Intensive care

Chapter 7 Intensive care

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)

First described in Denver, Colorado, in 1967 by Ashbaugh. North American–European consensus group has changed the definition to ‘acute’ (as opposed to ‘adult’) respiratory distress syndrome, since the syndrome can occur in children. It is often the pulmonary component of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) and is characterized by severe hypoxia refractory to oxygen, low compliance, high airway pressure, bilateral diffuse alveolar infiltrates and microscopic atelectasis. It has an annual incidence of about 3.5:100 000.


Treat underlying cause

Ensure adequate resuscitation. Guided by invasive pulmonary artery pressure monitoring to prevent multiple organ failure. Aim for the lowest PCWP producing an adequate cardiac output to prevent high levels of lung water, which are associated with a poor outcome.

Ventilatory support. Standard tidal volumes of 10–12−1 are inappropriate in the presence of reduced functional lung volume and cause a significant increase in airway pressure. FiO2 >0.6 may cause oxygen toxicity and does little to improve oxygenation in the presence of large shunts.

ARDS Network study showed benefit from a ventilation strategy aiming for tidal volume 6−1, respiratory rate 6–35 min−1, I:E ratio 1:1–1:3, plateau airway pressure <30 cmH2O, increased PEEP if high FiO2, PaO2 7.3–10.7 kPa and permissive hypercapnia.

PEEP may avoid cyclic closure/reopening of atelectatic alveolar units, but it has been suggested that PEEP only fails to recruit units filled with alveolar exudate and overdistends open alveoli causing further damage. ARDS Network ALVEOLI study recent failed to show any difference between high PEEP/low FiO2 versus low PEEP/high FiO2.

Other methods of improving oxygenation

Reduce oedema formation. Decreasing hydrostatic pressure, increasing colloid osmotic pressure and reducing capillary leak with NSAIDs all show disappointing results.

Cardiovascular support. Naturally occurring nitric oxide causes systemic vasodilatation seen with SIRS. Preliminary studies show vasodilatation may be reduced by inhibitors of nitric oxide synthetase.

Gut-derived endotoxin. May initiate and maintain SIRS. Gut failure may be reduced by early parenteral feeding with glutamine-rich substrates. Selective decontamination of the gut may reduce the incidence of nosocomial pneumonia.

Anti-inflammatory mediators. Platelet-activating factor (PAF) antagonists, IL-1 and IL-6 antagonists and tumour necrosis factor antagonists are experimental but may have a role to play in terminating the inflammatory cascade.

Corticosteroids may reduce production of inflammatory mediators but increase risk of infection. May benefit some patients in the fibroproliferative stage of the disease with no associated infection. Overall benefit is unclear.

Secondary infection. High risk of secondary infection reduced with prophylactic antibiotics.

Outcome. In early reports, ARDS was associated with a 60% mortality, but recent studies have documented mortality rates of 34–36%. In survivors, pulmonary dysfunction is rare, consisting principally of mild lung restriction, but progressive pulmonary fibrosis has been reported.

Acutely Ill Patients in Hospital: Recognition of and Response to Acute Illness in Adults in Hospital

National Institute for Clinical Excellence 2007


Adult patients in acute hospital settings, including patients in the emergency department for whom a clinical decision to admit has been made, should have:

Physiological observations should be recorded and acted upon by staff who have been trained to undertake these procedures and understand their clinical relevance.

Physiological track and trigger systems should be used to monitor all adult patients in acute hospital settings.

Staff caring for patients in acute hospital settings should have competencies in monitoring, measurement, interpretation and prompt response to the acutely ill patient appropriate to the level of care they are providing. Education and training should be provided to ensure staff have these competencies, and they should be assessed to ensure they can demonstrate them.

A graded response strategy for patients identified as being at risk of clinical deterioration should be agreed and delivered locally. It should consist of the following three levels.

After the decision to transfer a patient from a critical care area to the general ward has been made, he or she should be transferred as early as possible during the day. Transfer from critical care areas to the general ward between 22.00 and 07.00 should be avoided whenever possible, and should be documented as an adverse incident if it occurs.

The critical care area transferring team and the receiving ward team should take shared responsibility for the care of the patient being transferred. They should jointly ensure:

Cardiovascular System


If shock persists despite adequate volume replacement and vital organ perfusion is jeopardized, inotropic drugs may be required to improve blood pressure and cardiac output (Table 7.2).

Cardiogenic shock. Characterized by low cardiac output, high filling pressures and increased systemic vascular resistance (SVR). Inodilators (dobutamine, enoximone, milrinone, dopexamine) improve cardiac contractility and decrease SVR. Specific vasodilators (nitroprusside, GTN) may reduce afterload further, increasing stroke volume and decreasing cardiac work by decreasing systolic wall tension.

Septic shock. Characterized by high cardiac output (if hypovolaemia corrected) and decreased SVR. Vasoconstrictors (noradrenaline) reduce SVR. Dobutamine or adrenaline may be required to improve myocardial contractility.

Pulmonary artery catheters

Although a recent meta-analysis concluded that PAC did not affect mortality, intensive care unit or hospital length of stay, analysis of the National Trauma Data Bank in 2006 (53 312 patients) has demonstrated improved outcomes when used for major trauma. Although there is limited evidence to show improved outcome with PAC use, the general consensus is that their use in appropriate patients by clinicians skilled in their insertion and data interpretation is of benefit.

Cardiac output monitoring

Fluid and Electrolyte Balance

The neonate has a greater proportion of body water and in a different distribution than the adult (Fig. 7.5). More fluid is distributed within the extracellular compartment (interstitial and plasma volume) compared with the adult, resulting in a larger volume of distribution for water-soluble drugs. A large proportion of interstitial fluid is excreted within the first few weeks after birth and adult levels are attained by adolescence.

A 70 kg male has about 42 kg of water distributed through three body compartments.

Plasma volume expansion is least effective with fluids that are distributed throughout all body compartments and most effective with those that remain within the intravascular compartment. Therefore:

Normal fluid requirements

Postoperative fluid requirements

Intravenous fluids administered perioperatively during minor gynaecological surgery reduce morbidity, particularly nausea and dizziness. However, blood coagulation appears to be accelerated by haemodilution with saline, and in patients undergoing elective abdominal surgery, the incidence of DVT was four times greater than in the fluid-restricted group (Janvrin et al 1980).

Despite this latter study, it is generally agreed that the advantages of perioperative fluids outweigh any disadvantages. Hartmann’s 15−1.h−1 has been suggested for major surgery; a rate shown to improve postoperative renal function. Septic patients or those with lung trauma have raised extravascular lung water, and lesser rates may be necessary to avoid pulmonary oedema. In addition, give blood to maintain Hb >8.5–9.0 g.dL−1.

Surgical stress causes release of ADH, renin and aldosterone, resulting in sodium and water retention, potassium excretion and an inability to excrete a hypotonic urine. Postoperative catabolism increases the minimum metabolic demand for water from 20 to 30−1 per day, i.e. 2000−1. The addition of 100−1 of glucose reduces nitrogen loss by up to 60%. Therefore, give maintenance fluids of 2000 mL 5% dextrose.24 h−1 postoperatively with 30 mmol KCl added to each 1 L bag to provide daily K+ requirements. Hidden losses are difficult to judge so titrate fluids according to urine output (>0.5−1.h−1). Sodium retention is greatly reduced by 48 h so then add Na+ to maintenance fluids and reduce KCl supplements.


Single polypeptide of 585 amino acids. Synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum of hepatocytes at 9–12 g/day but can increase 2–3 times in states of maximum synthesis. Stimulus to production is colloid osmotic pressure, osmolality of the extravascular liver space, insulin, thyroxine and cortisol. Catabolized by vascular endothelium. 5% of albumin is removed from the intravascular space per hour. Clinical properties of albumin include:

Serum albumin decreases due to dilutional effects with crystalloid/colloid solutions, redistribution due to altered capillary permeability (five-fold increase during sepsis), decreased synthesis in septic patients, and increased loss from kidney or gut.

Correlation between COP and serum albumin is poor. Therefore, oedema associated with hypoalbuminaemia is not necessarily related and may be related more to lymphatic dysfunction. The acute-phase response is initially associated with a decrease in albumin synthesis, possibly due to IL-6-mediated inhibition of synthesis. A later hypermetabolic phase results in increased albumin synthesis.

Benefits of correcting hypoalbuminaemia are unclear. A prospective randomized study of 475 ICU patients comparing albumin and gelatin solutions failed to show any benefit (Stockwell et al 1992). In 70 children with burns, albumin supplementation failed to improve morbidity or mortality (Greenhalgh et al 1995). In septic patients, albumin infusions will only increase COP for a relatively short period. Increased capillary permeability results in >60% of albumin leaving the intravascular compartment within 4 h, potentially worsening oedema.

A controversial systematic review by the Cochrane Group of 23 randomized controlled trials found that the risk of death was 6% greater in the group treated with albumin compared with those receiving crystalloids or no treatment (Cochrane Injuries Group 1998). The Committee on Safety of Medicines now advises doctors to restrict the use of, and take special care when using, human albumin, but states that there is ‘insufficient evidence of harm to warrant withdrawal of albumin’. Hypoalbuminaemia in itself is not an appropriate indication. Risks of hypervolaemia and cardiovascular overload warrant monitoring in patients receiving albumin.

Intravenous fluids

Colloid versus crystalloid controversy (Table 7.4)

There is some evidence to suggest that crystalloid resuscitation is associated with a lower mortality in trauma patients.

Table 7.4 Comparison of crystalloids and colloids

  Advantages Disadvantages
Crystalloid Cheap Larger volumes needed
Replaces extravascular loss Small ↑ in plasma volume
Increased GFR Peripheral and pulmonary oedema
Minimal effect on clot quality  
Colloid Smaller volumes needed Risk of anaphylaxis
Prolonged ↑ in plasma volume Relatively expensive
Reduced peripheral oedema Coagulopathy
  Poor clot quality

Aug 28, 2016 | Posted by in ANESTHESIA | Comments Off on Intensive care

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