Eye pain


Main formula

Chuan xiong cha tiao san

Ligusticum–Green Tea Regulating Powder. This formula was original designed for headache due to invasion of Wind-Cold; however, it can also be used to treat eye pain due to invasion of Wind-Cold. Gui Zhi Ramulus Cinnamomi Cassiae 10g, Hong Hua Flos Carthami Tinctorii 5g, Man Jing Zi Fructus Viticis 10g and Jue Ming Zi Semen Cassiae 10g could be added to relieve the ear pain.

Alternative formulas

Jing fang bai du san

Schizonepeta and Ledebouriella Powder to Overcome Pathogenic Toxin. Although this formula could be used to dispel the External Wind and eliminate the Cold, its effectiveness on eye pain is not sufficient. Gui Zhi Ramulus Cinnamomi Cassiae 10g, Man Jing Zi Fructus Viticis 10g, Jue Ming Zi Semen Cassiae 10g and Bai Zhi Radix Angelicae Dahuricae 10g could be added to relieve the eye pain.

Zai zao san

Renewal Powder. This formula is indicated in External syndrome due to invasion of Wind-Cold with deficiency of Qi and Yang. If this formula is used to treat eye pain caused by the same pathogenic factors, some other herbs should be added, such as Man Jing Zi Fructus Viticis 10g, Jue Ming Zi Semen Cassiae 10g and Bai Zhi Radix Angelicae Dahuricae 10g could be added to relieve the eye pain.


1. If there is a stiff neck due to stagnation of Qi in the Bladder channels, add Ge Gen Radix Puerariae 10g to dispel Wind-Cold and relieve the stiff neck

2. If there is a severe blocked nose, add Cang Er Zi Fructus Xanthii 10g and Xin Yi Flos Magnoliae 10g to dispel Wind and clear the nose

3. If there is a headache, add Wu Zhu Yu Fructus Evodiae 5g to warm channel, to dispel Wind-Cold and relieve the headache.

Patent remedy

Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao Wan Ligusticum–Green Tea Regulating Pill.

Main points

BL-2 Zanzhu, ST-2 Sibai, ST-3 Juliao, LI-4 Hegu, TE-5 Waiguan, Extra Taiyang, GB-20 Fengchi and LU-7 Lieque. Reducing method is used on these points. When puncturing at GB-20, the tip of the needle should point to the opposite eye. Moxibustion should be used on ST-3, LI-4, TE-5 and LU-7.


▪ BL-2, ST-2, ST-3 and Extra Taiyang, the local points, dispel Wind-Cold, promote circulation in the collateral of the eye and relieve the eye pain.

▪ LI-4, the Source point, and LU-7, the Connecting point, are indicated in complaints of the face and eyes. They can open the skin pores and promote sweating so that Wind-Cold is expelled. LI-4 also regulates the Qi and Blood circulation in the eye, enhancing the effect of reducing the eye pain.

▪ TE-5, the Connecting point, dispels Wind-Cold and harmonises the Lesser Yang channel and the collateral of the Triple Burner. Besides this it connects with the Yang Linking Vessel, which dominates the superficial parts of the body. When TE-5 is punctured with a reducing method, the Yang Linking Vessel is stimulated, which diminishes the External symptoms due to invasion of Wind-Cold.

▪ GB-20 dispels Wind-Cold out of the head. Since the tip of the needle points towards the opposite eye, this strongly enhances the effect of dispelling Wind-Cold.

Moxibustion dispels Wind-Cold, harmonise the collaterals and relieve the eye pain.

Alternative points

BL-4 Quchai, BL-5 Wuchu, BL-6 Chengguang, BL-10 Tianzhu, BL12 Fengmen and BL-13 Feishu, etc.


1. If there is pain at the eye orbit, add Extra Yuyao and GB-14 to harmonise the collateral and sedate eye pain

2. If there is pain at the external eye corner, add GB-1 and TE-23 to dispel Wind-Cold and relieve the pain

3. If there is eye pain at the inner eye corner, add BL-1 and Extra Yintang to relieve Wind-Cold in the collateral and stop the pain

4. If there is headache due to an invasion of Wind-Cold, add GB-8 and GV-23 to harmonise the collateral and relieve the headache

5. If there is an aversion to cold and general body pain, add BL-58 and BL-63 to dispel Wind-Cold, harmonise the collateral and relieve the pain

6. If there is a runny nose, cough and expectoration of white phlegm, add LU-5, the Sea point and BL-13, the Back Transporting point of the Lung, to dispel Wind-Cold and relieve the cough

7. If there is a fever, add GV-14 to dispel Wind and reduce the fever

8. If there is a blocked nose, add LI-20 to dispel Wind-Cold and clear the blockage in the nose.

Invasion of Wind-Heat

Symptoms and signs

Acute occurrence of eye pain, redness and swelling of the eye with a burning sensation, aggravation of pain on exposure to wind and heat, formation of pus in the eye, fever, an aversion to cold, thirst, a distending headache, constipation, a red tip to the tongue, a yellow tongue coating and a superficial and rapid pulse are the symptoms and signs.

Principle of treatment

Dispel the Wind, clear the Heat, subside the swelling and relieve the eye pain.


Main formula

Yin qiao san

Honeysuckle and Forsythia Powder. This formula has a good effect on dispelling the Wind, clearing the Heat, removing the Toxin and reducing the swelling, but its effects on the eye pain is not so strong. Pu Gong Ying Herba Taraxaci Mongolici cum Radice 10g, Man Jing Zi Fructus Viticis 10g, Jue Ming Zi Semen Cassiae 10g and Ye Ju Hua Flos Chrysanthemi Indici 10g could be added to relieve the eye pain.

Alternative formulas

Pu ji xiao du yin

Universal Benefit Decoction to Eliminate Toxin. The effects of this formula, which dispels Wind-Heat, removes Toxin and reduces swelling, are stronger than the formula above but still Man Jing Zi Fructus Viticis 10g and Jue Ming Zi Semen Cassiae 10g could be added to relieve the eye pain.

Sang ju yin

Mulberry Leaf and Chrysanthemum Decoction. This formula dispels the wind, clears the Heat, disperses the Lung-Qi, stops the cough and relieves the External symptoms. However, its effect on eye pain is limited. When there is eye pain with a lot of symptoms from the Lung, such as cough and expectoration of yellow phlegm, then this formula is often used. To relieve the eye pain, Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae 10g, Man Jing Zi Fructus Viticis 10g and Jue Ming Zi Semen Cassiae 10g could be added to relieve the eye pain.


1. If there is pus in the eye due to invasion of Toxic Fire to the eyes, add Zi Hua Di Ding Herba cum Radice Violae Yedoensitis 10g to clear the Heat and eliminate the Toxin

2. If there is a headache caused by Wind-Heat, add Chuan Xiong Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong 10g to dispel the External symptoms and relieve the headache

3. If there is fever, add Chai Hu Radix Bupleuri 5g and Ban Lan Gen Radix isatidis 10g to clear the Heat and lower the fever

4. If there is constipation, add Lu Hui Pasta Aloes 10g and Mang Xiao Natrii Sulfas 10g to clear the Heat, promote the defecation and relieve the constipation

Patent remedies

Yin Qiao Pian Honeysuckle and Forsythia Tablet.

Yin Qiao Jie Du Pian Honeysuckle and Forsythia Tablet to Overcome Toxins.

Main points

BL-2 Zanzhu, ST-2 Sibai, Extra Taiyang, LI-2 Erjian, LI-4 Hegu, LU-7 Lieque, TE-2 Yemen, TE-5 Waiguan, LI-5 Yangxi and GB-20 Fengchi. A reducing method is used on these points. The bleeding method is used on LI-2 and TE-2. When needling GB-20, the tip of the needle should point towards to the opposite eye.


▪ BL-2, ST-2 and Extra Taiyang, the local points, dispel Wind, clear Heat, promote the circulation of the collateral in the eye and relieve the pain

▪ LI-2 and TE-2, the Spring points, clear the Heat, relieve the redness, reduce swelling and stop the pain

▪ LI-4, the Source point, LI-5 and LU-7, the Connecting point, promote sweating and dispel Wind-Heat in the face and eye

▪ TE-5, the Connecting point, dispels Wind-Heat and harmonises the Lesser Yang channel and the collateral of the Triple Burner, and relieves External symptoms

▪ GB-20 dispels Wind-Heat out of the head and sedates the eye pain.

Alternative points

TE-6 Zhigou, BL-4 Quchai, BL-5 Wuchu, LU-10 Yuji, BL-6 Chengguang, BL-10 Tianzhu, BL12 Fengmen and BL-13 Feishu, etc.


1. If there is pain at the eye orbit, add Extra Yuyao and GB-14 to harmonise the collateral and sedate the pain

2. If there is pain at the external eye corner, add GB–1 and TE-23 to dispel Wind-Heat and relieve the pain

3. If there is eye pain at the inner eye corner, add BL-1 and Extra Yintang to relieve Wind-Cold in the collateral and stop the pain

4. If there is a headache due to the invasion of Wind-Heat, add GB-8 and GV-23 to harmonise the collateral and relieve the headache

5. If there is a high fever, add GV-14 and LI-11 to clear Heat and reduce the fever

6. If there is a runny nose, cough and expectoration of yellow phlegm, add LU-5, the Sea point, and LU-10, the Spring point, to dispel Wind-Heat and relieve the cough

7. If there is a blocked nose, add LI-20 to dispel Wind-Heat and clear the blockage in the nose.

Eye pain caused by internal disorders

Stagnation of Qi

Symptoms and signs

Eye pain with a sensation of pressure and tension, which starts or gets worse under stress or emotional disturbance, with depression or instability of emotional states, distension and pain in the hypochondriac region, dizziness, irregular menstruation, a poor appetite or overeating, a thin and white tongue coating and a wiry pulse are the symptoms and signs of this condition.

Principle of treatment

Smooth the Liver, promote Liver-Qi circulation and relieve the eye pain.


Main formula

Xiao yao san

Free and Relaxed Powder. This formula is good at harmonising the Liver and smoothing the emotions, having some effects on eye pain due to emotional disturbance, especially stress, anger and frustration, etc. Chuan Xiong Radix Ligustici Wallichii 10g, Man Jing Zi Fructus Viticis 10g, Jue Ming Zi Semen Cassiae 10g and Bai Ji Li Fructus Tribulli Terrestris 10g could be added to relieve the eye pain.

Alternative formulas

Chai hu shu gan san

Bupleurum Soothing the Liver Powder. This formula is good at treating the pain in the Internal organs due to stagnation of Liver-Qi, but to treat eye pain caused by stagnation of Liver-Qi, Man Jing Zi Fructus Viticis 10g, Jue Ming Zi Semen Cassiae 10g and Bai Ji Li Fructus Tribulli Terrestris 10g should be added.

Tong qi san and yi gan san

Unblock the Qi Powder and Restrain the Liver Powder. The first formula is used to promote the Qi circulation and relieve the pain, and the second is used to calm the Liver, smooth the Liver-Qi circulation and relieve the pain. Man Jing Zi Fructus Viticis 10g and Jue Ming Zi Semen Cassiae 10g could be added in the prescription to relieve the eye pain.


1. If there is severe eye pain and headache, add Yan Hu Suo Rhizoma Corydalis 10g and Bai Zhi Radix Angelicae Dahuricae 10g to promote the circulation of Qi in the head and relieve the eye pain and headache

2. If there is hypochondriac pain, add Yu Jin Radix Curcumae 10g and Ju He Semen Citri Reticulate 10g to regulate the circulation of Qi and relieve the pain

3. If there is irregular menstruation or dysmenorrhoea, add Huai Niu Xi Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae 10g and Yi Mu Cao Herba Leonuri 10g to regulate the menstruation

4. If there is a poor mood or restlessness, add Xiang Fu Rhizoma Cyperi 10g and Gou Teng Ramulus Uncariae cum Uncis 10g to regulate the Liver-Qi and improve the mood

5. If there is insomnia, add Long Gu Os Draconis 15g to calm the Heart and tranquillise the Mind

6. If there is a poor appetite, add Mai Ya Fructus Hordei Germinatus 15g and Yu Jin Radix Curcumae 10g to remove Qi stagnation and improve the appetite.

Patent remedies

Xiao Yao Wan Free and Relaxed Pill.

Shu Gan Wan Soothe Liver Pill.

Main points

ST-1 Chengqi, ST-2 Sibai, BL-2 Zanzhu, LR-3 Taichong, PC-6 Neiguan, LI-4 Hegu and SP-6 Sanyinjiao. Even method is used on ST-1, ST-2 and BL-2. Reducing method is used on the rest of the points.


▪ LR-3, the Stream and Source point of the Liver channel, regulates the Liver-Qi and removes Qi stagnation

▪ PC-6, the Connecting point of the Pericardium channel, regulates the circulation of Qi and calms the Shen

▪ LI-4, the Source point of the Large Intestine channel, regulates the circulation of Qi and relieves the eye pain and headache

▪ SP-6, the crossing point of the three Yin channels of the foot, regulates the Liver-Qi circulation and removes the Qi stagnation

▪ ST-1, ST-2 and BL-2 harmonise the collateral and improve the circulation of Qi and Blood and so stop the eye pain.

Alternative points

GB-4 Hanyan, GB-5 Xuanlu, GB-6 Xuanli, GB-10 Fubai, GB-20, BL-18 Ganshu and BL-19 Danshu, etc.


1. If there is dizziness, add GB-8 to relieve the dizziness

2. If there is depression, add HT-3 and BL-18 to regulate the circulation of Qi, calm the Shen and improve the emotional state

3. If there is insomnia, add HT-3 and HT-7 to calm the Shen and improve the sleep

4. If there is hypochondriac pain, add LR-5, the Connecting point, and LR-14, the Front Collecting point, to promote Liver-Qi circulation, harmonise the collateral and relieve the pain

5. If there is a poor appetite or overeating, add CV-12 to harmonise the Stomach-Qi and improve the appetite

6. If there are loose stools when nervous, and abdominal pain and cramp due to invasion of the Spleen by the Liver, add LR-13 and SP-3 to promote the circulation of Liver-Qi and strengthen the Spleen

7. If there is irregular menstruation or dysmenorrhoea, add ST-28 and KI-10 to promote the circulation of Qi and Blood and regulate the menstruation.

Stagnation of Blood

Symptoms and signs

Symptoms and signs of Blood stagnation are prolonged persistence of stabbing eye pain, or eye pain with fixed location, which is aggravated at night, before or during menstruation, accompanied by dark and purplish menstruation with clots, a history of physical trauma or operation, insomnia, a purplish tongue or purplish spots on the tongue and a thready or choppy pulse.

Jun 19, 2016 | Posted by in PAIN MEDICINE | Comments Off on Eye pain

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