General Aspects of Anesthesia
Anesthesia Machine
1. What is the pressure of a full E cylinder oxygen (O2) tank? How many liters of O2 can be supplied at 1 atm? At what pressure does O2 enter the anesthesia machine from an E cylinder?
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1. The pressure of a full E cylinder of oxygen (O2) is 2200 psi (625 L). O2 enters the anesthesia machine from the E cylinder at 45 psi, as regulated by the O2 cylinder pressure regulator.
2. What is the pressure of the O2 pipeline supply? If both the pipeline O2 and the O2 cylinder are open to the anesthesia machine, which will be the preferred source?
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2. The pipeline O2 supply pressure enters the machine at 50 psi. If both pipeline and cylinder are open, the pipeline is preferred.
3. What is the Pin Index Safety System?
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3. The Pin Index Safety System is a safeguard introduced in the hanger yoke of cylinders to prevent cylinder interchanging and the possibility of accidentally placing the incorrect gas on a yoke designed to accommodate another gas. Two pins on the yoke are arranged so that they project into the cylinder valve. Each gas cylinder has a specific pin arrangement.
4. What are the functions of the check valve?
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4. The check valve has three main functions:
Minimizes gas transfer from a cylinder at high pressure to one with low pressure,
Allows an empty cylinder to be exchanged for a full one while gas flow continues from the other cylinder into the machine with minimal loss of gas, Minimizes leakage from an open cylinder to the atmosphere if one cylinder is absent.
5. If the O2 supply pressure to the anesthesia machine suddenly drops to 20 psi, what will happen?
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5. If the O2 supply suddenly falls to 20 psi, the O2 flow will be maintained and 100% O2 will be delivered, as the pressure sensor valve will shut off delivery of nitrous oxide (N2O) and other gases.
1. What is the purpose of the fail-safe system?
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1. Machines without a proportioning system can deliver hypoxic mixtures under normal working conditions. Normal O2 pressure will keep other gas lines open so that a hypoxic mixture can result.
2. What is the purpose of the second-stage regulator in the Ohmeda?
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2. The purpose of the second-stage regulator in the Ohmeda ventilator is to ensure that O2 is the last gas flow to decrease if O2 pressure fails. It is set at 12 to 19 psi. O2 flowmeter output is constant when the O2 supply pressure exceeds the set value.
3. How does the fail-safe system in the Ohmeda machine work?
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3. In the Ohmeda machine, the fail-safe system is known as the pressure sensor shut-off valve. It acts as a threshold and is either open or closed. Once the O2 supply pressure is below a certain threshold (i.e., 20 psi), the force of the valve return spring completely closes the valve → N2O is shut off.
A hypoxic mixture may still be delivered when there is sufficient O2 supply in the system, even though it may not pass the valve.
4. How does the fail-safe system in the Drager Narkomed machine work?
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4. The Drager Narkomed machine fail-safe system is the Oxygen Failure Protection Device (OFPD). It interfaces the O2 pressure with that of the other gases, such as N2O, carbon dioxide (CO2), or helium (He). It is based on a proportioning principle rather than on the threshold principle. The pressure of all gases controlled by the OFPD will decrease proportionally with the O2 pressure.
A vulnerable O2 supply pressure zone theoretically exists from 31 to 50 psi because flows can decrease by as much as 30% before the operator is alerted to an O2 pressure problem.
5. How can a hypoxic gas mixture be detected if the fail-safe system fails?
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5. A hypoxic gas mixture can be detected if the fail-safe system fails by measuring the inspired O2 concentration on the inspiratory limb of the anesthesia circuit.
1. Is the flowmeter on an anesthesia machine a fixed- or variable-orifice flowmeter?
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1. The flowmeter on the anesthesia machine is a variable orifice. It tapers with the inner diameter, increasing uniformly from bottom to top.
2. Does the Hagen-Poiseuille law relate to laminar or turbulent flow? When is this condition met in a flowmeter?
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2. The Hagen-Poiseuille law states that volume flow increases in direct proportion to the pressure gradient. This law applies to laminar flow. Note that the flow is directly proportional to pressure change along the tube and one-fourth of the radius of the tube and is inversely proportional to the viscosity. Once flow becomes turbulent (a Reynold’s number >2100), the radius to fourth power law is invalid.
Laminar flow is found in a fixed-orifice flowmeter, upstream from the orifice; downstream, it is turbulent. Laminar flow may also be found at low flow rates in a variable-orifice flowmeter.
3. How does the viscosity of a gas affect the flow rate during turbulent flow? What about the density?
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3. The calibration of the flowmeter depends on the viscosity and density at low flow rates, and only on density at higher flow rates. Flow through the annular space is tubular at low flow rates (Poiseuille’s law applies), and viscosity becomes dominant in determining flow rate. The annular space simulates an orifice at high flow rates, and gas flow rate primarily depends on density.
4. Are the flowmeters on an anesthesia machine interchangeable?
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4. The flowmeters are NOT interchangeable. The scales are hand calibrated using the specific float to provide a high degree of accuracy.
5. Where is the O2 flowmeter located, upstream or downstream? Why?
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5. The O2 flowmeter is located downstream from all machine safety devices, except the O2 analyzed. This arrangement is less likely to allow a hypoxic mixture of gases.
6. When can a hypoxic mixture still be delivered in spite of the proportioning system?
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6. Proportioning systems can still deliver a hypoxic mixture under the following conditions:
The wrong gas is supplied in the O2 pipeline.
There are defective pneumatics or mechanics in the machine.
There are leaks downstream of the flow-control valves.
There is inert gas administration (He, CO2, or nitrogen [N2]), as contemporary proportioning systems link only N2O and O2.
7. What valves and/or regulators are present in the O2 flush line?
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7. The regulator/valve present in the O2 flush line is the spring-loaded O2 flush valve. If stuck open, it can cause barotrauma and patient awareness (dilution of the concentration of inhaled anesthetic gases).
1. What is a variable-bypass vaporizer?
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1. Variable bypass refers to the method for regulating output concentration from the vaporizer. After the total gas flow enters the vaporizer’s inlet, the concentration control dial adjusts the amount of gas that goes to the bypass chamber and to the vaporizing chamber. The gas channeled to the vaporizing chamber flows over the liquid anesthetic agent and becomes saturated.
2. What factors influence the vapor output?
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2. Factors influencing vapor output are gas flow rate, temperature, intermittent back pressure associated with positive-pressure ventilation or with O2 flushing (can cause a higher vaporizer concentration than that set on the dial), and carrier gas flow composition.
3. How will a low gas flow rate (250 mL/min) affect vaporizer output? What about a high gas flow rate (15 L/min)?
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3. The output of all variable-bypass vaporizers is less than the dial setting at low flow rates (<250 mL/min) because of the relatively high specific gravity of volatile anesthetics. Insufficient pressure is generated at low flow rates in the vaporizing chamber to advance the molecules upward. At extremely high flow rates (>15 L/min), the output of most variable-bypass vaporizers is less than the dial setting because of incomplete mixing and saturation in the vaporizing chamber. In addition, the resistance characteristics of the bypass chamber and the vaporizing chamber can vary as flow increases (may result in decreased output concentration).
4. Are the vaporizers on Ohmeda and Drager machines temperature compensated?
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4. The vaporizers on Ohmeda and Drager Narkomed machines are temperature compensated from 20 to 35°C. The output is almost linear over a wide range of temperatures (Vapor pressure is a function of temperature). The bypass chamber has an automatic temperaturecompensating mechanism, and wicks are placed in direct contact with the metal wall of the vaporizer to help replace the heat that is used for vaporization.
5. Why should vaporizers not be tilted from the upright position? What should be done if this happens?
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5. Vaporizers should not be tilted because this can cause the liquid agent to enter the bypass chamber and can result in a high-output concentration. If tipped, it should not be used until it has been flushed for 20 to 30 minutes at high flow rates with the vaporizer set at a low concentration.
1. Diagram the Mapleson A to F circuits.
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2. Which circuit is most efficient with spontaneous respiration and with controlled respiration?
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2. The Mapleson A circuit is best suited for spontaneous ventilation. The Mapleson D circuit is best suited for controlled ventilation.
3. What is the Bain circuit? What are its advantages? What are its disadvantages?
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3. The Bain circuit is a modification of the Mapleson D circuit.
Advantages: Low flow required to maintain normocarbia (200 to 300 mL/kg spontaneous ventilation; 70 mL/kg during controlled ventilation); light-weight, convenient, easily sterilized, and reusable. Scavenging is facilitated because the expiratory valve is located away from the patient. Exhaled gases in the outer reservoir tubing add warmth and humidity to inspired fresh gases.
Disadvantages: Unrecognized disconnection/kinking of the inner fresh-gas hose → hypercarbia from inadequate gas flow or increased resistance.
4. What is the Jackson-Rees modification? How is rebreathing prevented with this circuit? What are the advantages? What are the disadvantages?
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4. Jackson-Rees (Mapleson F) is a modification of the Mapleson D circuit. It is a commonly used T-piece system with a reservoir bag. The adjustable unidirectional expiratory valve is incorporated into the reservoir bag, and the fresh gas flow (FGF) inlet is located close to the patient.
Advantages: Ease of instituting assisted/controlled ventilation and monitoring ventilation by movement of the reservoir bag during spontaneous breathing; simple and inexpensive.
Disadvantages: Lack of humidification; need for high FGF; easily occluded relief valve → increased airway pressure → barotrauma. The degree of rebreathing is affected by the management of venting and ventilation.
1. Define semiopen, semiclosed, and closed circle systems. Which is usually used in the operating room?
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1. The type of circle system depends on the amount of fresh gas inflow:
Semiopen: No rebreathing and a very high FGF required;
Semiclosed: Rebreathing of gases;
Closed: Inflow gas exactly matching that consumed by the patient → complete rebreathing of exhaled gases after absorption of CO2.
2. What are the components of a circle system?
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2. Components of the circle system:
Fresh gas inflow source,
Inspiratory/expiratory unidirectional valves,
Inspiratory/expiratory corrugated tubes,
Y-piece connector,
Pop-off valve,
Reservoir bag,
CO2 absorbent.
3. Where is the optimal location of unidirectional valves in the circle system? Why is this arrangement not used on the anesthesia machines?
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3. The most efficient location of the unidirectional valves in a circle system allows the highest conservation of fresh gases—the valves near the patient and the pop-off valve just downstream from the expiratory valve. The arrangement commonly found on the anesthesia machine is more practical but less efficient because it allows mixing of alveolar and dead space gas before venting.
4. What conditions in a circle system must be met to prevent rebreathing of carbon dioxide (CO2)?
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4. To prevent rebreathing in the circle system:
The unidirectional valve is placed between the patient and the reservoir bag on the inspiratory and the expiratory limbs.
The expiratory limb cannot enter the circuit between the expiratory valve and the patient.
The pop-off valve cannot be located between the patient and the inspiratory valve.
Circle system advantages: Relative constancy of inspired concentration; conservation of respiratory moisture/heat; minimization of room pollution; usable with closedsystem anesthesia or low O2 flow.
Circle system disadvantages: Complex system with many connectors that can leak or malfunction.
1. What are the compositions of soda lime and Baralyme? What are the catalysts for each?
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1. Two types of CO2 absorbers are commonly used today: soda lime and Baralyme (BaOH lime).
Soda lime: 94% calcium hydroxide (CaOH), 5% sodium hydroxide (NaOH), and 1% potassium hydroxide (KOH). Silica is added to produce a hard compound and reduce dust formation. NaOH is the catalyst for the CO2 absorptive properties of soda lime.
Baralyme: 80% CaOH and 20% barium hydroxide (BaOH). BaOH is the catalyst; it does not require a silica binder.
The absorption of CO2 by the absorbers is a chemical process, not a physical one. The CO2 reacts with water to form carbonic acid, which reacts with the hydroxides to form sodium (or potassium) carbonate, water, and heat.
2. How does granule size affect absorption activity and gas flow resistance?
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2. The smaller the granules, the more surface area is available for absorption. However, air flow resistance increases. The granular size of soda lime and Baralyme in anesthesia practice is between four and eight mesh, for which the resistance to air flow is negligible.
3. What is the maximum amount of CO2 that can be absorbed? What are the indications that the absorbent is exhausted?
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3. Ethyl violet is added to soda lime and Baralyme to assess functional integrity of absorbent. As the absorbent becomes exhausted, the pH decreases to <10.3; ethyl violet changes to its violet form through alcohol dehydration. Maximum CO2 absorbed is 26 L/100 g absorbent. Fluorescent lights can deactivate the dye.
4. What is channeling?
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4. Channeling is the flow of exhaled gases through a fixed pattern of loose granules in the CO2 absorber.
5. Which anesthetic agent is unstable in soda lime? Is this clinically relevant? What is the factor that affects the rate of degradation?
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5. Sevoflurane (Ultane) is somewhat unstable in soda lime, but this does NOT produce toxic effects. It is not clinically significant. Degradation is a direct function of temperature.
1. How can ventilators be classified?
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1. Ventilators may be classified by the following:
Power source,
Drive mechanism,
Cycling mechanism,
Bellows type.
2. What are the two classes of ventilator bellows? Which is safer?
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2. The two classes of bellows are ascending and descending. The ascending bellows will not fill if a disconnection occurs in the system (safer), but the descending bellows will continue its up-and-down movement.
3. What is the purpose of the ventilator pressure relief valve?
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3. The ventilator pressure relief valve prevents anesthetic gas from escaping into the scavenging system during inspiration. A weighted ball is incorporated into the base of the ventilator relief valve. This ball produces 2 to 3 cm H2O back pressure; therefore scavenging occurs only after the bellows fills completely and the pressure inside the bellows exceeds the pressure threshold. Scavenging occurs only during expiration, as the ventilator relief valve is open only during expiration.
4. Why should the O2 flush valve not be used during the inspiratory cycle of the ventilator?
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4. O2 flushing during inspiration can result in barotrauma because excess volume cannot be vented (the vent relief valve is closed and the adjustable pressure limiting valve is either out of circuit or closed). In addition, the risk of patient awareness is increased by diluting the concentration of anesthetic agents delivered.
5. Why does the delivered tidal volume increase when the gas flow is increased without changing the ventilator settings?
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5. The delivered tidal volume may increase when you increase gas flow rate despite not changing the ventilator settings. Usually, this increase is lost to the compliance of the breathing circuit.
6. What would happen if there were a hole in the bellows?
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6. A hole in the bellows can lead to hyperinflation and possible barotrauma in some ventilators. The high-pressure driving gas can enter the patient circuit. It will also increase the inspired fraction of O2.
1. What are the five components of the scavenging system?
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1. The components of the scavenging system are as follows:
Gas-collecting assembly,
Transfer tubing,
Scavenging interface,
Gas disposal tubing,
Active or passive gas disposal assembly.
2. What is an open scavenging system?
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2. An open interface contains no valves and is open to the atmosphere, allowing both positiveand negative-pressure relief. Such systems require a reservoir because waste gases are intermittently discharged in surges, whereas flow to the active disposal system is continuous.
3. What is a closed scavenging system? How is positive pressure vented? How is negative pressure vented?
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3. Closed systems communicate with the atmosphere through valves. All must have a positive-pressure relief valve to vent excess system pressure if obstruction occurs downstream from the interface. A negative-pressure relief valve is mandatory to protect the breathing system from subatmospheric pressure if an active disposal system is used.
4. What are the two different gas disposal assembly systems?
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4. There are two different types of gas disposal assembly systems:
Active: Uses a central vacuum; a negative-pressure relief valve and reservoir bag are required.
Passive: Uses pressure of the waste gas itself to produce flow through the system. A positive-pressure relief valve is required, but not the negative-pressure relief valve or the reservoir.
1. Name two things that are important about the O2 analyzer.
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1. The O2 analyzer is the only machine monitor/safety device that evaluates the integrity of the low-pressure circuit. It is also the only monitor that detects problems downstream from the flow-control valves.
2. What does the low-pressure lead test evaluate?
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2. The low-pressure leak test evaluates the integrity of the anesthesia machine from the flow-control valves to the common outlet. It evaluates the portion of the machine that is downstream from all safety devices except the O2 analyzer.
3. What are the steps in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration-recommended anesthesia machine leak test?
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3. The leak test is performed through the following steps:
Closing the pop-off valve,
Occluding the circuit at the patient end,
Filling the system with O2 from the O2 flush line and setting O2 flow at 5 L/min,
Slowly decreasing O2 flow until pressure no longer rises above 20 cm H2O (this approximates the leak rate),
Squeezing the bag to a pressure of approximately 50 cm H2O and verifying that the system is tight.
A leak in the low-pressure circuit will be reflected by a decline in the value on the airway pressure gauge.
4. Name some of the limitations of this leak test.
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4. A limitation of this leak test is its lack of sensitivity as compared with leak tests using special devices (i.e., squeeze bulb).
5. In most Ohmeda machines, will the above test detect leaks in the flowmeters and vaporizers? If not, how would you check for leaks?
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5. In Ohmeda machines, the low-pressure leak test may not detect leaks in the flowmeters and vaporizers. These can be detected with a negative-pressure leak test using a suction bulb device.
6. What is the “mucus escalator”?
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6. The mucus escalator is a blanket of mucus produced by the epithelial cells of the respiratory tract. The mucous blanket is kept in a constant streaming motion toward the larynx. The production and transport of mucus/ciliary motion is optimal between a pH of 6.8 and 7.2 and a temperature of 28 to 33°C. The ciliary action is depressed by opiates and nicotine directly, and inhibited by atropine sulfate by increasing the viscosity of the mucous blanket. Inhaled anesthetics at concentrations that produce general anesthesia will depress ciliary function.
7. What can be the effects of delivering inhaled gases at excessively high temperatures?
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7. Delivery of gases at temperatures >40°C at the endotracheal tube (ETT) may produce hemorrhagic, bronchospastic tracheobronchitis. The minimum recommended humidity for anesthesia is 60% or 12 mg/L.
1. What is the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) standard I on monitoring?
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1. The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) standard I requires qualified personnel to be present in the operating room (OR) for the continuous monitoring of patients throughout the conduct of all general or regional anesthesia and during monitored anesthesia care.
2. What is the ASA standard II on monitoring?
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2. The ASA standard II focuses on continually evaluating a patient’s oxygenation, ventilation, circulation, and temperature. The following are specifically mandated:
Use of an O2 analyzer that has a low O2 concentration limit alarm;
Quantitative assessment of blood oxygenation (pulse oximetry);
Determination of the adequacy of ventilation by clinical signs;
Verification of the correct placement of an ETT by clinical assessment and identification of end-tidal (ET) CO2;
Use of disconnect alarms (low-pressure monitors) when a mechanical ventilator is used;
Continuous display of the electrocardiogram (ECG);
Determination of the heart rate (HR) and arterial blood pressure (BP) at least every 5 minutes;
Continual evaluation of heart tones, pulse trace, or pulse character;
A means to continuously measure changes in body temperature as clinically indicated.
3. If an O2 analyzer is placed in the inspiratory limb of a circle breathing system, what will happen if there is a disconnection at the Y-piece? What would happen if the O2 analyzer were on the expiratory limb?
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3. The O2 analyzer will detect a disconnection in FGF when placed in the inspiratory limb. Only in the expiratory limb will a decreased O2 show up by identification of an ETT disconnection. Placing the O2 analyzer in the inspired limb will ensure that a hypoxic mixture is not delivered to the patient but does not guarantee the adequacy of arterial oxygenation.
4. Where should the O2 analyzer be placed to most closely approximate alveolar O2 concentration?
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4. Placement of the O2 analyzer in the expired limb will most closely approximate alveolar O2 concentration.

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