In vitro Fertilization and Reproductive Technologies
Roanne L. Preston
Katherine L. Cheesman
In 2010, Robert Edwards received the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine, 32 years after the first “test tube baby” was delivered in the United Kingdom in 1978 by his obstetrical colleague Patrick Steptoe (1). Since this time the number of babies born as a result of artificial reproductive techniques has been exponential; the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that assisted reproductive technology (ART) now accounts for slightly more than 1% of total US births (2) and 12% of women of childbearing age in the United States have used an infertility clinic.
There are many definitions for assisted reproductive techniques or technologies. The CDC was required to define ART by the Fertility Clinic Success Rate and Certification Act of 1992 and defined ART to include “all fertility treatments in which both the egg and sperm are handled.” In general, it involves surgically removing eggs from a woman’s ovaries, combining them with sperm in a laboratory and returning them to the woman’s body or donating them to another woman (2). It does not include techniques where only the sperm is handled, that is, intrauterine or artificial insemination, or when the woman only uses drugs to stimulate egg production without intending to have the eggs removed, or techniques such as timed intercourse. The term in vitro fertilization (IVF) is commonly used but actually refers to only one technique of ART—the various techniques are described later in the chapter. ART is further categorized by whether the procedure uses the woman’s own eggs (non-donor) or eggs from another woman (donor) and whether the embryos used were newly fertilized (fresh) or, previously fertilized, frozen, and then thawed (frozen).
In the year 2007, there were 142,435 ART cycles performed at 430 clinics in the United States, resulting in 43,412 live births and 57,569 infants (56% singleton and 26% multiple infant births). Sixteen percent of these cycles used frozen embryos, the percentage of live births from frozen embryos is usually smaller than from fresh embryos (29.9% vs. 35.9%) because some embryos do not survive the freezing process; however, it is important to understand that transfer of frozen embryos are less expensive and invasive than fresh embryo transfers as the woman does not need to undergo ovarian stimulation therapy and oocyte retrieval (2) (Figs. 48-1, 48-2).
Reasons for using ART are varied. In 2007, infertility diagnoses for woman using fresh oocytes or embryos included male factors such as low sperm count or function representing 18.5% of cases, followed by diminished ovarian reserve in 10.3%, tubal factors in 9%, ovulatory dysfunction in 6.6%, and endometriosis in 4.7% of cases (2) (Fig. 48-3). Ethnic background does not seem to affect pregnancy outcomes or the type of ART, except that African Americans are more likely to have a tubal factor causing infertility than Caucasian women (3).
Delayed childbearing is occurring with increasing frequency and maternal age is the most important factor determining ART outcome (2). Advancing maternal age is associated with a decreased response to ovarian stimulation, lower retrieved oocyte numbers, and lower rates of fertilization and embryo cleavage (4). Increasing numbers of older women are presenting to ART clinics with infertility primarily due to reduced ovarian reserve; in 2007, 61% of women using ART were over the age of 35 years, and 20% were over the age of 41 years, making the average age for all women using ART being 36 years (Fig. 48-4). The vast majority of women younger than 35 years of age used their own eggs (96%), whereas 75% of women older than 44 years of age used donor eggs. Forty percent of cycles amongst women younger than 35 years of age resulted in live births compared to 5% in women aged 43 to 44 years, and 2% among women older than 44 years (2) (Fig. 48-5). In addition to these fertility considerations, the aging mother with potential comorbidities may present greater challenges for care by the anesthesiologist.
The Art Cycle
The human ovary normally produces one dominant follicle on every menstrual cycle, which has one mature egg inside it. Most forms of ART involve producing multiple eggs by artificially stimulating the ovary to produce multiple follicles (5). The ART cycle begins with downregulation of the pituitary gland and ovaries using a gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist or antagonist given subcutaneously for approximately 2 weeks, the intent of which is to shut down the ovaries and prevent the development of the single dominant follicle. After 2 weeks, the ovaries are then stimulated, by either a mixture of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), or FSH alone; these drugs are given subcutaneously or intramuscularly for about 10 days. Follicular maturation is monitored every 2 to 3 days by ultrasound and blood tests. When there are approximately four to eight follicles human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) is given.
hCG acts as a surrogate for the normal mid-cycle surge of LH that causes resumption of meiosis within the oocytes and preparation for fertilization. Ovulation predictably occurs 36 to 40 hours after hCG administration and retrieval is timed within this period (typically 32 to 34 hours following hCG). Delayed retrieval is inadvisable as spontaneous ovulation may occur leading to reduced numbers of mature oocytes or, more seriously, can lead to ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). The oocytes can be retrieved laparoscopically, but presently are more commonly retrieved by transvaginal oocyte retrieval (TVOR), which involves insertion of a specialized transvaginal ultrasound probe with an attached needle into the vagina (Fig. 48-6). The needle is then inserted through the fornix of the vagina into a follicle under ultrasound guidance, and the follicular contents are aspirated. The contents are then washed and examined under a microscope by an embryologist to look for oocytes; typically five to fifteen oocytes are collected during a single procedure. The next steps depend on the particular technique of ART.
hCG acts as a surrogate for the normal mid-cycle surge of LH that causes resumption of meiosis within the oocytes and preparation for fertilization. Ovulation predictably occurs 36 to 40 hours after hCG administration and retrieval is timed within this period (typically 32 to 34 hours following hCG). Delayed retrieval is inadvisable as spontaneous ovulation may occur leading to reduced numbers of mature oocytes or, more seriously, can lead to ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). The oocytes can be retrieved laparoscopically, but presently are more commonly retrieved by transvaginal oocyte retrieval (TVOR), which involves insertion of a specialized transvaginal ultrasound probe with an attached needle into the vagina (Fig. 48-6). The needle is then inserted through the fornix of the vagina into a follicle under ultrasound guidance, and the follicular contents are aspirated. The contents are then washed and examined under a microscope by an embryologist to look for oocytes; typically five to fifteen oocytes are collected during a single procedure. The next steps depend on the particular technique of ART.
ART Techniques
In vitro Fertilization (IVF)
This is the most commonly used assisted reproductive technique. Under controlled conditions in a laboratory, the retrieved oocytes are combined with sperm in a culture medium. After 8 to 12 hours, samples are examined for signs of fertilization, and any successfully created embryos are then observed. Three to six days following retrieval, one or two embryos are then drawn into a catheter and transferred through the cervix into the uterus. This procedure is similar to a pap smear—generally not painful, and analgesia or sedation is not normally required (5).
Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer (GIFT)
Retrieved oocytes are examined for quality and maturation, and then combined with sperm in a transfer catheter and immediately placed, with laparoscopic guidance, through the fimbriated end of one or both of the fallopian tubes;
fertilization therefore occurs in vivo. Oocyte retrieval can be performed laparoscopically at the same time as the gamete transfer in a single procedure under general anesthesia, or oocytes may have been previously retrieved transvaginally; there is no evidence that the collection technique alters clinical pregnancy or live birth rates. GIFT has the disadvantage that fertilization cannot be confirmed prior to transfer and it also requires patent fallopian tubes (6).
fertilization therefore occurs in vivo. Oocyte retrieval can be performed laparoscopically at the same time as the gamete transfer in a single procedure under general anesthesia, or oocytes may have been previously retrieved transvaginally; there is no evidence that the collection technique alters clinical pregnancy or live birth rates. GIFT has the disadvantage that fertilization cannot be confirmed prior to transfer and it also requires patent fallopian tubes (6).
Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer (ZIFT)
ZIFT is procedurally similar to GIFT, but fertilization is first confirmed and the embryo or zygote is then implanted directly into the fallopian tube, via laparoscopy, usually under general anesthesia. This avoids the need for laparoscopic surgery if fertilization does not occur. But, it may require two operations if the oocytes are initially retrieved laparoscopically. ZIFT has a higher success rate than IVF or GIFT (2) (Fig. 48-7).
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
This technique is often used for male infertility when there is little or no sperm in the semen or in the fertilization of cryopreserved oocytes. Individual sperm are injected directly into the cytoplasm of the egg. It has higher pregnancy success rate, but the risks of genetic anomalies appears to be increased, this may be due to the fact that the technique bypasses several phases of normal fertilization which act as a natural screening for genetic problems (7).
Anesthetic Considerations
The population demographics of women seeking ART are changing. While the majority of women are healthy and infertility problems are related to male factors or gynecologic factors such as endometriosis, tubal dysfunction, or polycystic ovarian syndrome (see Fig. 48-3), many women are now presenting with coexisting illnesses such as thyroid dysfunction or tuberculosis, which are often the cause for their infertility (5). Thorough review of their underlying disease and regular medications should be undertaken to prevent adverse outcomes due to potential drug interactions or precipitation of underlying disease. With advances in cryopreservation of oocytes it is likely that more women will be undergoing oocyte retrieval who have cancer and are already on, or about to start, cytotoxic treatment (8). In addition, the aging nulliparous woman may present with systemic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and essential hypertension. Obesity is a major problem in North America and a leading cause of infertility (9). ART procedures are technically harder in the obese woman for a number of reasons including poorer ultrasound
visualization, necessity for longer probes, and challenges in patient positioning for the procedure. Obese patients also have more comorbidities including type 2 diabetes and hypertension. Anesthesia problems typically include desaturation and airway management difficulties during sedation; for these reasons spinal anesthesia may be more appropriate (9).
visualization, necessity for longer probes, and challenges in patient positioning for the procedure. Obese patients also have more comorbidities including type 2 diabetes and hypertension. Anesthesia problems typically include desaturation and airway management difficulties during sedation; for these reasons spinal anesthesia may be more appropriate (9).
ART has provided the means for women in whom pregnancy and childbirth may be life-threatening to conceive, such as the woman with ongoing organ dysfunction despite organ transplantation, or with primary pulmonary hypertension. She now has the opportunity to produce genetic offspring by undergoing oocyte retrieval, ART, and surrogacy. These women are a challenge to care for from preconception through to delivery and require an ongoing interdisciplinary team approach, including anesthesiologists (10,11).
Women presenting for ART are often under a high degree of social and emotional stress and depression is not uncommon (12). This is often further aggravated by the hormonal manipulation that occurs during ovarian stimulation. Anxiety about the medical procedures is often compounded by stress from financial issues and concerns about missing work. Management of this anxiety is important, and may require an increased dose of anxiolytics and/or propofol for moderate (“conscious”) sedation compared to women with more typical procedural anxiety (13).
Anesthesia and Reproductive Success
The success rate of live births from ART is still only 30% and the underlying factors are still not well understood. In
the early days of ART, oocyte retrieval was performed laparoscopically under general anesthesia. In 1987, Boyers et al. (14) and Hayes et al. (15) reported that the first oocytes collected laparoscopically under general anesthesia fertilized more often than the last oocytes collected, suggesting that general anesthesia may have a detrimental effect on fertilization of oocytes. It was unknown if the main contributory factor was the pneumoperitoneum or the anesthetic agents themselves. This led to interest in exploring the effects of anesthetic agents on oocyte fertilization and embryo implantation, and research into which anesthetic technique provides the best outcome—a successful live birth. Unfortunately, much of the evidence to date is marred by lack of specific details about the anesthetic agents used, limited data set from small studies or case reports/case series, and failure to control confounding factors such as procedure duration and maternal age.
the early days of ART, oocyte retrieval was performed laparoscopically under general anesthesia. In 1987, Boyers et al. (14) and Hayes et al. (15) reported that the first oocytes collected laparoscopically under general anesthesia fertilized more often than the last oocytes collected, suggesting that general anesthesia may have a detrimental effect on fertilization of oocytes. It was unknown if the main contributory factor was the pneumoperitoneum or the anesthetic agents themselves. This led to interest in exploring the effects of anesthetic agents on oocyte fertilization and embryo implantation, and research into which anesthetic technique provides the best outcome—a successful live birth. Unfortunately, much of the evidence to date is marred by lack of specific details about the anesthetic agents used, limited data set from small studies or case reports/case series, and failure to control confounding factors such as procedure duration and maternal age.
The carbon dioxide (CO2) pneumoperitoneum may be one of the causes of the lower fertilization rate seen in oocytes retrieved laparoscopically under general anesthesia. One hundred percent CO2 is the ideal insufflation gas as its high blood solubility facilitates rapid absorption from the peritoneal cavity post surgery, it is noncombustible, and it minimizes the chance of life-threatening gas embolism. However, there is evidence to suggest that it may have direct adverse effects on fertilization, most likely due to the decrease in follicular pH that occurs subsequent to CO2 diffusing into the follicle during the procedure (16).
Improvements in transvaginal ultrasonography enabling the operator to directly visualize the follicles, then puncture and aspirate a follicle has bypassed the need for general anesthesia and the potential harmful effects of the pneumoperitoneum. It also means that the procedures do not have to necessarily be done in a hospital, nor require the presence of an anesthesiologist. In addition to being less invasive than laparoscopic procedures, TVOR is associated with higher pregnancy rates (17).
Anesthetic Drugs
The pharmacokinetic profile of propofol makes it ideal for procedures such as oocyte retrieval, providing a rapid onset and short duration of action as well as analgesic and antiemetic effects; however, its use in TVOR is controversial. Due to its high lipid solubility and large volume of distribution, propofol is of course present in follicular fluid (18), and concentrations are related to dose and duration of administration (19). The controversy is over whether it has a significant effect on fertilization, embryo implantation, and live birth rate. Some animal studies have shown a detrimental effect of propofol on oocyte cleavage, fertilization, and term pregnancy in mice (20,21) but others have shown no significant effect (22). The majority of current evidence from human studies suggests that it has no detrimental effect on embryo fertilization, cleavage, or pregnancy rates (23,24,25,26). Only Vincent et al. who compared propofol–nitrous oxide anesthesia to an isoflurane–nitrous oxide combination, found a significantly lower pregnancy rate (29% vs. 54%) (27). This conflicting evidence of detrimental effect on ART outcomes suggests it would be sensible to limit the duration of exposure to propofol during ART procedures in order to limit accumulation of drug in the follicular fluid.
Thiopentone too has been found in follicular fluid when used as an induction agent (28) but there is no difference in the rate of clinical pregnancy in women who receive thiopentone (5 mg/kg) compared to propofol (2.7 mg/kg) for induction of general anesthesia during GIFT procedures (29) or differences in fertilization rate, cleavage rate, implantation rate, or pregnancy rate when it was used as an induction agent for oocyte retrieval (30).
The effect of etomidate on adrenocortical steroidogenesis is well known, but it may also interfere with ovarian steroidogenesis. When used as an induction agent for laparoscopic oocyte retrieval, there was found to be a decrease in plasma concentration of 17-beta-estradiol, progesterone, 17-OH progesterone, and testosterone within 10 minutes of induction; this trend was not seen with the comparison drug, thiopentone (31). It is not clear what effects this may have on pregnancy outcomes, as the patient numbers were too small, but its usage during ART procedures is not recommended.
Methohexital was found to be inferior to propofol for sedation during TVOR with lower pregnancy rates, more nausea and a longer recovery (32).
Midazolam is the most commonly used benzodiazepine for procedures under sedation. It is also found in follicular fluid (33), but no detrimental effects to oocytes or embryos have been detected (34,35). Animal studies with doses as high as 35.0 mg/kg did not prevent or impair in vivo fertilization (36). Midazolam is often used in conjunction with other anesthetic drugs including propofol, fentanyl, alfentanil, and remifentanil. It has been shown to be as effective and safe as a fentanyl–propofol combination in patients undergoing TVOR (37,38,39).
Sedation with ketamine and midazolam has been proposed as a safe alternative to general anesthesia with fentanyl–propofol–isoflurane for TVOR with no differences in outcome of embryos transplanted (34).
The rapid onset and short duration of alfentanil makes it an attractive opioid for ART procedures. While levels are detectable in the follicular fluid (33), they are ten-fold less than serum concentrations (39). When compared with fentanyl for sedation there was no difference in pregnancy outcome, yet induction was quicker and patients were less drowsy at the end of the procedure (40).
Transfer into follicular fluid occurs but no adverse effects on reproduction have been reported. Animal studies show no effect on the fertilization or cleavage of sea urchin eggs exposed to fentanyl, even at large doses (41).
The pharmacokinetic properties of remifentanil make it an attractive option for sedation for TVOR or for total intravenous anesthesia. When used during general anesthesia for TVOR compared to sedation with midazolam and propofol, there were no differences in cleavage or pregnancy rates (38). When used for monitored anesthetic care (MAC) compared to general anesthesia with propofol–nitrous oxide–alfentanil, patients who underwent MAC with remifentanil had higher pregnancy rates (30.6% vs. 17.9%) (42). In comparison with local anesthesia alone, a remifentanil infusion for sedation provided superior procedural conditions and there was no difference found in oocyte quality or embryo score in a retrospective analysis of over 500 cases (43).
In an animal study using doses equivalent to 50 mg of morphine in humans, 26% to 33% of oocytes showed polyspermy (abnormal fertilization of an egg by multiple sperm), which can lead to chromosomal abnormalities (44). One should consider avoiding use of morphine for ART procedures.
Although there are no reported reproductive adverse effects associated with meperidine, its use as a premedication prior to ART procedures provides poor quality sedation (45).
Nitrous Oxide
The inhibition of methionine synthetase by nitrous oxide is well documented (46), but its effect on fertilization and ART success is not conclusive. In animal studies, nitrous oxide arrested development of embryos but only at the two-cell stage. In human studies, there was no difference in pregnancy outcome among women who underwent general anesthesia for laparoscopic ART procedures using isoflurane with or without nitrous oxide (26,47).

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