
CHAPTER 6 General

Anaesthesia for the Elderly

People over 65 years of age have conventionally been regarded as elderly and this is still used as a social definition. For GA purposes, elderly is defined as over 80 years, based on physiological parameters. In the UK, there are currently 2.4 million people over 80 years of age. By 2040, this number is expected to increase to 4.4 million. Operations in this age group are more common as the numbers of elderly increase.

Specific drugs

Anticholinergics. Increased VD atropine with ↑ half-life. Causes central anticholinergic syndrome unlike glycopyrrolate because of passage across blood–brain barrier.

Barbiturates. Larger VD with prolonged clearance; 30–40% ↓ dose requirement.

Benzodiazepines (Table 6.1). Increased CNS sensitivity. High protein binding of diazepam results in greater free drug in elderly in contrast to lesser change in dose requirements of midazolam. The latter may cause severe hypotension in the elderly (Committee on Safety of Medicines warning).

Table 6.1 Half-life of benzodiazepines

  t1/2 (h)
  Young adult Elderly
Diazepam 24 72
Midazolam 2.8 4.3

Propofol. 50% reduced dose requirement. More enhanced CVS depression and greater hypotensive effect (diastolic > systolic). Reduce hypotension on induction by slower rate of injection. Propofol reduces postoperative mental confusion compared with other induction agents.

Volatiles. MAC decreases linearly with age. Volatiles with rapid elimination, e.g. desflurane, may reduce postoperative mental confusion. Isoflurane, desflurane and sevoflurane have fewer cardiovascular side-effects than other volatiles.

Opioids (Table 6.2). Smaller VD with higher initial plasma concentrations. Increased elimination half-life (↓ clearance greater than ↓ VD). Decreased protein binding of pethidine with increasing age.

Table 6.2 Half-life of opioids

  t1/2 β (min)
  Young adult Elderly
Alfentanil 90 130
Fentanyl 250 925

Muscle relaxants. Reduced plasma cholinesterase but minimal effect on hydrolysis. There are conflicting results for atracurium and vecuronium. Probably little change in initial dose requirements but prolonged elimination. No change in dose requirements or elimination of cisatracurium, but 30% increase in time to effective block. Pancuronium and gallamine cause tachycardia, worsening any myocardial ischaemia.

Anticholinergics. No change in dose but slower onset of action and prolonged muscarinic side-effects.

Local anaesthetics. Decreased elimination of lidocaine and bupivacaine with increased risk of toxicity.

General principles of anaesthetic management

Anaesthesia and Perioperative Care of the Elderly

Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland 2001

Anaphylactic Reactions

Hypersensitivity to drugs (Fig. 6.1)

In a French study (Laxenaire 2001), overall incidence of reactions was 1 in 13 000 anaesthetics, while the incidence of anaphylaxis to neuromuscular blocking agents was 1 in 6500 anaesthetics. Causes included neuromuscular blocking drugs (62%), latex (17%), antibiotics (8%), hypnotics (5%), colloids (3%) and opioids (3%).

Cross-reactivity may occur between drugs with similar structures, causing a type I hypersensitivity reaction to a drug to which the patient has not previously been exposed. In 70% of patients found to be allergic to a neuromuscular blocking drug, cross-reactivity was found to others; 17% of those allergic to a neuromuscular blocking drug had not had anaesthesia before.


Suspected Anaphylactic Reactions Associated With Anaesthesia

Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland and the British Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Revised guidelines 2009 (4E)


Other tests

Mast cell tryptase is the principal protein content of mast cell granules and is released, together with histamine and other amines, in anaphylactic and anaphylactoid reactions. Its concentration in the plasma or serum is raised between 1 and 6 h after reactions which involve mast cell degranulation. Thus post-mortem analysis of plasma tryptase may yield meaningful results. The normal value of basal plasma tryptase is <1 ng/mL. Plasma tryptase levels >20 ng/mL may be seen after anaphylactic reactions.

In reactions to anaesthetic drugs, the analysis of mast cell tryptase appears to be a specific and sensitive diagnostic test for anaphylactic and anaphylactoid reactions. It is the most useful acute test available at present but requires further validation in mild/moderate reactions.

Skin prick tests to general anaesthetic drugs (which show the presence of specific IgE antibodies to these drugs) should be carried out 4–6 weeks after the reaction. For a limited number of anaesthetic drugs, specific IgE antibodies in the serum can be measured. Currently, the only commercial assay available is for suxamethonium.

Methylhistamine is the principal metabolite of histamine and is excreted in the urine. Raised urinary concentrations occur after reactions which involve systemic histamine release.

Latex allergy can be assessed by history supported by skin testing or measuring specific IgE, e.g. by radioallergosorbent (RAST) or CAP (the CAP system is an alternative to RAST. It is a fluoroimmunoassay for the measurement of antigen-specific antibodies and is usually more sensitive than RAST).


Blood donors

Some 17 million units of blood are donated in Europe each year. Each unit is screened for antibodies to:

Blood groups

The ABO blood groups are summarized in Table 6.3.

Coagulation cascade


Transfusion reactions

Massive blood transfusion

Defined as the acute administration of more than 1.5 times the patient’s blood volume, or replacement of the patient’s total blood volume within 24 h.

Blood groups for urgent transfusion are:

Blood transfusions can be avoided by:

tolerating a lower haematocrit

Blood Transfusion and the Anaesthetist – Intraoperative Cell Salvage

Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland, September 2009


Postoperative care

Management of Anaesthesia for Jehovah’s Witnesses

Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland 2005 (2E)


Consumptive coagulopathies

TEG endpoints (Fig. 6.5)


Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland. Management of anaesthesia for Jehovah’s Witnesses, 2nd ed. Reproduced with the kind permission of the Association of anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland, 2005.

Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland. Blood Transfusion and the Anaesthetist – Red Cell Transfusion, 2008. June Reproduced with the kind permission of the Association of anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland

Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland: Blood Transfusion and the anaesthetist – blood component therapy, 2005. Dec Reproduced with the kind permission of the Association of anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland

Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland: Blood Transfusion and the anaesthetist – introperative cell salvage, 2009. Sept Reproduced with the kind permission of the Association of anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland

Bux J. Transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI): a serious adverse event of blood transfusion. Vox Sang. 2005;89:1-10.

Contreras M., editor. ABC of Transfusion, ed 3, London: BMJ Publishing, 1998.

Mackman N. The role of tissue factor and factor VIIa in hemostasis. Anesth Analg. 2009;108:1447-1452.

Martlew V.J. Peri-operative management of patients with coagulation disorders. Br J Anaesth. 2000;85:446-455.

Maxwell M.J., Wilson M.J.A. Complications of blood transfusion. Contin Edu Anaesth, Crit Care Pain. 2006;6:225-229.

Milligan L.J., Bellamy M.C. Anaesthesia and critical care of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Contin Edu Anaesth, Crit Care Pain. 2004;4:35-39.

Napier J.A., Bruce M., Chapman J., British Committee for Standards in Haematology Blood Transfusion Task Force: Autologous Transfusion Working Party. Guidelines for autologous transfusion. II. Perioperative haemodilution and cell salvage. Br J Anaesth. 1997;78:768-771.

Ramanarayanan J., Krishnan G.S., Hernandez-Ilizaliturri F.J., 2008. Factor VII

Ridley S., Taylor B., Gunning K. Medical management of bleeding in critically ill patients. 2007;7:116-121.

Serious Hazards of Transfusion Annual Report., 2008.

Shore-Lesserson L. Evidence based coagulation monitors: heparin monitoring, thromboelastography, and platelet function (Review). Semin Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2005;9:41-52.

Silverman T.A., Weiskopf R.B. Planning Committee and the Speakers: Hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers: current status and future directions. Anaesthesiology. 2009;111:946-963.

Spahn D.R., Tucci M.A., Makris M. Is recombinant FVIIa the magic bullet in the treatment of major bleeding? Br J Anaesth. 2005;94:553-555.

Spahn D.R., Rossaint R. Coagulopathy and blood component transfusion in trauma. Br J Anaesth. 2005;95:130-139.

Tanaka K.A., Key N.S., Levy J.H. Blood coagulation: hemostasis and thrombin regulation. Anesth Analg. 2009;108:1433-1446.



There are 10 000 burns admissions p.a. in the UK, of which 600 are fatal; 35% of burn injuries occur in children. Most burns are scalds (children), flame burns and flash burns (adults); also electrical and chemical burns. Cold injury (frostbite) is rare in the UK.

Systemic effects of burns

Tissue damage is due to both direct thermal injury and secondary damage from inflammatory mediators.

CVS. Initial reduction in cardiac output due to hypovolaemia and myocardial depressant factor. Substantial amounts of water, sodium and protein are lost within 48 h due to leakage from capillary beds. This increased capillary permeability may cause generalized oedema in large burns (>30%). Hypermetabolic state leads to an increased cardiac output within a few days. Hypertension is common secondary to catecholamines and renin activation. Responds to ACE inhibitors.

Respiratory. Reduced chest wall compliance, reduced FRC, reduced pulmonary compliance. Mucosal damage from upper airway burn.

Renal. Renal failure due to reduced GFR (inadequate resuscitation), myoglobinuria, haemoglobinuria and sepsis.

GI. Impaired liver function due to hypovolaemia, hepatotoxins and hypoxia. Curling’s ulcers form in the stomach.

CNS. Encephalopathy, seizures.

Haematology. Bone marrow suppression, anaemia, thrombocytopenia and coagulopathy.

Skin. Increased heat, fluid and electrolyte loss. Loss of protective antimicrobial barrier.

Metabolism. Full-thickness burn causes water loss of 200 mL/m2 per hour; 500 calories are used to evaporate 1000 mL water. Therefore there is an increased energy demand.

Inhaled carbon monoxide and cyanide reduce tissue oxygen delivery.

Stress response causes a hypermetabolic state with accelerated nitrogen turnover, negative nitrogen balance, hyperinsulinaemia and insulin resistance. Large nutritional requirements necessitate early high-calorie feeding.

Treatment of burn injury

Extent and depth of burn

Burn size. This is estimated using the ‘Rule of Nines’ (Fig. 6.7).

Depth of burn

Superficial. Damage to epidermis. Erythema but no blistering. Painful. Heals in 2–3 days.

Partial thickness. Destruction of epidermis and dermis with formation of blisters. If deep, may also include islets of fat. Painful. Heals within 10 days as fresh epidermis grows out from hair follicles but deep partial thickness burns may be slow to heal.

Full thickness. Complete loss of epidermis and dermis down to subcutaneous fat. Loss of pain receptors renders burn painless. The burn is either white or charred with eschar. Heals by wound contraction and thus if circumferential may require escharotomies in the acute stage.

Fluid replacement. Formal fluid resuscitation is commenced in adults with >15% burns or in children with >10% burns. Ringer’s lactate is the crystalloid of choice. Hypertonic saline may reduce fluid volumes and oedema, but some studies have shown that it causes hypernatraemia, renal failure and increased mortality.

These regimens are given in addition to the normal daily fluid requirements (usually given as 5% dextrose or dextrose saline). Volumes may need increasing if clinical indicators show inadequate resuscitation (mental status, vital signs, urine output, capillary refill, CVP, etc.).

Check electrolytes, haematocrit and plasma and urine osmolality every 4 h. Low volume urine with osmolality >450 suggests continuing hypovolaemia. Transfuse blood if haematocrit <0.3.

Common fluid replacement formulae:

Aug 28, 2016 | Posted by in ANESTHESIA | Comments Off on General

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