Fluid and Electrolyte Disorders

Fluid and Electrolyte Disorders


Despite great variability in sodium (Na+) and water intake, circulating intravascular volume, serum Na+ concentration, and osmolality normally remain quite stable. As a consequence of dehydration and/or hypovolemia, there are increases in serum osmolality, which trigger thirst, and antidiuretic hormone (ADH) secretion. Although they often coexist, it is essential to recognize that dehydration (loss of water) is different from hypovolemia (inadequate circulating volume). ADH secretion increases dramatically as osmolality rises above 285 mOsm/L or extracellular volume declines by 10% to 15%. ADH then acts on the medullary collecting duct of the kidney to stimulate water reabsorption. The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system restores the circulating volume in response to its contraction. The combined effects of ADH and the renin system balance the retention of Na+ and water. When plasma osmolality declines, ADH release is inhibited, and excess water is lost in an attempt to return osmolality toward normal. Hence, usually the serum Na+ concentration has little to do with the amount of Na+ in the body, but much to do with the amount of water.


Disorders of fluid and Na+ balance occur daily in the intensive care unit (ICU) because patients have multiple organ system failures, are usually denied self-regulation of water balance, and are
administered medications that disturb fluid and electrolyte status. Hyponatremia, defined as a serum Na+ concentration less than 134 mEq/L, is one of the most common electrolyte disorders and implies excess water in the body. The manifestations of hyponatremia range from the subtle to the neurologically profound but generally are proportional to the magnitude of the hyponatremia and the speed with which it develops. Symptoms span the spectrum from muscle cramps, nausea, vomiting, and anorexia to confusion, lethargy, coma, and seizures.

In combination with a thorough history, medication review, and physical examination, the serum osmolality, glucose, creatinine, and albumin provide essential data for determining the etiology of hyponatremia. Because Na+ is the predominant osmotically active extracellular action, serum osmolality is normally determined largely by the relative proportions of water and Na+. Measurements of serum osmolality help to separate hyponatremic disorders into three distinct categories summarized in Table 13-1. Apart from disturbances in sodium/water balance, marked elevations of glucose or exogenous substances (alcohols and complex carbohydrates) can elevate serum osmolality. Conversely, reductions in osmolality virtually always are reflected in the Na+ concentration as illustrated by the equation commonly used to calculate serum osmolality:

Osmolality = 2[Na+] + glucose/18 + BUN/2.8 + [serum ethanol]/4.6 + (“unmeasured” osmoles)

Categories of Hyponatremia

Hypertonic Hyponatremia

Hypertonic hyponatremia results from the infusion or spontaneous generation of (nonsodium) osmotically active substances. Hyperglycemia and therapeutic administration of hypertonic glucose, mannitol, or glycine can cause hypertonicity while depressing Na+ levels. (Although urea also increases osmolality, it fails to affect serum Na+ concentration because it freely traverses cell membranes, dissipating any potential osmotic gradient.) Extracellular hypertonicity draws water from cells in an attempt to reduce the osmotic gradient. This effect not only partially corrects the hyperosmolality but also lowers the Na+ concentration and causes cellular dehydration. The cause of hypertonic hyponatremia usually can be diagnosed by measuring serum glucose and reviewing a list of the patient’s drugs. When hyperglycemia is the etiology, Na+ levels decline approximately 1.6 mEq/L per 100 mg/dL rise in serum glucose. Thus, hyperglycemia has a negligible effect on Na+ levels in concentrations less than 200 to 300 mg/dL.








Osmotic agents


Inappropriate ADH

Heart failure











Isotonic infusions of




Chronic renal




Diuretics (thiazide, loop, and osmotic)

Third-space loss

Salt-wasting nephropathy



Hypotonic Hyponatremias

Hypotonic hyponatremia is the most common form of hyponatremia and can be subclassified into three categories based upon the estimation of the patient’s volume status. Hypotonic hyponatremia almost never develops unless the patient has unrestricted access to water or receives a hypotonic fluid.

Hypovolemic Hypotonic Hyponatremia Hypovolemic hyponatremia with low serum osmolality results from replacing losses of salt-containing plasma with hypotonic fluid. Volume depletion is a potent stimulus for ADH release. Intake of hypotonic fluid, when combined with the decreased free water clearance that results from ADH release, causes hyponatremia. Physical examination reveals signs of volume depletion. Thirst and postural hypotension are more objective and reliable signs than are skin turgor, sunken orbits, or mucous membrane dryness.

Hypovolemic hypotonic hyponatremia may result from renal or nonrenal causes. Bleeding, diarrhea, vomiting, and profuse sweating are common nonrenal mechanisms of circulating volume loss and are usually apparent clinically. Third-space losses (e.g., pancreatitis or gut sequestration) may be less obvious. Renal causes of volume depletion and hyponatremia include diuretic use (particularly thiazide diuretics), osmotic diuresis from ketones, glucose, or mannitol and the less common conditions of mineralocorticoid deficiency, and salt wasting nephropathy.

For patients with well-functioning kidneys and normal levels of mineralocorticoid hormones, small volumes of hypertonic urine with a very low Na+ concentration reflect intense conservation of Na+ and water. If the cause of the syndrome is not clear from the history and physical examination, measuring urine Na+ and osmolality and serum cortisol and aldosterone may be diagnostically helpful. If urine Na+ concentration is high and urine osmolality normal, renal salt wasting is the probable etiology. With mineralocorticoid insufficiency, the urine Na+ concentration is high and the urine osmolality is elevated. Because hypovolemia reduces renal blood flow, thereby slowing tubular flow, urea may “back-diffuse” into the bloodstream, so the BUN/creatinine ratio rises. Similarly uric acid levels tend to rise.

Isovolemic Hypotonic Hyponatremia Isovolemic hypotonic hyponatremia is a misnomer; almost always a clinically undetectable, slight excess of total body fluid (3 to 4 L) exists. Inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) and water intoxication are the two most frequent causes. Most cases of water intoxication occur in patients with impaired ability to clear free water or ADH excess. For example, water intoxication occurs with increased frequency when renal disease (decreased clearance) complicates schizophrenia (increased ADH and increased water intake). Another common clinical setting is the postoperative patient given hypotonic IV fluid or tap water enemas (increased ADH and increased water intake). Diuretics can also cause isovolemic hyponatremia in a patient with unlimited water access, as natriuresis impairs free water clearance and sensitizes to ADH. Since hypothyroidism and hypocortisolism are relatively common causes of isovolemic hypotonic hyponatremia, thyroid and adrenal function must be tested. Ecstasy (MDMA) use should be suspected in otherwise healthy young patients presenting with isovolemic hypotonic hyponatremia. Users know ecstasy causes water loss by increasing body temperature and activity and sometimes obsessively drink water to prevent dehydration.









Lung carcinoma

Pancreatic carcinoma









Inappropriate ADH syndrome (SIADH) is a diagnosis of exclusion, which requires near normal volume status, normal cardiac and renal function, and a normal hormonal environment (exclusive of ADH). Because the requisite conditions are often not met, SIADH is overdiagnosed. SIADH-induced volume expansion increases cardiac output and glomerular filtration rate (GFR), eventually depleting the stores of total body Na+. (Because a constant fraction of filtered Na+ is reabsorbed, there is obligatory renal loss of Na+.) Serum values of Na+, creatinine, and uric acid are all subnormal because of the expanded circulating volume and increased GFR. SIADH is most frequently associated with malignant tumors, particularly of the lung; however, central nervous system (CNS) or pulmonary infections, drugs (Table 13-2), and trauma also may be causative. SIADH is characterized by inappropriately concentrated urine where urine osmolality typically exceeds that of plasma. Urine Na+ concentrations are more than 20 mEq/L, and the urine cannot be diluted appropriately in response to water loading. (When water-challenged, patients with most other types of hyponatremia completely suppress ADH release to excrete maximally diluted urine of <100 mOsm/L.)

Cerebral salt-wasting syndrome is an uncommon problem described in patients with intracranial
pathology, particularly subarachnoid hemorrhage. There is a high urine Na+ concentration thought to arise from the release of a brain natriuretic peptidelike substance. As with SIADH, the urine has a high Na+ concentration and a low uric acid level. Once there is reversal of hyponatremia, the uric acid remains low in cerebral salt-wasting but corrects in SIADH.

The treatment of isovolemic hypotonic hyponatremia depends on the cause. If tumor related, appropriate antineoplastic therapy can be helpful. Replacement of thyroid hormone or cortisol reverses the defect in hypothyroidism or adrenal insufficiency. In SIADH, treatment restricts free water. Vaprisol, a vasopressin receptor 2 blocker, acts in the renal collecting duct to accentuate free water loss. Unfortunately, the drug is quite expensive and has only transient effects.

Hypervolemic Hypotonic Hyponatremia Edema is the hallmark of hypervolemic hypotonic hyponatremia, a syndrome in which water is retained in excess of Na+. Because approximately 60% of total body water is intracellular, a 12- to 15-L excess of total body water must be present before sufficient interstitial fluid accumulates to cause detectable edema (unless hypoalbuminemia or vascular permeability is increased). Despite increases in both total body water and Na+, effective intravascular volume usually is modestly decreased.

The basic problem in this condition is that the kidney cannot excrete Na+ and water at a rate sufficient to keep pace with intake. Reduced Na+ and water clearance can be the result of intrinsic renal disease or conditions that decrease effective renal perfusion (congestive heart failure, cirrhosis, malnutrition, and nephrotic syndrome). Renal causes include almost any form of acute or chronic renal failure.

If the cause is extrarenal, there is intense conservation of Na+ and water with very low urinary Na+ concentrations (<10 mEq/L), low urine volumes, and high urine osmolality. Urine electrolytes and osmolality are more variable (and less helpful) in kidney disorders. Because diuretics impair the ability to conserve Na+ and water, at least 24 h must elapse between the last dose of diuretic and determinations of urinary electrolytes and osmolality.

Isotonic Hyponatremia

Hyponatremia with normal serum osmolality occurs when large volumes of isotonic, non-salt-containing solutions (glucose, hydroxyethyl starch, mannitol, glycine, etc.) are retained in the extracellular space. This volume expansion does not cause a transcellular shift of water. One of the most common settings for the syndrome is following transurethral prostatectomy. Massive absorption of bladder irrigants containing 5% mannitol can cause isotonic hyponatremia. However, if the irrigant used is 1.5% glycine or 3.3% sorbitol, hypotonic hyponatremia may ensue. Such patients can develop severe symptomatic hyponatremia. It is unclear if the clinical impact is the result of the Na+ and water imbalance or the solutes of the irrigants themselves. Isotonic hyponatremia can also occur in severe paraproteinemia (usually protein concentrations higher than 12 to 15 g/dL) or hypertriglyceridemia. In this condition, a large proportion of the water composing the liquid portion of blood and the corresponding Na+ is displaced by fat leading to an artifact in the laboratory measurement.

Treatment of Hyponatremia

Regardless of etiology, hyponatremia primarily affects the CNS. As the Na+ concentration drops below 125 mEq/L, changes in cognition and motor function occur commonly. Confusion and seizures often occur at serum values less than 120 mEq/L, particularly if the decline occurs acutely. The severity of the complications increases rapidly with a declining Na+ concentration; half of all patients with severe hyponatremia (Na+ < 105 mEq/L) die.

While clearly there are risks from hyponatremia, there are also risks of treating it. Even though there are no definitive studies of the topic, it is generally agreed that the speed of correction should be in proportion to the chronicity of the problem. Unfortunately, the clinician oftentimes does not know the duration of hyponatremia. Practically speaking, most symptomatic hyponatremic patients should have the Na+ corrected to an initial level of 120 to 130 mEq/L over a 12- to 24-h period, at an hourly rate not to exceed 1 to 2 mEq/L. (Without little supporting data, some experts sanction rapid normalization of hyponatremia, even when severe, if <1 to 2 days duration.) Slower correction (i.e., 0.5 mEq/L/h) is prudent in patients with chronic hyponatremia. Rapid correction of long-standing hyponatremia is associated with serious neurologic sequelae—central pontine myelinolysis (CPM). CPM is a CNS demyelinating syndrome characterized by weakness, dysarthria, dysphagia, coma, and potentially death. Risk factors include not only the rate of hyponatremia correction but also severity of the hyponatremia, advanced age, preexisting liver or CNS disorders, diuretic use, and alcoholism.

The treatment of hyponatremia depends on its cause and severity. In hypervolemic hyponatremia, restrictions of salt and fluid are the mainstays of therapy. However, diuretics or dialysis may be required when renal function is impaired. In most patients with hypovolemic hyponatremia, isotonic saline should be used to restore circulating volume. In isovolemic hyponatremia, free water restriction and treatment of the underlying disorder are preferred. In less-acute cases of SIADH, hyponatremia may respond to demeclocycline (600 to 1,200 mg/day). Rarely vaprisol (40 mg IV over 24 h) may be useful.

Most patients with severe and symptomatic hyponatremia (stupor, coma, seizures, etc.) require hypertonic saline and/or diuretics to achieve safe serum Na+ with adequate speed. (Remember that 0.9% saline is significantly “hypertonic” for severely hyponatremic patients.) Relatively small increases in serum Na+ on the order of 5% should decrease cerebral edema. One should slow correction once life-threatening manifestations have improved, typically to approximately 0.5 mEq/L/h. One way to calculate the amount of Na+ to be given using 3% saline follows. Multiply the desired change in serum Na+ times the estimated total body water to get the number of mEq of Na+ to be administered. Divide that amount by the concentration of Na+ in the fluid to be infused (513 mEq/L for 3% saline) to obtain the total volume to be administered. Then divide the total volume by the time over which the correction is desired to yield the infusion rate.

Example: A 60-kg woman with normal preoperative electrolytes develops seizures postoperatively while receiving hypotonic fluid. The serum Na+ is 116 mEq.

Calculation to raise the serum Na+ to 120 mEq over 4 h is as follows:

  • Na+ required (mEq) = (120 – 116) × (0.5 × 60 kg) = 4 × 30 (120 mEq)

  • Volume of 3% saline (mL) = 120 mEq/513 mEq/L = (233 mL)

  • Infusion rate = 233 mL/desired infusion time (4h) = 58 mL/h


Etiology and Pathophysiology

Hypernatremia, defined as a serum Na+ level more than 145 mEq/L, occurs when more water than Na+ is lost from the body or when highly concentrated Na+ solutions are administered or ingested. Hypernatremia is rare in patients with intact ADH secretion, a sensitive thirst mechanism, and access to free water. Hence, it is primarily a disease of patients who are unable to obtain and drink fresh water (e.g., infants, elderly, bedridden, and critically ill), particularly those simultaneously sustaining increased water losses (e.g., diuretics, sweating). Hypernatremia implies hyperosmolarity, the major mechanism of toxicity.

Similar to hyponatremia, the problem can logically be thought of in three categories: high, normal, or low extracellular volume. Hypervolemic hypernatremia occurs from ingestion or infusion of hypertonic Na+ containing solutions. For example, “normal” saline (0.9% NaCl) is modestly hypertonic (Na+ 154 mEq/L, 308 mOsm/L) and without adequate free water, it tends to raise the serum Na+ concentration while expanding extracellular volume. Hypernatremia is much more common when osmolarity is intentionally increased by hypertonic (3%) saline (Na+ 513 mEq/L, 1,026 mOsm/L) or unintentionally by sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) with a Na+ of 595 mEq/L and 1,190 mOsm/L. Even though data on effectiveness are limited, 3% saline is now a widely used therapy for intracranial hypertension from cerebral edema. In this setting, serum hypertonicity attracts water from cerebrospinal fluid and brain cells thereby facilitating cerebral blood flow. For effect, serum Na+ is typically maintained in the 145 to 155 mEq/L range (roughly 300 to 320 mOsm/L). Hypertonic saline is now also being used for field resuscitation of hemorrhagic shock because the fluid is low in cost, does not require refrigeration or cross-matching, and produces substantial intravascular volume expansion for the amount of fluid that must be transported. Hypernatremia can be an unintended consequence of NaHCO3 if large volumes are administered to treat metabolic acidosis or cyclic antidepressant overdose. For patients with impaired Na+ clearance, the Na+-K+ ion exchange resin, Kayexalate, can raise serum Na+ by transferring significant salt loads across the bowel wall. Na+ accumulations from primary hyperaldosteronism or salt or sea water ingestion are rare causes of hypernatremia.

Extracellular volume is normal, at least initially in a number of hypernatremic conditions. For example, both central and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (DI) produce hypernatremia by preventing appropriate water reabsorption by the distal convoluted tubules and collecting ducts of the kidney. In central DI, ADH secretion is inadequate and in nephrogenic DI, the kidney does not respond normally to the secreted ADH. Hypernatremia with
near normal extracellular volume can also result from insensible (skin and lung) water losses of burns, tachypnea, or hyperthermia (high fever, heatstroke, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, malignant hyperthermia, etc.). Note that a high minute ventilation does not cause dehydration in mechanically ventilated patients because fully humidified gas is used.








Sodium intoxication

Free water replacement


Osmotic diuretics

Partial or mild DI

Free water replacement

Trial of ADH


Central or nephrogenic DI

Free water replacement and ADH therapy

Hypernatremia can also result from conditions that cause low extracellular volume such as vomiting, diarrhea, and osmotic diuretics such as glucose, mannitol, or glycerol. In each case, the tonicity of the fluid lost must be less than that of serum for hypernatremia to develop.


Regardless of cause, the common symptoms of hypernatremia are thirst, nausea, vomiting, agitation, stupor, and coma. Unfortunately, all these symptoms are nonspecific, hence their cause often goes unrecognized. The history and physical examination typically lead to the correct diagnosis. It is usually obvious when NaHCO3, 3% NaCl, or osmotic diuretics have been administered. The impressive urine output of the volume-replete patient with full-blown DI (up to 1 to 2 L/h) is also almost always noted. It is important to note that the diagnosis of DI may be missed if free water losses have progressed to the point that profound intravascular volume depletion has occurred. Caution must be exercised in the diagnosis of DI; in the unstable, volume-depleted patient in the ICU, the often recommended “water deprivation test” may prove harmful. A better strategy is to replace the circulating volume and empirically give a trial of ADH. When hemodynamically stable, additional endocrine testing, including a water deprivation test, may be safely performed. Although hypernatremia usually does not present a diagnostic challenge, the urinary osmolarity can be particularly helpful if the etiology is unclear (Table 13-3).


Treatment of hypernatremia consists of the replacement of water (either given enterally or as D5W or a hypotonic NaCl solution), with frequent evaluation of electrolytes and osmolality. The speed of correction should depend on the chronicity of the problem and the severity of neurologic symptoms, but as a general rule, correction at a rate of 0.5 to 2 mEq/L each hour is an appropriate target. Expert recommendations also suggest that correction rates not exceed 12 mEq/L in a day or 18 mEq/L over two days. Like hyponatremia, very rapid correction, especially of longstanding hypernatremia, can precipitate CPM or cerebral edema. The latter condition results from rapid swelling of neurons which have accumulated “idiogenic osmoles” in an attempt to match the tonicity of serum during hypernatremia. If endogenous ADH is deficient or ineffective, it may be replaced with desmopressin (DDAVP), an ADH analog (see Chapter 32). In the less common cases of hypernatremia resulting from Na+ gain, such as after the NaHCO3 administration (cardiac arrest), the use of loop diuretics addition to Na+ poor fluid may be necessary.

Unnecessarily precise calculations of “water deficit” are often performed in hypernatremia. It is important to recognize that the use of the conventional water deficit formula—Water deficit = (0.6 × weight) × (1 – [140/serum sodium concentration])—has limitations. It may underestimate the free water need in cases of hypotonic fluid losses (e.g., vomiting) and does not take into account the ongoing insensible losses. Because Na+ concentrations less than 155 mEq/L rarely concern clinicians, by the time the decision is made to treat hypernatremia in
the average sized adult, water deficits average 4 to 6L. If the goal is to correct the deficit over 1 to 2 days, IV infusion of D5W at 200 mL/h is usually effective unless the initial Na+ concentration is much higher or ongoing water losses are substantial.



Ninety-five percent of total body potassium (K+) is intracellular, but the K+ concentration in the small extracellular compartment critically influences the neuromuscular and cardiac function. Humans consume an average of 100 mEq of K+ daily of which normally 90 mEq is excreted by the kidney and almost all the rest leaves the body through the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Because normal obligatory K+ losses are only 5 to 10 mEq/day, and because the intracellular storage pool of K+ is very large, hypokalemia is uncommon unless losses or impaired intake occurs for a substantial period of time. As a corollary, once hypokalemia (K+ < 3.5 mEq/L) is manifest, the average deficit is large—250 to 300 mEq (5% to 10% of the total body stores). Similarly, because repleting intracellular K+ requires the ions to traverse the small intravascular compartment, even modest K+ doses may induce hyperkalemia if given rapidly. Systemic pH significantly influences extracellular K+ concentrations. In patients with acidosis, hydrogen ions move into cells raising extracellular K+. Therefore, hypokalemia during acidosis suggests an even larger total-body deficit.






URINE Cl < 10 mEq/L

URINE Cl > 10 mEq/L

Drug or electrolyte disorder likely

Diabetic ketoacidosis


Mineralocorticoid excess

Amphotericin B

Renal tubular acidosis



Gastric suction


Platinum compounds



Extrarenal mechanism is etiologic

Decreased dietary intake


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Jul 17, 2016 | Posted by in CRITICAL CARE | Comments Off on Fluid and Electrolyte Disorders

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