How the NTSP resources were developed

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Chapter 1

How the NTSP resources were developed

These NTSP resources are for medical, nursing, allied health staff and students. There are resources for patients available separately.

This project started with a group of four Intensive Care Doctors working in Manchester, UK, who wanted to improve the management of patients with tracheostomies. We had identified recurrent themes common to tracheostomy and laryngectomy emergencies and recognised that in order to improve care, educational resources and innovative ways to teach them were urgently required. We initially sought the help of other colleagues in Critical Care, Anaesthesia, ENT surgery and maxillofacial surgery, forming a multi-disciplinary, multi-site working party to develop these resources. This group grew to incorporate input from nursing, physiotherapy and speech therapy colleagues, along with patients and patient groups and other medical and allied health professionals. A short video describing the origins of the project can be viewed at the url provided in the footnote.1

We have focused our attentions in two key areas: the emergency management algorithms and improving routine care by developing educational resources aimed at preventing neck-breathing patients developing life-threatening emergencies.

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Sep 7, 2016 | Posted by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE | Comments Off on How the NTSP resources were developed

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