subarachnoid Aneurysm Trial (ISAT) of neurosurgical clipping versus endovascular coiling in 2143 patients with ruptured intracranial aneurysms: a randomized trial. Lancet 2002; 360(9342):1267-74.

8. Pierot L, Wakhloo AK: Endovascular treatment of intracranial aneurysms: current status. Stroke 2013; 44(7):2046-54.

9. Priebe HJ: Aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage and the anaesthetist. Br J Anaesth 2007; 99(1):102-18.

10. Qureshi AI, Janardhan V, Hanel RA, et al: Comparison of endovascular and surgical treatments for intracranial aneurysms: an evidence-based review. Lancet Neurol 2007; 6(9):816-25.

11. Randell T, Niemela M, Kytta J, et al: Principles of neuroanesthesia in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: the Helsinki experience. Surg Neurol 2006; 66(4):1271-6.

12. Sundt TM Jr: Surgical Techniques for Saccular and Giant Intracranial Aneurysms. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore: 1990.

13. Todd MM, Hindman BJ, Clarke WR, et al: Mild intraoperative hypothermia during surgery for intracranial aneurysm. N Engl J Med 2005; 352(2):121-4.



Aneurysms are classified as “giant” when they are > 2.5 cm in diameter. These represent ˜5% of all aneurysms. They occur twice as often in women, usually become symptomatic in the 4th or 5th decade of life, and present particularly difficult surgical challenges: (a) their large size makes direct visualization of the vascular anatomy difficult; (b) vascular branches essential to maintaining flow to normal brain may arise from the aneurysmal/SAC and cannot be included in the clipping without causing permanent neurological injury; (c) standard aneurysm clips may not occlude a large, turgid aneurysm, or may slip or move, once applied; and (d) giant aneurysms may easily rupture during dissection or clip application. Many of these aneurysms are amenable to coiling or other interventional radiologic techniques. For those requiring craniotomy, temporary clips applied during mild hypothermia often provide sufficient opportunity to decompress and occlude the aneurysm. More rarely, deep hypothermia to 18°C, achieved with fem-fem CPB/ECMO and temporary circulatory arrest may be required to safely decompress the aneurysm, and protect the brain during circulatory arrest. The duration of asystole may be as long as 45 minutes.


None unless patient has Hx of smoking or has sustained pulmonary aspiration as a result of a neurological deficit from an intracranial hemorrhage.

Tests: As indicated from H&P; elevated cTnI may predict pulmonary complications.


Generally, these patients do not have other cardiovascular diseases. (See Anesthetic Considerations for Intracranial Aneurysms, p. 6.)

Tests: ECG; others as indicated from H&P


These patients usually present with complaints of intermittent or persistent headaches or visual disturbances that are probably due to aneurysmal compression of adjacent neural tissue or ↑ ICP. If an intracranial hemorrhage occurs, neurological dysfunction varies, depending on site and extent of the hemorrhage. Cerebral vasospasm is a major complication of intracranial hemorrhage (see discussion in Anesthetic Considerations for Intracranial Aneurysms, p. 6).

Tests: CT; MRI; angiogram. The anesthesiologist should examine the cerebral angiogram preop to visualize the size and site of aneurysm.


T&C for 6 U PRBCs.

Tests: Hct; PT; PTT; hemogram; others as indicated from H&P


Other tests as indicated from H&P


Premedication is usually desirable, with small doses of midazolam (e.g., 1-2 mg) preferable to opiates. Detailed discussion with patient about the anesthetic plan, with appropriate reassurance, is effective in reducing premedication requirements. Should an intracranial aneurysm leak or rupture in the immediate preop period, it may be difficult to distinguish this event from changes associated with excessive responses to premedication.


Anesthetic technique: GETA. The goals of anesthesia for this procedure are to: (a) provide adequate surgical anesthesia; (b) ↓ intracranial volume (blood and tissue) to optimize working space within the cranial compartment, thereby minimizing the need for surgical retraction of brain tissue; and (c) ↑ tolerance of the brain to ischemia by decreasing CMRO2, which occurs with the use of deep hypothermia, barbiturate or propofol therapy, ± isovolemic hemodilution.


Propofol 2-3 mg/kg iv to provide anesthesia and ↓ CBV by inducing cerebral vasoconstriction. Fentanyl 7-10 mcg/kg iv to blunt the response to laryngoscopy/intubation, and provide analgesia for the first hours. Vecuronium 0.15 mg/kg or rocuronium 0.6-1.2 mg/kg to provide relaxation for intubation and positioning.


Propofol 100-200 mcg/kg/min administered by constant-infusion pump. These doses provide additional amnesia and ↓ CBV and CMRO2. Isoflurane ≤ 1%. N2O not used. An additional dose of NMB is administered just prior to the start of CPB.


Because of the length and nature of the operation and the potential for temporary neurological injury, it is advisable to leave the ETT in place immediately postop and send patient to the ICU on controlled ventilation. If patient begins to cough, the reflex should be suppressed with opiates, NMBs, and/or LTA sprayed down the ETT. The patient is placed in bed in a 30° head-up position and transported to ICU for overnight monitoring. Supplemental O2 should be administered and close regulation of BP maintained. Prophylactic antiemetic (e.g., droperidol 0.625 mg or metoclopramide 10-20 mg and ondansetron 4 mg) should be given 30 min before extubation. Consider iv acetaminophen and/or local anesthetic scalp infiltration for postop analgesia.

Blood and fluid requirements

IV: 14-16 ga × 2

NS @ 1-2 mL/kg/h

PRBC 4-6 U

Maintain euvolemia.

Cold NS up to 10 mL/kg, + a volume equal to UO, is administered during surgery.

Isovolemic hemodilution

5% albumin: 4-8 × 250 mL

NS: 2-4 × 1000 mL

Albumin and NS are placed in a refrigerator at 4°C the night before surgery to be used as necessary for cooling during isovolemic hemodilution.

CPD bags (for blood collection)

After induction of anesthesia, a 2nd arterial or largevein cannula is placed for removal of blood into CPD bags. Generally, about 1000 mL of blood are removed and replaced with 1 L of cold albumin 5%. This usually → ↓ Hct to 22-26%. Frequent intraop Hct checks are appropriate. The withdrawn blood is held for reinfusion at the conclusion of operation. In addition, the perfusate from the CPB unit is spun down, and packed cells are returned to patient.

Control of ICP (brain relaxation)

Hyperventilate to PaCO2 = 25-30 mm Hg

Limit crystalloid < 10 mL/kg + UO

Limit isoflurane ≤ 1%.

± Mannitol 0.5-1 g/kg

± Furosemide 0.3 mg/kg

Dexamethasone 8-12 mg

± Lumbar CSF drainage

Position head to promote venous drainage.

Ventilation is controlled and TV and RR adjusted such that PaCO2 = ˜35 mm Hg. There are some advantages to mild hypocarbia, including ↓ CBV; improving regional distribution of CBF by preferentially diverting blood to ischemic areas of the brain and better buffering of brain lactic acid that may form as a result of focal ischemia.

Elevate head of bed, and minimize neck flexion/ rotation if possible.


Standard monitors (see p. B-1). Temperature: esophageal, bladder and brain surface Arterial line

Frequent checks are made of Hct, electrolytes, and ACT values, before, during, and after CPB.

CVP (triple-lumen) line

CVP line is used for infusions of esmolol, SNP, and phenylephrine. Subclavian preferred.

Blood glucose UO

Keep glucose between 80 and 180 mg/dL. Keep UO > 0.5 mL/kg/h.

Control of BP

Maintain BP normal to 20% below normal.

BP control is critical to successful surgery. ↑ BP during induction or prior to CPB will ↑ transmural pressure across the aneurysmal wall and ↑ likelihood of rupture. Prior to CPB, BP is generally kept at normal to 20% below patient’s usual pressure, using anesthetic agents ± an esmolol infusion to ↓ HR to a range of 50-60 bpm. If desired level of BP is not achieved with this combination, SNP or propofol infusion may be added. SNP also facilitates both cooling and rewarming because of its peripheral vasodilatory effect.


If a vasoconstrictor is needed, particularly during CPB while patient is still cold, phenylephrine is preferred because of its minimal dysrhythmogenic potential.


Shoulder roll

180° table rotation

[check mark] and pad pressure points

[check mark] eyes

Circuit extension tubes


Anesthetic gas hoses and all monitoring and vascular catheter lines are directed to patient’s feet. Make sure that all will reach the foot of operating table.

SCDs used to minimize DVT.

Deep hypothermia and CPB

Initial cooling:

Circulating water blankets

Ice packs

InnerCool®-type device

SNP infusion


ACT monitoring


Surface cooling and/or central cooling is begun as soon as induction is complete, using either a central venous heat exchange device (e.g., InnerCool®) or thermal blankets above and below patient, ice packs and infusion of cold fluids during establishment of isovolemic hemodilution.

An SNP infusion (if tolerated) will promote surface cooling.

Once the aneurysm is exposed and the decision is made that CPB is required, systemic heparinization (load: 300 U/kg; maintenance: 100 U/kg/h) is established, and patient is put on CPB using fem-fem bypass and cooled to ˜18°C. During CPB cooling, the heart will usually fibrillate between 22 and 26°C. After 18°C is reached, the CPB unit is shut off to deflate the aneurysm; it may be activated and shut off several times during clipping to evaluate adequacy of the surgical occlusion of the aneurysm and to apply additional clips. Total circulatory arrest time should not exceed 45 min.

When clipping is complete, CPB is resumed and warming instituted. Partial CPB is continued until normal cardiac rhythm is established and body temperature reaches ˜36°C. Once partial CPB is D/C, patient will tend to cool unless vigorous efforts at warming are continued. Warming the OR and iv fluids, use of a Bair Hugger, or an InnerCool®-type device will facilitate the warming process. ACT analysis is performed to establish that heparin reversal is complete 5-10 min after protamine (1 mg/100 U heparin activity). Blood is sent for clotting studies, and Plts, FFP, and calcium gluconate are administered as needed. Hetastarch is not used in these patients because of its potential for inducing a coagulopathy.


↓↓ BP 2° failure to maintain circulating volume

Dysrhythmias 2° ↓ K+ from diuresis and cold

Restore circulating volume.

[check mark] K+ level and replace as indicated.





Intracranial hemorrhage, stroke







HTN Rx: esmolol + SNP titrated to effect.

Vasospasm Rx: euvolemia, trial of ↑ MAP; consider nimodipine.

Patient should be rewarmed to 36-37°C before terminating CPB.

[check mark] coag status.

SCDs may be useful.

Sz Rx: Phenytoin (1 g iv slowly to avoid ↓BP).

NB: Phenytoin is incompatible with dextrose containing solutions.

Pain management

Meperidine (10-25 mg iv prn) Codeine (30-60 mg im q 4 h prn)

Meperidine reduces postop shivering.


CT scan

Coag panel

If any question about neurological status arises, a CT scan is performed postop.

Coagulation studies are needed early postop to assure normal coagulation.

Suggested Readings

1. Cully MD, Larson CP Jr, Silverberg GD: Hetastarch coagulopathy in a neurosurgical patient. Anesthesiology 1987; 66(5):706-7.

2. Larson CP Jr: Anesthetic management for surgical ablation of giant cerebral aneurysms. Int Anesthesiol Clin 1996; 34(4): 151-60.

3. Parkinson RJ, Eddleman CS, Batjer JJ, et al: Giant intracranial aneurysms: endovascular challenges. Neurosurgery 2006; 59(5 suppl 3):S103-12; discussion S3-13.

4. Young WL, Lawton MT, Gupta DK, et al: Anesthetic management of deep hypothermic circulatory arrest for cerebral aneurysm clipping. Anesthesiology 2002; 96:497-503.



Gary K. Steinberg

Robert L. Dodd

Description: Although intravenous or endovascular intraarterial thrombolysis is the current standard therapy for intracranial intravascular clots, embolic occlusion of a major intracranial vessel occasionally requires microsurgical embolectomy. In particular, when the embolus is a large atherosclerotic plaque or foreign body (such as a balloon or microcoil from endovascular treatment), surgery may be the treatment of choice. Because cerebral ischemia often proceeds to irreversible infarction before the surgeon can restore blood flow, early diagnosis is of the utmost importance, and several studies have demonstrated that the best results from embolectomy occur when the procedure is performed within 6 h following the onset of a neurologic deficit.

A standard craniotomy is fashioned as previously described for other lesions involving the vasculature at the skull base (see p. 4), and the occluded intracranial artery is exposed using microsurgical techniques. The involved arterial segment is isolated and temporarily occluded with miniature clips, and an arteriotomy is performed to remove the thrombus or embolus (Fig. 1.1-2). The arteriotomy is then closed and blood flow reestablished.

Usual preop diagnosis: Stroke; TIA; intracranial arterial occlusion; catheter embolization to intracranial artery

Figure 1.1-2. Middle cerebral artery (MCA) embolectomy. Exposure of right MCA in the sylvian fissure and removal of an embolus from the MI segment. (Reproduced with permission from Ojemann RG, Ogilvy CS, Crowell RM, et al: Surgical Management of Neurovascular Disease, 3rd edition. Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia: 1995.)


See Anesthetic Considerations for Craniotomy for Intracranial Aneurysms, p. 6.

Suggested Readings

1. Ansari S, Rahman M, Waters MF, et al: Recanalization therapy for acute ischemic stroke, part 1: surgical embolectomy and chemical thrombolysis. Neurosurg Rev 2011; 34(1):1-9.

2. Gomez CR, Orr SC, Soto RD: Neuroendovascular rescue: interventional treatment of acute ischemic stroke. Curr Treat Options Cardiovasc Med 2002; 4:405-19.

3. Kakinuma K, Ezuka I, Takai N, et al: The simple indicator for revascularization of acute middle cerebral artery occlusion using angiogram and ultra-early embolectomy. Surg Neurol 1999; 51:332-41.

4. Pikus HJ, Heros RC: Stroke: indications for emergent surgical intervention. Clin Neurosurg 1999; 45:113-27.



Gary K. Steinberg

Description: Intracranial vascular malformations are congenital abnormalities that cause intracranial hemorrhage, seizures, headaches, progressive neurological deficits, or audible bruits. Intracranial vascular malformations comprise high-flow, arteriovenous malformations (AVMs); low-flow, angiographically occult vascular malformations (AOVMs), including cavernous malformations (a collection of enlarged capillaries with thin inelastic walls prone to leaking), “cryptic” AVMs, capillary telangiectasias and transitional malformations; and low-flow, venous angiomas (developmental venous anomalies). Microsurgical resection is the optimal treatment for these lesions, although preop endovascular embolization and preop or postop focused stereotactic radiosurgery (heavy particle or photon) may be useful adjuncts.

Most moderate-sized and large AVMs (> 3 cm diameter) will have been partially embolized in the cath lab prior to surgery. Resection is accomplished using a standard scalp flap and with craniotomy centered over the area of the AVM using image-guidance techniques. The patient is positioned appropriately to place the craniotomy site uppermost in the field and parallel to the floor. For example, a patient with a left frontal AVM would be positioned supine, head turned to the right, a left frontal or bicranial scalp flap raised and a left frontal craniotomy bone flap removed. A patient with a right medial occipital AVM would be positioned in the left lateral decubitus position with head turned semiprone and a right occipital scalp flap and craniotomy performed. Smaller AVMs (< 3 cm diameter), many low-flow AOVMs, and many deep-seated vascular malformations (AVMs and AOVMs) require a small, stereotactic craniotomy. This is performed by attaching fiducial markers or (less frequently) a stereotactic base frame to the patient’s skull (using local anesthetic and sedation). Next, a CT or MRI scan is obtained. The location of the AVM in relation to the markers (or frame) is calculated, using a computer and stereotactic geometric principles. The patient is taken to the OR, intubated (fiberoptically if a frame is used), and positioned for surgery. The surgical navigation system reference is attached to the headrest and microscope and calibrated. A small scalp flap and a small craniotomy (a few cm in diameter) can be fashioned precisely for microscopic exposure of the malformation. Microsurgical resection of brain stem and thalamic vascular malformations often necessitate special positioning. In frame-based surgery, a three-dimensional arc frame is fixed to the base frame, and coordinates are set to localize the vascular malformation within the brain.

Usual preop diagnosis: Cerebral AVM; dural AVM (an A-V shunt within the dura mater); cavernous malformation (low-flow hemangioma); angiographically occult vascular malformation; intracerebral hemorrhage; subarachnoid hemorrhage; seizures; epilepsy; progressive neurological deficit; migraine or vascular headaches

Figure 1.1-3. Concorde (modified prone) position for resection of posterior fossa vascular malformations.

Figure 1.1-4. Semisitting position for resection of deep posterior corpus callosum or thalamic vascular malformations.



AVMs are typically direct arterial-to-venous communications without intervening normal capillary circulation. On histological exam, the vessel walls are thin and lack a muscular layer; consequently, the vessels exhibit loss of normal vasomotor control or responsiveness to changes in PaCO2. Stereotactic localization is essential for safe excision of deep-seated AVMs (e.g., those located in the corona radiata, basal ganglia, visual center, cerebellar white matter, or corpus callosum). Untreated, the overall risk of rupture is ˜2-4% per year (varies by size). AVMs > 6 cm in maximum diameter and located near eloquent areas of cortex or with deep venous drainage (grade IV and V) have a high complication rate and may not be suitable for surgical resection without prior partial embolization.


Not usually significant unless patient has Hx of smoking, or has aspiration pneumonitis as a result of a neurological deficit from an intracranial hemorrhagic or ischemic event.

Tests: As indicated from H&P


Generally, these patients do not have other cardiovascular diseases. Occasionally, ECG changes are noted following intracranial hemorrhage and may represent subendocardial injury 2° catecholamine release.

Tests: ECG; others as indicated from H&P


Presenting Sx depend on location and size of AVM and whether it is a low- or high-flow lesion. Hemorrhage with resultant headache and/or neurological deficit is the most common Sx, although patients also may present with intractable seizure disorder, recurrent HAs, or Sx of cerebral ischemia 2° high-flow AV shunts, causing an intracerebral steal. Surgical treatment is essential to prevent future hemorrhage (incidence of 2-4%/yr) with substantial mortality (6-30%) or severe morbidity (15-80%). Unlike hemorrhages from an intracerebral aneurysm (generally subarachnoid), hemorrhages from an AVM are usually ventricular or intraparenchymal; hence, they are seldom associated with cerebral vasospasm.

Tests: CTA; MRI; cerebral angiogram. Preop cerebral angiogram indicates size and location of the AVM and whether it is likely to be a low- or high-flow lesion.


After surgery for AVM, it is fairly common for surrounding brain tissue to swell and resection sites to bleed. The cause of this is unknown, but it may be related to diversion of former AVM blood flow into the surrounding vasculature, producing a fragile hyperemic state. Thus, it is advisable to attempt embolization of the lesion before surgery; obtain coag studies preop, and consider staging resection over more than one sitting when the residual AVM is large.

Tests: Hct; PT; PTT; Plt count


CBC; other tests as indicated from H&P


If medication is desirable, small doses of midazolam (e.g., 1-3 mg iv) are useful. Detailed discussion with patient about the anesthetic plan, with appropriate reassurance, is essential.


Anesthetic technique: GETA. The goals of anesthesia for this operation are to: (a) ↓ CMRO2 to lessen the dependence of normal brain on vessels feeding the AVM; (b) decrease intracranial volume (blood and tissue) to optimize surgical working space within the cranial compartment and minimize the need for surgical retraction; and (c) reduce CPP (10-20% below normal) to lessen blood loss during excision of the AVM (post-craniotomy CPP = cerebral arterial pressure minus cerebral venous pressure). For stereotactic image-guided surgery, scalp localizing markers are attached. The patient is then sent to MR or CT, where the exact coordinates defining the AVM and critical adjacent structures are established. The patient is brought to OR, and anesthesia is induced.


Propofol 1-2 mg/kg iv provides amnesia and ↓ CBV by inducing cerebral vasoconstriction. Fentanyl 7-10 mcg/kg iv blunts the response to laryngoscopy and provides analgesia for the first hours. High-dose opiates used as a primary anesthetic technique do not alter CBF or CMRO2 enough to provide any special benefits. Vecuronium (0.15 mg/kg) or rocuronium (0.6-1 mg/kg), provides muscle relaxation for intubation and patient positioning. Occasionally the patient may be in a stereotactic frame, and ET intubation must be accomplished before anesthesia is induced because the frame may partially occlude the mouth, making conventional laryngoscopy impossible. Awake oral fiberoptic intubation of the trachea is the easiest method for accomplishing this (see p. I-2).


Isoflurane ≤ 1% or sevoflurane ≤ 2% (limit to 1/2 MAC maximum if EP monitoring is used) with 1:1 O2/N2O. With EP monitoring, a remifentanil infusion (0.05-0.2 mcg/kg/min) may be necessary to supplement the anesthetic. Propofol (50-150 mcg/kg/min) by continuous infusion may be administered to provide ↓ CBV and ↓ CMRO2 and allow for reduction in inhalation agent concentration or elimination of N2O. Mild hypothermia (33°C) provides additional cerebral protection (see below). Additional neuromuscular blocking drugs are usually not necessary, but can be administered if patient movement is of concern. Induced mild hypotension is often useful during AVM resection. Following resection, induced brief hypertension (e.g., 90 mm Hg) may be requested to assess hemostasis.


With the start of dural closure, consider changing the anesthetic to low-dose sevoflurane (e.g., 0.5%) in 50% N2O, supplemented with a low-dose remifentanil infusion (e.g., 0.05 mcg/kg/min). A propofol infusion (if used) should be discontinued at the start of the scalp closure. The patient’s BP generally will increase, and titration of β-adrenergic blocking drugs (e.g., labetalol or esmolol) and/or vasodilators (e.g., SNP) may be needed. (See Control of BP, below.) The inhalation agents can be D/C’d at the time of dressing application. Most patients will breathe spontaneously and can be extubated uneventfully while on a 0.05 mcg/kg/min remifentanil infusion. If the brain has not been injured by the surgical procedure, the patient should awaken within 10 min after cessation of remifentanil administration. Close regulation of BP is essential. If the patient begins to cough on ETT, either it should be removed or cough reflex suppressed with iv lidocaine (1 mg/kg). Patient is placed in bed in a 20-30° head-up position and transported to ICU for monitoring overnight. Supplemental O2 should be administered and close regulation of BP maintained (typically at ˜10% below baseline values). Prophylactic antiemetics (e.g., metoclopramide 10-20 mg and ondansetron 4 mg) should be given 30 min before extubation. Consider iv acetominophen (1g) and/or local anesthetic scalp infiltration for postop analgesia.

Blood and fluid requirements

IV: 14-16 ga × 2

NS @ < 10 mL/kg + UO

Massive blood loss possible

Maintain euvolemia

Maintain colloid oncotic pressure

If blood volume is normal, NS—not to exceed 10 mL/kg beyond that required to replace UO—is given. If hypovolemic, albumin 5% is given if Hct > 30%; combination of albumin and blood, if Hct < 30%.


Water-circulating blankets

Cool air blower

Cold OR

InnerCool®-type device

Bladder irrigation

Mild hypothermia (33°-34°C) is used in some centers for cerebral protection and to ↓ brain size. This level of hypothermia does not interfere appreciably with coagulation, nor is it generally associated with cardiac dysrhythmias. Warming is begun as soon as possible after lesion resection and is greatly facilitated by the use of a central warming device (e.g., InnerCool®).

Brain Relaxation (control of ICP)

Hyperventilate to PaCO2 = ˜35

mm Hg or PetCO2 = 30 mm Hg.

Limit isoflurane ≤ 1%.

Maintain euvolemia.

Consider propofol infusion (50 mg/kg/min) to replace N2O.

Mannitol 0.5-1 g/kg

Furosemide 10-20 mg q 6 h

Lumbar CSF drainage

↓ PaCO2 →↓ cerebral vascular volume →↓ working space and lessens need for vigorous retraction of brain tissue. ↓ PaCO2 may also improve the regional distribution of CBF by preferentially diverting blood to potentially ischemic areas of the brain.

If AVM is superficial, decreasing brain volume is less important, and the first four techniques listed (at left) are usually sufficient. If AVM is deep, the additional listed therapies may be needed.


Standard monitors (see p. B-1).

Core temp: deep esophageal best

Arterial line

CVP line, subclavian preferred


Blood glucose (100-180 mg%)

Direct monitoring is essential for rapid control of BP. Transducer should always be placed at the level of the head rather than the heart because CPP is arterial pressure at the brain level minus CVP or ICP, whichever is higher. Monitoring CVP via a near right atrial catheter is desirable in virtually all patients to assess adequacy of fluid therapy, for infusion of vasoactive drugs and aspiration of VAE. Localization of the catheter can be determined by CXR, ECG tracing, noting P-wave changes or pressure-wave contour and value as the catheter is withdrawn from the right atrium. NB: If patient has a high-flow AVM causing a large AV shunt, venous blood may appear arterialized (bright red) during central venous catheterization.

Control of BP


Esmolol infusion

SNP infusion

Maintain normovolemia.

Labetalol (emergence)

Close regulation of BP during induction and prior to excision of AVMs is important, both to prevent bleeding (↑ BP) and to avoid ischemia 2° steal (↓ BP). After surgical excision is underway, however, modest decreases in MAP (≤ 20% below normal) using isoflurane, alone or in combination with esmolol and/or SNP, should be used to prevent excessive bleeding. Responses to vasoactive drugs are much easier to regulate if the patient is euvolemic.


Shoulder roll

Three-point fixation (Mayfield)

[check mark] and pad pressure points

[check mark] eyes

180° rotation


For most AVMs, patient is supine, head turned laterally in three-point fixation, a roll under shoulder on the side of operation (Fig. 1.1-5). Anesthetic hoses and all monitoring/vascular catheter lines are directed toward patient’s feet or side. Make sure that all will reach the foot of operating table. SCDs are used to minimize DVT. Remifentanil (2-4 mcg/kg iv bolus) should be used to minimize ↑ BP during skull pinning.



Neurological deficits

Cerebral edema and ↑ ICP

Intracerebral hemorrhage


If these complications occur, the patient likely will have to be reintubated and transported to the CT scanner for further neurological evaluation or possible reoperation.

Careful regulation of BP is essential to avoid postop hemorrhage.

*Sz Rx: Phenytoin (1 g loading dose). NB: Incompatible with dextrose-containing solutions.

Pain management

Meperidine 10-20 mg iv/70 kg Codeine (30-60 mg im q 4 h prn)

At this dose, meperidine minimizes postop shivering without producing excessive sedation.


CT scan

If neurological status changes.

Figure 1.1-5. Supine position, head elevated above heart, turned 30-45° to side, vertex dropped for approach to anterior circulation aneurysms and frontal vascular malformations. (Reproduced with permission from Long DM: Atlas of Operative Neurosurgical Technique, Vol 1. Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia: 1989.)

Suggested Readings

1. Al-Rodhan NR, Sundt TJ, Piepgras DG, et al: Occlusive hyperemia: a theory for the hemodynamic complications following resection of intracerebral arteriovenous malformations. J Neurosurg 1993; 78:167.

2. Chang SD, Lopez JR, Steinberg GK: The usefulness of electrophysiologic monitoring during resection of central nervous system vascular malformations. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 1999; 8:412-22.

3. Fleetwood IG, Steinberg GK: Arteriovenous malformations. Lancet 2002; 359:863-73.

4. Friedlander RM: Arteriovenous malformations of the brain. N Engl J Med 2007; 356(26):2704-2712.

5. Gross BA, Du R: Natural history of cerebral arteriovenous malformations: a meta-analysis. J Neurosurg 2013; 118(2):437-43.

6. Miller C, Mirski M: Anesthesia considerations and intraoperative monitoring during surgery for arteriovenous malformations and dural arteriovenous fistulas. Neurosurg Clin N Am 2012; 23(1):153-64.

7. Pradilla G, Coon AL, Huang J, Tamargo RJ: Surgical treatment of cranial arteriovenous malformations and dural arteriovenous fistulas. Neurosurg Clin N Am 2012; 23(1):105-22.

8. Schmidek HH, Sweet WH, eds: Operative Neurosurgical Techniques: Indications, Methods, and Results, Vols I-II. WB Saunders, Philadelphia: 2000.

9. Steinberg GK, Chang SD, Gerwitz RJ, et al: Microsurgical resection of brain stem, thalamic and basal ganglia angiographically occult vascular malformation. Neurosurgery 2000; 46:260-71.

10. Steinberg GK, Stoodley MA: Surgical management of intracranial arteriovenous malformations. In: Schmidek HH, ed: Operative Neurosurgical Techniques, 4th edition. WB Saunders, Philadelphia: 2000, 1363-91.

11. Wilkins RH: Natural history of intracranial vascular malformations: a review. Neurosurgery 1985; 16(3):421-30.

12. Young WL, Kader A, Ornstein E, et al: Cerebral hyperemia after arteriovenous malformation resection is related to “breakthrough” complications but not to feeding artery pressure. The Columbia University Arteriovenous Malformation Study Project. Neurosurgery 1996; 38:1085-95.



Gary K. Steinberg

Robert L. Dodd

Description: Extracranial-intracranial (EC-IC) revascularization procedures are performed when: (a) deliberate occlusion of a major cervical artery (carotid or vertebral) is necessary and inadequate collateral CBF is available or (b) stenosis or occlusion of major cervical or intracranial arteries causes TIA or stroke, despite the use of maximum medical therapy (e.g., antiplatelet drugs, heparin, or Coumadin). The chief causes of stenosis or occlusion are atherosclerotic disease, radiation injury, and moyamoya disease. The subset of patients who benefit from revascularization are those whose radiographic and metabolism studies demonstrate that they have ↓ CBF and poor or absent vascular reserve. The most important surgical considerations include site of stenosis, adequacy of donor graft, and patient age.

A standard craniotomy is fashioned as previously described for other lesions involving the vasculature around the skull base, and the intracranial site of anastomosis is exposed using microscopic techniques. Typically, a donor extracranial scalp artery (e.g., superficial temporal artery) is anastomosed to an intracranial artery (e.g., middle cerebral artery) distal to the site of stenosis. When scalp vessels are inadequate, an interposition vein segment can be sutured to a cervical artery and then anastomosed to the designated intracranial artery. The most common EC-IC procedure is a superficial temporal artery (STA)-to-middle cerebral artery (MCA) branch anastomosis (See Figs. 1.1-6, 1.1-7, 1.1-8, 1.1-9 and 1.1-10). Other grafts include STA-to-posterior cerebral artery, STA-to-superior cerebellar artery, occipital artery-to-posterior inferior cerebral artery or interposition saphenous vein segment graft from the cervical external carotid artery to the middle cerebral artery, posterior cerebral artery, or superior cerebellar artery.

Variant procedure or approaches: Indirect revascularization is commonly employed in patients in whom the graft vessels are too small for direct anastomosis. Vascular source tissues include a temporalis muscle flap and a flap of dura folded under so that its outer vascular surface is apposed to the cortical surface. Encephalo-duro-arteriosynangiosis (EDAS) is an indirect variant procedure wherein the STA is dissected circumferentially with its adventitia in the scalp, left in continuity, and laid on the surface of the brain after opening the dura. Omentum-to-brain
transposition is a rarely used variant, wherein the omentum, with its luxuriant blood supply, is lengthened, left attached to the right gastroepiploic artery, tunneled subcutaneously in the chest and neck, and laid over a large area of poorly vascularized cerebral cortex after opening the dura. Sometimes an omental graft is transposed to the brain by anastomosing the omental gastroepiploic artery and vein to the superficial temporal artery and vein. Revascularization is induced by angiogenesis factors and growth substances secreted by the brain and omentum.

Figure 1.1-6. Typical skin incision for EC-IC bypass. The main incision is planned over the superficial temporal artery (STA) with a T extension to allow exposure of the bone. (Reproduced from Chang SD, Steinberg GK: Superficial temporal artery to middle cerebral artery anastomosis. Tech Neurosurg 2000; 6(2):86-100.)

Figure 1.1-7. After the STA is dissected out, the temporalis muscle is divided, and the bone flap is made to allow exposure of the brain over the anterior sylvian fissure. (Reproduced from Chang SD, Steinberg GK: Superficial temporal artery to middle cerebral artery anastomosis. Tech Neurosurg 2000; 6(2):86-100.)

Figure 1.1-8. A middle cerebral artery (MCA) recipient vessel is identified. The sylvian fissure can be split to allow identification of a larger, more proximal branch of the MCA, preferably an M3 branch. (Reproduced from Chang SD, Steinberg GK: Superficial temporal artery to middle cerebral artery anastomosis. Tech Neurosurg 2000; 6(2):86-100.)

Figure 1.1-9. When the anastomosis is complete, the vascular clips are removed. (Reproduced from Chang SD, Steinberg GK: Superficial temporal artery to middle cerebral artery anastomosis. Tech Neurosurg 2000; 6(2):86-100.)

Figure 1.1-10. The completed anastomosis shows the STA positioned such that flow is directed toward the proximal portions of the MCA. (Reproduced from Chang SD, Steinberg GK: Superficial temporal artery to middle cerebral artery anastomosis. Tech Neurosurg 2000; 6(2):86-100.)

Usual preop diagnosis: Moyamoya disease (cerebral ischemia due to occlusion of vessels at base of the brain); stroke; TIA; carotid artery stenosis (inaccessible to carotid endarterectomy); carotid artery occlusion; middle cerebral artery stenosis or occlusion; vertebral artery stenosis or occlusion; basilar artery stenosis or occlusion