Infections Associated with Vascular Catheters
Suzanne F. Bradley
Carol A. Kauffman
Medical technology has led to the creation of a variety of indwelling vascular catheters that have greatly improved our ability to deliver care to critically ill patients, but also have led to increased risks of infection. It is estimated that more than 200 million intravascular devices will be inserted every year in the United States [1]. Approximately 250,000 to 500,000 episodes of healthcare-associated bloodstream infections occur per year in the United States, and are commonly associated with the use of central venous catheters. It is estimated that 12% to 25% of these device-related infections will result in death [1,2]. As a consequence of catheter-associated bloodstream infections, hospital length of stay is prolonged by 10 to 40 days, and mean attributable costs are increased by $18,432 ($3,592 to $34,410) per episode [1,2,3].
Guidelines for the prevention and treatment of catheter-associated infections have been published in the past few years [4,5,6]. Recommendations in this chapter are based on these published guidelines. The reader is referred to these publications for a more in-depth review of the topics of prevention and treatment of catheter-associated infections.
Foreign bodies that penetrate the cutaneous barriers of the host induce a chronic inflammatory response and are coated with host proteins, including fibronectin, fibrin, laminin, and others [7]. The coated catheter can then provide a niche for microorganisms that adhere by fimbriae and adhesins, which bind to surface receptors present on some of the coating proteins, or by electromagnetic interactions leading to the formation of biofilms within days of insertion [7,8].
Microorganisms gain entry to the catheter primarily at the insertion site. Particularly in catheters used for short term, there is a correlation between organisms isolated from the catheter and those obtained from the insertion site. Contamination of the catheter hub and ultimately the internal lumen of the catheter plays a larger role in the development of infections in catheters remaining in place for more than 1 month [7,8]. Less common are catheter-associated infections occurring as a result of hematogenous seeding from a distant focus of infection or from contaminated infusates [8].
Diagnostic Methods
The diagnosis of catheter-associated infection still relies primarily on the recognition of clinical signs and symptoms in a patient who has an intravascular device in place, absence of an alternative cause for those clinical findings, and microbiological evidence for infection [2]. The clinical signs noted in some, but not all, patients with a catheter-associated infection are development of warmth, erythema, and pain at the site of current or recent venous or arterial catheter placement. Patients with catheter-associated bloodstream infection generally have fever, with or without hypotension, and other signs of sepsis. Finding microorganisms on culture of a catheter in an asymptomatic patient is not indicative of infection, and conversely, impressive local findings may reflect only phlebitis or reaction to the infusate. Thus, differentiating catheter-associated infection from colonization of the catheter can be difficult, and no perfect diagnostic method has been established.
Blood Culture with Catheter Retention
Positive blood cultures in a patient who has an indwelling vascular catheter and who has no other source of infection raise the possibility of catheter-associated infection. A variety of approaches have been devised to help differentiate whether a positive blood culture represents catheter-associated infection or has arisen from another source. Quantitative cultures of blood taken simultaneously from the catheter and from peripheral blood that demonstrate a difference of more than threefold microorganisms from the catheter are probably the most accurate method to determine if catheter-associated infection is present without removing the catheter [1,2]. However, few, if any, clinical laboratories routinely perform quantitative blood cultures.
Differential time to positivity of blood cultures taken from a central line compared with those taken from a peripheral vein is another diagnostic method. Blood cultures obtained from an infected central catheter may turn positive a least 2 hours sooner than blood drawn simultaneously from a peripheral vein [2].
Another method that does not require the removal of the catheter involves culture of peripheral blood as well as the insertion site and hub. Growth of more than 15 colonies of the same organism from all three sites suggests short-term catheter-related infection [4,9].
It is important to minimize the possibility of contamination when obtaining blood for culture by having specifically trained personnel obtain the samples. Disinfection of the skin and hub using alcohol, tincture of iodine, or alcoholic chlorhexidine, but not povidone-iodine, is recommended. Blood samples taken from a peripheral vein are preferred as they are less likely to be contaminated than blood samples obtained from catheter hubs. However, all of the techniques listed above require sampling from the catheter as well as from a peripheral vein.
Catheter Culture Following Catheter Removal
Although very helpful in the diagnosis of catheter-associated infection, culture of the catheter necessitates removal of the catheter before the diagnosis can be made. For optimum culture, the catheter tip, or the introducer tip for pulmonary artery catheters, should be cultured. Quantitative cultures obtained
by vortexing or sonicating the catheter tip most accurately determine the numbers of microorganisms present on both the internal and external surfaces of the catheter. However, this method is not practical in the clinical setting [2].
by vortexing or sonicating the catheter tip most accurately determine the numbers of microorganisms present on both the internal and external surfaces of the catheter. However, this method is not practical in the clinical setting [2].
Rolling the distal segment of the catheter on an agar plate yields semiquantitative results that compare favorably with quantitative methods and has gained the greatest acceptance. The presence of ≥ 15 bacterial colonies on an agar plate correlates significantly with the presence of local inflammation and signs and symptoms of bloodstream infection. No similar cutoff has been established when yeasts are grown from the catheter tip. Some patients with catheter-associated infection will have fewer colonies, and catheter tips from asymptomatic patients will sometimes yield ≥ 15 colonies. A drawback of this technique is that only the external portion of the catheter is cultured, not the lumen, which may be the primary site of infection in long-term catheters. The roll-plate technique is the recommended method for diagnosis of presumed infection in short-term catheters after they have been removed [2,4].
Adherence to standardized definitions of catheter-related infection is critical to make informed comparisons among the myriad studies that have been performed in this area. Although definitions may vary slightly from investigator to investigator, consensus has been reached in recent years [2,4,5].
Catheter colonization: The patient has no signs and symptoms of infection but a quantitative or semiquantitative culture of the catheter tip or catheter hub yields significant growth of a microorganism.
Catheter-associated bloodstream infection: Bacteremia/fungemia in a patient who has an intravascular catheter in place and who has at least one positive blood culture taken from a peripheral vein, clinical manifestations of infection (fever, chills, and/or hypotension), and no apparent source except the catheter. Additionally, there should be evidence linking the catheter to the infection using one of the semiquantitative or quantitative techniques described earlier.
Exit site infection: These infections manifest erythema, induration, and/or tenderness within 2 cm of the catheter exit site, and exudate at the exit site yields a microorganism. There may or may not be concomitant bloodstream infection.
Tunnel infection: Tenderness, erythema, and/or induration are present more than 2 cm from the exit site along the subcutaneous tract of a tunneled catheter with or without concomitant bloodstream infection.
Prevention of Catheterrelated Infections
Catheter Insertion
Local Skin Flora
Regardless of the type of catheter inserted, the major risk factor for the development of catheter-associated infection is the breach of a major host defense against infection—the skin. Catheter-associated infections are usually due to normal skin flora, particularly Gram-positive cocci, such as coagulase-negative staphylococci and Staphylococcus aureus. However, the distribution of microorganisms on the skin varies. For example, Gram-negative bacilli, Candida species, and anaerobes are increased in the groin area and on the lower extremities [10].
The ecology of normal human flora is further altered by illness, hospitalization, and the presence of foreign bodies. The use of antimicrobial agents inhibits the growth of normal flora and contributes to the emergence of resistant Gram-negative bacilli, S. aureus, vancomycin-resistant enterococci, and yeasts. Patients who have a productive cough or a tracheostomy can easily contaminate their skin with organisms from their respiratory tract. The hands of healthcare personnel may facilitate the transfer of potential pathogens from patient to patient [6].
Choice of Insertion Site
The site of catheter insertion influences the risk of infection. Central venous catheters inserted in the internal jugular vein become infected more often than those in the subclavian vein, perhaps because of difficulties in dressing the area and contamination with respiratory secretions [5,11]. Catheter insertion in the lower extremities should be avoided in adults because of increased risk of phlebitis and infection in this area of poor blood flow [5,6]. Placement of femoral lines should be a last resort in emergent situations or when no other vascular access is available, and these lines should be removed as soon as possible [5].
Insertion Techniques
Catheter-associated phlebitis and infection are more likely to occur when catheters are inserted by inexperienced personnel rather than personnel who are trained in these techniques. Prospective, randomized trials have shown that strict adherence to sterile technique (i.e., mask, cap, and large sterile drape, gloves, and gown) is beneficial in preventing central venous catheter infections, and also highly cost effective [5,6]. The importance of sterile techniques using maximal barrier precautions for short-term central catheters cannot be overemphasized and should become a part of house staff training [5,6]. Use of a catheter checklist to ensure and document adherence to infection prevention practices at the time of insertion is recommended [6,12].
Ultrasound guidance for the insertion of central vascular catheters, especially internal jugular catheters, has been shown in a meta-analysis to decrease the risk of mechanical complications associated with placement [5]. A biodegradable collagen cuff impregnated with silver ions is commercially available to attach to short-term central venous catheters before insertion. Two initial randomized controlled trials showed protection against catheter-associated colonization and bacteremia, but subsequent trials have failed to show a decrease in infection rates [5,8]. Currently, it is recommended that these cuffs not be used [5].
Cutaneous Antisepsis
Several different antiseptics, 70% alcohol, chlorhexidine, and iodine-based solutions, have been found to reduce microbial contamination at the insertion site of the catheter [4,5]. Several studies and a meta-analysis have found that chlorhexidine-based aqueous or alcoholic solutions are superior to povidone-iodine solutions in reducing colonization at the catheter insertion site and catheter-associated bacteremia [5,13,14]. Current recommendations are to use 2% chlorhexidine gluconate for antisepsis of the insertion site, allowing it to dry before catheter insertion [5,6]. Chlorhexidine products have not been approved for children less than 2 months of age.
Antimicrobial ointments have been shown to increase the risk of infection with Candida and antibiotic-resistant bacteria and may affect the integrity of some catheters. With the exception of povidone-iodine ointment for some hemodialysis
catheters, routine use of ointments at the catheter insertion site is discouraged [5,6,15].
catheters, routine use of ointments at the catheter insertion site is discouraged [5,6,15].
A chlorhexidine-impregnated patch (BIOPATCH, Ethicon, Somerville, NJ) has proved efficacious in reducing colonization at the catheter site, and in reducing bloodstream infections [8,16,17]. There currently are no firm recommendations as to whether this device should be routinely used with short-term central venous catheters [5]. However, a recent guideline suggests considering use of this patch when the rates of catheter-associated infection remain above target rates despite consistent use of evidence-based prevention bundles [6]. Use of these patches also should be considered in patients who have limited access and a history of recurrent catheter-associated infections and in those who have a heightened risk of severe sequelae if infection should occur, such as patients with recently implanted intravascular devices [6]. The use of systemic antibiotics as prophylaxis before the placement of central venous devices is strongly discouraged because selection for antibiotic-resistant microorganisms is highly likely [5,6].
Type of Catheter
Nontunneled Central Venous Catheters
These catheters are inserted into the subclavian vein, the internal jugular vein, and rarely the femoral vein. They can be single or multilumen, depending on the specific needs of each patient. Some studies, but not all, have shown that multilumen catheters are associated with a higher rate of colonization and infection than single-lumen catheters, particularly when used for an extended period of time [18,19,20,21,22].
Increased risk for infection, especially with multilumen catheters, occurs with the frequent manipulations that are required in the care of critically ill patients. In one study, only one of three lumens was used in most of the multilumen catheters that were inserted [21]. Therefore, it is recommended that a central venous catheter be chosen with the minimum number of ports or lumens required for the care of the patient [5]. It is recommended that the care of these multilumen lines be limited to a few well-trained personnel and that the catheter be changed to a single-lumen catheter if all the ports are no longer needed [5]. These catheters should be used predominantly in patients in the intensive care setting.
Antimicrobial Impregnated or Coated Central Venous Catheters
Numerous antimicrobial agents (tetracyclines, rifamycins, glycopeptides, β-lactams, micafungin), antiseptics (benzalkonium chloride, chlorhexidine, tridodecylmethylammonium chloride, iodine, gentian violet, and silver molecules), and antithrombotic agents (heparin, ethylenediaminetetraacetate [EDTA]) alone or in various combinations have been bound to polymer material or used to coat the surfaces of catheters in the hope of reducing colonization, thrombosis, and subsequent infection [2,8,23,24]. Heparin-coated catheters should not be used because of concerns for developing heparin-induced thrombocytopenia.
Minocycline/rifampin-coated catheters (Cook Medical, Bloomington, IN), chlorhexidine/silver sulfadiazine-coated catheters (Arrow International, Reading, PA), and a silver-platinum-carbon–impregnated catheter (Vantex CVC with Oligon, Edwards Life Sciences, Irvine, CA) are currently available. All of these catheters have been shown to reduce catheter-associated colonization [2,5,8,23,25]. In some controlled trials, the rates of catheter-associated bacteremia were sufficient to demonstrate significant reductions in infection rates when antimicrobial catheters were compared with standard catheters [2,5,8,26]. One study showed that a minocycline/rifampin-containing device was more effective at reducing both catheter colonization and catheter-associated bloodstream infections than a chlorhexidine/silver sulfadiazine-coated catheter [27]. However, that study was performed using the first-generation chlorhexidine/silver sulfadiazine catheter (ArrowGard) that was coated only on the external surface. Subsequent studies assessing the second-generation catheter that is coated on both external and internal surfaces (ArrowGard Plus) against the minocycline/rifampin catheter have not been performed.

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