Hepatic Failure
1 Only hepatic failure caused by acetaminophen has an effective specific therapy; therefore, supportive care is the basis for treating most patients. In selected cases, transplantation may be an option.
2 Altered mental status in patients with hepatic failure frequently has a second treatable cause that is not hepatic encephalopathy (e.g., hypoglycemia, sepsis, increased intracranial pressure, drug intoxication).
3 Loss of hepatic function impairs immunocompetence to such a degree that infection is a major killer. Primary bacteremias and spontaneous bacterial peritonitis are common and should be a constant concern.
4 Intravascular volume is often normal or depleted despite total body fluid overload in patients with acute hepatic failure. Therefore, hemodynamic and renal status is very tenuous in these patients.
5 Loss of the liver’s drug-detoxifying capacity radically alters the pharmacokinetics of most medications. Drugs, doses, and schedules must be reconsidered carefully, and drugs metabolized extensively by the liver should be avoided.
6 Because of the central role of the liver in maintaining hemostasis, hepatic failure often is complicated by bleeding, commonly from the GI tract.
Hepatic failure can arise as a primary process in a previously healthy person (e.g., acetaminophen overdose, acute viral hepatitis), through the progression of a chronic liver disease (e.g., cirrhosis, chronic viral hepatitis), or as part of the multiorgan failure syndrome. Whatever the cause, key manifestations are shared as one or more of the five major functions of the liver are disrupted: (a) maintenance of acid-base balance through lactate metabolism, (b) detoxification, (c) glucose and lipid metabolism, (d) protein synthesis (including clotting factors and albumin), and (e) phagocytic clearance of organisms and circulating debris.
The classification of hepatic failure can be confusing. Recently, a three-tiered categorization of acute hepatic failure (AHF) has been proposed based upon the pace of progression: hyperacute developing in less than a week, acute evolving over 1 to 4 weeks and, subacute occurring over 5 to 26 weeks. This system has some utility for predicting etiology and outcomes but is not clearly superior to the traditional designation fulminant hepatic failure defined as the development of encephalopathy within 8 weeks of onset of symptoms. For simplicity, the general term AHF will be used in this chapter. Chronic liver disease present for more than 6 months will be discussed separately because of the vastly different spectrum of complications.
Clinical Features
The diagnosis of AHF cannot be made until coagulopathy and central nervous system (CNS) dysfunction (encephalopathy) are present. Irritability, confusion, and vomiting are all early signs of CNS involvement. The rate of progression of encephalopathy can be astonishing, with patients evolving from normal mental status to obtundation in hours. Fever is common early in the course, whereas hypothermia is more frequent later. The patient with AHF is typically tremulous and hyperventilating; “liver flap” (asterixis) and sustained clonus often can be elicited. Hypoxemia is present in most patients, and acute lung injury (ALI) complicates about one third of all cases. Although ascites and peripheral edema may occur in AHF, these signs result from portal hypertension and hypoalbuminemia making them much more common among patients with chronic liver disease.
Laboratory Features
Leukocytosis with neutrophilia and transaminase elevations usually are present in AHF. Marked hyperbilirubinemia commonly precedes a fall in albumin and prolongation of the prothrombin time (PT). Extensive hepatocyte destruction may impair glycogen storage and gluconeogenesis, giving rise to hypoglycemia. Low-grade disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) commonly results from decreased synthesis of clotting factors, together with failure of the liver to clear fibrin degradation products. Deficient hepatic production of antithrombin proteins predisposes to thrombosis. In AHF with hepatic encephalopathy, ammonia concentrations usually are elevated; a normal value may help to exclude the diagnosis. However, ammonia levels may be surprisingly low in patients with severe protein malnutrition. Furthermore, the degree of elevation correlates so poorly with changes in clinical status as to limit its utility for following a patient’s progress.
AHF has a wide variety of causes (Table 31-1). However, approximately 50% of cases are proven to result from acetaminophen toxicity (see Chapter 33), and sophisticated testing reveals that a substantial proportion of cases previously classified as “indeterminate” (the second most common etiologic category) are likely acetaminophen related. The third most common cause is viral infection.
TABLE 31-1 CAUSES OF AHF | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Acetaminophen is safe when taken in recommended doses, but ingestion of as little as 6 gm may be fatal. (Usually, a fatal dose exceeds 140mg/kg.) Toxicity is most likely among patients with chronic liver disease and those abusing alcohol. Because acetaminophen is rapidly absorbed and usually quickly metabolized, most AHF patients will have low or undetectable acetaminophen levels at presentation. After ingestion of a toxic dose, symptoms are minimal for the first day, with the exception of nausea and vomiting. One to two days later, deteriorating liver function tests, right upper quadrant pain, and oliguria (because of antidiuretic hormonelike effects) become evident. At this time, transaminases may peak in the tens of thousands of units. Within 3 to 5 days, a rising bilirubin and PT are seen as hepatic transaminases and albumin decline. In this most advanced stage, mental status may decline and renal failure develop. If the patient is to spontaneously recover, improvement is typically noted between days 5 and 7. Of all causes acetaminopheninduced AHF has the highest rate of spontaneous recovery, but predicting who will recover and who will die without transplantation is difficult. Poor prognostic factors are late presentation, the presence of coagulopathy, metabolic acidosis, renal failure, and cerebral edema.
When the time of ingestion is known, the risk of toxicity from an isolated acute acetaminophen ingestion may be predicted from the Rumack-Matthew nomogram. (Concentrations ≥ 140mg/dL > 4h are predictive of toxicity.) Unfortunately, the time of ingestion is rarely certain and patients with chronic exposure, preexisting liver disease, or significant alcohol use may develop toxicity at much lower concentrations than the nomogram predicts. For these reasons, it makes sense to administer N-acetylcysteine (NAC) as quickly as possible to AHF victims unless certain acetaminophen is not the cause. NAC protects by directly binding the toxic acetaminophen metabolites and repleting intracellular glutathione. Historically, an oral loading dose of 140mg/kg followed by 17 additional doses of 70mg/kg at 4-h intervals has been used. Vomiting is so common with oral NAC that “prophylactic”
antiemetics are usually needed. Intravenous NAC, free of emetogenic effects, is available, safe, affordable, and at least as effective as the older, less-convenient oral regimen.
antiemetics are usually needed. Intravenous NAC, free of emetogenic effects, is available, safe, affordable, and at least as effective as the older, less-convenient oral regimen.
Viral Hepatitis
The risk of developing AHF from viral hepatitis is small (<1%), but because viral infection is common, collectively viral infections represent the third most cause of AHF. Numerous agents including hepatitis A to E, Epstein-Barr virus, and cytomegalovirus can cause severe hepatitis. Hepatitis B and C account for more than 90% of cases; with hepatitis A contributing another 5%. Hepatitis B and C are transmitted predominantly through the exchange of body fluids (e.g., transfusion, needle stick, or sexual intercourse). Although blood transfer represents the highest relative risk, saliva and semen are also vehicles. Hepatitis B immunization, testing the donated blood supply and evaluating the liver function tests of donors, has dramatically reduced the risk of transfusion-induced disease. After exposure to the hepatitis B virus, a 2- to 3-month incubation period passes as the virus proliferates. During this time, viral surface antigen (HbsAg) can be detected in the serum of infected patients. Nonspecific, gastrointestinal (GI), systemic, and rheumatologic symptoms precede the onset of jaundice and elevations in liver transaminases and, in most patients, by the disappearance of HbsAg. In a small minority of patients, HbsAg persists in the circulation signifying the presence of chronic disease and high infectivity. Antibodies to the core antigen appear in the serum during the incubation period and are typically present for several months after the illness resolves. Antibodies to HbsAg develop during the period of convalescence and may persist for years. Most patients do not require treatment for acute hepatitis B infection, and the value of antivirals or interferon therapy for patients with hepatitis B induced AHF is debated. The delta agent, or hepatitis D, creates disease by coinfecting or superinfecting patients with hepatitis B, producing a highly lethal combination.
In contrast to hepatitis B, hepatitis C is more likely to be clinically subtle in its initial stages and is a rare cause of AHF. Jaundice is uncommon with the acute illness, and when it does occur, is mild. Despite mild initial illness, hepatitis C is a major cause of chronic liver disease and cirrhosis. Even though 40% of infected individuals clear the virus spontaneously, if persistent infection is discovered, treatment with interferon alpha and antivirals accelerate viral clearance. Because different genotypes of the virus have differential response rates and treatment is complex, expensive, and side effect laden, consultation with a hepatologist is prudent. Because coinfection is common, patients diagnosed with hepatitis C should be tested for HIV and vice versa.
Hepatitis A and E differ in many respects from hepatitis B or C. Both A and E are acquired by the fecal-oral route and often produce asymptomatic infection, especially in children. (Adults often are more symptomatic). After ingestion, an average incubation period of a month precedes the onset of nonspecific constitutional and GI symptoms. In some patients, an icteric phase follows, which is associated with abnormalities of transaminases and coincides with the appearance of IgM antibodies. Fortunately, hepatitis A and E uncommonly are associated with either AHF or chronic infection. The exception to this rule may be pregnant women who appear to be more severely affected by hepatitis E. Cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus are much less common causes of clinically important hepatitis and only rarely are associated with AHF.
Although ischemic AHF occurs only rarely as a primary process (e.g., Budd-Chiari, sickle cell crisis), life-threatening hepatic dysfunction often develops in patients with limited reserves, when another even relatively minor insult tips the balance. This injury can occur when nutritive flow is compromised by congestive heart failure or shock or when hepatocytes are damaged by circulating inflammatory mediators (e.g., severe sepsis) or severe hypoxemia.
Initial Evaluation
Most patients with AHF should be cared for in an ICU because of their numerous physiologic problems and need for close monitoring. Because AHF patients are complex and encouraging survival rates have been achieved with transplantation, potential candidates should be transferred early in their course to a facility with transplant capability and resources necessary to manage complications. Unfortunately, transplantation carries its own set of risks, and at least half of all good candidates die while waiting for a liver. Transplantation is best
reserved for the otherwise healthy patient with isolated liver failure. For example, it clearly cannot benefit patients with metastatic carcinoma or those who have sustained irreversible brain damage from hypoxia, intracranial bleeding, or intracranial hypertension.
reserved for the otherwise healthy patient with isolated liver failure. For example, it clearly cannot benefit patients with metastatic carcinoma or those who have sustained irreversible brain damage from hypoxia, intracranial bleeding, or intracranial hypertension.
The first step after confirming respiratory and hemodynamic adequacy is to try to determine the etiology of AHF. An in-depth history should be obtained that includes medications (e.g., herbal remedies, vitamins, estrogens); a dietary history targeting potential sources of hepatitis (e.g., travel, raw seafood consumption, and sick contacts) and; hepatotoxin exposure (e.g., alcohol, carbon tetrachloride, mushrooms). Obviously, a detailed history of transfusion, needle sharing, and sexual activity is essential. A toxicological survey should be obtained that includes acetaminophen levels. A panel of serologic tests should be sent to search for viral causes listed in Table 31-1. Although rare in patients under 40, ceruloplasmin, serum copper, and a 24-h urine for copper should be sent to look for Wilson disease. Autoimmune hepatitis can be excluded by laboratory testing for antinuclear antibody, antimitochondrial antibody, and anti-smoothmuscle antibody. A pregnancy test should be obtained for all women with childbearing potential. Basic laboratory studies including blood counts, bilirubin, transaminases, platelets, electrolytes, creatinine, an arterial blood gas, and tests of hepatic synthetic function (albumin and PTs) should be obtained. It is also reasonable to perform an ultrasound examination of the liver to evaluate its size, echogenicity, bile duct anatomy, portal and hepatic vein patency, and to look for ascites. In many cases, and essentially all cases where transplantation is a consideration, a contrasted abdominal computed tomographic (CT) scan will be performed to evaluate liver and spleen size and texture and vascular anatomy. Obviously, the decision to administer contrast media should be well reasoned given the risks of contrast-induced nephropathy. As initial data are being gathered, potential consultants, (e.g., hepatologist, transplant surgeons, and neurosurgeons) should be contacted.

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