High-Altitude Illness
Acute high-altitude illness consists of a spectrum of clinical syndromes occurring in nonacclimatized individuals traveling to altitudes greater than 8,000 ft and ranges from a mild, almost flulike, systemic illness (acute mountain sickness or AMS) to life-threatening high-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE), to highaltitude cerebral edema (HACE), to death. In general, the incidence and severity of illness increase with higher altitudes and rapid rates of ascent. All age groups may be affected, including otherwise healthy young persons and persons currently living in and adapted to high altitude who travel to a lower elevation and then reascend.
Acute high-altitude illness typically has an onset within 2 to 8 hours of ascent; this is important in our increasingly mobile society, in which a sea level resident may fly to a high-altitude destination within a few hours. Commercial airlines cruising at altitudes of 29,000 to 37,000 ft have cabin pressures equivalent of an altitude of approximately 6,000 to 8,000 ft (1,800-2,400 m) (FiO2 of 15.2%-17.6%); thus, the airline passenger may be briefly exposed to conditions otherwise associated with the development of mild high-altitude illness.
Acute hypoxia is the syndrome resulting from severe and sudden exposure to extremely low levels of oxygen. This is typically seen during accidental decompression of commercial aircraft or associated with sudden failure of supplemental oxygen in individuals at very high altitudes. Less dramatic situations resulting in arterial desaturation include massive pulmonary embolus and flash pulmonary edema. Symptoms are related to the degree and time course of desaturation and include light-headedness, weakness, dizziness, changes in vision, and lethargy.
Although the ill effects resulting from rapid ascent to high altitudes have been known for years, much of the pathophysiology remains poorly understood. When a nonacclimatized person reaches a high altitude, the decreased ambient oxygen partial pressure results in immediate hypobaric hypoxemia; compensating for hypoxemia, the carotid artery and aortic body chemoreceptors and the brainstem induce an increased respiratory rate, resulting in hypocapnia and respiratory alkalosis. Unfortunately, alkalemia depresses the ventilatory drive, thus operating to increase hypoxemia further during this initial period of alkalosis, usually in the first 24 to 36 hours after ascent.
Physiologic Changes
Numerous physiologic changes occur during high-altitude exposure:
The heart rate increases with ascent to high altitude, and although the cardiac output may be initially increased, it is eventually reduced as a result of a decrease in stroke volume.
Electrocardiographic monitoring of healthy Mount Everest climbers revealed sinus tachycardia, marked sinus arrhythmia, right axis shift, T-wave flattening or inversion, premature atrial and ventricular depolarizations, and, rarely, right bundle branch conduction disturbances. These changes reverted to normal on descent from high altitude.
An increased pulmonary, splanchnic, and skeletal muscle vascular resistance is observed in travelers to high altitude—this is because of vasoconstriction induced by hypoxemia.
The effects of high altitude on the cerebral vasculature are more complex. Hypoxia produces vasodilation, whereas hypocarbia induces vasoconstriction. The overall effect of these changes is believed to cause an increased cerebral blood volume and a variable increase in cerebral blood flow, depending on the amount of hypocarbia present.
Exercise tolerance is reduced at high altitude, and vigorous exercise clearly worsens resting hypoxemia.
Acclimatization begins when a reduced arterial oxygen saturation is first detected.
Hypoxia results in a compensatory increase in minute ventilation, which produces a respiratory alkalosis.
After approximately 24 to 36 hours, renal compensation for respiratory alkalosis causes a bicarbonate diuresis.
Restoration of a more physiologic pH reverses the blunting effect of alkalemia on the respiratory drive, the respiratory rate increases, and hypoxemia improves.
Improved oxygenation at this time signals acclimatization, and symptoms resolve.
Any further incremental ascent will again expose the person to a further decrease in ambient oxygen levels, after which the acclimatization process must begin anew.
In addition, a person who has only mild symptoms at an altitude of 10,000 ft (3,050 m) cannot be predicted to acclimatize well at 12,000 ft (3,660 m); in fact, a serious high-altitude illness may result. Acclimatization of individuals chronically exposed to high altitudes occurs gradually, with hypoxia stimulating the release of erythropoietin. Hypoxia also results in increased 2,3-diphosphoglycerate, which produces a favorable rightward shift in the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve.
Symptoms of AMS usually occur within the first several hours of ascent, peak at approximately 36 hours, and then gradually resolve over the next 1 to 2 days. Some patients will have mild symptoms for 1 week; symptoms usually occur at more than 8,000 to 10,000 ft or 2,440 to 3,050 m and correspond to the initial period of uncompensated respiratory alkalosis. Symptoms may include
Difficulty concentrating
Nausea, vomiting
Dyspnea on mild exertion
Insomnia and poor sleep quality

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